23 research outputs found

    Experimental study of efficient mixing in a micro-fluidized bed

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    Micro-fluidized beds represent a novel means of significantly enhancing mixing and mass and heat transfer under the low Reynolds number flows that dominate in microfluidic devices. This study experimentally evaluates the mixing performance of a micro-fluidized bed and the improvements it affords over the equivalent particle-free system. The dye dilution technique coupled with standard top-view image analysis was used to characterize the mixing in a 400×175μm 2 polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Y-microchannel. Overall, the micro-fluidized bed provided a mixing effectiveness and energetic efficiency of mixing that were up to three times greater than those of a particle-free channel of the same dimensions. The mixing performance is strongly affected by specific power input and bed voidage. The optimal operating voidage, which corresponds to the energetic efficiency of mixing being maximal, is around 0.77 for the smallest particle-to-channel size ratio considered here 0.121, and appears to increase beyond this with size ratio

    Molecular-level understanding of protein adsorption at the interface between water and a strongly interacting uncharged solid surface

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    Although protein adsorption on solids is of immense relevance, experimental limitations mean there is still a remarkable lack of understanding of the adsorption mechanism, particularly at a molecular level. By subjecting 240+ molecular dynamics simulations of two peptide/water/solid surface systems to statistical analysis, a generalized molecular level mechanism for peptide adsorption has been identified for uncharged surfaces that interact strongly with the solution phase. This mechanism is composed of three phases: (1) biased diffusion of the peptide from the bulk phase toward the surface; (2) anchoring of the peptide to the water/solid interface via interaction of a hydrophilic group with the water adjacent to the surface or a strongly interacting hydrophobic group with the surface; and (3) lockdown of the peptide on the surface via a slow, stepwise and largely sequential adsorption of its residues, which we term 'statistical zippering'. The adsorption mechanism is dictated by the existence of water layers adjacent to the solid and orientational ordering therein. By extending the solid into the solution by ∼8 Å and endowing it with a charged character, the water layers ensure the peptide feels the effect of the solid at a range well beyond the dispersion force that arises from it, thus inducing biased diffusion from afar. The charging of the interface also facilitates anchoring of the peptide near the surface via one of its hydrophilic groups, allowing it time it would otherwise not have to rearrange and lockdown. Finally, the slowness of the lockdown process is dictated by the need for the peptide groups to replace adjacent tightly bound interfacial water. © 2014 American Chemical Society

    Modelling of immiscible liquid-liquid systems by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

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    Immiscible fluid systems are ubiquitous in industry, medicine and nature. Understanding the phase morphologies and intraphase fluid motion is often desirable in many of these situations; for example, this will aid improved design of microfluidic platforms for the production of medicinal formulations. In this paper, we detail a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) approach that facilitates this understanding. The approach includes surface tension and enforces incompressibility. The approach also allows the consideration of an arbitrary number of immiscible phases of differing viscosities and densities. The nature of the phase morphologies can be arbitrary and change in time, including break-up (which is illustrated) and coalescence. The use of different fluid constitutive models, including non-Newtonian models, is also possible. The validity of the model is demonstrated by applying it to a range of model problems with known solutions, including the Young-Laplace problem, confined droplet deformation under a linear shear field, and a droplet falling under gravity through another quiescent liquid. Results are also presented to illustrate how the SPH model can be used to elucidate the behaviour of immiscible liquid systems

    Solution processed graphene structures for perovskite solar cells

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    Organometallic trihalide perovskite light absorber based solar cells have drawn increasing attention because of their recent rapid increase in power conversion efficiency (PCE). These photovoltaic cells have relied significantly on transparent conducting oxide (TCO) electrodes which are costly and brittle. Herein, solution processed transparent conductive graphene films (TCGFs) are utilized, for the first time, as an alternative to traditional TCO electrodes at the electron collecting layer in perovskite solar cells (PSCs). By investigating and optimizing the trade-off between transparency and sheet resistance (Rs) of the graphene films, a PCE of 0.62% is achieved. This PCE is further improved to 0.81% by incorporating graphene structures into both compact and mesoporous TiO2 layers of the solar cell. We anticipate that the present study will lead to further work to develop graphene-based transparent conductive electrodes for future solar cell devices

    A new method for reconstruction of the structure of micro-packed beds of spherical particles from desktop X-ray microtomography images. Part A. Initial structure generation and porosity determination

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    Micro-packed beds (μPBs) are seeing increasing use in the process intensification context (e.g. micro-reactors), in separation and purification, particularly in the pharmaceutical and bio-products sectors, and in analytical chemistry. The structure of the stationary phase and of the void space it defines in such columns is of interest because it strongly influences performance. However, instrumental limitations - in particular the limited resolution of various imaging techniques relative to the particle and void space dimensions - have impeded experimental study of the structure of μPBs. We report here a new method that obviates this issue when the μPBs are composed of particles that may be approximated by monodisperse spheres. It achieves this by identifying in successive cross-sectional images of the bed, the approximate centre and diameter of the particle cross-sections, replacing them with circles, and then assembling them to form the particles by identifying correlations between the successive images. Two important novel aspects of the method proposed here are: it does not require specification of a threshold for binarizing the images, and it preserves the underlying spherical geometry of the packing. The new method is demonstrated through its application to a packing of a near-monodispersed 30.5 μm particles of high sphericity within a 200 μm square cross-section column imaged using a machine capable of 2.28 μm resolution. The porosity obtained was, within statistical uncertainty, the same as that determined via a direct method whilst use of a commonly used automatic thresholding technique yielded a result that was nearly 10% adrift, well beyond the experimental uncertainty. Extension of the method to packings of spherical particles that are less monodisperse or of different regular shapes (e.g. ellipsoids) is also discussed

    The effects of activated carbon surface features on the reactive adsorption of carbamazepine and sulfamethoxazole

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    © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Two commercial carbons, coconut shell- and wood-based were chosen to evaluate the mechanisms of carbamazepine (CBZ) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) adsorption from a low (ppm level) concentration of these pharmaceuticals. The initial sample and those after adsorption were extensively characterized using potentiometric titration, thermal analysis combined with mass spectroscopy, FTIR, and XPS. It was found that not only porosity but also surface chemistry plays an important role in the adsorption process. The results show that extensive surface reactions take place during adsorption and adsorbates undergo significant transformations in the pore system. The ability of carbon surfaces to form superoxide ions results in the oxidation of CBZ and SMX, and their partial decomposition. Surface chemistry also promotes dimerization of the latter species. Moreover, functional groups of CBZ and SMX, mainly amines, react with oxygen groups of the carbon surface. Thus not only microporous carbons with sizes of pores similar to those of adsorbate molecules, but the carbons with large pores, rich in oxygen groups, can efficiently remove these pharmaceuticals following the reactive adsorption mechanism

    Characterizing the switching transitions of an adsorbed peptide by mapping the potential energy surface

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    Peptide adsorption occurs across technology, medicine, and nature. The functions of adsorbed peptides are related to their conformation. In the past, molecular simulation methods such as molecular dynamics have been used to determine key conformations of adsorbed peptides. However, the transitions between these conformations often occur too slowly to be modeled reliably by such methods. This means such transitions are less well understood. In the study reported here, discrete path sampling is used for the first time to study the potential energy surface of an adsorbed peptide (polyalanine) and the transition pathways between various stable adsorbed conformations that have been identified in prior work by two of the authors [Mijajlovic, M.; Biggs, M. J. J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 15839−15847]. Mechanisms for the switching of adsorbed polyalanine between the stable conformations are elucidated along with the energetics of these switches

    Explicit numerical simulation-based study of the hydrodynamics of micro-packed beds

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    Knowledge of the hydrodynamic character of micro-packed beds (μPBs) is critical to understanding pumping power requirements and their performance in various applications, including those where heat and mass transfer are involved. The report here details use of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) based simulation of fluid flow on models of μPBs derived from X-ray microtomography to predict the hydrodynamic character of the beds as a function of the bed-to-particle diameter ratio over the range 5.2≤≤15.1⁄. It is shown that the permeability of the μPBs decreases in a non-linear but monotonic manner with this ratio to a plateau beyond ⁄≈10 that corresponded to the value predicted by the Ergun equation. This permeability variation was best represented by the model of Reichelt (Chem. Ing. Technik, 44, 1068, 1972) and also reasonably well-represented by that of Foumeny (Intnl. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 36, 536, 1993), both of which were developed using macroscale packed beds of varying bed-to-particle diameter ratios. Four other similarly determined correlations did not match well the permeability variation predicted by SPH. The flow field within the μPBs varied in an oscillatory manner with radial position (i.e. channelling occurred at multiple radial positions) due to a similar variation in the porosity. This suggests that use of performance models (e.g. for heat and mass transfer) derived for macroscale beds may not be suitable for μPBs. The SPH-based approach here may well form a suitable basis for predicting such behaviour, however

    Hybridising nitrogen doped titania with kaolinite: a feasible catalyst for a semi-continuous photo-degradation reactor system

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    The application of TiO2 catalyst for an industrial water treatment process is still limited due to its poor reusability, low oxidation efficiency and UV light use. Taking these challenges as the objective of this study, we integrated particle impregnation with nitrogen-doping methods to hybrid nitrogen doped TiO2 nanoparticles with kaolinite (NTK) as the photocatalyst for water treatment. SEM/TEM, XPS and XRD results revealed that the doped nitrogen in the NTK particle inclined toward interstitial, and the TiO2 nanocrystals were hybridised into the layered kaolinite minerals. Kaolinite was found to be an excellent TiO2 nanocatalyst supporter, providing promising adsorption transitions to not only sensitise TiO2 nanocrystals, but also enhance their photocatalytic oxidation capacity and recoverability. Kinetic studies showed that the NTK catalysts demonstrated a superior interfacial oxidation and photocatalytic degradation ability under visible light irradiation. Importantly, the NTK catalysts could be easily recovered for reuse with stable photo-degradation performance in a semi-continuous photoreactor process. The high degradation capacity, reusability and visible light accessibility of the NTK catalysts make the NTK-catalysed technology promising for industrial applications

    Granular dynamics of cohesive powders in a rotating drum as revealed by speckle visibility spectroscopy and synchronous measurement of forces due to avalanching

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    We have used speckle visibility spectroscopy (SVS) and synchronized force measurements to compare the granular dynamics of two cohesive lactose powders, with Sauter mean diameters of ~29 and ~151 μm, in a rotating drum. A load cell (LC) was used to measure forces on the drum mounting frame and enable monitoring of bulk powder motion; SVS is a dynamic light scattering technique particularly suited for studying dynamics in dense, non-ergodic granular systems. Our results reveal that surface slumping and intermittent collisional dynamics in the bulk of the bed are correlated, especially for the fine more cohesive particles (Geldart group C/A boundary), but not as much for the less cohesive larger particles (Geldart group A/B boundary). The specific dissipation energy of the particles in the drum is similar for both powders, and increases linearly with increasing drum speed. However, the dependencies of the load cell and SVS signals on rotation speed have opposing trends for these two powders, indicating different dissipation mechanisms for the different Geldart Groups; collisional dissipation is more important for the Geldart C/A powder, while for the Geldart A/B powder avalanche dissipation is dominant