135 research outputs found

    Adelson and Jacob Sub-prime Problem: Causes and Lessons

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    Common data elements for pediatric traumatic brain injury: Recommendations from the working group on demographics and clinical assessment

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    The Common Data Elements (CDEs) initiative is a National Institutes of Health (NIH) interagency effort to standardize naming, definitions, and data structure for clinical research variables. Comparisons of the results of clinical studies of neurological disorders have been hampered by variability in data coding, definitions, and procedures for sample collection. The CDE project objective is to enable comparison of future clinical trials results in major neurological disorders, including traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy. As part of this effort, recommendations for CDEs for research on TBI were developed through a 2009 multi-agency initiative. Following the initial recommendations of the Working Group on Demographics and Clinical Assessment, a separate workgroup developed recommendations on the coding of clinical and demographic variables specific to pediatric TBI studies for subjects younger than 18 years. This article summarizes the selection of measures by the Pediatric TBI Demographics and Clinical Assessment Working Group. The variables are grouped into modules which are grouped into categories. For consistency with other CDE working groups, each variable was classified by priority (core, supplemental, and emerging). Templates were produced to summarize coding formats, guide selection of data points, and provide procedural recommendations. This proposed standardization, together with the products of the other pediatric TBI working groups in imaging, biomarkers, and outcome assessment, will facilitate multi-center studies, comparison of results across studies, and high-quality meta-analyses of individual patient data

    Bass Testimony before the House Financial Services Committee

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    Manager- und transaktionsspezifische Determinanten der Performance von Arbitrage CLOs

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Determinanten der Performance europäischer Arbitrage Collateralized Loan Obligations für das Jahr 2009. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Bedeutung der performanceabhängigen Vergütung des CLO-Managers, den Eigenschaften des CLO-Managers und der Transaktionscharakteristika als mögliche Einflussfaktoren der Rating Performance. Es wird gezeigt, dass Transaktionen, bei denen dem CLO-Manager eine Incentive Management Fee gewährt wird, mit einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit herabgestuft werden als Transaktionen ohne Incentive Fee. Dieser Befund bestätigt die Hypothese, dass durch die Incentive Fee Risikoanreize für CLO-Manager geschaffen werden. Des Weiteren wird ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen der Erfahrung bzw. der Größe eines CLO-Managers und der Rating Performance festgestellt. Der Einfluss des Managers auf die Performance einer CLO-Transaktion wird auch an den weiteren in der Studie herangezogenen managerspezifischen Charakteristika wie Typ und Unternehmenssitz bestätigt. Für die Transaktionscharakteristika wird hingegen im betrachteten Untersuchungszeitraum kein signifikanter Einfluss auf die Rating Performance nachgewiesen

    FCIC staff intrv Mark Adelson, Brian Markley, Standard & Poor\u27s

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    Linked is the FCIC audiotape of this intervie

    Using forty years of research to view Bahía Almirante on the caribbean coast of Panama as an integrated social-ecological system

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    Tropical coastal systems play a vital role in sustaining biodiversity, performing ecological functions, and providing ecosystem services. They are also home to 75% of people in the tropics. Given that coasts face intense anthropogenic pressures including climate change, human population growth, and land-use change, it is critical to develop an understanding of the linkages between physical processes, biological interactions, and social dynamics in the complex environment where land and sea meet. Here, we review and synthesize 40 years of research from the Bahía Almirante region on the Caribbean coast of Panama, summarizing the large knowledge base of marine ecology, paleontology, ecosystem science and social science and adding newer information on physical processes. We describe how the system experiences both global and local drivers that are common to many tropical coastal systems and examine the crosscutting linkages that shape the system's response to change. To accomplish this, we utilized the Press-Pulse Dynamics framework as a lens to organize the many strands of research and to allow the interdisciplinary research team to generate explicit illustrative hypotheses about important socioecological linkages related to stressors such as the variability in precipitation and increased migration and tourism. The goal for this review and synthesis is to encourage researchers in Bahía Almirante and other estuarine systems to consider the landscape and seascape more broadly, to reach beyond their immediate field of expertise, and to consider both social and environmental aspects as they seek to increase system understanding in ways that can enable more productive public discourse surrounding policy, infrastructural change, and conservation. Resumen: Los sistemas costeros tropical juegan un rol vital en el mantenimiento de la biodiversidad, cumpliendo funciones ecológicas y previendo servicios ecosistémicos. Estos también representan el hogar para el 75% de las personas en los Trópicos. Dado que las costas enfrentan intensas presiones antropogénicas, incluido el cambio climático, el crecimiento de la población humana y el cambio en el uso de la tierra, es fundamental desarrollar una comprensión de los vínculos entre los procesos físicos, las interacciones biológicas y la dinámica social en el complejo entorno donde se encuentran la tierra y el mar. Aquí, revisamos y sintetizamos 40 años de investigación en la región de la Bahía de Almirante en la costa Caribeña de Panamá. Resumimos la gran base de conocimientos principalmente de ecología marina, paleontología y ciencias sociales y reunimos información más reciente sobre procesos físicos. Describimos cómo el sistema experimenta impulsores tanto globales como locales que son comunes a muchos sistemas costeros tropicales y examinamos los vínculos transversales que dan forma a la respuesta del sistema al cambio. Para lograr esto, se utilizó el marco Press-Pulse Dynamics como lente para organizar las muchas líneas de investigación y permitir que el equipo de investigación interdisciplinario genere hipótesis ilustrativas explícitas sobre importantes vínculos socioecológicos relacionados con factores estresantes como la variabilidad en las precipitaciones y el aumento de la migración. Y turismo. El objetivo de esta revisión y síntesis es alentar a los investigadores de Bahía Almirante y otros sistemas estuarinos a considerar el paisaje y el paisaje marino de manera más amplia, ir más allá de su campo inmediato de especialización y considerar aspectos sociales y ambientales mientras buscan aumentar el sistema. Comprensión de manera que pueda permitir un discurso público más productivo en torno a las políticas, el cambio infraestructural y la conservación

    Breaking the photoswitch speed limit

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    The forthcoming generation of materials, including artificial muscles, recyclable and healable systems, photochromic heterogeneous catalysts, or tailorable supercapacitors, relies on the fundamental concept of rapid switching between two or more discrete forms in the solid state. Herein, we report a breakthrough in the “speed limit” of photochromic molecules on the example of sterically-demanding spiropyran derivatives through their integration within solvent-free confined space, allowing for engineering of the photoresponsive moiety environment and tailoring their photoisomerization rates. The presented conceptual approach realized through construction of the spiropyran environment results in ~1000 times switching enhancement even in the solid state compared to its behavior in solution, setting a record in the field of photochromic compounds. Moreover, integration of two distinct photochromic moieties in the same framework provided access to a dynamic range of rates as well as complementary switching in the material’s optical profile, uncovering a previously inaccessible pathway for interstate rapid photoisomerization.</p

    RsaI repetitive DNA in Buffalo Bubalus bubalis representing retrotransposons, conserved in bovids, are part of the functional genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Repetitive sequences are the major components of the eukaryotic genomes. Association of these repeats with transcribing sequences and their regulation in buffalo <it>Bubalus bubalis </it>has remained largely unresolved.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We cloned and sequenced <it>RsaI </it>repeat fragments pDp1, pDp2, pDp3, pDp4 of 1331, 651, 603 and 339 base pairs, respectively from the buffalo, <it>Bubalus bubalis</it>. Upon characterization, these fragments were found to represent retrotransposons and part of some functional genes. The resultant clones showed cross hybridization only with buffalo, cattle, goat and sheep genomic DNA. Real Time PCR, detected ~2 × 10<sup>4 </sup>copies of pDp1, ~ 3000 copies of pDp2 and pDp3 and ~ 1000 of pDp4 in buffalo, cattle, goat and sheep genomes, respectively. <it>RsaI </it>repeats are transcriptionally active in somatic tissues and spermatozoa. Accordingly, pDp1 showed maximum expression in lung, pDp2 and pDp3 both in Kidney, and pDp4 in ovary. Fluorescence <it>in situ </it>hybridization showed repeats to be distributed all across the chromosomes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The data suggest that <it>RsaI </it>repeats have been incorporated into the exonic regions of various transcribing genes, possibly contributing towards the architecture and evolution of the buffalo and related genomes. Prospects of our present work in the context of comparative and functional genomics are highlighted.</p