5 research outputs found

    Exprese ubiquitinových ligáz v gastrointestinálním traktu

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    Ubiquitin (Ub) ligázy jsou důležité regulační a signální enzymy, které se účastní většiny přirozených dějů v buňce, jako je diferenciace, oprava poškozené DNA, regulace energetického metabolismu či imunitní reakce. E3 Ubiquitin ligázy jsou také zodpovědné za patofyziologické změny v organismu a jejich činnost je spojována s řadou významných lidských chorob, včetně nádorových onemocnění. To z nich činí nadějný diagnostický a farmaceutický cíl. Dle dřívějších výsledků vykazují tyto enzymy značně specifickou expresi na úrovni buněčných typů nebo tkání. Zmapování této specifické exprese je důležité pro určení jejich biologické úlohy. V této diplomové práci bylo systematicky zmapováno 370 genů E3-Ub ligáz v gastrointestinálním traktu za normálních podmínek a během akutního zánětu tlustého střeva. Získaná data nám umožnila vyselektovat geny, které mohou hrát důležitou roli, jak v udržování homeostázi, tak v patofyziologických procesech a regeneraci gastrointestinálního traktu. Práce se opírá o expresní profilování jednotlivých tkání trávicí soustavy pomocí qPCR, které je doplněno in situ hybridizací, pro přesnější určení lokalizace exprese daného genu ve tkáni. Analýzou qPCR výsledků bylo predikováno sto třicet sedm kandidátů, které regulují fyziologickou funkci trávicí soustavy a třicet čtyři genů...Ubiquitin (Ub) ligases are important regulatory and signalling molecules, which are involved in majority of cellular processes such as differentiation, DNA repair, and regulation of energetic metabolism or immune response. E3 Ubiquitin ligases are also responsible for pathophysiological changes in the organism and their activity is associated with many human diseases including cancers. This makes E3 Ubiquitin ligases to be new diagnostic markers and interesting pharmaceutical targets. Based on previous studies, these enzymes evince very specific expression in the level of tissues or cell populations. Determination of this specific expression is important for a better understanding of their biological function. In this diploma thesis we systematically screened presence of 370 genes of E3-Ub ligases in gastrointestinal tract under physiological conditions and during acute inflammatory damage of distal colon. Obtained data allowed us to select genes, which can play important role in homeostasis as well as pathophysiology and regeneration of gastrointestinal tract. The screening was based on the expression profiling using qPCR, followed by in situ hybridization to determine the exact localization of the gene expression within tissues. From qPCR analysis was predicted hundred thirty seven candidates for...Katedra buněčné biologieDepartment of Cell BiologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Expression of ubiquitin ligases in gastrointestinal tract

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    Ubiquitin (Ub) ligases are important regulatory and signalling molecules, which are involved in majority of cellular processes such as differentiation, DNA repair, and regulation of energetic metabolism or immune response. E3 Ubiquitin ligases are also responsible for pathophysiological changes in the organism and their activity is associated with many human diseases including cancers. This makes E3 Ubiquitin ligases to be new diagnostic markers and interesting pharmaceutical targets. Based on previous studies, these enzymes evince very specific expression in the level of tissues or cell populations. Determination of this specific expression is important for a better understanding of their biological function. In this diploma thesis we systematically screened presence of 370 genes of E3-Ub ligases in gastrointestinal tract under physiological conditions and during acute inflammatory damage of distal colon. Obtained data allowed us to select genes, which can play important role in homeostasis as well as pathophysiology and regeneration of gastrointestinal tract. The screening was based on the expression profiling using qPCR, followed by in situ hybridization to determine the exact localization of the gene expression within tissues. From qPCR analysis was predicted hundred thirty seven candidates for..

    Circulating tumor cell-derived preclinical models: current status and future perspectives

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    Abstract Despite the advancements made in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, the stages associated with metastasis remain largely incurable and represent the primary cause of cancer-related deaths. The dissemination of cancer is facilitated by circulating tumor cells (CTCs), which originate from the primary tumor or metastatic sites and enter the bloodstream, subsequently spreading to distant parts of the body. CTCs have garnered significant attention in research due to their accessibility in peripheral blood, despite their low abundance. They are being extensively studied to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying cancer dissemination and to identify effective therapeutic strategies for advanced stages of the disease. Therefore, substantial efforts have been directed towards establishing and characterizing relevant experimental models derived from CTCs, aiming to provide relevant tools for research. In this review, we provide an overview of recent progress in the establishment of preclinical CTC-derived models, such as CTC-derived xenografts (CDX) and cell cultures, which show promise for the study of CTCs. We discuss the advantages and limitations of these models and conclude by summarizing the potential future use of CTCs and CTC-derived models in cancer treatment decisions and their utility as precision medicine tools

    Orthotopic model for the analysis of melanoma circulating tumor cells

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    Abstract Metastatic melanoma, a highly lethal form of skin cancer, presents significant clinical challenges due to limited therapeutic options and high metastatic capacity. Recent studies have demonstrated that cancer dissemination can occur earlier, before the diagnosis of the primary tumor. The progress in understanding the kinetics of cancer dissemination is limited by the lack of animal models that accurately mimic disease progression. We have established a xenograft model of human melanoma that spontaneously metastasizes to lymph nodes and lungs. This model allows precise monitoring of melanoma progression and is suitable for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of circulating tumor cells (CTCs). We have validated a flow cytometry-based protocol for CTCs enumeration and isolation. We could demonstrate that (i) CTCs were detectable in the bloodstream from the fourth week after tumor initiation, coinciding with the lymph node metastases appearance, (ii) excision of the primary tumor accelerated the formation of metastases in lymph nodes and lungs as early as one-week post-surgery, accompanied by the increased numbers of CTCs, and (iii) CTCs change their surface protein signature. In summary, we present a model of human melanoma that can be effectively utilized for future drug efficacy studies

    Toll-Like Receptor 3 Overexpression Induces Invasion of Prostate Cancer Cells, whereas Its Activation Triggers Apoptosis

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    Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) is an endosomal receptor expressed in several immune and epithelial cells. Recent studies have highlighted its expression also in solid tumors, including prostate cancer (PCa), and have described its role primarily in the proinflammatory response and induction of apoptosis. It is up-regulated in some castration-resistant prostate cancers. However, the role of TLR3 in prostate cancer progression remains largely unknown. The current study experimentally demonstrated that exogenous TLR3 activation in PCa cell lines leads to a significant induction of secretion of the cytokines IL-6, IL-8, and interferon-β, depending on the model and chemoresistance status. Transcriptomic analysis of TLR3-overexpressing cells revealed a functional program that is enriched for genes involved in the regulation of cell motility, migration, and tumor invasiveness. Increased motility, migration, and invasion in TLR3-overexpressing cell line were confirmed by several in vitro assays and using an orthotopic prostate xenograft model in vivo. Furthermore, TLR3-ligand induced apoptosis via cleavage of caspase-3/7 and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase, predominantly in TLR3-overexpressing cells. These results indicate that TLR3 may be involved in prostate cancer progression and metastasis; however, it might also represent an Achilles heel of PCa, which can be exploited for targeted therapy