5 research outputs found
Perceived outcomes of public libraries in Finland, Norway and the Netherlands
– The purpose of this paper is to compare the perceived benefits of public libraries and their structure in the major areas of life between Finland, Norway and the Netherlands.
– The data were based on representative samples of Finnish, Norwegian and Dutch adult library users. In Finland a mail survey was used and in Norway and the Netherlands web surveys were used for data collection. The distribution of the proportion of those benefiting from the library in various areas of life at least sometimes was compared across countries. The structure of benefits was compared across countries by factor analysis.
– The results showed that the level of the nineteen benefits observed was considerably higher, and the range of benefits remarkably broader in Finland compared to Norway and the Netherlands. It is likely that the greater supply of library services in Finland compared to the other two countries explains the differences in benefits derived from the public library. The study validated the measurement instrument for the perceived overall outcomes of public libraries.
Research limitations/implications
– Comparing only three countries is too limited for producing valid results on the relations between the supply of library services and their use and the benefits derived from that use. Analyzing these associations in a larger sample of countries would create reliable results also for policy making.
Practical implications
– The policy implications of these findings are discussed.
– This is the first across-country comparison observing perceived benefits of public libraries across major areas of life
Mesurer la valeur sociétale de la bibliothèque publique : définitions, critères et méthodes
Des intrants et extrants aux outcomes L’évaluation des outcomes (résultats/effets) des bibliothèques est en vogue. Cela n’a pas toujours été le cas. Si l’on regarde l’évolution des normes ISO utilisées en bibliométrie, qui ont été en grande partie définies par la communauté professionnelle, on s’aperçoit qu’on est progressivement passé des « intrants » (inputs) et « extrants » (outputs) aux « outcomes ». La première norme, ISO 2789 (première version en 1974) recommandait de rassembler des sta..
Patterns of perceived public library outcomes in five countries
– The purpose of this paper is to compare the perceived benefits of public libraries between five culturally different countries: Finland, Norway, the Netherlands, South Korea and the USA.
– The data were based on representative samples of Finnish, Norwegian, Dutch, Korean and American adult library users. In Finland a mail survey was used and in other countries web surveys were used for data collection. The distribution of the proportion of those benefiting from the library in various areas of life at least sometimes was compared across countries. The pattern of benefits was compared across countries by forming four outcome indexes from the 19 benefit areas. The differences in the outcomes between the countries were explained by demographics and library use variables.
– The intensity of perceived benefits differ considerably, with the Finns and Americans reporting a higher level of benefits than the South Koreans, who in turn derive more profit than the Norwegians and the Dutch. The large difference in library supply between Finland and other countries may explain the differences in the perceived benefits in part of other countries but the USA.
Research limitations/implications
– The study covered only some socio-economic and library usage factors as independent variables explaining the variation of benefit patterns. A more thorough analysis of library supply between the countries may explain some differences in perceived benefits.
Practical implications
– The policy implications of these findings are discussed.
– This is the first across-country study comparing and explaining the patterns of perceived benefits between culturally different countries
Évaluer la bibliothèque par les mesures d’impacts
Faut-il compter les livres que l’on prête ou bien faut-il interroger les lecteurs sur ce qu’ils ont retenu de leur lecture ? Comment évaluer la performance de sa bibliothèque et comment mesurer son impact sur le public qu’elle dessert ? Cerner l’impact de son établissement, dessiner la cartographie de sa zone de chalandise, mesurer les effets induits par l’offre de services ‒ présentiels ou virtuels ‒ sur ses différents publics, calculer la satisfaction et tester, à toutes les étapes d’un projet, l’expérience de l’usager sont parmi les sujets abordés dans cet ouvrage