7 research outputs found
Development of a model for collaboration and it’s impact on organizational performance
Основни циљ истраживања представља повећање ефективности и продуктивности предузећа развојем модела за оцену успеха система за колаборацију према специфичним својствима индустрије, на основу евалуације различитих фактора платформи за колаборацију у реалним условима и њиховог утицаја на перформансе предузећа. Утврђен је међузависни однос елемената модела система за колаборацију и утицај на перформансе предузећа.Osnovni cilj istraživanja predstavlja povećanje efektivnosti i produktivnosti preduzeća razvojem modela za ocenu uspeha sistema za kolaboraciju prema specifičnim svojstvima industrije, na osnovu evaluacije različitih faktora platformi za kolaboraciju u realnim uslovima i njihovog uticaja na performanse preduzeća. Utvrđen je međuzavisni odnos elemenata modela sistema za kolaboraciju i uticaj na performanse preduzeća.The main objective of this study is to increase the effectiveness and productivity of companies by developing model for assessing the success of the collaboration system to the specific characteristics of the industry, based on the evaluation of various factors of platform for collaboration in real conditions and their impact on company performance. The interdependent relationship between elements of the collaboration system and its impact on company’s performances is determined
Entrepreneurial Factors Influencing Recovery from Covid-19: A Country-Level Analysis
This study examines the impact of entrepreneurship ecosystem factors on the recovery of entrepreneurship from the COVID-19 pandemic and offers valuable insights to drive growth. By analyzing the Serbian dataset from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor National Expert Survey in 2022, the study employs linear regression analysis to investigate the relationship between Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions and post-pandemic recovery. Data were collected through interviews with 40 experts representing the government, academia, and industry. The National Entrepreneurship Context Index score for Serbia\u27s entrepreneurial environment quality in 2022 is 4.6 which positions Serbia in the middle of the continuum of included country scores. The results of the analysis have shown that Market openness (β = .474; p < .01) and Achieving the UN Sustainable Economic Development Goals (β = .460; p < .01) have a direct positive impact on the recovery of entrepreneurs from the consequences of COVID-19. The limitations of the study are related to the demographics of the sample, self-reported data, geographic scope, focusing only on the Republic of Serbia, cross-sectional design that does not capture the dynamic and evolving nature of the recovery process. Given these limitations, future work could incorporate a more diverse sample to enhance the generalizability of the findings.This research provides important insights and policy recommendations to leverage entrepreneurial practices for economic recovery following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Development of a model for collaboration and it’s impact on organizational performance
Основни циљ истраживања представља повећање ефективности и продуктивности предузећа развојем модела за оцену успеха система за колаборацију према специфичним својствима индустрије, на основу евалуације различитих фактора платформи за колаборацију у реалним условима и њиховог утицаја на перформансе предузећа. Утврђен је међузависни однос елемената модела система за колаборацију и утицај на перформансе предузећа.Osnovni cilj istraživanja predstavlja povećanje efektivnosti i produktivnosti preduzeća razvojem modela za ocenu uspeha sistema za kolaboraciju prema specifičnim svojstvima industrije, na osnovu evaluacije različitih faktora platformi za kolaboraciju u realnim uslovima i njihovog uticaja na performanse preduzeća. Utvrđen je međuzavisni odnos elemenata modela sistema za kolaboraciju i uticaj na performanse preduzeća.The main objective of this study is to increase the effectiveness and productivity of companies by developing model for assessing the success of the collaboration system to the specific characteristics of the industry, based on the evaluation of various factors of platform for collaboration in real conditions and their impact on company performance. The interdependent relationship between elements of the collaboration system and its impact on company’s performances is determined
ERP in Industry 4.0 Context
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is a new model of technology systems automation, based on the convergence of technologies that make up the concept of intelligent manufacturing, integrated with information and communication technologies that have been applied in a new way (cloud computing, big data analytics and AI), and the basis of distributed control. This approach has brought unprecedented opportunities to manufacturing systems, especially in the fields of planning and control, from resource to supply chains levels. For this reason, enterprise resource planning (ERP) is being researched and developed, which is based on the use of I4.0 elements: internet of things (IoT), big data analytics (BDA), AI and cloud computing (CC), which in this paper show
ERP in Industry 4.0 Context
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is a new model of technology systems automation, based on the convergence of technologies that make up the concept of intelligent manufacturing, integrated with information and communication technologies that have been applied in a new way (cloud computing, big data analytics and AI), and the basis of distributed control. This approach has brought unprecedented opportunities to manufacturing systems, especially in the fields of planning and control, from resource to supply chains levels. For this reason, enterprise resource planning (ERP) is being researched and developed, which is based on the use of I4.0 elements: internet of things (IoT), big data analytics (BDA), AI and cloud computing (CC), which in this paper show
A Glance into Holistic Project Success with Organisational Agility and Project Resilience
This article delves into the intricate dynamics between organisational agility, project resilience, and project success, casting a new light on the evaluation of project success beyond traditional constraint-based assessments. Through a systematic narrative review, it addresses the critical literature gap by proposing an integrated theoretical framework that encompasses these key constructs. By transcending conventional metrics, the study emphasises a holistic approach to understanding project success, grounded in both classical organisational and complexity theory. This comprehensive framework elucidates the mechanisms through which organisational agility and project resilience directly contribute to project success, advocating for a strategic reorientation towards value creation and adaptability in project management. This exploration seeks to enrich the theoretical foundations of project management and stimulate further empirical research, thereby offering novel insights and practical guidelines for managing projects in the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environments of today