101 research outputs found

    Late Roman building at the Čair-castrum site: Contribution to the study of the profane architecture of Viminacium

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    Prilikom iskopavanja zone zapadne kapije legijskog logora na Viminacijumu, 2018. godine je na prostorn odbrambenog rova istražen kasnoantički horizont sa više različitih celina. Tom prilikom otkriven je deo manje nekropole, sedam građevina i pet kružnih peći. Ove celine su podignute pretežno na prostoru odbrambenog rova, nakon njegovog zatrpavanja, a nalaze se severno i južno od komunikacije koja je vodila od zapadne kapije logora ka gradu. Jedna od istraženih građevina je predmet ovog rada, obeležena u dokumentaciji kao objekat 7. Objekat je lociran jugozapadno od kapije i južno od glavne komunikacije koja je vodila od logora ka gradu, na udaljenosti od oko 8 m od zapadnog bedema (extra muros). Ima nepravilnu pravougaonu, gotovo kvadratnu osnovu, čije spoljašnje dimenzije iznose 8,10/7,70 x 7,75/6,90 m. Zidovi nisu bili konstruktivno povezani već bočnim stranama naležu jedan na drugog, a njihova najviša očuvana visina iznosi 1,20 m. U izgradnji objekta korišćeni su različiti materijali - fragmenti opeka, tegula i imbreksa, kamena škriljca i blokova od krečnjaka, sporadično i crvenke, a uočena je i upotreba spolija; kao vezivni materijal korišćeni su krečni malter i glina. Na zidovima su uočene prepravke, a u unutrašnjosti i jedan manji pregradni zid, koji predstavlja kasniju dogradnju. Objekat je datovan u IV vek, pre svega na osnovu novca. Pokretni nalazi ukazuju na svakodnevne i ekonomske aktivnosti, izuzev nekoliko primeraka oružja. U širem kontekstu i u odnosu na ostale građevine otkrivene u istoj zoni, objekat 7 se može protumačiti kao ekonomski objekat koji je bio deo nekog većeg zanatskog kompleksa.A late Roman horizon comprised of multiple units was investigated in the area of a defensive ditch during the excavations of the western gate zone of Viminacium S legionary camp in 2018. The subject of this paper, marked as building 7 in the internal documentation, was among them. Building 7 was located to the southwest of the gate, and it is oriented parallel to the western rampart of the camp. It was built after the filling of the defensive ditch, over the layers of its filling, using different techniques and materials. According (mostly) to coins, the building is dated to the fourth century. Small finds in the building point to everyday and economic activities, except for several finds of weaponry. In a broader context and in relation to other structures discovered in the extramuros zone of the western rampart, building 7 can be interpreted as an economic structure that was part of a larger craftsmanship complex

    Commemoration of children in the province of Upper Moesia – evidence from limes and its hinterland

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    Recent discovery of a sarcophagus in Viminacium. Evidence of mors immatura? Ilija Dankovió, Ilija Mikió The deaths of young individuals is usually perceived as a failure on behalf of the parents, and of society in general. It is regarded that death of a member of these social groups is premature, that it came before they have reached their full potential or before they fulfilled goals expected of them during their life. In various cultures, burials of such individuals differ from the norm, and it can be expected that they should be recognizable in the archaeological record. One of the categories of this so-called mors immatura consists of young women eligible for marriage who died before having the chance to actually get married, with the subcategory of ones who did accomplish that goal but died before giving birth to any offspring. The emotions of relatives of the deceased were often translated into material culture through rich grave fur-nishings and choice of specific objects, which was the case in the Mediterranean basin in the Roman period. "Exceptionally lavish" graves of young women were identified in recent scholarly articles as the resting places of young women and girls who were denied marriage or childbirth. The latest excavations in Viminacium resulted in the discovery of an intact sarcophagus. In it were the remains of two individuals, probably members of the family that owned the nearby villa rustica. Preliminary bioarchaeological reports showed that one of the skeletons belonged to a female in her early twenties, while the other individual was male over 45 years of age. Gold and silver objects placed with the woman, as well as hairpins made of jet, could lead to the conclusion that she died before getting married, or at least before bearing children to whom she could bequeath the jewelry. Possible scenarios will be explained through the means of material culture studies and life course theory, and various scientific methods will be employed in order to test the hypotheses presented. Commemoration of children in the province of Upper Moesia - evidence from limes and its hinterland Milica Marjanovió Studying of infancy and childhood experiences is essential for understanding social relations in Roman culture. Children had a significant role in Roman society, especially regarding main-taining and passing on traditional family values. Apart from continuing their family name and managing the family's property and affairs, they were expected to retain and improve the social status of their family. Children were obliged to demonstrate pietas towards their parents and look after them in their old age. Romans were confronted with a high mortality rate of children, which resulted in special atten-tion being paid to funerary customs and commemoration. Funerary monuments are an excel-lent source for studying the attitude toward children in different parts of the Roman Empire, especially since children do not leave behind a significant number of visible traces in material culture. In addition to basic information about their age, name and the possible ethnic origin, tombstones provide insight into a society in which they lived, cultural and social identity of their parents, as well as family relations. This paper will examine tombstones dedicated to children from the Upper Moesian Limes and its hinterland. The research will be based mainly on analysis of inscriptions and relief repre-sentations on tombstones. The aim of this paper is to find out if and how the monuments of children of various age, gender and social background (e.g. families of soldiers/veterans or civilians) differ. Certain patterns in the manner of portraying, commemorative formulas, types and decoration of monuments are likely to be recognised

    Zlatni medaljon iz rimskog utvrđenja Pontes

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    Prilikom zaštitnih iskopavanja u okviru kampanje Đerdap II na rimskom utvrđenju Pontes, u neposrednoj blizini građevine opredeljene kao principia, otkriven je zlatni medaljon sa staklenom gemom. U pitanju je medaljon sa kasetom od zlatnog lima, u koju je umetnuta gema od tamnoplavog stakla sa prikazom Afrodite Anadiomene. Ova predstava karakteristična je za magijske geme od lapis lazulija, koje su najbrojnije u rimskim provincijama na Bliskom istoku. Medaljon se prema uslovima nalaza i analogijama može datovati u III vek

    Legijski logor u Viminacijumu: Arheološka istraživanja u zoni zapadnog bedema u 2019. godini

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    Arheološka istraživanja vojnog logora u Viminacijumu1 sa prekidima se vrše još od kraja 19. veka. Manja sondažna istraživanja vršena su početkom osamdesetih godina prošlog veka,2 a radovi su nastavljeni 2002. godine, kada su započeta istraživanja severne kapije logora (porta praetoria). Iste godine započeta je i geofizička prospekcija prostora na kome se nalazio logor. Od janura 2016. godine zaštitna iskopavanja legijskog logora vrše se u kontinuitetu,3 a od 2018. godine i sistematska istraživanja, koja se izvode u severnom i severozapadnom delu utvrđenja.4 Istraženi su delovi zapadnog i severnog bedema, severozapadna ugaona kula, kao i deset bočnih kula, od kojih se četiri nalaze na severnom, a šest na zapadnom bedemu. Kule se nalaze na unutrašnjoj strani bedema, a njihove osnove su, uglavnom kvadratne, izuzev ugaone koja je trapezasta. Otkrivena je i zapadna kapija logora (porta principalis sinistra), a najvećim delom i severna kapija, obe sa pravouganim kulama većih dimenzija, prolazima i odvodnim kanalima. Dosadašnjim istraživanjima utvrđene su dve osnovne faze izgradnje logora. U starijoj fazi, koja se datuje u poslednje decenije 1. veka, logor je građen od crvenke,5 dok je u mlađoj – datovanoj u period 2. veka, zidan od lomljenog škriljca i kvadera krečnjaka. Bedem koji pripada mlađoj fazi pruža se uz spoljno lice bedema od crvenke. Bedem od crvenke je u mlađoj fazi bio inkorporiran u bedem od škriljca i krečnjaka, a njegova širina u nadzemnom delu iznosila je 2,10 m. Zidovi mlađih kula su, uglavnom, podignuti oko, ili na mestima onih iz starije faze, osim kula južno od zapadne kapije, gde je mlađa izgrađena južno od starije. U zonama bedema je istraženo više celina, uključujući i odbrambeni rov, koji je otkriven duž zapadnog bedema, dok su ispred severnog bedema konstatovani samo njegovi manji segmenti

    Contribution to the study of the funerary iconography in Upper Moesia – representations of physical contact on Roman sepulchral monuments

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    Roman tombstones were exhibited in a public space along the main roads directly outside towns and settlements. Carved reliefs and inscriptions on them provided information about the deceased and created the desired image of them using symbolism that was recognisable throughout the entire Roman Empire. This paper will inspect representations of physical contact on tombstones from the territory of the province of Upper Moesia. Dextrarum iunctio and family embraces were detected, occurring mainly on family portraits, within the same iconographic scheme as in other Danube provinces of the Empir

    Woman, wife, mother: everyday life of female residents of Viminacium

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    Ancient writers are known for often neglecting a number of important social topics in their works, thus, to a great extent influencing modern interpretations of Roman history and archaeology scholars, as well as the very choice of subjects dominating these sciences during 19th and 20th century. Moreover, history and archaeology of the Roman period developed during the imperial expansion of European colonial forces and this is why the contemporary dominant political thought influenced most of the early researchers and their perceptions of the past.1 For more than a century, the archaeology and history of the Roman period were dominated by topics related to military conquests, administration, and building activities, while neglecting entire social groups, such as women, children, slaves or foreigners. Because of all of the factors listed above, we are often looking at a distorted image of the Roman society, characterised by stereotypes, which are deepened and persist even with some of the modern researchers. The most common among them – supported by rigid misogynistic attitudes of ancient male authors – remain connected to the life and position of women in Antiquity. This is why the roles they played in the past are often simplified and insufficiently researched.2 Over the past thirty years, the global situation in science has significantly changed, although in domestic literature this topic is still rather unpopular. Despite that, a slight increase in interest for studying women of the Roman period in the territory of present-day Serbia is noticeable.Антички писци су у својим делима зане- маривали низ важних друштвених тема, што је умногоме утицало на модерне интерпретације проучавалаца римске историје и археологије, као и на сам избор тема које су доминирале у oвим наукама током 19. и 20. века. Поред тога, историја и археологија римског периода су се развијале у време империјалне експанзије европских коло- нијалних сила, те је тадашња доминантна поли- тичка мисао утицала на већину раних истражи- вача и њихове перцепције прошлости.1 Више од стотину година уназад у археологији и историји римског периода преовладавају теме везане за војску, освајања, администрацију и грађевинске подухвате, док су читаве групе становништва, попут жена, деце, робова или странаца, биле запостављене. Због свега наведеног често смо у прилици да гледамо искривљену слику римског друштва, а њу одликују стереотипи, који се про- дубљују и истрајавају чак и међу неким савре- меним истраживачима. Најчешћи међу њима – поткрепљени ригидним мизогиним ставовима античких, мушких аутора – везани су за живот и положај жена у антици, па су често улоге које су оне имале у прошлости поједностављене и недовољно истражене.2 Ситуација у науци се на глобалном нивоу по овом питању драстично променила последњих 30 година, док је у домаћој литератури та тема и даље прилично непопулар- на. Упркос томе, може се приметити благи пораст интересовања за проучавање жена у римском пе- риоду на тлу Србије

    Inelul de logodnă de la Viminacium

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    During the rescue investigation of the northwestern part of the legionary fort at Viminacium, a silver ring with a cameo was discovered. It was an engagement ring, with an inserted cameo with a specific representation of the so-called dextrarum iunctio motif, accompanied with an inscription - OMONI(A). The ring is peculiar because of the motif and the inscription on it, as well as because of the context of the find. Namely, it was found in the defensive ditch of the legionary fort of the VII Claudia legion. The find is dated to the second half of the III century, using coins and pottery from the same horizon.În timpul săpăturilor de salvare efectuate în zona de nord-vest a fortului legiunii la Viminacium, a fost descoperit un inel de argint cu camee. Este vorba despre un inel de logodnă, cu o camee inserată, având o reprezentare a motivului cunoscut ca dextrarum iunctio și inscripţia OMONI(A). Este un inel special datorită atât a motivului reprezentat și a inscripţiei cât și contextului în care a fost descoperit. Mai exact, a fost descoperit în șanţul de apărare a fortului legiunii VII Claudia. Inelul se datează în a doua jumătate a secolului al III-lea, luând în calcul monedele și ceramica din același orizont

    Roman oil lamps – profane and sacral use

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    Уљане лампе су у Риму почеле да се користе још у III веку пре н.е., када су преузете из грчких градова на југу Италије. У писаним изворима, у зависности од периода, за лампе се наводе различити термини – lychnus, lampa, lucerna... Најчешће су израђиване од керамике и метала. Као гориво су углавном употребљавана биљна уља, а за фитиљ влакнасти материјали који спорије горе, као што су памук, лан, конопља, трска итд. Поред утилитарне намене – за осветљавање јавних и приватних објеката, не мање важну улогу лампе су имале и у сакралном животу. Често су полагане у гробове да би симболично осветљавале покојнику прелазак у други свет. Паљене су и приликом даћа које су одржаване у одређеним данима, када је одавана пошта умрлим прецима. Коришћене су и у приватним кућама, при упражњавању различитих обреда, најчешће везаних за култ предака и кућна божанства која штите породицу. Лампе су употребљаване и током других култних церемонија везаних за поједине празнике, када су као вотивни дарови приношене у храмове и светилишта.The use of oil lamps in Rome began as early as the 3rd century BC, when they were adopted from Greek cities in the south of Italy. Depending on the period, different names in written sources were used for these objects – lyhnus, lampa, lucerna,... They were made mainly of ceramic and metal. Natural oils were commonly used as fuel, while wicks were usually made of slow-burning fibrous materials, such as cotton, flax, hemp, cane, etc. Aside from their utilitarian role – to provide light for public and private objects, lampsalso playeda very important role in sacral life. They were often placed in graves, to symbolically light the road for the deceased while crossing to the other world. Lamps were also lit during memorial services, which were held on given dates, when homage was paid to deceased ancestors. They were used in private houses too, during various rituals, most commonly linked to the cult of the ancestors and domestic divinities which protected the family. Lamps were aso used for other cult ceremonies linked to certain holidays, when they were offered as votive gifts in temples and sanctuaries

    In vitro evaluacija tolerantnosti genotipova pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.) prema boru

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    Wheat tolerance to high boron concentrations was determined using mature embryo culture. The testing was performed on a modified MS nutrient medium to which boric acid was added in two concentrations: 15 mM and 30 mM. The control medium contained no excess boric acid. The experiment involved 14 Serbian varieties. After one month of cultivation callus fresh weight (CFW) was measured and reductions of fresh callus weight (RFCW) at boron (B) concentration of 15 mM in relation to the control were calculated. The genotypes differed significantly according to their reaction to different B concentrations. Six genotypes had RFCWs below 50.0 %, while eight genotypes had RFCWs above 50.1 %. Cultivars Nevesinjka and Pesma were considered the most tolerant genotypes, while cultivars Balada and Vila were the most sensitive. The results confirmed that differences in genotype reactions to excess B are visible at the cellular level and that they may serve as a selection criterion.Tolerantnost pšenice prema visokim koncentracijama bora ispitana je primenom kulture zrelog embriona. Testiranje je vršeno na modifikovanoj MS hranljivoj podlozi, kojoj je borna kiselina dodata u dve koncentracije: 15 mM i 30 mM. Kontrolna podloga nije sadržala bornu kiselinu u suvišku. Eksperiment je izveden na 14 sorti pšenice proizvedenih u Srbiji. Posle mesec dana gajenja na podlogama izmerena je sveža masa kalusa (SMK) i izračunata redukcija sveže mase kalusa (RSMK) na podlozi sa 15 mM borne kiseline, u odnosu na kontrolu. Genotipovi su se značajno razlikovali u pogledu njihove reakcije na različite koncentracije bora. Šest genotipova imalo je RSMK ispod 50,0 %, dok je osam genotipova imalo RSMK iznad 50,1 %. Sorte Nevesinjka i Pesma ocenjene su kao najtolerantnije, dok su sorte Balada i Vila bile najosetljivije na prisustvo bora u podlozi. Rezultati su potvrdili da su reakcije genotipova pšenice na suvišak bora vidljive i na ćelijskom nivou, te da se ova reakcija može koristiti kao selekcioni kriterijum za procenu tolerantnosti na bor