15 research outputs found
Distribution of the R301C mutation (A1, A2) and of the K<sup>B</sup> allele (B1, B2), before (A1, B1) and after (A2, B2) the neolithisation: presence of R301C mutation (blue), absence of R301C mutation (white), presence of K<sup>B</sup> allele (black), no presence of K<sup>B</sup> allele (orange), undetermined (question mark).
<p>Squares and dots refer respectively to individuals with wolf-and dog-morphotype.</p
Allelic states of 21 ancient individuals with dog-morphotype and 2 ancient individuals with wolf-morphotype at the R301C, R306ter and K locus.
*<p>Hypothetical coat color can be deduced considering allelic state of R306ter and K locus. <i>In italic</i>: individuals with a wolf-morphotype (CH1075 and CH1244). ND: not determined, no positive amplification; ?: Hypothetical coat color could not be deduced;â/â: <i>CBD103</i>: ÎG23 mutation.</p>1<p>Date obtained directly on dog bones (cal BP);</p>2<p>Date derived from other remains (BP);</p>3<p>Chronological periods derived from cultural attributions.</p
called genotypes for all samples above 3.0X coverag
genotype posterior probabilities of segregating sites (all individuals