32 research outputs found

    Sosialisasi Peranan Zakat Dalam Menghadapi Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Pengusaha Muslim di Indonesia

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    Pandemi Covid-19 yang telah mewabah pada awal tahun 2020 ini telah berdampak pada terjadinya krisis ekonomi dimana banyak sekali dunia usaha serta individu terkena dampaknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peranan zakat dalam menghadapi krisis ekonomi yang disebabkan oleh pandemi Covid-19 dan kemudian hasilnya di sosialisasikan. Pada penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan yang didapat dari penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya dan teori-teori yang ada. dan hasilnya disosialisasikan kepada para pengusaha muslim dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) dengan menggunakan media daring. Hasil penelitian dengan studi kepustakaan ini mendapatkan hasil bahwa peranan zakat sangat penting dan sangat membantu dalam menghadapi krisis ekonomi yang diakibatkan oleh Covid-19 ini, dan kemudian disosialisasikan kepada pengusaha muslim di Indonesia. Para pengusaha memahami dan mengerti serta mendapatkan wawasan untuk dapat selamat dari krisis ekonomi ini dengan adanya peranan zakat yang dioptimalkan manfaatnya bagi siapa saja yang membutuhkan, sehingga dapat selamat dan bangkit dari krisis ekonomi ini. Pada kegiatan PKM ini hendaknya terus dilakukan untuk mewujudkan tridarma perguruan tinggi, guna mencerdaskan kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara

    Menumbuhkan Kesadaran Berzakat Pada Masyarakat Di Wilayah Mega Kuningan Jakarta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat di lingkungan kampus Universitas Trisakti Mega Kuningan tentang pentingnya membayar zakat. Potensi pendapatan zakat di Indonesia sangat besar dan realisasinya masih sedikit dari potensi yang ada, sehingga perlu ada kajian dan mengenai hal ini. Penelitian ini dalam bentuk pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yaitu dengan memberikan sosialisasi dan edukasi, dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Peneliti melakukan pengamatan langsung, sekaligus menjadi pembicara dan nara sumber. Data yang didapat dikumpulkan dan dianalisis dengan teori dan penelitian sebelumnya. Sosialisasi dan edukasi yang dilakukan oleh tim PKM dari Universitas Trisakti dan Universitas Esa Unggul dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk berzakat. Hal tersebut sejalan dengan penelitian terdahulu dan teori yang ada bahwa sosialisasi dan edukasi sangat diperlukan untuk dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam berzakat. Pada masa yang akan datang perlu ada model pelatihan khusus mengenai zakat kepada masyarakat


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    In a developing country poverty reduction programs has become the center of attention in policy at national and at international agencies and institutions. This study aims to analyze the socioeconomic factors that affect poverty reduction in the perspective of Islam in Indonesia in 1994 until 2009, the data used in this study is time series data, using the variable as a determining factor of poverty in Indonesia is economic growth, the proportion of the population informal working sector, the proportion of population consuming malnutrition, the proportion of secondary-educated population down, unemployment, investment, government policy in the form of subsidies which are: subsidy funds derived from IDT, P2KP, PNP, Independent, PPIP, in addition to data from the BMT form of funding given to the poor, as well as data zakat alms per person infak poor. Analysis tools used in this study is to use a simultaneous equation modelanalysis using the software Eviews-4. From the analysis it can be concluded that all variables are seen in this study a significant influence on poverty reduction in Indonesia in 1994 until 2009, but subsidies and Islam is very small variable effect on poverty reduction in Indonesia.Recommendation of this study is the government should help in terms of funding for development of SMEs due to the Islamic microfinance institutions in effect, reduce poverty, and economic growth can reduce poverty is economic growth and equitable quality, investment as a contributor to economic growth must be done in the form of accelerated industrialization, the accumulation ofhuman capital in the form of education, as well as development and infrastructure improvements throughout the country. With the Islamic instruments namely zakat alms infaq very influential on poverty reduction while very little influence, because in Indonesia the role of zakat institutions have not been efficient because more people believe in giving alms alms infaq directly to the poor or the foundation that manages the orphans, but if domestic policy makers This would seriously to gradually use the instruments of Islamic finance as an instrument of poverty reduction, the authors believe poverty alleviation will be accelerated as well. Our nation will have economic independence, sovereignty and dignity so that the State can be maintained

    Pengaruh Industrialisasi Terhadap Migrasi Per Propinsi di Indonesia Pada Tahun 2010

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    Tatik MariyantiFakultas Ekonomi Universitas TrisaktiEmail : [email protected] title of this paper is the impact of industriiaization to migration by provinces in Indonesia on 2010. Today in Indonesia, there are still excess number of workers in the agriculture sector. The various sources clearly show the labor transformation in Indonesia still occur. Where as this transformation is a logical consequences for the developing country that carrying out the economic development. This condition also indicate with the excess labor in the capital intensive sector that relevan to the industrialization process. The experiences in some provinces show that migration to the urban area is related by the industrialization. The people migrate to the urban area in order to fullfill the labor needs in the industrial sector, because job in the industrial sectorwill give more added value compare with other sector such as agriculture sector. This research will anlyze the impact of industrialization to the migration by provinces in 2010.Based on theory and previous findings we estimate that there is influence of industrial sector employment, and wage rate toward migration between provinces in 2010, This research conclude that the contribution of industrial sector in regional GDP have a positive effect toward inter-provincial migration, the industrial sector contribution to employment has a effect on migration, and minimum regional wage rate have positive affect the migration significant at 5%. This test use Eviews-4, with multiple linear regression model.Keywords : Industrial sector, gross domestic product, employment, regional wage and migratio

    Pengaruh Industrialisasi terhadap Migrasi Per Propinsi di Indonesia pada Tahun 2010

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    Tatik MariyantiFakultas Ekonomi Universitas TrisaktiEmail : [email protected] title of this paper is the impact of industriiaization to migration by provinces in Indonesia on 2010. Today in Indonesia, there are still excess number of workers in the agriculture sector. The various sources clearly show the labor transformation in Indonesia still occur. Where as this transformation is a logical consequences for the developing country that carrying out the economic development. This condition also indicate with the excess labor in the capital intensive sector that relevan to the industrialization process. The experiences in some provinces show that migration to the urban area is related by the industrialization. The people migrate to the urban area in order to fullfill the labor needs in the industrial sector, because job in the industrial sectorwill give more added value compare with other sector such as agriculture sector. This research will anlyze the impact of industrialization to the migration by provinces in 2010.Based on theory and previous findings we estimate that there is influence of industrial sector employment, and wage rate toward migration between provinces in 2010, This research conclude that the contribution of industrial sector in regional GDP have a positive effect toward inter-provincial migration, the industrial sector contribution to employment has a effect on migration, and minimum regional wage rate have positive affect the migration significant at 5%. This test use Eviews-4, with multiple linear regression model

    Pemahaman Ekonomi Islam Pada Usia Sekolah Di Lingkungan Masjid Luar Batang Penjaringan Jakarta Utara

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    The purpose of this Join Community Service (PKM) with Faculty of Economy and Business Trisakti University and Faculty OF Economy and Business Esa Unggul University activity is to increase understanding of the Islamic economy and Islamic financial and banking institutions for school-aged children in environment of Masjid Luar Batang, Jakarta Indonesia. The method used is a survey and observation method with descriptive analysis from previous literature studies. The survey and observation methods were carried out by conducting direct outreach socialisation by presenting speakers and extension workers to school age. The material provided by giving an explanation of Islamic economics and the mechanism of Islamic financial institutions and banking. The next activity is evaluating the extension activities with interactions during the counseling session, such as questions and answers where questions from the instructor can be answered properly. Understanding of Islamic economics in school-age children in environment of Masjid Luar Batang has increased, but support from industry and the government is expected to be able to produce human resources that are reliable and can compete at the international level


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    This paper discusses the analysis of the effect of taxes and subsidies and ZIS (Zsakat, Infaq and Sedekah) to the reduction of poverty in Indonesia in the period 1994 to 2013. The variables used in include taxes, subsidies, ZIS and poverty of the State of Indonesia. The method used in this thesis is a multiple regression method along with the classical assumptions. This study aims to determine the relationship between variables taxes, subsidies and ZIS against poverty. In addition, this study also aims to look at the variables which play a role in reducing poverty. The results using multiple regression analysis, it appears that all the independent variables are not significant and have adjusted R-square is nice. Next to the classical assumption test, based on the results of research there is a violation of classical assumptions in this research is the Normality

    Optimization Role of the Indonesian Navy in Economic Development Community of Coastal Areas in the West Lombok Through Islamic Perspective

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    The Indonesian Navy maintains national defence and security, yet supports the coastal communities' economic development. The West Lombok Regency has potential resources to support national development in better management. The Navy economic empowerment role in the West Lombok Regency is urgently needed. This study analyzes the effect of an economic empowerment program of the Navy on the welfare of coastal communities and the impact on national defence and security in sharia perspectives. It also analyzes constraint and strategic issues related the Navy's role in developing the West Lombok Regency coastal communities welfare and composes institutional models and cooperation in supporting the government to promote the coastal communities economy, producing the Navy role optimization strategies in economic empowerment of the West Lombok Regency.  Quantitative and qualitative methods are used in this study, with analytical tools include the Result Impact Management System (RIMS), Descriptive Analysis, Tahwidi String Relationship, Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing (SAST), Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM), and Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach (AHP). Research respondents were 150 families who were beneficiaries of CCDP-IFAD in five villages in West Lombok.  The results indicate that the Navy's role in economic empowerment in the West Lombok Regency is not optimal yet. In sharia perspective, welfare affects national defence and security. To overcome this problem needs to be prepared the structured and applicable programs with field assistance. Based on the institutional model, the most desirable change issue is the establishment of real policies and legal frameworks to boost cooperation between institutions/stakeholders in empowering the coastal community and clearly institutional sharing of authority Keywords: Economic Empowerment, Development, Coastal Community, Sharia, National Security and Resilience. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-26-05 Publication date:September 30th 202

    The Effect of Religiosity, Muslim Customer Perceived Value on Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction in Halal Tourism in Indonesia

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    The increase in the cumulative growth of international visitors to Indonesia between 2014 and 2018 compared to the preceding five-year period indicated that the tourism industry in Indonesia had promising growth potential. However, due to disruption in 2020 and 2021 during Pandemic period, the pre-pandemic projection of 230 million arrivals by 2026 will now be reached in 2028. This study aimed to examine the impact of the Muslim Customer Perceived Value (MCPV) on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction as an intervening variable among Muslims. In addition, study the impact of the religiosity of Muslim customers on customer satisfaction and loyalty among Muslims, as well as the impact of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty among Muslims. This study makes use of SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) for its analysis. According to the results of the investigation, various variables, including religiosity, and customer satisfaction have a strong positive effect on the variable of customer loyalty. However, there is no effect on the Muslim customer perceived value and the loyalty of Muslim customers

    Analisis Laporan Keuangan Sebagai Alat Dalam Memprediksi Kecenderungan Terjadinya Kebangkrutan Pada Bank Umum Syariah; Bni Syariah, Bri Syariah, Mandiri Syariah, Mega Syariah, Bukopin Syariah (Suatu Studi Penggunaan Model Altman\u27s Z-score)

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    Kebangkrutan Perusahaan merupakan salah satu fenomena yang sering terjadidalam dunia USAha, baik itu dipengaruhi oleh pihak internal maupun eksternal Perusahaan. Untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya kebangkrutan, maka pihak Perusahaan seharusnya ada persiapan dini untuk mencegah agar tidak terjadi hal yang tidak diinginkan. Perusahaan dapat menilai kondisi Perusahaannya yang sedang berjalan, agar dapat mengetahui tindakan apa yang tepat untuk memperbaiki kekurangan dan mempertahankan Perusahaannya agar Perusahaan dapat bertahan dan bersaing, salah satu Perusahaan yang ada di Indonesia adalah Bank Umum Syariah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memprediksi kecenderungan terjadinya kebangkrutan pada Bank Umum Syariah menggunakan modelAltman. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder berupa laporan keuangan tahunan yang telah dipublikasikan oleh perbankan syariah periode 2010 sampai 2014. Bank Umum Syariah tersebut terdiri dari PT.BNI Syariah, PT.BRI Syariah, PT.Bank Mandiri Syariah, PT. Bank Mega Syariah dan PT.Bank Syariah Bukopin. Data diolah dengan menggunakan model Altman. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model Altman dapat digunakan sebagai alat dalam memprediksi kecenderungan kebangkrutan Bank Umum Syariah. Dengan menggunakan model Altman, kita dapat mengetahui apakah Bank Umum Syariah berada dalam kategori bangkrut, grey area, dan tidak bangkrut. Apabila Bank Umum Syariah berada dalam kategori bangkrut, manajemen Perusahaan berhak untuk memutuskan apakah akan tetap mempertahankan Bank Syariahnya atau tidak. Bila tetap mempertahankan Bank Syariahnya, manajemen Bank Syariah diharapkan dapat mengambil tindakan yang cepat dan tepat untuk memperbaiki Bank Syariahnya tersebut, agar Bank Syariahnya tetap dapat berjalan dengan baik