6 research outputs found

    Metafora dalam Mantra Masyarakat Melayu Galing Sambas: Kajian Semantik

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    This study aims to describe the animate form and the informational function of metaphor in Mantra Galing Sambas Malay Community. The method of research used is descriptive qualitative. The source of data of this study was Batra in Galing District. Data collection techniques used in the study were recording, direct observation and interview techniques. The data were words, clauses, and metaphoric sentences used in Mantra Galing Sambas Malay Community. The result shows that Mantra Galing Sambas Malay Community contains animate form of metaphor referred to human being, beauty, and spirit. In addition, the analysis shows that Mantra Galing Sambas Malay Community has the informational function, media used, purpose, place, and time

    Konstruksi Keyakinan Hakim Mahkamah Konstitusi Dalam Putusan Perselisihan Pemilukada

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    The fact is the basis of law for judges of the Constitutional Court in decisions. The fact is the law of another language of the evidence. The decision thus reflects the role of judges in unearthing, interpreting and discovering the laws (rechtsvinding) to resolve disputes elections of regional heads. The role of the judge is not out of conviction to assess the evidence. One of the tools of evidence that requires precision and accuracy in their assessments are witnesses, because witnesses can lie or correct the error and blamed the truth

    Nilai-Nilai Filosofi Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Yang Final Dan Mengikat

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    Kehadiran Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam struktur ketatanegaran Indonesia merupakan kemajuan besar, tidak saja bagi pembangunan hukum melainkan juga bagi perkembangan demokrasi Indonesia. Kehadiran Mahkamah Konstitusi segenap wewenang dan kewajibannya, dinilai telah merobahkan doktrin supremasi parlemen (parliamentary supremacy) dan menggantikankan dengan ajaran supremasi konstitusi..


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    Kasus bencana alam di Indonesia termasuk yang tergolong sering. Problem yang mengikuti bencana alam adalah hak-hak korban. Para birokrat Indonesia seringkali mengabaikan hak korban, sehingga kondisi korban yang berada dalam keprihatinan menjadi lebih memprihatinkan lagi akibat pengabaian yang dilakukan para birokrat. Dalam ranah inilah, birokrat bencana layak diposisikan melakukan pelanggaran terhadap hak-hak asasi manusia (korban bencana). Hal ini bisa terjadi diantaranya disebabkan hak informasi atas bencana tidak cepat dan cermat disampaikan oleh birokrat.Kata kunci: hak asasi manusia, bencana, birokrasi, hak atas informas