227 research outputs found

    Political Pedagogies Compared in the First Decade of Republican Italy

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    Historical studies concerning Italian republican democracy have intensely focused their attention on the role of mass parties as tools for political participation of citizens. Howe¬ver, the deep institutional crisis that followed the collapse of post-WWII political system showed the significant lacks in a widespread culture of democratic rights the habit to parties’ intermediation left. The essay takes in consideration the establishment of the role of main mass parties after 1945 on the field of political pedagogy and citizens’ education to democratic processes, in a com¬parison with a widely forgotten alternative experience of direct democratic education. The tradition of ‘non-party’ democratic participation developed within Italian liberal-socialist intellectual debate had little influence on the country’s democratic development. However, its memory remained among intellectual personnel of liberal-democratic background

    Mario Einaudi, organizzatore culturale e accademico transatlantico

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    La ricostruzione del percorso biografico di Mario Einaudi, primogenito di Luigi trasferitosi negli Stati Uniti nel 1933 per non essere costretto ad aderire al Partito nazionale fascista in vista della prosecuzione della sua carriera accademica, e lì affermatosi come uno dei maggiori studiosi di politica comparata con un focus di ricerca sui partiti e le istituzioni politiche ed economiche dell'Europa occidentale, rappresenterà nel saggio la chiave per interpretare il ruolo della Rockefeller Foundation in alcuni passaggi chiave della storia intellettuale italiana nel XX secolo. Dall'ingresso di giovani studiosi italiani nei programmi di mobilità internazionale finanziati nell'ambito del Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, alla trasformazione delle borse di ricerca in strumenti di salvataggio di intellettuali in fuga dall'Europa totalitaria per proseguire la loro attività e le loro carriere, all'impegno nella ricostruzione delle reti di scambio culturale e accademico incentrate attorno agli USA nel secondo dopoguerra, Einaudi si trovò a più riprese ad essere protagonista della politica italiana della fondazione culturale statunitense più a lungo coinvolta al di fuori dei confini americani

    I docenti di area laica e liberal-democratica: Idee e strategie in tema di politica universitaria nel primo decennio repubblicano

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    The essay aims at reconstructing the role secular and liberal-democratic university professors played during the first period of the Republic. It focuses the attention on two fields: their participation in the debate on university reform, and more specifically their academic policy. As for the first topic, according to the thought of some absolutely significant personalities of liberal-progressive milieus (above all Giorgio Pasquali, Adolfo Omodeo, Ernesto Codignola, Guido Calogero) a clear willingness emerged to look at the Gentile reform and at its alleged liberal consistency as a reference model. One can easily see that, at least until the conference organized by Amici del Mondo on February, 1956, even the strongest advocates of American innovative ideas on education (Dewey) kept on support an elitist view of university, made of competition and selectivity. The second part of the essay expose and comments on the first results of a research that examines the competitive selections for the recruitment of university professors (concorsi) held between 1945 and 1952. The composition of selection committees and concorsi s results are essentially based on power relationships among different schools , but sometimes they also show the presence of conflicts which were based on political reasons. Such conflicts especially emerged in the field of the humanities; in particular, philosophical disciplines hosted a bruising row between secular (Nicola Abbagnano, Carlo Antoni, Antonio Banfi, Ugo Spirito among others) and catholic professors for the control of selection committees and, therefore, of the mechanisms of co-opting into the professorial community

    Scritti sulla politica europea 1944-1957

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    Studi n. 51- Indice del volume #7- Luigi R. Einaudi, Presentazione #8- Andrea Mariuzzo, Introduzione. La riflessione politica di Mario Einaudi tra Guerra mondiale e Guerra fredda #13- Testi di Mario Einaudi #4
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