49 research outputs found

    Promoting aesthetical values to education

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    With a pressure on schools to meet the requirements of a knowledge-based global economy, human development, critical thinking and imagination seem to be given lower priority. This article argues for including the aesthetic dimension in teaching as a way to foster human development. While aesthetic subjects are cut, there is a growing interest in aesthetic methods through which students are expected to use their knowledge in new and creative ways. However, there is a tension involved in combining innovative and creative thinking with the objectives model, in which education is broken down into measurable targets. Including more than what is measurable is important to encourage students to not only copy what they are told, but to become creative and able to find their own solutions in the future. The aesthetic dimension might support independent thinking and imagination, crucial qualities in a democracy and for developing a future that we cannot yet see. Aesthetics is here understood in a broad sense and not limited to certain subjects. A main concern in the article is how to include aesthetics in academic subjects. Every subject has elements of emotions, intuition and interpretation and might make use of symbolic forms. The aesthetical involves knowledge that is gained through the senses and that appeals to emotions. An aesthetic approach might contribute to interest and meaning, preconditions for learning that transforms the individual. It might open up unrealized knowledge and unexpected outcomes. Furthermore, the approach might contribute to a good life. The argumentation in the article will build on theory as well as on empirical research from upper secondary school.publishedVersio

    Expectations to mentoring as support for professional development

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    Mentoring is acknowledged as a means to support professional development for teachers. However, mentoring has multiple meanings and may be practiced as supervision, support or collaborative self-development for new as well as experienced teachers. The aim of this Norwegian study is to get an understanding of what expectations newly-qualified teachers, their mentors and their leaders have to mentoring and professional development and thereby to identify what kind of mentoring is needed. Data is collected through questionnaires and focus group conversations. The result shows a discrepancy between school leaders’ expectations on one hand and those of mentors’ and newly qualified teachers’ on the other. While school leaders call for supervision and for teachers’ opportunities to join external courses, mentors and newly-qualified teachers ask for mentoring rooted in classroom- activities. One implication of the study is to introduce an induction period for novice teachers where they are gradually included in the organization. Another implication is to use educated mentors as resources for school development, not only for newly-qualified, but also for experienced teachers. Implications for politicians are to provide resources and for school leaders to provide space and protected time for mentoring and professional learning at all levels to ensure sustained school development.publishedVersio

    Case-based teacher education preparing for diagnostic judgement

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    An integrated part of teaching is to face unexpected situations. Teachers have to make immediate decisions, and these decisions may have a great impact on many people. An important question is how teacher education can prepare students for unexpected situations. The aim of this practitioner research study is to investigate if case-based teaching can contribute to reducing the perceived gap in teacher education. A step-wise model was introduced for the students and data based on the student teachers’ experiences was collected through questionnaire and focus-group conversations. The findings show three main arguments for why teacher education should be case-based. First, analysing cases helps students to understand that every situation in practice is unique. Second, cases link to practice and theory, and finally, a case opens for different perspectives depending on how the diagnosis is made.publishedVersio

    Entrance into teaching and need for support – narratives from diverse national and local contexts

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    Denne studien undersÞker hvordan en gruppe nye lÊrere i ulike nasjonale og lokale sammenhenger erfarer inngangen til lÊreryrket. Studien er basert pÄ narrativer fra nye lÊrere i Australia, England og Norge. Ved Ä lytte til deres fortellinger, er mÄlet Ä utvikle en forstÄelse for denne spesifikke fasen i lÊreres profesjonelle liv og Ä lÊre mer om hvordan nyutdannede kan stÞttes. Funnene indikerer at det pÄ tvers av de aktuelle nasjonene er flere likheter enn forskjeller knyttet til inngangen til lÊrerprofesjonen. NÄr det gjelder stÞtte, er behovene mye de samme, men rammene rundt veiledning og annen stÞtte er forskjellige. Studien impliserer at det er likheter som gjÞr det mulig Ä lÊre av hverandre nÄr det gjelder rammeverket for stÞtte og veiledning og nÄr det gjelder hva som bidrar til profesjonell utvikling pÄ tvers av nasjonale kontekster.publishedVersio

    School experiences that make an impression – a study on how to promote bildung and the desire to learn

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2022-07-11This qualitative study investigates, through focus groups, how students in upper secondary school in Norway experience schooling. The background for the study is a tension between measurable outcomes and the educational aim of supporting students’ human growth, their Bildung. As teacher educators, we wanted to learn about situations that made an impression on students and thereby might promote Bildung and the desire to learn. Findings show that what made an impression was primarily related to teachers, fellow students, school atmosphere, and to aesthetic experiences and variations. Students emphasise teachers’ attitudes, interpersonal skills and ability to vary their teaching. Teachers content knowledge was taken for granted. Based on the findings, we suggest implications for how to educate teachers, for teachers working conditions and for cooperation in schools. In order to promote students’ Bildung, also teachers’ human development needs to be put on the agenda.acceptedVersio

    Extension and remodelling of teachers' perceived professional space

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    This article examines the sociocultural shaping of teacher agency by focusing on how various conditions mediate teachers’ perceived professional space. Agency is understood from a sociocultural perspective as the mediated capacity to act, which is achieved and exercised in a professional space, and, consequently, shaped by the perceptions of this space. Based on thematic and interpretative analysis of interviews with Norwegian L1 upper secondary teachers, the article identifies several conditions that mediate the teachers’ perceived professional space: the exam, the curriculum, accountability demands, school leadership, colleagues, students, learning materials, and subject traditions and purposes. Two aspects of mediation are identified, what we respectively term extension and remodelling. Extension conveys how mediating conditions provide resources or constraints that contribute to expanding or narrowing the teachers’ perceived professional space. Remodelling, however, conveys how mediating conditions qualitatively transform the perceived professional space. Findings highlight the subject as a resource for teachers, and teacher agency as socioculturally shaped by the perceived size and character of professional space.acceptedVersio

    The purpose of practicum – how it is perceived and experienced by various actors

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    Praksis er en sentral og verdsatt del av lÊrerutdanningen, men lÊringsutbyttet blir ofte tatt for gitt og sjelden utfordret. Denne intervjustudien undersÞker hvordan praksisopplÊringens formÄl er oppfattet og erfart sett fra perspektivene til studenter, veiledere og ansatte i hÞyere utdanning (lÊrerutdannere). MÄlet med studien av de ulike perspektivene er Ä fÄ ny forstÄelse for hvordan praksisopplÊringen kan bidra til Ä innfri lÊrerutdanningens mÄlsetning om en profesjonsrettet, helhetlig og sammenhengende utdanning. Funnene viser at selv om det hersker tilsynelatende enighet om formÄlet med praksis, finnes det spenninger og nyanser i aktÞrenes oppfatninger, og deres erfaringer tyder pÄ utfordringer knyttet til Ä innfri det oppfattede formÄlet. Spenninger mellom aktÞrene er sÊrlig knyttet til hva en helhetlig lÊrerrolle innebÊrer, og til hvilken rolle teori skal spille i praksisopplÊringen. Ulike perspektiv kan utfordre hverandre og fremme en ny eller utvidet forstÄelse for lÊrerarbeid. Dette stiller imidlertid krav til samhandlingen mellom partene. Funnene viser at det er fÄ mÞteplasser, uklare roller og uklare forventninger mellom de involverte. Avslutningsvis foreslÄs implikasjoner av studien.publishedVersio