11 research outputs found

    Tags on healthcare information websites:A theatre of the absurde

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    Klassifikasjon og indeksering

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    Dette materialet er skrevet for studentene til bruk 1. år ved bibliotek- og informasjonsstudiene, Høgskolen i Oslo. Første versjon ble utarbeidet i undervisningsåret 1996/97 i flere deler av Jon Anjer. Etter dette har det kommet ny utgave hvert år, i varierende antall deler. I nye versjoner kommer endringer med, og tidligere svakheter forsøkes rettet. Heftet er nå også grunnbok i fjernundervisningen i klassifikasjon og indeksering

    Tags on healthcare information websites

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    Do User (Browse and Click) Sessions Relate to Their Questions in a Domain-Specific Collection?

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    We seek to improve information retrieval in a domain-specific collection by clustering user sessions from a click log and then classifying later user sessions in real-time. As a preliminary step, we explore the main assumption of this approach: whether user sessions in such a site are related to the question that they are answering. Since a large class of machine learning algorithms use a distance measure at the core, we evaluate the suitability of common machine learning distance measures to distinguish sessions of users searching for the answer to same or different questions. We found that two distance measures work very well for our task and three others do not. As a further step, we then investigate how effective the distance measures are when used in clustering. For our dataset, we conducted a user study where we had multiple users answer the same set of questions. This data, grouped by question, was used as our gold standard for evaluating the clusters produced by the clustering algorithms. We found that the observed difference between the two classes of distance measures affected the quality of the clusterings, as expected. We also found that one of the two distance measures that worked well to differentiate sessions, worked significantly better than the other when clustering. Finally, we discuss why some distance metrics performed better than others in the two parts of our work

    The Public Library Metadata Landscape, the Case of Norway 2017–2018

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    The aim of this paper is to gauge the cataloging practices within the public library sector seen from the catalog with Norway as a case, based on a sample of records from public libraries and cataloging agencies. Findings suggest that libraries make few changes to records they import from central agencies, and that larger libraries make more changes than smaller libraries. Findings also suggest that libraries catalog and modify records with their patrons in mind, and though the extent is not large, cataloging proficiency is still required in the public library domain, at least in larger libraries, in order to ensure correct and consistent metadata