10 research outputs found

    Analisis Minat Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Jurusan Adminstrasi Bisnis Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

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    This research was conducted to determine the effect of entrepreneurial achievement subject to student interest in entrepreneurship Department of Business Administration Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya. The population in this study were 133 people, and the sample in this study was 40 people. The statistical analysis used was a simple linear regression analysis. Based on the analysis of the obtained effect of learning achievement (x) 8,2% of the interest in entrepreneurship (y), while the remaining 91,8% is influenced by other factors. Althogh significant influence but is still very small, it can be caused by values, entrepreneurial behavior, characteristics, and entrepreneurial character not owned by business administration students Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

    Penerapan Program Typing Master Dalam Meningkatkan Kecepatan Dan Ketelitian Pengetikan 10 Jari Buta

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    State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya Palembang is a vocational education Institution which in the lecture activities more practical rather than theoretical, as well as within the Department of Business Administration. Department of Business Administration is a subject that study a lot in the areas of secretarial and office including the practice of typing. During this time students at the Business Administration Department trained 10 finger blind typing skills by using a manual typewriter and electronic typewriter. In accordance with current technological developments every company is already using technology such as computers. Therefore, students should be able to follow the development of the technology that is the way to learn to type fast 10-finger blind which should still pay attention to precision and accuracy. There are several kinds of programs that can be used for learning in typing speed, one of which is a master typing program. Typing master\u27s program is often used in polytechnic typing speed competition in Indonesia, unfortunately; only few business administration departments used this master typing program recently. Therefore, with this program it can be known the strengths and weaknesses of this typing master program


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    Through pricing, the product feasibility position will be seen from its economic value. The purpose of setting a price is to reach the company's target, get profit from sales, increase and develop product production, and expand marketing targets. Prices play an important role in the sale and purchase agreement from producers to consumers. Burai songket weaving craftsmen, especially the Melati songket weaving craftsmen group located in Burai Village, Tanjung Batu Subdistrict, Ogan Ilir Regency are housewives with a total of 5 members. The group of Melati songket weavers has financial problems, especially capital. Craftsmen have been receiving material from investors so that craftsmen do not know what the raw material price is. Therefore craftsmen cannot determine the marketing price of the Songket. Fabrics that have been finished weaving will be sold or returned to the buyer or investor at a price determined by the buyer or investor. Craftsmen are only as wage-takers so they cannot increase income and welfare. The solutions and output targets that will be achieved are offered by the team that will help provide raw materials in the form of threads, calculate raw material prices, allocation of production cost and the market price of each songket motif or product. In addition, the team will help train partners to be able to perform financial calculations properly


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    Prices play an important role in the sale and purchase agreement from producers to consumers. Through pricing, the product feasibility position will be seen from its economic value. The purpose of setting a price is to reach the company's target, get profit from sales, increase and develop product production, and expand marketing targets. Burai songket weaving craftsmen, especially the Melati songket weaving craftsmen group located in Burai Village, Tanjung Batu Subdistrict, Ogan Ilir Regency are housewives with a total of 5 members. The group of Melati songket weavers has financial problems, especially capital. Craftsmen have been receiving material from investors so that craftsmen do not know what the raw material price is, the cost of goods manufactured and the cost of goods sold. Therefore craftsmen cannot determine the selling price of the finished product. Fabrics that have been finished weaving will be sold or returned to the buyer or investor at a price determined by the buyer or investor. Craftsmen are only as wage-takers so they cannot increase income and welfare. The solutions and output targets that will be achieved are offered by the team that will help provide raw materials in the form of threads, calculate raw material prices, calculate the cost of production and the selling price of each songket motif or product. In addition, the team will help train partners to be able to perform financial calculations properly


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    Every women needs to pay attention to attitudes social relationships, and how to dress in accordance with dress/fashion etiquette also social etiquette. Mother in the Tanjung Barangan Asri cover from different education, homtown and also jobs background. Generally, they dress and did the social relationship as they wish. Sometimes it can be appropriate or it is not. Therefore, the problems faced by partners are social relationship and dress ethics. In carrying out daily activities sometimes women do not pay attention to how best to behave and dress, so that sometimes it looks appropriate and sometimes it looks inappropriate. Therefore, the partners problems are social ethics and dress ethics. Partners do not understand the proper social relationship and dress ethics. The implementation method were carried out through socialization, then followed by counseling where participants could asked question, discussed and gave and comments. Counseling activities results evaluated by questionnaire collecting before and after counseling activities. The benefit obtained by participants were the knowledge gained about ethics that they never learned before. So, the participants are strongly agreed that this activity has help them in daily life


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    The object of this final report is to find out the influence of service quality to the customer satisfaction of  PT PLN (Persero) Cabang Palembang Rayon Rivai.  The  purpose of this final report is to investigate the influence of service quality which is most dominantly influence the customer satisfaction and to investigate the quality that is given whether it is already fulfilled the customer satisfaction.  The data are got questioner, observation, interview, the data are analyzed by using the theories from Nasution (2003), Lupiyoadi (2001), Umar (2002), Tjiptono (1999), and by using the SPSS analysis for windows 11.5 version Multiple Regression formula.  The result shows that R Square is the colleration service quality and the customer perception satisfaction which were 30.6%, while the remaining 69.4% were influenced by other factor not included in this study.  The factor of Tangibles more influence customer satisfaction.  Writer suggests that PT PLN (Persero) Cabang Palembang Rayon Rivai should increase the service quality in Responsiveness dimention, because this dimention is that costumer want

    Perbandingan Nilai Ekspor Di Sumatera Selatan Dengan Nilai Ekspor Propinsi Lainnya Di Indonesia Dari Tahun 2012 Sampai Dengan 2017

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    Penelitian merupakan perbandingan nilai ekspor di sumatera selatan dengan nilai ekspor provinsi lainnya di indonesia dari tahun 2012 sampai dengan 2017. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan data historis atau data sekunder yang telah dipublikasikan secara resmi oleh badan pusat statistik indonesia, badan pusat statistik sumatera selatan dan kementrian perdagangan republik indonesia. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa nilai ekspor di sumatera selatan khususnya, maupun di provinsi lainnya di indonesia mengalami penurunan, untuk provinsi sumatera selatan rata-rata nilai ekpornya adalah sebesar US Dollar 3,1 Milyar, sedangkan untuk nilai ekspor indonesia rata-rata selama enam tahun terahir adalah sebesar US Dollar 166,3 Milyar


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    The pupose of this research is to know whether or not project based learning is effective to strengthen students’ writing on project report to the students at English Department, Sriwijaya state Polytechnics. This research  applied  a quantitative approach. In principle, experimental research was conducted to examine the effect of the treatment that has been given to something. It involves three independent variables, namely the Project based   learning   (X1), guided writing procedure (X2) and  the dependent variable is writing a project  report (Y). The students were assigned   to write report writing paragraphs as in the summative evaluation for pre-test and post-test to collect the data. It was obtained that the average scores of the students’ writing skills with the approaches project based learning   and guided writing procedure were 78 dan 74 respectively. It was no doubt that  the students’ writing skills with  Project based learning  was better compared with the approach of  guided writing procedure

    Memahami Surat Formal; Disertai Berbagai Macam Contoh Surat

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    Tulisan ini membahas tentang pengertian surat, bahasa surat, gambar surat. Selain itu juga menjelaskan tentang berbagai macam surat formal seperti surat bisnis, surat sekretaris, surat dinas, dan surat pribadi resmi