193 research outputs found

    The Relation between Galaxy Structure and Spectral Type: Implications for the Buildup of the Quiescent Galaxy Population at 0.5<z<2.0

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    We present the relation between galaxy structure and spectral type, using a K-selected galaxy sample at 0.5<z<2.0. Based on similarities between the UV-to-NIR spectral energy distributions, we classify galaxies into 32 spectral types. The different types span a wide range in evolutionary phases, and thus -- in combination with available CANDELS/F160W imaging -- are ideal to study the structural evolution of galaxies. Effective radii (R_e) and Sersic parameters (n) have been measured for 572 individual galaxies, and for each type, we determine R_e at fixed stellar mass by correcting for the mass-size relation. We use the rest-frame U-V vs. V-J diagram to investigate evolutionary trends. When moving into the direction perpendicular to the star-forming sequence, in which we see the Halpha equivalent width and the specific star formation rate (sSFR) decrease, we find a decrease in R_e and an increase in n. On the quiescent sequence we find an opposite trend, with older redder galaxies being larger. When splitting the sample into redshift bins, we find that young post-starburst galaxies are most prevalent at z>1.5 and significantly smaller than all other galaxy types at the same redshift. This result suggests that the suppression of star formation may be associated with significant structural evolution at z>1.5. At z<1, galaxy types with intermediate sSFRs (10^{-11.5}-10^{-10.5} yr^-1) do not have post-starburst SED shapes. These galaxies have similar sizes as older quiescent galaxies, implying that they can passively evolve onto the quiescent sequence, without increasing the average size of the quiescent galaxy population.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Half-mass radii for ~7,000 galaxies at 1.0 < z < 2.5: most of the evolution in the mass-size relation is due to color gradients

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    Radial mass-to-light ratio gradients cause the half-mass and half-light radii of galaxies to differ, potentially biasing studies that use half-light radii. Here we present the largest catalog to date of galaxy half-mass radii at z > 1: 7,006 galaxies in the CANDELS fields at 1.0 < z < 2.5. The sample includes both star-forming and quiescent galaxies with stellar masses 9.0 < log(M_* / M_\odot) < 11.5. We test three methods for calculating half-mass radii from multi-band PSF-matched HST imaging: two based on spatially-resolved SED modeling, and one that uses a rest-frame color profile. All three methods agree, with scatter <~0.3 dex. In agreement with previous studies, most galaxies in our sample have negative color gradients (the centers are redder than the outskirts, and r_e,mass < r_e,light). We find that color gradient strength has significant trends with increasing stellar mass, half-light radius, U-V color, and stellar mass surface density. These trends have not been seen before at z>1. Furthermore, color gradients of star-forming and quiescent galaxies show a similar redshift evolution: they are flat at z>~2, then steeply decrease as redshift decreases. This affects the galaxy mass-size relation. The normalizations of the star-forming and quiescent r_mass-M_* relations are 10-40% smaller than the corresponding r_light-M_* relations; the slopes are ~0.1-0.3 dex shallower. Finally, the half-mass radii of star-forming and quiescent galaxies at M_* = 10^{10.5}M_\odot only grow by ~1%$ and ~8% between z~2.25 and z~1.25. This is significantly less than the ~37% and ~47% size increases found when using the half-light radius.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures. Accepted to Ap

    Color gradients along the quiescent galaxy sequence: clues to quenching and structural growth

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    This Letter examines how the sizes, structures, and color gradients of galaxies change along the quiescent sequence. Our sample consists of ~400 quiescent galaxies at 1.0z2.51.0\le z\le2.5 and 10.1logM/M11.610.1 \le \log{M_*/M_\odot}\le11.6 in three CANDELS fields. We exploit deep multi-band HST imaging to derive accurate mass profiles and color gradients, then use an empirical calibration from rest-frame UVJ colors to estimate galaxy ages. We find that -- contrary to previous results -- the youngest quiescent galaxies are not significantly smaller than older quiescent galaxies at fixed stellar mass. These `post-starburst' galaxies only appear smaller in half-light radii because they have systematically flatter color gradients. The strength of color gradients in quiescent galaxies is a clear function of age, with older galaxies exhibiting stronger negative color gradients (i.e., redder centers). Furthermore, we find that the central mass surface density Σ1\Sigma_1 is independent of age at fixed stellar mass, and only weakly depends on redshift. This finding implies that the central mass profiles of quiescent galaxies do not significantly change with age; however, we find that older quiescent galaxies have additional mass at large radii. Our results support the idea that building a massive core is a necessary requirement for quenching beyond z=1z=1, and indicate that post-starburst galaxies are the result of a rapid quenching process that requires structural change. Furthermore, our observed color gradient and mass profile evolution supports a scenario where quiescent galaxies grow inside-out via minor mergers.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Accepted to ApJ