18 research outputs found

    Future Food: Sustainable Diets for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet

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    The current food system is associated with poor health outcomes, food insecurity, and significant environmental damage. While, globally, more than enough food calories are produced than theoretically needed, this does not guaranty a good quality diet for all. At the same time, the environmental pressures of the current food system threaten several planetary boundaries, which define the environmental limits within which humans can safely operate. This narrative review gives a brief overview of the shortcomings of the current food system regarding its impact on nutrition, health, and the environment. It outlines recent advancements in the development of guidelines for a healthy and sustainable diet and discusses options on how to realize such a dietary transformation, involving all stakeholders in the food value chain

    Modelling health and economic impact of nutrition interventions: a systematic review

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    Diet related non-communicable diseases (NCDs), as well as micronutrient deficiencies, are of widespread and growing importance to public health. Authorities are developing programs to improve nutrient intakes via foods. To estimate the potential health and economic impact of these programs there is a wide variety of models. The aim of this review is to evaluate existing models to estimate the health and/or economic impact of nutrition interventions with a focus on reducing salt and sugar intake and increasing vitamin D, iron, and folate/folic acid intake. The protocol of this systematic review has been registered with the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO: CRD42016050873). The final search was conducted on PubMed and Scopus electronic databases and search strings were developed for salt/sodium, sugar, vitamin D, iron, and folic acid intake. Predefined criteria related to scientific quality, applicability, and funding/interest were used to evaluate the publications. In total 122 publications were included for a critical appraisal: 45 for salt/sodium, 61 for sugar, 4 for vitamin D, 9 for folic acid, and 3 for iron. The complexity of modelling the health and economic impact of nutrition interventions is dependent on the purpose and data availability. Although most of the models have the potential to provide projections of future impact, the methodological challenges are considerable. There is a substantial need for more guidance and standardization for future modelling, to compare results of different studies and draw conclusions about the health and economic impact of nutrition interventions. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Potential Effects of Nutrient Profiles on Nutrient Intakes in the Netherlands, Greece, Spain, USA, Israel, China and South-Africa

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    Nutrient profiling is defined as the science of categorising foods based on their nutrient composition. The Choices Programme is a nutrient profile system with criteria that determine whether foods are eligible to carry a "healthier option" stamp. The Daily Menu Method which has been developed to evaluate these criteria is described here. This method simulates the change in calculated nutrient intakes which would be the result of consumers changing their diets in favour of food products that comply with the criteria.Average intakes of energy, trans fatty acids (TFA), saturated fatty acids (SAFA), sodium, added sugar and fibre were derived from dietary intake studies and food consumption surveys of 7 countries: The Netherlands, Greece, Spain, the USA, Israel, China and South Africa. For each of the key nutrients, these average intakes were translated into three Typical Daily Menus per country. Average intakes based on these three menus were compared with average intakes from three Choices Daily Menus. To compose the Choices Menus, foods from the Typical Menus that did not comply with the Choices criteria were replaced with foods that did comply and are available on the market.Comparison of intakes from the Choices Menus with the survey data showed that calculated intakes of energy, SAFA, TFA, sodium and added sugar were reduced. Fibre intakes were increased. The size of the effect differed per country.The Daily Menu Method is a useful means to predict the potential effects of nutrient profiles such as the Choices criteria, on daily nutrient intakes. The method can be applied internationally and confirms that the criteria of the Choices Programme are in line with the aim of the programme: to improve nutrient intakes in the direction of the recommendations

    Modelling of Usual Nutrient Intakes: Potential Impact of the Choices Programme on Nutrient Intakes in Young Dutch Adults

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    Introduction The Choices Programme is an internationally applicable nutrient profiling system with nutrition criteria for trans fatty acids (TFA), saturated fatty acids, sodium, added sugar and for some product groups energy and fibre. These criteria determine whether foods are eligible to carry a “healthier option” stamp. In this paper a nutrient intake modelling method is described to evaluate these nutritional criteria by investigating the potential effect on nutrient intakes. Methods Data were combined from the 2003 Dutch food consumption survey in young adults (aged 19–30) and the Dutch food composition table into the Monte Carlo Risk Assessment model. Three scenarios were calculated: the “actual intakes” (scenario 1) were compared to scenario 2, where all foods that did not comply were replaced by similar foods that did comply with the Choices criteria. Scenario 3 was the same as scenario 2 adjusted for the difference in energy density between the original and replacement food. Additional scenarios were calculated where snacks were not or partially replaced and stratified analyses for gender, age, Body Mass Index (BMI) and education. Results Calculated intake distributions showed that median energy intake was reduced by 16% by replacing normally consumed foods with Choices compliant foods. Intakes of nutrients with a maximal intake limit were also reduced (ranging from -23% for sodium and -62% for TFA). Effects on intakes of beneficial nutrients varied from an unintentional reduction in fat soluble vitamin intakes (-15 to -28%) to an increase of 28% for fibre and 17% calcium. Stratified analyses in this homogeneous study population showed only small differences across gender, age, BMI and education. Conclusions This intake modelling method showed that with consumption of Choices compliant foods, nutrient intakes shift towards population intake goals for the nutrients for which nutrition criteria were defined, while effects on beneficial nutrients were diverse

    Dietary Impact of Adding Potassium Chloride to Foods as a Sodium Reduction Technique

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    Potassium chloride is a leading reformulation technology for reducing sodium in food products. As, globally, sodium intake exceeds guidelines, this technology is beneficial; however, its potential impact on potassium intake is unknown. Therefore, a modeling study was conducted using Dutch National Food Survey data to examine the dietary impact of reformulation (n = 2106). Product-specific sodium criteria, to enable a maximum daily sodium chloride intake of 5 grams/day, were applied to all foods consumed in the survey. The impact of replacing 20%, 50% and 100% of sodium chloride from each product with potassium chloride was modeled. At baseline median, potassium intake was 3334 mg/day. An increase in the median intake of potassium of 453 mg/day was seen when a 20% replacement was applied, 674 mg/day with a 50% replacement scenario and 733 mg/day with a 100% replacement scenario. Reformulation had the largest impact on: bread, processed fruit and vegetables, snacks and processed meat. Replacement of sodium chloride by potassium chloride, particularly in key contributing product groups, would result in better compliance to potassium intake guidelines (3510 mg/day). Moreover, it could be considered safe for the general adult population, as intake remains compliant with EFSA guidelines. Based on current modeling potassium chloride presents as a valuable, safe replacer for sodium chloride in food products

    Improving the Nutrient Quality of Foods and Beverages Using Product Specific Standards for Nutrients to Limit Will Substantially Reduce Mean Population Intakes of Energy, Sodium, Saturated Fat and Sugars towards WHO Guidelines

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    Background: International strategies to reduce chronic diseases have called for a reduction in the amounts of saturated fat (SAFA), trans fat (TFA), salt and sugars in the global food supply. This paper describes the development approach and potential impact of a set of standards for these nutrients to drive food (re)formulation. Methods: To set the standards, WHO nutrient guidelines for daily intake were translated into product group specific standards. The impact of reformulation towards these standards on population nutrient intakes was modelled using the food consumption data of five countries: UK, France, US, Brazil and China. The impact of the TFA standards could not be modelled due to lack of data. Results: (Re)formulation of foods and beverages towards these standards would substantially decrease mean population intakes of energy, sodium, SAFA and sugars, with reductions up to 30%. Conclusions: These science-based standards for nutrients to limit could drive impactful reductions in energy, sodium, SAFA and sugars in food and beverage products, enabling mean population intakes to move closer to WHO nutrient guidelines

    Potential impact of snacks replacement (partially or not) on intakes of energy, SAFA, TFA, sodium and total sugar.

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    <p>Results are expressed as percentage difference of median nutrient intakes for the different scenarios as compared to the Choices scenario: If the Dutch population (aged 19–30) would eat ‘only’ foods that comply with Choices (set at  = 0), with adjustment for differences in energy density (Choices energy adjusted), with partial or with no replacements of snacks (Snacks, partially or not replaced). Assuming a normal distribution, median values approximate average intake levels. SAFA: saturated fatty acids, TFA: trans fatty acids.</p

    Top 10 foods according to the “Actual” and “Choices” scenarios for the intake of saturated fatty acids and vitamin A given as percentage of total intakes.

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    <p>Top 10 foods according to the “Actual” and “Choices” scenarios for the intake of saturated fatty acids and vitamin A given as percentage of total intakes.</p