5 research outputs found
Moon, tidal and diel influences on catch composition of fishes in the surf zone of Pontal do Sul beach, Paran\ue1
Fishes were sampled by beach seine during the day and night at the high and low sygygy tides, on a sandy beach at the southeast coast of Brazil. The quantitative results appear to indicate a larger concentration of fish in the surf zone of this beach, in low tides at the start and end of the day. Only eight from the 17 most abundant taxa, appeared to have been influenced singly or in combination by the factors of the moon, day, night and tide
Occurrence of Larvae and Juveniles of Eucinostomus argenteus, Eucinostomus gula, Menticirrhus americanus, Menticirrhus littoralis, Umbrina coroides and Micropogonias furnieri at Pontal do Sul beach, Paraná
Despite its importance, most ichthyoplankton studies in the South-Southeastern coast of Brazil, have been accomplished on the continental shelf. Regarding the beach environment, recognized as a nursery, little is known about the ichthyoplankton. We analyzed 288 samples collected with a 18 by 2 m seine net, 1 mm mesh and a conical plankton net, with a mesh of 300 mum and a 60 cm mouth. Eucinostomus argenteus comprised 78 % of the larvae and juveniles caught in the samples. The occurrence of gerreids was strongly concentrated in the summer, while the Menticirrhus littoralis, Menticirrhus americanus and Umbrina coroides were present during all seasons. M.littoralis was most abundant during spring, while M. americanus and U. coroides dominated during winter. For all species, the largest captures occurred during low tide. Environmental preferences are indicated in the principal component analysis, with the larvae and juveniles of E. argenteus and E. gula positively correlated with smaller waves and smaller morphodynamism, whereas M. americanus, U. coroides and M. furnieri seem to prefer periods with lower temperatures and larger morphodynamism.<br>Apesar da importância, a maioria dos estudos de ictioplâncton na costa sul-sudeste do Brasil, foram realizados sobre a plataforma continental. No que se refere ao ambiente praial, reconhecido como área de criação, pouco se sabe sobre o ictioplâncton. Foram analisadas 288 amostras coletadas com uma rede tipo picarĂ© com 18 x 2 m e malha de 1mm, e rede de plancton cĂ´nica, com malha de 300 mim e boca de 60 cm. A espĂ©cie E. argenteus totalizou 78 % das larvas e juvenis capturados. A ocorrĂŞncia dos gerreideos foi fortemente concentrada no verĂŁo, enquanto que Menticirrhus littoralis, Menticirrhus americanus e Umbrina coroides estiveram presentes em todas as estações do ano. M. littoralis foi mais abundante na primavera, enquanto que M. americanus e U. coroides dominaram no inverno. Em todas as espĂ©cies as maiores capturas ocorreram na baixa-mar. PreferĂŞncias ambientais foram indicadas na análise de componentes principais, com as larvas e juvenis de E. argenteus e E. gula positivamente correlacionados com menores ondas e menor morfodinamismo, enquanto que M. americanus, U. coroides e M. furnieri parecem preferir perĂodos com menores temperaturas e maior morfodinamismo