17 research outputs found

    Socio-demographic determinants of financial exclusion of the unemployed on the local labour market: a case study

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    Motivation: People who experience problems accessing financial products and services in a suitable form cannot fully participate in economic and social lives. The groups particularly vulnerable to financial exclusion in the area of banking services and saving products are the unemployed.Aim: The aim of the study is to determine the relationship between socio-demographic determinants and selected areas of financial exclusion related to banking usage and the propensity to save. The empirical basis of the issues raised in this article is the study of the literature and the findings of the survey conducted among 350 unemployed persons registered at the Municipal Labour Office in Płock in the period from September to October 2018.Results: Education, age, reasons and the period of registration at the labour office exert an impact on the selected areas of financial exclusion of the unemployed regarding the bank usage and the propensity to save. The results of the study indicate that on the local market education was the feature that most determined the degree of banking usage, the refusal to conduct banking services or the propensity to save among the unemployed

    Bezpieczeństwo usług bankowości internetowej i terminalowej w opinii klientów banków spółdzielczych

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    Internet and terminal banking allows to overcome numerous spatial, temporal and orga­nizational constraints in the banking business. It is important from the point of view of customers of cooperative banks, often living in small towns, away from the bank branch. The purpose of this thesis is to present feedback of cooperative banks customers on the security of internet and terminal banking services. The analyses were based on statistical data involving customers using electronic distribution channels of banking services with regard to their socio-demographic characteristics


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    Key words: private lessons, students, secondary education, work in blackSummaryThe matter of “work in black” in education regardless passing of time has still beenof big importance. Despite the prevalence of private lessons being common and ona bigger scale, its problematic issue seems to be ignored quite often. There is a splitbetween their existing within grey zone of education and ignoring private lessonsin public disputation. One of the methods of evading such sort of regulations istutoring and is reflected in the failure to observe the law of tax statute. We mightclaim that private lessons that people do not pay taxes from, are becoming blackeconomy in education

    Local Character of Operation of Cooperative Banks

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    Banki spółdzielcze funkcjonujące w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej są przede wszystkim nastawione na lokalne lub regionalne rynki z szeroko zdefiniowaną misją czy wiązką priorytetów. Podkreśla się ich rolę w walce z wykluczeniem finansowym czy promowaniu zrównoważonego rozwoju. Pomimo kryzysu finansowego instytucje te zachowały zdrowy model biznesowy oparty na decentralizacji i zrozumieniu potrzeb lokalnej społeczności. Lokalny charakter działalności banków spółdzielczych wynika z ograniczonego obszaru działania, zakresu oferty produktowej, troski o lokalną społeczność, więzi między klientami a bankiem oraz misji.Cooperative banks which operate under the market economy conditions gear first of all towards local or regional markets with broadly defined mission or a bundle of priorities. Their role in the fight against the financial exclusion or in promotion of sustainable development is constantly underlined. In spite of financial crisis these financial institutions have maintained their sound business model based on decentralization and understanding of the needs of the local community. The local character of operation of cooperative banks result from their limited area of operation, the range of their financial products offer, the care about the local community, social bonds between the bank’s clients and the very bank and its mission

    Security of on-line banking services in the opinion of the clients of cooperative banks

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    Bankowość elektroniczna przyczyniła się do wprowadzenia zmian formy i zakresu świadczonych usług bankowych. Jest to nie tylko alternatywna możliwość oferowania tego typu usług, ale raczej konieczność, która wynika z realiów konkurencyjnych. Banki jako instytucje zaufania publicznego muszą zwracać szczególną uwagę na bezpieczeństwo swoich klientów. Choć skala działania banków spółdzielczych jest znacznie mniejsza niż w przypadku komercyjnych, to ich klienci są tak samo narażeni na możliwość ataku ze strony środowiska przestępczego, jak w dużych bankach komercyjnych. Dlatego ważna jest edukacja w zakresie korzystania z technologii informatycznych. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie opinii klientów banków spółdzielczych na temat bezpieczeństwa usług bankowości elektronicznej.Banks as institutions of public trust have to pay particular attention to the security of their clients. Even if cooperative banks function on a significantly smaller scale than commercial ones, their clients are equally vulnerable to the possibility of criminal attack as it is the case with big commercial banks. That is why education concerning the use of information technologies is of particular importance. The purpose of the article is to present the opinions of clients of cooperative banks on the security of online banking services

    Private lessons and undeclared job market – a secondary research report

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    Problem „pracy na czarno” w szkolnictwie, mimo upływu lat nie stracił nic ze swojej aktualności. Zjawisko korepetycji jest powszechne, ale często ignoruje się jego skalę i problematyczność. Występuje ogromny rozdźwięk pomiędzy ich istnieniem w szarej strefie edukacji a pomijaniem ich w publicznej debacie. Jednym ze sposobów omijania przepisów jest prowadzenie korepetycji i wiąże się to z nieprzestrzeganiem Ordynacji Podatkowej. Zatem możemy pokusić się o stwierdzenie, iż korepetycje, od których nie odprowadzamy podatków są szarą strefą edukacji.The issue of ‘black market’ in education has still been present despite passing of time. Private lessons are a common phenomenon, though its scale and controversy are frequently ignored. There has been a huge discrepancy between the position of tutorials in the grey area of education and avoiding them in public disputes. One of the ways of evading regulations is offering tutorials, it is connected to disobeying the tax statue law. Thus, we might conclude that private lessons for which taxes are not paid, are hidden economy in education

    Students’ opinions on private lessons on the example of some selected schools in Płock and Sierpc

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    Problem korepetycji mimo upływu lat nie stracił nic ze swojej aktualności. Mimo, że zjawisko korepetycji jest powszechne, często ignoruje się jego skalę i problematyczność. Występuje ogromny rozdźwięk pomiędzy ich istnieniem w szarej strefie edukacji a pomijaniem ich w publicznej debacie. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wskazanie motywów korzystania z korepetycji, ich zakresu oraz skali, negatywnych i pozytywnych skutków.The problem of private tutoring has lost none of its relevance despite the passage of years. Despite the fact that taking private lessons is still prevalent, its existence and scale seem to be quite often ignored. Further, there is an inconsistent approach to this existing educational grey zone; general consent and its ignoring in public discussion. The objection of the following paper is pointing to the motives of benefiting from taking private lessons, their advantages and disadvantages as well as the scale and extent of the phenomenon


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    Key words: tutoring, education, students of secondary schools,opinionsSummaryThe phenomenon of tutoring has been known for years and it isnot about to be extirpated soon. Extra-curricular market is trendingupwards, which can be easily observed. This tendency hasa positive as well as a negative aspect. The positive side of tutoringphenomenon is that parents set great store on education of theirchildren.. The negative aspect constitutes an unequal access toeducation and also the class-ridden society.Children coming frompoorer families and less educated ones - fall behind. The authors ofthis paper carried out the research on tutoring in grey area of education.The tested group embraced 250 learners of secondary schools.The students represented the Maria Dabrowska III SecondarySchool in Plock, the Krzywicki Economic School Team in Plock andHigher Technical School Team in Plock. The aim of the paper wasto present selected opinions of students from secondary schoolson tutoring phenomenon and the authors drew proper conclusionson the basis of certain literature studies , analyses and own study