4 research outputs found

    Ação automáticos GEE-SEBAL edo Sistema de Unidades de Resposta Hidrológica para Pernambuco (SUPer) para regiões hídricas de Serra Talhada no estado de Pernambuco

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    Studying evapotranspiration in the surrounding areas of reservoirs of semi-arid regions is extremely important, as it contributes to better planning and decision-making about water resources. The aim of this study was to analyze the results of daily evapotranspiration of GHG-SEBAL projects and the Hydrological Response Unit System for Pernambuco (SUPer) for areas surrounding reservoirs in the semi-arid region of Pernambuco. Data collection comprised in four Landsat 8 images from years 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 along with the processing (2000 - 2016) of hydrological information in the SUPer for an experimental area in the municipality of Serra Talhada-PE, comprising the surroundings of three reservoirs. In 2013, there was a high (5 to 7 mm) evapotranspiration in most of the region. In 2014 there were predominant evapotranspirations in the range of (1 to 3 mm) that followed the climatological information. In 2015, its greatest evapotranspiration intervals were shown in the reservoirs (5 to 7 mm) while in 2016 evapotranspirations intensified and can be observed in all sub-basins under study, where the continuity of dryness periods in a semi-arid environment may have contributed. In the case of homogeneous values for each sub-basin, it is not possible to accurately compare the results of modeling with the images, since the SR products are distributed heterogeneously. However, from the products it is remarkable the relevance of imbriating the results derived from Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modeling for the monitoring of water environments of interest.Estudar a evapotranspiração nas áreas de entorno de reservatórios de regiões semiáridas é de extrema importância, pois contribui para um melhor planejamento e tomada de decisão acerca dos recursos hídricos. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os resultados de evapotranspiração diária de projetos GEE-SEBAL e do Sistema de Unidades de Resposta Hidrológica para Pernambuco (SUPer) para áreas do entorno de reservatórios no semiárido pernambucano. A coleta de dados compreendeu em quatro imagens Landsat 8 de anos 2013, 2014, 2015 e 2016 junto ao processamento (2000 - 2016) das informações hidrológicas no SUPer para uma área experimental no município de Serra Talhada-PE, essa compreendendo o entorno de três reservatórios. No ano de 2013 observou-se uma elevada (5 a 7 mm) evapotranspiração em grande parte da região. Em 2014 verifica-se evapotranspirações predominantes no intervalo de (1 a 3 mm) que acompanharam as informações climatológicas. No ano de 2015 mostrou-se os seus maioresintervalos de evapotranspiração nos reservatórios (5 a 7 mm) enquanto no ano de 2016 as evapotranspirações se intensificaram, podendo ser observadas em todas as sub-bacias em estudo, onde a continuidade dos períodos de secura em ambiente semiárido pode ter contribuído. Tratando-se de valores homogêneos para cada sub-bacia, não é possível comparar com precisão os resultados da modelagem com as imagens, uma vez que os produtos do SR são distribuídos de forma heterogênea. Contudo, a partir dos produtos é notável a relevância de imbricar os resultados oriundos do Sensoriamento Remoto e da Modelagem Hidrológica para o acompanhamento de ambientes hídricos de interesse

    Thermal Comfort Level Assessment in Urban Area of Petrolina-PE County, Brazil

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    Abstract This study evaluated the thermal conditions of urban areas in Petrolina-PE, from continuous data collected in urban and rural areas for the year of 2012. The results characterized urban heat islands (UHI) with varying intensity in urban areas, especially UHI = 5.3 °C (high intensity) occurred on April 28, 2012. It was evident that the constituent elements of urban areas contribute to the formation and expansion of UHI bringing thermal discomfort for its inhabitants. An adaptation to Thom’s equation for calculating the Thermal Discomfort Index (DIT), was used to obtain the maximum (DITx) and minimum (DITm) thermal discomfort. In the urban area, the DITm indicated thermal comfort in 23.0% of the days and partial comfort in 77.0% of days surveyed. Already, the DITx characterized 71.6% of days with partial comfort and 28.4% of days with thermal discomfort. In the rural area, The DITm indicated that 41.5% of days were thermally comfortable and 58.5% of days had partial comfort. However, the DITx pointed 87.7% of the days of this environment with partial thermal comfort and 12.3% of thermally uncomfortable days. Finally, the results showed that afforestation of urban area constitutes to an effective and efficient way to mitigate thermal discomfort

    Thermal Comfort Level Assessment in Urban Area of Petrolina-PE County, Brazil

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    <div><p>Abstract This study evaluated the thermal conditions of urban areas in Petrolina-PE, from continuous data collected in urban and rural areas for the year of 2012. The results characterized urban heat islands (UHI) with varying intensity in urban areas, especially UHI = 5.3 °C (high intensity) occurred on April 28, 2012. It was evident that the constituent elements of urban areas contribute to the formation and expansion of UHI bringing thermal discomfort for its inhabitants. An adaptation to Thom’s equation for calculating the Thermal Discomfort Index (DIT), was used to obtain the maximum (DITx) and minimum (DITm) thermal discomfort. In the urban area, the DITm indicated thermal comfort in 23.0% of the days and partial comfort in 77.0% of days surveyed. Already, the DITx characterized 71.6% of days with partial comfort and 28.4% of days with thermal discomfort. In the rural area, The DITm indicated that 41.5% of days were thermally comfortable and 58.5% of days had partial comfort. However, the DITx pointed 87.7% of the days of this environment with partial thermal comfort and 12.3% of thermally uncomfortable days. Finally, the results showed that afforestation of urban area constitutes to an effective and efficient way to mitigate thermal discomfort.</p></div