24 research outputs found

    Analysis of the effect of perceived service quality to the relationship quality on the business-to-business market

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    The topic of the paper is focused on elaborating the impact of perceived service quality on the relationship quality at the business-to-business market. The purpose of the research is twofold. First is to expand the findings of only a few studies on the relationship between these variables, as there is no consensus on the nature of their relationship. The second is to deepen the theoretical understanding of the impact of service quality model on the relationship quality. The main research problem is how and to what extent the perceived service quality affects the relationship quality at the B2B market. The investigation of the use of financial services was conducted on a basic set of all hotels in Croatia. The model was tested using correlation analysis. The results of the research confirm the value and applicability of the conceptual model tested at the under-researched field of "service to service" marketing


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    It is widely believed that young people are not overly concerned about their health or that they take excessive care of their eating habits. However, marketing experts see them as an extremely important and potentially large market, and consider all socially responsible business initiatives as long-term investments that will increase the value of the company. In the healthy food market, marketing practices are among the most important activities of socially responsible business. The purpose of this study is to explore the importance of different socially responsible marketing practices on the healthy food market. The questionnaire was administered to 519 students and the results were analysed using latent class analysis (LCA). Research results confirm the importance of understanding the influence of key demographic variables (gender and household income) on customers’ perceptions of socially responsible marketing. An important limitation of the research is the number and selection of socially responsible marketing practices. There are only a few studies that segment the market based on socially responsible marketing practises. A suggestion for future research is to use longitudinal data with more marketing practices tested.Uvriježeno je mišljenje kako mladi ljudi nisu pretjerano zabrinuti za zdravlje niti vode pretjerano računa o prehrambenim navikama. Međutim, marketinški stručnjaci na njih gledaju kao na iznimno bitno i potencijalno veliko tržište te sve inicijative društveno odgovornog poslovanja smatraju dugoročnim ulaganjima koja će povećati vrijednost poduzeća. Na tržištu zdrave hrane među najvažnijim aktivnostima društveno odgovornog poslovanja nalaze se upravo marketinške prakse. Svrha studije je istražiti koliko su važne različite društveno odgovorne marketinške prakse na tržištu zdrave hrane. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 519 studenata, a rezultati su obrađeni pomoću latentne klaster analize (LCA). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su značaj razumijevanja ključnih demografskih varijabli (spol i prihod kućanstva) na oblikovanje percepcije kupaca o društveno odgovornom marketingu. Bitno ograničenje istraživanja je broj i odabir društveno odgovornih marketinških praksi. Postoji svega nekoliko istraživanja koja segmentiraju tržište u odnosu na društveno odgovorne marketinške prakse. Buduća istraživanja trebala bi biti longitudinalna s više testiranih marketinških praksi

    Developmental aspects of sponsorship in the sports industry

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    The main source of financing of professional sports in the world, in addition to ticket revenues and broadcasting revenues, are sponsorship revenues. Contrary to the prevailing opinion, sponsorship is today extremely important for all stakeholders who must be fully involved in the process. Companies use the popularity of sports to promote their business and, on the other hand, money from sponsors becomes key to the development and viability of professional sports. Although the importance of sponsorship in sport has been growing, there is only limited research on it in the marketing literature, especially the domestic one. Therefore, this article focuses on a theoretical overview of various types of sport sponsorship and elaborates the issue of the commercial relationship itself. The level to which the sponsor\u27s target market segment on the one hand and the participants at a sports event and fans of a sports club and / or player on the other fit is extremely important for the sponsorship\u27s commercial success. This empirical research can be useful to lawmakers and managers as it provides them with an insight into the different possibilities of applying this strategic marketing tool to successfully implement sponsorship in sports


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    In this paper, authors discusses the characteristics of stakeholder orientation in non-profit organisations of lifelong adult education in Croatia and it relationship with fundraising of mentioned organisations. The relationship implied by research objectives will be empirically analysed on a random sample of Croatian institutions of lifelong adult education. In consideration it will be taken changing environment in which multiple constituents acting, under which to focus marketing and managerial efforts which consequently affect the fundraising of the institutions stakeholders, which is one of the most important performance components of these institutions. It is expected that the results of this study imply the existence of a relationship between market oriented activities towards multiple stakeholders in lifelong adult education institutions and fundraising of mentioned institutions, within the specific context of education ‘industry’. Special considerations should therefore be applied to the universal applicability of the obtained results in other fields of non-profit sector

    The impact of service quality and sport-team identification on the repurchase intention

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    During the last few decades, the role of the service sector in the overall economic activities has become more significant in many countries, particularly the most developed ones. This has provoked increased scholars\u27 interest so they have begun researching many service markets more extensively. Their interest has been further stimulated by growing competition, development of new technologies and changes in consumer behaviour. These market changes have forced sport clubs\u27 management to focus on providing higher service quality and strengthening team identification among consumers. The research presented in this paper was conducted on the fans of the Croatian football club Hajduk Split and it examines the relationship between service quality and team identification on the one hand and service quality and repurchase intention on the other as well as the intermediary role of word-of-mouth communication in the relationship between service quality and repurchase intentions. The results show that there is an indirect positive influence of service quality on repurchase intention through word-of-mouth communication, as well as a direct positive link between team identification and repurchase intention

    Philip Kotler: "Kotler o marketingu: kako stvoriti, osvojiti i gospodariti tržištima"

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    Prikaz knjige "Kotler o marketingu: kako stvoriti, osvojiti i gospodariti tržištima" autora Philipa Kotler

    Service quality in the banking sector: Concept and measurement

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    Tijekom života svi stanovnici razvijenih zemalja koriste bankarske usluge, pri čemu veliku važnost pridaju njihovoj kvaliteti. Stoga u radu ispituje koncept i mjerenje kvalitete usluga u bankarskom sektoru. Prikazani su rezultati eksplorativnog istraživanja koji se odnose na percepcije korisnika o kvaliteti usluga u bankama diljem Splitsko-dalmatinske županije. U radu je korištena mapa «važnost-performansa« kako bi se ispitalo koje su od «pet osnovnih dimenzija« kvalitete usluga značajne za korisnike financijskih usluga, te kako bi se prikazala korisnost i relativna jednostavnost primjene ovoga načina mjerenja kvalitete usluga u bankarskom sektoru. Isto tako, cilj je istraživanja pokazati ne samo kako klijenti percipiraju kvalitetu usluga koje im banke trenutno pružaju, nego i što im je važno pri korištenju bankarskih usluga. Dobiveni rezultati mogu biti značajni za pružatelje bankarskih usluga kako bi mogli eventualno korigirati svoje poslovanje i prilagoditi ga potrebama korisnika.During their life, most citizens of developed countries use banking services, with the quality of these services being the most important feature for them. Therefore, this article will consider the concept and measurement of the quality of banking services. It will present results of the explorative research conducted for the purpose of determining customers’ perception of the quality of banking services in the Split-Dalmatia County. The “importance-performance” grid will be used in order to identify which of “the five basic dimensions” of quality are important for banking customers and to show the usefulness and relative simplicity of this model’s application for measuring service quality in the banking sector. The article also gives guidelines which will show not only how customers perceive the quality of services provided but also what dimensions of quality they find more or less important


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    The theoretical arguments of the psychological contracts arise from the social exchange theory. According to this theory, all the parties involved in any type of relationships want to build a relationship based on mutual respect and fairness. The main goal of this paper is to explore the influence that psychological contracts have on the quality of the business-to-business relationship in the financial services market. The research conducted in this paper continued the pioneer work of Kingshott and Pecotich (2007) and by extending their conceptual model it provided the theoretical and practical insights specific to the business-to-business market. In the empirical part of the paper, the relationship between hotels and financial institutions in the Republic of Croatia is tested using the canonical correlation analysis. The results of the analysis confirm that the psychological contracts have an influence on the relationship quality between the partners in the financial services market


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    Sports, due to its publicity and social role is an exceptional channel for sponsorship activities. In addition to marketing of sports, goal of sports marketing is marketing through sports. This paper explores changes in fans’ buying intentions toward current and former sponsors when a change of a football club’s main sponsor occurs. Additionally, the role of fan identification and perceived group norms on purchasing intentions is explored. The research was conducted on a sample of 370 respondents. The results of hierarchical regression analysis show that fan identification and perceived group norms are significant predictors of purchasing intentions. Higher values of the Fan Identification and the Perceived Group Norms (PGN) indexes are related to the more pronounced intention to buy more often with the current and less often with the former sponsor. The research confirms the mediating role of PGN in relation to the HFI index and purchase intentions. This work contributes to knowledge by providing insights into the dynamics of fans’ purchase intentions in the specific situation of sponsor change.Sport i vezani događaji predstavljaju iznimno učinkovit kanal za sponzorske aktivnosti uslijed publiciteta koji generiraju, kao i uloge koje igraju u društvenom životu suvremenog čovjeka. Sportski marketing, uz promociju sportskih događaja, klubova i opreme, za cilj ima i promociju marki i tvrtki izvan sporta (primarno sponzora). Ovaj rad istražuje razlike u iskazanim kupovnim namjerama navijača prema aktualnom i bivšem sponzoru u situaciji promjene glavnog sponzora nogometnog kluba. Dodatno, istražuje se uloga identifikacije navijača i percipiranih grupnih normi na kupovne namjere. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 370 ispitanika. Rezultati hijerarhijske regresijske analize pokazuju da su identifikacija navijača i percipirane grupne norme značajni prediktori kupovnih namjera. Više vrijednosti indeksa navijačke identifikacije (HFI) i indeksa percipiranih grupnih normi (PGN) vezane su za izraženiju namjeru učestalijeg kupovanja pri trenutnom i rjeđem kupovanju kod bivšeg sponzora. Istraživanje potvrđuje medijacijsku ulogu percipiranih grupnih normi u odnosu HFI indeksa i namjera kupnje. Doprinos rada ogleda se u analizi specifične situacije promjene sponzora kluba i razumijevanju kupovnih namjera navijača te njihova odnosa prema sadašnjem i bivšem sponzoru

    Analysis of the effect of perceived service quality to the relationship quality on the business-to-business market

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    The topic of the paper is focused on elaborating the impact of perceived service quality on the relationship quality at the business-to-business market. The purpose of the research is twofold. First is to expand the findings of only a few studies on the relationship between these variables, as there is no consensus on the nature of their relationship. The second is to deepen the theoretical understanding of the impact of service quality model on the relationship quality. The main research problem is how and to what extent the perceived service quality affects the relationship quality at the B2B market. The investigation of the use of financial services was conducted on a basic set of all hotels in Croatia. The model was tested using correlation analysis. The results of the research confirm the value and applicability of the conceptual model tested at the under-researched field of "service to service" marketing