27 research outputs found

    Učinkovitost autonomnog modularnog sustava za provedbu postupka prskanja u vinogradu

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    Autonomous modular system mounted on a conventional (CON) sprayer operating on the principle of pulse-width modulation (PWM) control of electromagnetic valves represents state-of-the-art technology for implementation controlled application of spray mixture without changing the operating parameters of the sprayer (e.g. spray pressure, nozzle size). In accordance with the principles of precision viticulture, the pulse width modulation control is the primary technology, which allows the application of the required amount of spray mixture exclusively to the target areas of the vine without changing the droplet size spectrum and allows for even deposit quality and reducing the drift outside the target areas. In the vineyard, we tested an autonomous axial sprayer prototype throughout the entire spraying season in 2021 on which we have installed an autonomous modular system with enabled pulse-width control. We tested two modes of operation of the sprayer prototype, namely autonomous (continuous duty cycle control (DC: 0 to 100%)) and conventional (nozzle fully open at all time), at a steady spray speed of 6 kmh-1. We compared the amount of PPP expressed as a percentage between autonomous and conventional mode of operation of the sprayer through individual nozzles on the sprayer. The maximum saving of the spray mixture of 69.8%, through an individual nozzle was measured at phenological stage of the vine BBCH 55. A comparative analysis between the CON and PWM mode of the spray mixture application showed that we saved 626.24 l per year in the automated mode of operation.Autonomni modularni sustav postavljen na konvencionalnu (CON) prskalicu, koji operira na principu kontrole elektromagnetskih ventila modulacijom širine impulsa (PWM), predstavlja najsuvremeniju tehnologiju za provedbu kontrolirane primjene mješavine za prskanje bez promjene operativnih parametara prskalice (npr. pritisak prskanja, veličina mlaznice). U skladu s principima precizne vitikulture, kontrola modulacijom širine impulsa je primarna tehnologija, koja omogućava primjenu potrebne količine mješavine za prskanje isključivo na ciljana područja vinove loze, bez mijenjanja spektra veličine kapi, te omogućava ujednačenu kvalitetu nanosa i smanjenje zanošenja van ciljanih područja. U vinogradu je kroz cijelu sezonu prskanja u 2021. testiran prototip autonomne aksijalne prskalice, na koji je bio instaliran autonomni modularni sustav s omogućenom kontrolom širine impulsa. Testirana su dva načina rada prototipa prskalice, autonomni (kontinuirana kontrola radnog ciklusa (DC: 0 to 100%)) i konvencionalni (mlaznica potpuno otvorena sve vrijeme), pri standardnoj brzini prskanja od 6 kmh-1. Usporedili smo količinu sredstva za zaštitu bilja izraženu kao postotak između autonomnog i konvencionalnog načina rada prskalice kroz individualne mlaznice prskalice. Maksimalna ušteda mješavine za prskanje od 69,8%, kroz individualnu mlaznicu izmjerena je u fenološkoj fazi vinove loze BBCH 55. Komparativna analiza između CON i PWM načina primjene mješavine za prskanje pokazala je da je s automatiziranim načinom rada u godinu dana ušteđeno 626,24 L

    Fusarium infected grain removal efficacy in cleaning wheat grain prior to milling

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    Abstract Four wheat cultivars with different levels of tolerance to Fusarium head blight (FHB) were grown in small plots and were inoculated with spores of Fusarium fungi during the anthesis. The harvested grain was cleaned by a special cleaner which separated it in 4 size fractions: F1 ->2.4 mm, F2 -2.0-2.4 mm, F3 -1.8-2.0 mm, F4 -<1.8 mm. These were further divided manually in four sub-fractions according to the rate of FHB symptom expression, i.e. grain without any visible symptoms, grain with changes in colour without changes in shape, grain with changes in colour and moderate changes in shape or size, and heavily infected malformed grain. Deoxynivalenol (DON) content in grain of different fractions was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection (HPLC-UV) analysis. Comparisons between initial DON content before cleaning and DON content in individual fractions after cleaning were made. The cleaning efficacy (rate of DON content reduction) due to the cleaning and separating of grain in size fractions was higher in semi-tolerant and susceptible cultivars than in FHB tolerant cultivar. Due to the low cleaning efficiency, cleaned grain of tolerant cultivar (without any symptom of FHB), contained twice more DON (870-1350 µg kg -1 ) than cleaned and apparently healthy grain of semi-tolerant cultivar (160-570 µg kg -1 ); its DON content was comparable to that of the susceptible cultivar (905-1140 µg kg -1 ). Our results indicate that FHB tolerant cultivars may contain a high proportion of grain which is apparently healthy, but contains excessive DON levels. Such tolerant cultivars can contribute a lot to minimisation of yield loss caused by FHB, yet they may present a potential health hazard of organic whole-grain flour produced in non-industrial grain processing systems

    The use of plant protection products and the protection of water at water protection zones

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    Monografija je namenjena kmetijskim svetovalcem in pridelovalcem za izobraževanje glede poti onesnaževanja podzemnih in površinskih voda s fitofarmacevtskimi sredstvi (FFS) in glede tehnik za preprečevanje onesnaževanja z njimi. Pripravili smo jo za potrebe izvajanja projekta SI-MUR-AT v okviru EU programa sodelovanja Interreg Slovenija-Avstrija 2014 – 2020. V prvem delu so sistematično obravnavane poti prehoda FFS v vode (izpiranje skozi profil tal, površinski odtoki in točkovna onesnaženja). Predstavljen je pomen pedoloških in hidrološki lastnosti tal za omejevanje izpiranja FFS. Opisanih je nekaj metod za zmanjšanje prehoda FFS v vode. Te so: spremenjen način uporabe FFS in kolobarjenja s pripravki, izboljšana analiza tveganj za izpiranje in površinski odtok FFS, spremenjen način obdelovanja tal, prilagojen način aplikacije FFS v bližini površinskih voda, zadrževanje površinskega odtoka vode z njiv v odvodne jarke in povečana uporaba mehanskih metoda zatiranja plevelov.The monograph was prepared to educate agricultural advisors and farmers on the ways of pollution of ground and surface water with plant protection products (PPP) and to present the techniques for the prevention of their water pollution. It was prepared for the project SI-MUR-AT, an EU Cooperation Program INTERREG Slovenia-Austria 2014 – 2020. In the first part, the transition paths of PPP into the water are presented (leaching through the profile of the soil, surface run-off and point source pollution). The importance of soil’s pedological and hydrological characteristics for limiting PPP leaching and the methods for reducing the passage of PPP into the water are also presented. These are: the modified methods of PPP use and of rotation with preparations, improved risk analysis for leaching and runoff of PPP, changed methods of soil tillage, adapted application methods of PPP in the vicinity of surface water to reduce drift, retention measures for prevention of water runoff from arable land into the drain ditches and increased use of mechanical methods of weed control

    Management of invasive plants (neophytes) and biodiversity preservation in water protection areas

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    Ena od posledic prilagoditev tehnike kmetijske pridelave z namenom varovati vode na vodovarstvenih območjih (VVO) je občutno zmanjšanje intenzivnosti pridelovanja, ali celo opuščanje obdelave zemljišč (npr. površine neposredno ob ranljivih virih vode). Neprimerno vzdrževana zemljišča se pričnejo spreminjati v nekakovostno travinje, ki v naslednji fazi preide v pol-naravne rastlinske združbe, ki so pogosto sestavljene iz invazivnih tujerodnih rastlin. Izkušnje kažejo, da je povečevanje populacij invazivnih rastlin na VVO hitrejše, kot na območjih, ki niso pod vodovarstvenimi režimi. V tem delu smo skušali predstaviti del invazivnih rastlinskih vrst, ki so že prisotne na ozemlju RS, ali pa njihov pojav pričakujemo v bližnji prihodnosti. Predstavljeni so praktični nasveti glede metod zatiranja različnih invazivnih vrst. Izpostavili smo tudi potrebo po ustreznem vzdrževanju pol-naravnih habitatov neposredno ob kmetijskih površinah, ki so sicer namenjeni varovanju voda in ohranjanju biotične pestrosti, a imajo tudi pomembne biološke funkcije za ohranjanje organizmov, ki regulirajo naravne procese, ki odločajo tudi o uspešnosti pridelave kmetijskih rastlin. Dopuščanje nekontroliranega razvoja invazivnih rastlin na VVO lahko povzroči dolgoročno destabilizacijo pol-naravnih habitatov in tudi povečevanje stroškov pridelave kmetijskih rastlin ter stroškov vzdrževanja energetske, transportne in hidrološke infrastrukture v agrarni pokrajini v bodočnosti.One of the consequences of adjusting agricultural production techniques to protect water in water protection areas (WPA), is reduction in the intensity of crop production or even the abandonment of land cultivation (especially land situated directly near vulnerable water sources). Inadequately maintained land begins to turn into low-quality grasslands, which turns into semi-natural plant communities in the next phase, often composed of invasive alien plants. In this monograph, we tried to present part of the invasive plant species already present in the territory of Slovenia, or are expected to appear in the near future. Advice on the methods of their control are presented. We pointed out the need for proper maintenance of semi-natural habitats directly neighboring agricultural fields, which are otherwise intended to protect the water and conserve biotic diversity, but also have important biological functions for the conservation of organisms that regulate natural processes vital for the success of crop production. Allowing uncontrolled development of invasive plants at WPA can result in long-term destabilization of semi-natural habitats, as well as increase the costs of agricultural crop production and the cost of maintaining energy, transport and hydrological infrastructure of the agricultural landscape in the future

    Recommendations for Non-chemical Control of Common Ragweed

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    Monografija z nalovom Priporočila za nekemično zatiranje pelinolistne ambrozije Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. holistično obravnava aktualno problematiko zatiranja alohtonih, invazivnih rastlinskih vrst, na primeru pelinolistne ambrozije. V publikaciji so nazorno predstavljene najpomembnejše mehanske metode in tehnike zatiranja ambrozije, učinki samih metod, kakor tudi učinki uporabe ter primerjava med posameznimi tehnikami zatiranja vrste. Posebno poglavje je namenjeno ekonomiki zatiranja plevelov v urbanem okolju, z uporabo metod krtačenja, uporabo ognja, pare ter s pomočjo biotičnih metod zatiranja ambrozije. Prav omenjeni moderni pristopi k zatiranju alohtonih plevelnih vrst so danes, zaradi ukinjanja uporabe številnih herbicidov na javnih površinah, še kako aktualni. Monografija je namenjena kmetijskim svetovalcem, pridelovalcem, ekologom, pa tudi širšemu krogu bralcev.The monograph, entitled Recommendations for non-chemical control of common ragweed: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. holistically describes the up-to date techniques for control of allochthonous, invasive plant species, on the example of common ragweed. The most important mechanical methods and techniques of common ragweed control, the effects of the methods themselves, as well as a comparison between the individual technique of species control are represented and described in this book. A special chapter is devoted to the economics of weed control in the urban environments, using brushing methods, the use of fire, steam and biotic methods of common ragweed control. These modern approaches of the control of allochthonous weed taxa are nowadays indeed relevant, due to the abolition of the use of many herbicides in public areas. The monograph was prepared to educate agricultural advisers, farmers, ecologists, as well as a wider circle of readers

    Assessment of the Degree of Harmfulness and Prevalence of Some Non-native Plant Species in Agricultural Production in Slovenia for the Period 2000-2022

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    V obdobju 2000-2022 smo izvajali spremljanje kmetijskih površin in nekaterih ob agrarnih habitatov po vsem ozemlju Slovenije glede pojavnosti tujerodnih invazivnih rastlin. Tujerodne rastline smo evidentirali in podali ocene o velikosti populacij. Hkrati smo izvedli oceno škodljivosti invazivnih rastlin za kmetijsko pridelavo. Obravnavali smo invazivne rastlinske vrste, ki jih pogosto omenjajo v mednarodno priznanih bazah invazivnih v geografskih območjih, ki so nam primerljiva po klimatskih in pedoloških značilnostih in po značilnostih kmetijskih pridelovalnih sistemov. V uvodu je predstavljena metodologija ocenjevanja škodljivosti vrst. Za večino vrst je škodljivost možno precej realno oceniti. Velika neznanka so klimatske spremembe, predvsem minimalne zimske temperature, ki odločajo o dolgoročnem ohranjanju tujerodnih večletnih rastlin. Med njimi je veliko takšnih, ki preraščajo vegetacijo, če uspejo preživeti zimo predstavljajo nevarne invazivke z ekosistemsko škodljivostjo. Pomembno vlogo bo imela tudi dostopnost herbicidov. Če se bo zmanjšala, bodo nekatere nove vrste pridobile na pomenu, ker jih ne bomo mogli učinkovito kemično zatirati. Vse več vrst je ekološko problematičnih tudi zato, ker so vmesni gostitelji novih tujerodnih povzročiteljev bolezni in škodljivcev, ki ogrožajo gojene rastline.In the period 2000-2022, an inventory of agricultural areas and some semi-natural border agricultural habitats throughout the territory of Slovenia was carried out, regarding the occurrence of non-native invasive plant taxa. Non-native plants were recorded, their population size was estimated and their harmfulness for agricultural production in Slovenia was assessed. In the introduction, the methodology for assessing the harmfulness of species is presented. For most species, it is possible to estimate the harmfulness quite realistically. A big unknown is the impact of climate change, especially minimum winter temperatures, which decide the long-term preservation of non-native perennial plants. Among them, many outgrow the natural vegetation. If they manage to survive the winter, they are dangerous invasives that can cause ecosystem damage. The availability of herbicides for invasive plants will also play an important role. If it decreases, some new species will gain in importance because we cannot effectively control them chemically. More and more species are ecologically problematic because they are intermediate hosts of new non-native pathogens and pests that threaten cultivated plants

    Influence of copper fungicide/fertilizer formulations applied during the blooming period on a fruit set of apples

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    Navodila za zatiranje in preprečevanje širjenja pelinolistne ambrozije (Ambrosia artemisiifolia)

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