60 research outputs found

    Structuring the PA process: impact on feedback quality

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    The present study examines the impact of structuring the peer assessment process in a wiki-based CSCL-environment. Three conditions are involved: a non-structured, a basic structured, and an elaborated structured peer feedback condition. The main aim of this study is to foster insight into the aspect of peer feedback quality by focusing on the impact of the level of structuring and on the implemented measures to assess peer feedback by both peers and instructor

    Peer Feedback Content Quality: The added value of structuring peer assessment

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    The present studies examined the added value of structuring the peer assessment (PA) process for the peer feedback (PFB) content quality in a wiki-based computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment in higher education, by firstly investigating a varying structuring degree in the peer feedback template (study 1) and secondly, by further structuring the role of both the assessor and assessee in the PFB process (study 2). Results of the first study revealed that structuring the PA process could be advantageous for the peer feedback content quality, while the results for study 2 are underway. The main aim of this poster presentation is to illustrate the impact of instructional interventions in which we further specify the role of the assessor and/or assessee, in order to enhance the content quality of peer feedback messages

    Peer-assessment in een Wiki: het effect van gestructureerde peer feedback op het proces en product van groepswerk

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    Deze studie gaat dieper in op de invloed van peer-assessment op het proces en het product van een groepsopdracht. Meer specifiek vergelijkt dit onderzoek ongestructureerde peer-feedback met gestructureerde peer-feedback. Gedurende 3 weken, beschikte de experimentele conditie over een gestructureerd stappenplan, aangereikt door de instructieverantwoordelijke, om feedback te geven terwijl de controleconditie volledig vrij was. De participanten waren eerstejaars studenten Pedagogische wetenschappen (N=190), onderverdeeld in subgroepen van 5 studenten, die samen een wiki construeerden. Voorlopige resultaten tonen aan dat er geen significant verschil is op het uiteindelijk resultaat wanneer studenten zonder begeleiding of training een stappenplan wel of niet gebruiken. Verdere analyses, die in detail de hoeveelheid en kwaliteit van de feedback zullen bestuderen, zijn gepland

    Peer Assessment in a Wiki: Product Improvement, Students’ Learning And Perception Regarding Peer Feedback

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    AbstractThe present study examines the added value of peer assessment in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment (CSCL) in higher education by focusing on (1) the learning effect, (2) wiki product improvement and (3) students’ perception of peer feedback in a CSCL-environment. The present study involved two conditions: structured peer feedback (S-PFB) and non-structured (control). The results do not indicate a significant learning effect between pretest and posttest or between the conditions. However, for both conditions the peer feedback process improved significantly the quality of the wiki product from draft to final version, although no significant differences between the control and the experimental group (S-PFB) were found. Furthermore, the S-PFB group adopted a more critical attitude when providing and receiving peer feedback. The S-PFB group also perceived the received peer feedback as being more profound and detailed

    The added value of scaffolding the self and peer assessment process in a Wiki- based CSCL-environment in higher education

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    The present project focuses on how students’ learning can be enhanced in CSCL. A growing body of research emphasizes on the added value of assessment for learning in students’ learning process. Therefore, the central intervention under study incorporates structure or so-called scaffolds in the assessment process in CSCL. The aim is to study the added value of scaffolding the self and peer assessment process in a wiki-based CSCL-environment in first-year Higher Education by focusing on (1) students’ perception towards assessment, (2) feedback quality, and (3) product improvement during the assessment process
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