8 research outputs found


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    In making the article, several thematic maps with scale 1:25000 were used. It is the lithological map with outlined engineering geological units, the inclination map with four categories and the landslide map with the areas with increased erosion and generally unstable areas are shown, structural-geomorphological map, surface and groundwater condition map and hydrogeological map. The last one was used with the aim to evaluate the influence of hydrogeological relationship on the synthetic hazard map. The integration of facts from all the maps and engineering evaluation lead to new quality that was presented in the last - synthetic, qualitative map of prognostic meaning. They have been adopted as the factor maps and with their overlapping the map with new contents was made. The Preliminary qualitative map of sliding hazard, including the erosion, was made by heuristic approach, as a predecessor to the hazard map. Such maps proved to be very useful as bases for spatial and development planning on the regional level as well as for evaluation of the site suitability for building.Za izradu članka koriÅ”teno je viÅ”e tematskih karata u mjerilu 1:25 000. To su : litoloÅ”ka karta s inženjerskogeoloÅ”kim sadržajem, karta nagiba s podjelom na četiri kategorije, karta gustoće kliziÅ”ta s područjima pojačane erozije, strukturno-geomorfoloÅ”ka karta i hidrogeoloÅ”ka karta. Potonja sa svrhom procjene utjecaja hidrogeoloÅ”kih odnosa na sinteznu kartu hazarda. Preklapanjem nabrojenih karata dobivena je karta s novim sadržajem. Uzimajući u obzir sadržaj svake od njih, a napose hidrogeoloÅ”ke karte, nastojalo se procijeniti uzročne faktore za pojavu nestabilnosti padina. Tako su navedene karte usvojene kao faktorske karte za Preliminarnu kvalitativnu kartu hazarda od klizanja, izrađenu heurističkim pristupom. Takve su se karte pokazale vrlo korisnim podlogama za prostorno i razvojno planiranje na regionalnoj razini i za razmatranja pogodnosti terena za izgradnju

    Gluholjepoća, gluhoća, sljepoća: nekoliko životnih priča osoba s invaliditetom

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    Uredan sluh i zdravo osjetilo vida tek su mali dio kako sluÅ”anja tako i gledanja. Govoriti o osobama s teÅ”koćama vida i sluha s glediÅ”ta Ā»zdravihĀ« osoba tek je slab uvid u cjelovitost osobnosti pojedinca, zato Å”to zdravlje obuhvaća nekoliko razina osobnosti: tjelesnu, emocionalnu, intelektualnu, duÅ”evnu i duhovnu razinu. Tako, kada govorimo o gluhoći, sljepoći i gluhosljepoći, uglavnom automatizmom mislimo samo na perifernu najgrublju razinu fizičkog tijela. Razvidno je da se povrÅ”nom promatraču može činiti kako je tjelesno zdravlje jedini uvjet za zdravlje i na ostalim razinama. Međutim, nije tako! Tjelesno zdrava osoba nije emotivno i emocionalno zdrava i zadovoljna, niti je samo zbog toga (tjelesnog zdravlja) dosegla visok intelektualni, duÅ”evni i duhovni stupanj razvoja. I obrnuto: osoba s invaliditetom nije manje inteligentna, manje kreativna i manje emocionalno zdrava i zadovoljna, manje duhovna. Za cjelovitost svih tih razina potreban je voljni napor pojedinca, njegovo samopouzdanje i ustrajnost. Zatim dolazi Božja milost koja čovjeka ispunja i oblikuje u cjelovito biće. Dakako, pritom su bitni činitelji obitelji i druÅ”tvena svijest koji mogu osobi pomoći ili odmoći da lakÅ”e prevlada teÅ”koće. Jedno jest očigledno: osobnost i karakter ne izgrađuju se preko noći. Pojedinčev trud i rad ne daju neposredne rezultate, a često se Å”iroj javnosti nepoznati i nezanimljivi (zbog načina i tempa života koje je danaÅ”nji čovjek sebi nametnuo, tako da nema vremena za sebe, a kamoli za bližnjega)

    Učestalost ozljeda djece liječene u Zavodu za hitnu medicinu Splitsko-dalmatinske županije

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    Injuries in children are a major public health problem that has been recognized by the World Health Organisation, which adopted a 10-year action plan in 2006 for the prevention of children injuries. The aim of this study was to determine demographic data, preva- lence, severity and type of injuries in children admitted to the Emergency Department in the Split-Dalmatia County during a five- year period. This cross-sectional study included data on 25,037 subjects aged <18 who were treated in the period from January 2015 to January 2020. During the five-year study period, out of the total number of injured children, there were 16,158 (64.54%) boys and 8,879 (35.46%) girls. The highest number of injuries (n=8409; 33.59%) were recorded in the 6-12 age group, while the lowest number of injuries were recorded in the first year of life (n=1077; 4.30%). Injuries to the head were most common (n=9670; 38.62%), followed by injuries to the elbow, forearm, wrist and hand (n=5384; 21.50%) and injuries to the knee, lower leg, ankle and foot (n=5146; 20.55%). Out of the total number of injured children, the number of deaths at the scene of injury was 24 (0.09%), recorded in 16 boys and 8 girls. Further treatment at the Split University Hospital Centre was ordered in 7.88% of children.Ozljede djece veliki su javnozdravstveni problem koji je prepoznala i Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija te je 2006. godine donijela desetogodiÅ”nji plan aktivnosti djelovanja za prevenciju ozljeda djece. Cilj rada je utvrditi demografske podatke, učestalost, težinu i tip ozljeda u djece koja su u petogodiÅ”njem razdoblju liječena u Zavodu za hitnu medicinu Splitsko-dalmatinske županije (ZHM SDŽ). Ova presječna studija obradila je uzorak od 25 037-ero ispitanika u dobi do 18 godina za razdoblje od siječnja 2015. do siječnja 2020. U promatranom petogodiÅ”njem razdoblju od ukupnog broja ozlijeđene djece 16 158-ero (64,54% su dječaci i 8 879 (35,46%) djevoj- čice. Najveći broj ozljeda 8 409 (33,59%) zabilježen je u dobnoj kategoriji od Å”est do 12 godina, dok je najmanje ozljeđivanja u prvoj godini života 1 077 (4,30%). NajčeŔće su ozljede glave 9 670 (38,62%), zatim lakta, podlaktice, ručnog zgloba i Å”ake 5 384 ( 21,50%) te ozljede koljena, potkoljenice, nožnog zgloba i stopala 5 146 (20,55%). Od ukupnog broja ozlijeđene djece broj umrlih na mjestu događaja ozljede iznosio je ukupno 24 (0,09%), i to 16 dječaka i osam djevojčica. Daljnja obrada i liječenje u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Split bilo je potrebno u 7,88% ozlijeđene djece

    Multipli intrakranijski Ŕvanomi: prikaz slučaja

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    Schwannomas are benign encapsulated tumors arising from the sheaths of peripheral nerves. They present as slowly enlarging solitary lumps, which may cause neurological defects. Multiple schwannomas in non-neurofibromatosis type 2 patients are extremely rare. We report a case of a 60-year-old female patient, without any family history of neurofibromatosis or schwannomatosis, presented with trigeminal neuralgia and progressive facial nerve palsy. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed the presence of acoustic schwannoma involving facial nerve and trigeminal schwannoma of the cisternal part of the nerve involving gasserian ganglion (Meckelā€™s cave). After gamma knife radiosurgery, trigeminal neuralgia was relieved completely with improvement of facial nerve palsy.Å vanomi su dobroćudni inkapsulirani tumori koji potječu iz ovojnica perifernih živaca. NajčeŔće se javljaju kao pojedinačni sporo rastući tumori koji mogu uzrokovati neuroloÅ”ke deficite. Mnogostruki Å”vanomi su iznimno rijetki u bolesnika koji nemaju neurofibromatozu tip 2. Prikazujemo slučaj 60-godiÅ”nje bolesnice s negativnom obiteljskom anamnezom za neurofibromatozu ili Å”vanomatozu, koja se prezentirala s neuralgijom trigeminusa i progresivnom paralizom facijalnog živca. Magnetska rezonanca prikazala je prisutnost akustičnog Å”vanoma sa zahvaćanjem i facijalnog živca te Å”vanoma cisternalnog dijela trigeminalnog živca sa Å”irenjem u područje gangliona istog (Meckelova Å”upljina). Nakon ā€œgamma knifeā€ radiokirurgije simptomi trigeminalne neuralgije su se u potpunosti povukli uz značajno kliničko poboljÅ”anje paralize facijalnog živca

    Sex estimation of the sternum by automatic image processing of multi-slice computed tomography images in a Croatian population sample: a retrospective study

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    Aim To determine the sexual dimorphism of the sternum with standard measurements in a contemporary Croatian population sample using multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) and to compare the data obtained by an automatic with those obtained by a manual approach. Methods Five sternal measurements were obtained from MSCT images of 73 men and 55 women and three sternal indices were calculated. Custom image analysis software was developed for automatic segmentation and calculation of sternal measurements. Measurements of sexual dimorphism were automatically calculated and compared with manual measurements. Results All of the sternal measurements exhibited significant differences between men and women. The discrepancies between manual and automatic measurements ranged from 2.8% to 3.6% of the mean average values obtained with the automatic approach. The most accurate single-variable discriminant function was sternal body length (82.8%), the most accurate index was sternal area (89.1%), and the discriminant function using three variables was manubrium width, sternal body length, and sternal body width (90.6%). Conclusion Sternal measurements are a reliable sex indicator and can be used in forensic casework. Computer-aided measurement methods can accelerate sex estimation and improve its precision and accuracy

    Recent hydrogeologic study of the Vis island

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    The Vis Island belongs to the group of the Middle Dalmatian islands. It comprises an area of about 90.2 km2. Morphologically, three belts of highlands and two depressions with karst poljes are significant. The highest point on the island is Hum with 587 m a.s.l. theislandā€™s water supply is organized from the water-supply station ā€œKoritaā€, situated in the central part of island, in tectonically formed depression. There are two additional capturedobjects: the well K-1 above the Komiža town and the spring ā€œPizdicaā€. The most important hydrogeological role on the island have two hydrogeological barriers, one in the KomižaBay, completely made of impermeable igneous and clastic rocks, and another one, the recently recognized relative barrier in the area of Dra~evo, Plisko and Velo polje. Since the island karst aquifer is in permanent dynamic relation with seawater, classical geologic,structural and hydrogeologic investigations have been performed with application of hydrogeochemical methods taking into account the natural chemical tracer content of groundwater and its variations in different hydrologic and vegetation conditions. Precipitationregime is very unfavorable with regard to the recharging of islandā€™s aquifer, because dry periods are usually very long. During the summer tourist season, when the number of inhabitants and fresh water consumption considerably increase, amounts of islandā€™sgroundwater suitable for water supply and irrigation rapidly decrease. Sometimes, insufficient quantity of fresh water on the Vis Island causes restrictions. Concerning the development of tourist potential and the present agricultural activities, summer lack ofwater is a serious restrictive factor. Some results of the performed hydrogeological study, important as a basis for islandā€™s fresh water potential assessment, will be presented


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    In making the article, several thematic maps with scale 1:25000 were used. It is the lithological map with outlined engineering geological units, the inclination map with four categories and the landslide map with the areas with increased erosion and generally unstable areas are shown, structural-geomorphological map, surface and groundwater condition map and hydrogeological map. The last one was used with the aim to evaluate the influence of hydrogeological relationship on the synthetic hazard map. The integration of facts from all the maps and engineering evaluation lead to new quality that was presented in the last - synthetic, qualitative map of prognostic meaning. They have been adopted as the factor maps and with their overlapping the map with new contents was made. The Preliminary qualitative map of sliding hazard, including the erosion, was made by heuristic approach, as a predecessor to the hazard map. Such maps proved to be very useful as bases for spatial and development planning on the regional level as well as for evaluation of the site suitability for building

    The preliminary inventory of coseismic ground failures related to December 2020 ā€“ January 2021 Petrinja earthquake series

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    The most recent major earthquake series struck near Petrinja (December 29th 2020 M 6.2), and triggered extensive ground failures in the wider area of Petrinja, Sisak and Glina. Coseismic ground failures including subsidence dolines, liquefaction and landslides have been documented over a large area by various experts and teams. These data are stored in the newly created inventory, which is openly presented in this paper. This inventory is administered and updated by the Croatian Geological Survey, and will be available online via a Web Map Service (WMS) (www.hgi-cgs.hr). The aim of the inventory is to not only provide data for the development of susceptibility maps and more detailed exploration for possible remediation measures, but also to define the priorities for immediate action. The earthquake triggered the rapid development of dropout dolines which endanger the local populations of the villages of Mečenčani and Borojevići. This is still an ongoing process in the vicinity of the houses and therefore in-situ exploration started immediately. Liquefaction related to alluvial sediments of the Sava, Kupa and Glina rivers occurred almost exclusively in loose and pure sands, and was accompanied by sand boils, subsidence and lateral spreading. Liquefaction also presents a greater hazard because settlement of houses and river embankments occurred. Lateral spreading caused failures of river flood embankments and natural river banks. According to the data known to date, the majority of the coseismic landslides were reactivated with minor displacements. Despite that, it has been recognised that houses at the edge, or in landslide colluvium suffered greater damage than other houses located outside the landslide impact zone