47 research outputs found

    Comparison of the performance of carcinogenic HPV typing of the Roche Linear Array and Qiagen LiquiChip® HPV assays

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    BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer is caused by high-risk types of human papillomavirus (HPV). DNA testing of such high-risk types of HPV could improve cervical screening.The aim of the study was to compare the sensitivities and positive predictive values of two commercially available typing assays (Qiagen LQ and Roche LA) and to comparatively assess the distribution of HPV types with these two assays. METHODS: The study population comprised 311 ASCUS + women with abnormal pap tests who were HCII positive and who were admitted to three European referral gynecology clinics between 2007 and 2010 (Madrid, Marseille and Milan). All patients underwent LQ and LA tests. RESULTS: The sensitivity of the two assays for HPV typing was 94% for LQ and 99% for LA (compared with HCII). The overall concordance between LQ and LA was 93%. The three prevalent genotypes, HPV16, HPV18, and HPV31, were identified with a high concordance using the two assays: kappa 0.93, 0.83, and 0.91, respectively. Mixed genotypes were more frequently detected by LA than by LQ: 52% vs. 18%, respectively (p < .0001). CONCLUSIONS: These assays have a good clinical sensitivity for detecting HPV types in CIN2+ patients and allow the virus type to be detected in the same experiment. Our study revealed no significant difference between LQ and LA for CIN2+ or CIN3+ diagnosis, indicating similar distributions of HPV types and a mixed genotype detection that is higher for LA than for LQ

    Emerging trends in reassessing translation, conflict, and memory

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    New Approaches on Translation, Conflict, and Memory: Narratives of the Spanish Civil War and the Dictatorship is a collection of essays that endeavours to establish a new dialogue between translation, conflict, and memory studies. Focusing on cultural representations of the Spanish Civil War and the Franco Dictatorship, it explores the significance and the effect of translation within Spain and beyond. Drawing on fictional and non-fictional texts, reports from war zones, and audiovisual productions, the contributors to this volume examine the scope of translation in transmitting the conflict and the dictatorship from a contemporary perspective. Narratives produced during and after the Civil War and the dictatorship both in Spain and abroad have led to new debates arising from the reassessment of a conflict that continues to resonate

    Nickel odeon.

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    Biota del intermareal rocoso expuesto de la Isla Grande de Chiloé, Archipiélago de Chiloé, Chile: Patrones de diversidad e implicancias ecológicas y biogeográficas

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    The northern part of the Chiloé Island (41.8°S) has been linked to an abrupt biogeographic break in the Southeastern Pacific; a break which represents the northern limit of the Magellanic Province, a large zone geographically characterized by a broken coastline as opposed to the Chilean coast further north. This study represents a first eco-biogeographical characterization of the rocky intertidal macrobiota along the northwest coast of Chiloé Island, a coastal line stretching nearly 50 km. Sampling was carried out at 5 sites using the same systematic design (transects perpendicular to the coast using 0.25 m² quadrats in 4 tidal levels), and the data were analyzed by using multivariate statistical methods. A total of 38 species were recorded, with a consistent zonation and dominance across sites, albeit minor differences due to local variations in abundance and cover of mobile and sessile species. Virtually all taxa were organisms widely distributed along the coast of Chile, showing patterns of community structure and composition similar to those documented for central Chile. We reinforce the need to reassess the biogeographic character of the coasts directly exposed to the Pacific in the austral zone of Chile, and the role of historical processes on the northwest coast of Chiloé having in mind that the study area was not affected by glacial advances in the late Pleistocene.La parte norte de la Isla Grande de Chiloé (41,8°S) ha sido vinculada a un quiebre biogeográfico abrupto en el Pacífico Sudeste, lo que marca el límite norte de la Provincia Magallánica, una gran zona geográfica caracterizada por tener una costa desmembrada en oposición a la fisonomía de la costa Chilena ubicada más al norte. Este estudio presenta una primera caracterización ecológica y biogeográfica de la macrobiota intermareal rocosa de la zona noroeste de la Isla Grande de Chiloé, una línea costera de aproximadamente 50 km. En 5 sitios se aplicó un muestreo sistemático (transectos perpendiculares a la costa usando cuadrantes de 0,25 m² en 4 niveles mareales), analizando los datos mediante métodos multivariados. Se registró un total de 38 especies cuya zonación y dominancia fueron consistentes entre sitios, aunque con diferencias menores debidas a variaciones locales en abundancia y cobertura de especies particulares. Prácticamente todos los taxa fueron organismos comunes de amplia distribución en Chile, mostrando patrones comunitarios de composición y estructura equivalentes a los documentados para la costa de Chile central. Se discute la necesidad de reevaluar el carácter biogeográfico de las costas expuestas al Pacífico en la zona austral de Chile, y el rol de los procesos históricos en la costa noroeste de Chiloé considerando que el área de estudio no fue afectada por los avances glaciares a fines del Pleistoceno

    Metabolic specialization and codon preference of lignocellulolytic genes in the white rot basidiomycete ceriporiopsis subvermispora

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    Ceriporiopsis subvermispora is a white-rot fungus with a high specificity towards lignin mineralization when colonizing dead wood or lignocellulosic compounds. Its lignocellulose degrading system is formed by cellulose hydrolytic enzymes, manganese peroxidases, and laccases that catalyze the efficient depolymerization and mineralization of lignocellulose. To determine if this metabolic specialization has modified codon usage of the lignocellulolytic system, improving its adaptation to the fungal translational machine, we analyzed the adaptation to host codon usage (CAI), tRNA pool (tAI, and AAtAI), codon pair bias (CPB), and the number of effective codons (Nc). These indexes were correlated with gene expression of C. subvermispora, in the presence of glucose and Aspen wood. General gene expression was not correlated with the index values. However, in media containing Aspen wood, the induction of expression of lignocellulose-degrading genes, showed significantly (p < 0.001) higher values of CAI, AAtAI, CPB, tAI, and lower values of Nc than non-induced genes. Cellulose-binding proteins and manganese peroxidases presented the highest adaptation values. We also identified an expansion of genes encoding glycine and glutamic acid tRNAs. Our results suggest that the metabolic specialization to use wood as the sole carbon source has introduced a bias in the codon usage of genes involved in lignocellulose degradation. This bias reduces codon diversity and increases codon usage adaptation to the tRNA pool available in C. subvermispora. To our knowledge, this is the first study showing that codon usage is modified to improve the translation efficiency of a group of genes involved in a particular metabolic process.USACH 021971GM_DAS DI-ULago


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    Resumen tomado de la publicación. Resumen también en inglésEl análisis pavloviano de tolerancia a las drogas describe cómo los contextos de administración de la droga participan en la elicitación de respuestas condicionadas compensatorias que causan, en parte, tolerancia. Hallazgos indican que si una asociación es adquirida en un contexto y extinguida en otro, al exponer a los sujetos al contexto de adquisición se producirá renovación de la respuesta condicionada. Existe evidencia ambigua acerca de si este efecto disminuye o no al extinguir la asociación en múltiples contextos. Esta investigación evalúa la existencia del fenómeno de Renovación en la tolerancia al etanol, y si éste disminuye por la extinción en múltiples contextos. Se aporta evidencia de Renovación en la tolerancia al etanol en ratas, sin embargo, no se observó disminución de ésta al extinguir en múltiples contextos.AsturiasColegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Asturias; Calle Ildefonso Sánchez del Rio, 4-1õB; 33001 Oviedo; +34 985285778; +34 985281374;ES

    La désobéissance civile

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    La désobéissance civile constitue un défi au Droit et aux règles de la démocratie représentative. La désobéissance civile s'enracine dans une histoire ancienne et complexe, que notre société, de plus en plus technicienne et individualiste, réactive. L'acte désobéissant connaît aujourd'hui un regain de vigueur, s'appuyant sur de nouveaux registres de légitimité. La contestation de la règle oblige les systèmes juridiques et politiques, notamment nos démocraties représentatives pluralistes, à reformuler les fondements de l'obéissance du citoyen à la loi. C'est que, contrairement aux contestations de type révolutionnaire, la désobéissance civile est une remise en cause de la règle juridique d'autant plus complexe qu'elle ne se situe pas en dehors du système légal mais en son sein, se revendiquant même comme une forme de participation démocratique à la production de la norme. Loin d'être un simple acte de négation de l'ordre politique, elle se revendique comme une contribution - dont l'expression est certes particulière - à l'extension du champ de la confrontation politique, en dehors des arènes représentatives. Ces interrogations relatives à la normativité ont déjà fait l'objet de recherches dans les diverses disciplines qui étudient le phénomène juridique. La science politique a, de son côté, étudié le mécanisme en suivant les formes de mobilisation que génère la figure du désobéissant. En revanche, il n'est pas habituel de les faire se rencontrer pour un travail inter-disciplinaire et encore moins autour de la désobéissance civile. Dans cette matière où débats théoriques et action pratique sont si intimement mêlés, il semble profitable de confronter ces deux points de vue. Ce livre propose donc un échange croisé et parfois contradictoire, sur les raisons et fins de la désobéissance civile