5 research outputs found


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    Savremeno društvo i stalni uspon u naučno-tehničko tehnološkim dostignućima ukazuju na to da se suprotstavljanju kriminalitetu, sve više koriste mnogobrojne nauke, među kojima kriminalistika ima primarnu ulogu. Kao oblast proučavanja kriminalistika je temelj priprema, odnosno trebalo bi da bude, za svako lice koje ulazi u proces rada i delovanja u društvu uopšte. Demokratski procesi, privatizacija, tranzicija i globalizacija sve više stavljaju zahteve pred buduće službenike policije, carine, ispekcije, pravosuđa, banaka, osiguravajućih kuća, preduzeća, obrazovnih ustanova i svakog čoveka za poznavanje kriminalistike. Svaki student koji namerava da se bavi suprotstavljanjem kriminalitetu odmah će na početku svojih studija uočiti vezu između kriminalistike i njegovog budućeg zanimanja. Kriminalisitka je multidisciplinarna i savremena nauka, koja na naučnoj i stručnopraktičnoj osnovi uz pomoć savremenih metoda, pronalazi, proučava, prilagođava i usavršava aktuelne načine, postupke i metode u cilju otkrivanja i razjašnjavanja kriminalnih delikata, otkriva aktere istih ako su nepoznati. Kriminalistika kao nauka i praksa koristeći savremene metode i sredstva u aktuelnim uslovima, prikuplja, analizira i obezbeđuje dokaze (materijalne i lične), sve s ciljem utvrđivanja stvarnog činjeničnog stanja. Sve je to neophodno radi uspešnog pokretanja, vođenja i okončanja krivičnog postupka, ali i radi sprečavanja vršenja krivičnih dela. Autor će u radu dati osvrt na preventivne i represivne kriminalističke metode i ukazati na značaj kriminalistike u teoriji i praksi, kriminalističke procedure i osvrt na potrebu razlikovanja predmeta nauke i objekta istraživanja kriminalistike. Pored osvrta na strukturu kriminalistike, veoma je značajno dati objašnjenje potrebe izučavanja podele kriminalistike na heurističku i silogističku. Zaključci i preporuke će inicirati potrebu za intenzivnijim proučavanjem kriminalistike na različitim obrazovnim ustanovama i institucijama. ---------------------------Modern society and constant rise in the scientific-technical and technological developments suggest that the fight against crime, are increasingly using many fields of science, where criminalistics has the primary role. Criminalistics as a field of study is the basis of preparation, or it should be, to any person who enters into a process of action in society in general. Democratic processes, privatization, transition and globalization increasingly put further demands on police officers, customs, inspections, the judiciary, banks, insurance companies, businesses, educational institutions, and every person for knowing criminalistics. Any student, who intends to engage in the fight against crime immediately at the beginning of his studies, sees the relationship between criminalistics and his future career. Criminalistics is a multidisciplinary and modern science, that on the scientific and professional-practical basis using modern methods, finds, examines, adjusts and improves current ways, procedures and methods to detect and resolve criminal offenses, reveals the actors if they are unknown. Criminalistics as a science and practice using modern methods and means in the current conditions, collects, analyzes, and provides evidence (financial and personal), all with the aim of determining the actual facts. All that is necessary to successfully start, manage and complete criminal proceedings, and also to prevent committing criminal acts. The author will give an overview in this paper on preventive and repressive criminalistics methods and will highlight the importance of criminalistics in theory and practice, criminal procedures and a review of the need to distinguish the subject of science and criminalistics research object. Besides reviewing the structure of criminalistics, it is important to give an explanation of the need to study the division of criminalistics on heuristic and syllogistic. Conclusions and recommendations will initiate a need for more intensive study of criminalistics at different educational establishments and institutions


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    The Republic of Serbia has the chance to raise its competitive strategy for growth, independently or with the support from the international community, by defining the development objectives and determining the economic structure. In this context, tourism represents an essential complex with untapped growth potential.Tourism is an economic sector of exceptional business opportunities. There are four touristic clusters in the country: Vojvodina, Belgrade region, South-Eastern Serbia and South-Western Serbia. The paper suggests cluster approach in considering ways to increase competitiveness of national tourism services.Development, tourism, strategy, cluster, competitiveness.

    Enhancing the competitiveness of tourism in the Republic of Serbia using the cluster model

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    The Republic of Serbia has the chance to raise its competitive strategy for growth, independently or with the support from the international community, by defining the development objectives and determining the economic structure. In this context, tourism represents an essential complex with untapped growth potential. Tourism is an economic sector of exceptional business opportunities. There are four touristic clusters in the country: Vojvodina, Belgrade region, South-Eastern Serbia and South-Western Serbia. The paper suggests cluster approach in considering ways to increase competitiveness of national tourism services


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    The history of the Danube countries was marked by conflict in pursuit of achieving a wide range of individual interest, defning the long-term relationships between them. However, over the last half a century, these countries have been searching for the common interests, in order to use the natural resources of the Danube basin more effectively. Danube waterway is immensely important for all Danube countries due to the Rhine-Main-Danube canal which links North with Black Sea. At the same time, the frequency of this form of transport requires the adoption of numerous regulations aimed at ensuring free navigation on the Danube. Of course, this has to be done in a subtle way, aligning individual interests in order not to violate the sovereignty of the Danube countries. Danube waterway through Serbia greatly facilitates communication with neighboring countries, and further the European Union. This has opened the possibility for improvement of economic conditions through diversifcation of economic activities, promotion of rural tourism development and hence the development of rural regions in the Danube basin

    Evolution of agrarian policy and production performances of Serbian agriculture

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    From the middle of the previous century until today, an analysis of the evolution of the agrarian policy in Serbia shows that various models of agricultural policy are influenced by ruling political and ideological motives. The period of socialist agriculture, which has since been followed by transitional changes lasting to the present day and is now reflected in efforts towards joining the EU, has, to a great extent, determined the developmental characteristics of Serbian agriculture. In that context, production performances of Serbian agriculture have been discussed considering agricultural production dynamics and the level and motion of partial agricultural productivity in comparison with European Union countries