13 research outputs found

    Sparse and Structured Visual Attention

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    Visual attention mechanisms are widely used in multimodal tasks, as visual question answering (VQA). One drawback of softmax-based attention mechanisms is that they assign some probability mass to all image regions, regardless of their adjacency structure and of their relevance to the text. In this paper, to better link the image structure with the text, we replace the traditional softmax attention mechanism with two alternative sparsity-promoting transformations: sparsemax, which is able to select only the relevant regions (assigning zero weight to the rest), and a newly proposed Total-Variation Sparse Attention (TVmax), which further encourages the joint selection of adjacent spatial locations. Experiments in VQA show gains in accuracy as well as higher similarity to human attention, which suggests better interpretability

    Semi-Supervised Learning of Sequence Models with the Method of Moments

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    Automated Fact Checking in the News Room

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    Fact checking is an essential task in journalism; its importance has been highlighted due to recently increased concerns and efforts in combating misinformation. In this paper, we present an automated fact-checking platform which given a claim, it retrieves relevant textual evidence from a document collection, predicts whether each piece of evidence supports or refutes the claim, and returns a final verdict. We describe the architecture of the system and the user interface, focusing on the choices made to improve its user-friendliness and transparency. We conduct a user study of the fact-checking platform in a journalistic setting: we integrated it with a collection of news articles and provide an evaluation of the platform using feedback from journalists in their workflow. We found that the predictions of our platform were correct 58\% of the time, and 59\% of the returned evidence was relevant

    Jointly Extracting and Compressing Documents with Summary State Representations

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    We present a new neural model for text summarization that first extracts sentences from a document and then compresses them. The proposed model offers a balance that sidesteps the difficulties in abstractive methods while generating more concise summaries than extractive methods. In addition, our model dynamically determines the length of the output summary based on the gold summaries it observes during training and does not require length constraints typical to extractive summarization. The model achieves state-of-the-art results on the CNN/DailyMail and Newsroom datasets, improving over current extractive and abstractive methods. Human evaluations demonstrate that our model generates concise and informative summaries. We also make available a new dataset of oracle compressive summaries derived automatically from the CNN/DailyMail reference summaries