43 research outputs found

    Culti nel Veneto preromano, tra autonomia e influssi esterni: la prospettiva delle iscrizioni

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    Les sources linguistiques fournissent une importante contribution à la connaissance de la religion de la Vénétie pre-romaine; les témoignages dont on dispose sortent de l’épigraphie locale, les inscriptions vénètes. Sont prises en consideration ici des textes qui portent peut-être des traces d’influences culturelles externes, du monde gréco-romain: des presumables réfèrences à des cultes à mystères, aussi bien que des désignations théonymiques empruntées du latin


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    Il venetico è una lingua indeuropea, attestata da oltre 500 iscrizioni datate dal VI al I sec.a.C. e provenienti soprattutto dall’attuale regione italiana del Veneto (in pochi casi, dal Friuli Venezia-Giulia, dall’Austria e dalla Slovenia). La scrittura utilizzata è un alfabeto locale di derivazione etrusca. Le iscrizioni venetiche comprendono testi funerari, votivi e pubblici, resi - tranne alcune eccezioni -mediante schemi formulari. Ampiamente documentata è l’onomastica (nomi personali; formula onomastica maschile e femminile). Le strutture della lingua (fonologia, morfologia, sintassi e lessico), data la natura frammentaria del venetico, sono conosciute solo parzialmente; permangono problemi relativi alla classificazione, anche se è ormai accertata l’appartenenza al ramo italico dell’indeuropeo

    An investigation of grand battement devant at barre, centre, and in motion using kinematics and electromyography

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    The purpose of this study was to examine grand battement devant in three conditions: at the barre, in the centre, and traveling. The primary focus was to consider weight transfer in the three conditions, and to examine utilisation of the trunk and lower extremity muscles. An extensive review was done in the dance science literature to determine what previous research had been done related to this subject, and to establish what preliminary work might be needed. As indicated by the literature, in order to achieve this research, it was necessary to develop a dance-specific method for the normalisation of surface electromyography data. In phase one of the research, a dance-specific portable anchored dynamometer was developed and tested. The PAD allowed for the collection of maximum voluntary isometric contractions (MVICs), which could then be used to normalise the sEMG data. In phase two of the research, the grand battement was tested in the three conditions, at the barre, in the centre, and traveling. Forty female dancers volunteered (mean age 30.0 ± 13.0 yrs, mean height 1.63 ± 0.06 m, mean mass 59.0 ± 7.4 kg, and 13.9 ± 13.3 yrs of training in ballet and/or modern dance) and were placed in three groups (Training level): beginner (n = 12), intermediate (n = 14) and advanced (n = 14). Dancers executed five grand battement devant in each of the three conditions (Condition) in randomized order. Data were collected with a 7-camera Vicon motion capture system, two Kistler forceplates, and surface electromyography (EMG), using eight muscles bilaterally. Kinematic data were analysed in three intervals: stance to battement initiation, initiation to battement peak, and peak to end. Four variables were investigated: centre of gravity of the full trunk, centre of gravity of the pelvis, centre of gravity of the upper trunk, and centre of mass. EMG data were analysed in four events: stance, initiation, peak, and end. For weight transfer, the main effect of Condition was significant for all four variables in both the x-axis and the y-axis (p < .001). There were no significant differences for Training and no significant Condition x Training interactions. Muscle use varied according to the combination of event and condition that was executed, and these differences were also influenced by the level of training of the dancer and the side of the body used. It is recommended that dance educators consider the importance of allocating sufficient time to each of the three conditions (barre, centre, and traveling), to ensure development of a variety of motor strategies and muscle activation patterns for dance practice.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Nerka e le altre. L’onomastica femminile nelle dediche del santuario di Reitia a Este

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    Il contributo prende in considerazione le attestazioni di onomastica femminile presenti nelle iscrizioni votive venetiche del santuario di Reitia a Este. Si propone che la variabilità della formula onomastica rifletta diverse collocazioni all'interno della società delle donne così designate

    Cippo con iscrizione venetica nel Lapidario dei Musei Civici agli Eremitani di Padova

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    Un cippo mutilo con iscrizione venetica è stato recentemente riconosciuto tra i materiali lapidei conservati presso i Musei Civici agli Eremitani di Padova; non sono noti provenienza e contesto. L’iscrizione, parzialmente conservata, porta una formula onomastica binomia al dativo; si ipotizza per il cippo una funzione funeraria, con una tipologia monumentale alternativa alle stele figurate