102 research outputs found

    Why should SME adopt IT enabled CRM strategy?

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    Recent trends of fast adoption of CRM, whether as a philosophy, a strategy, an aid to the general marketing effort and mix, or merely as a fashion; as every body else is doing it; is driven by a clear acknowledgement and recognition that long-term relationships with customers are one of the most important assets of an organization and that information-enabled systems must be developed that will give the organization some form of ownership, that is: 'customer ownership'.CRM, SME, IT, e-tools, strategy


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    An essential aspect of the political relations is represented by the relationbetween power and opposition, the power being in the meaning of this relationship thelegitimate capacity to impose its own will or to exert the authority, which reveals a relationof domination. The two socio-political entities, government and opposition, acts by its specificmeans and in a democratic system these ease the confrontation of ideas, solutions, opencompetition between political forces generating the alternation in power, as a result of theelectorate's will and political orientation.Generally, the power is assimilated to the force or capacity of constraint, whichsuggests that, from a certain perspective, the imposition of the political will.In the socio-political area, J.J. Rousseau in his "Social Contract" stated that the mostpowerful is not strong enough to always be the "master", if he does not transform the forceinto law and subjection into duty, so that the normative power shall emerge from a socialmorality stated by the law. As the pair term of the "power", the opposition is the ensemble ofthe political groups, parties or alliances, which, taken separately or as an ensemble, areopposing the political regime in force or the actual government's policy

    Die Inhibition von GSK-3 löst Apoptose in Tumorzellen aus und hemmt das Tumorwachstum im Tiermodell

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    Die Glykogen Synthase Kinase-3 (GSK-3) ist eine Serin/Threonin Kinase die eine zentrale Rolle in vielen Signalwegen (Insulinsynthese, Wnt-Signalweg u.s.w.) spielt. In meiner Arbeit konnte ich zeigen, dass die Inhibition von GSK-3, Apoptose in p53-positiven und -negativen Tumorzellen induzierte. Die Inaktivierung von GSK-3 führt unter anderem zur Stabilisierung des p53-Proteins, das als Transkriptionsfaktor für anti-proliferative und pro-apoptotische Gene einen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Zellproliferation ausübt. In proliferierenden Zellen ist die p53-Proteinmenge niedrig und das Protein inaktiv. Wird die Menge des p53-Proteins erhöht, indem zum Beispiel sein Abbau verhindert wird, so werden die p53-abhängigen Zielgene transkribiert und Zellzyklusarrest oder Apoptose ausgelöst. Da die Inaktivierung von GSK-3 in vorausgehenden Experimenten zur Mengenzunahme von transkriptionell aktivem p53 führte, lag die Hypothese nahe, dass die Inhibition von GSK-3 die Zellproliferation inhibieren könnte. Die Behandlung unterschiedlicher p53-positiver und -negativer Zelllinien mit den gängigen GSK-3-Inhibitoren Lithiumchlorid oder Alsterpaullon hat eine entscheidende Wirkung auf die Zellproliferation, da sie den programmierten Zelltod in Tumorzellen einleiten. In Anwesenheit von LiCl zeigten die Zellen die typischen Apoptosemerkmale wie Caspase-3-Aktivierung, PARP-Spaltung und DNS-Fragmentierung. Eine eindeutige p53-Abhängigkeit konnte ich in meinen Experimenten nicht feststellen, obwohl die Caspase-3 -, PARP-Aktivierung und DNS-Fragmentierung in den p53-negativen Zellen schwächer war. Das Ausschalten der beiden Isoformen GSK-3? und -? durch Transfektion spezifischer siRNA-Sequenzen führte ebenfalls zur Aktivierung von Caspase-3, was mich schlussfolgern ließ, dass die Inhibition dieser Kinase die Apoptose hervorruft. Um dieses Ergebnis auch in vivo nachweisen zu können, habe ich syngene Ratten mit LiCl und NaCl vorbehandelt, mit MT450-Mammakarzinomzellen gespritzt, um die Tumorentwicklung zu stimulieren, und anschließend das Tumorwachstum über mehrere Wochen verfolgt. Die tägliche Behandlung der Tiere mit LiCl hat ihr Tumorwachstum stark beeinträchtigt und löste Apoptose in den Tumorzellen aus. Die anschließenden histologischen Untersuchungen der Tumore zeigten, dass die mit LiCl behandelten Ratten, im Vergleich zu den mit NaCl behandelten beziehungsweise den Kontrolltieren, eine erhöhte Apoptoserate aufwiesen. Diese Reaktion der Tumorzellen lässt hoffen, dass die Inhibition von GSK-3 eines Tages in der Tumortherapie eingesetzt werden kann, um selektiv die malignen Zellen in einem Organismus zu töten


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    The work aims to highlight the changes that modern technologies can bring to the labor market in the future. Studies and research demonstrate the benefits and threats that Artificial Intelligence will cause on the labor market, in general, on the Romanian one, in particular. Questions such as: What is the strategy that will reduce job losses? How and where will new jobs be created? What do we do when the number of lost jobs exceeds the number of new ones, and the market presents high unemployment and few qualified human resources? Where education goes headed for the training of specialists in new fields? ; bring into view big issues that cannot be ignored. The research succinctly answers these, showing that the labor market will have a very different picture from today, with nuances from one country to another. The first conclusion that emerges from the study is that the new structure of services and activities of the future requires high-level skills and competencies, which are difficult to acquire quickly and without important individual and collective efforts. A second emphasizes that we need adequate education for the changes that Artificial Intelligence will cause. In Romania, the process of innovation and creativity is continuously decreasing. Society is increasingly unprofessional, and people with skills are hard to find. This development should raise public concern, as the challenges posed by technologies already seem insurmountable due to poor governance, aging populations, and job structures

    A Cram of E-Learning Advantages and Disadvantages

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    In today’s society, following the exponential development of ICT, the classical method of learning has undergone numerous changes. The emergence of the Internet has accelerated these changes due to its capacity to offer multiple possibilities of access to information, instruction, all based on dynamic technologies, transparency and open dialogue. It can be well said that the Internet is turning into an arbiter for the access to education and culture, while eLearning is a new form of education that suggests itself as an alternative with a view to the needs of continuing training and knowledge. The most widely known results of this change are obvious in two learning models mediated by ICT: eLearning and Computer-assisted learning. As well as the classical models, these models imply an efficient learning process based on well-grounded cooperation and communication activities. Moreover, these models require appropriate technology and equipment. It is also important for the eLearners to have knowledge of the new technologies. The great advantage of eLearning is the abolition of formal barriers by eliminating distances, by introducing temporal flexibility and the creation of a new type of student-teacher relationship. The authors have asked the question whether the greatest advantages of this new way of learning and refreshing will still hold for those of a higher educational and financial status, thus deepening unequal opportunity of chances. A team of members of the teaching staff of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi (UAIC) and the Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest (ASE) have carried out a survey among the students of the two institutions regarding the students' perceptions, expectations and attitudes related to eLearning and the identifi-cation of the profile of the student with access to this form of education. The paper presents some of the most important findings of this research.e-learning, Internet, survey, educational process

    Prototyping a Gas Sensors Using CeO2 as a Matrix or Dopant in Oxide Semiconductor Systems

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    In this chapter, two important aspects of using CeO2 in the field of gas sensors are presented. Firstly, for CO2 detection in the range of 0–5000 ppm, a binary semiconductor oxides CeO2-Y2O3 was used. Secondly, as a dopants, in oxide semiconductor systems, used to detect the NO2. In this case, CeO2 is used as a dopant in hybride composite, consisting of reduced graphene oxide/ZnO, in order to increase the sensibility in NO2 detection at low concentration in the range of 0–10 ppm. The structural and morphological characterization of sensitive materials by X-ray diffraction, SEM, adsorption desorption isotherms, thermal analysis and RAMAN spectroscopy are presented. Also, the sensing element of the sensor that detects the NO2 is achieved by depositing the nanocomposite material on the interdigital grid. The electronic conditioning signal from the sensing element is achieved by using a Wheatstone bridge together with an instrumentation operational amplifier

    The Efficiency of the On-line Samplings

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    The rapid growth of the technology from the last decades led to the collateral development of many other sciences. One of the most important inventions was the Internet and the web technologies with a tremendous impact on the society. Statistics, as a social science, at its turn in ongoing development has only to gain from that. Lately, the on line sampling technique greatly developed. Each web site of a certain importance includes in various forms of the questionnaires. These vary from a mere question to lengthy ones and are a part of daily life of those who access the World Wide Web. The main question is how feasible are the results derived from these samplings as the main issue is the representativiness. A nonrepresentative sampling is a futile one. It is a more convenient solution to post a question on the web page and to wait for an answer from the page’s visitors? But how representative is this answer for the target audience? The present paper aims to list the on-lone methodology as well as analyze their efficiency through presenting their advantages and drawbacks.internet, on-line survey, selective research, questionnaire, error

    Decisive Procedures Used in Domestic Crises Management During Hybrid War (2)

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    Nowadays, in the aggressive approach being involved highly technical structures, with massive combat potential, benefiting from ample support, materialized in all action environments, the hybrid confrontation has become a certainty. As a result, countermeasure concerns must be well known at all levels, primarily in the tactical space. So, the factors involved in internal crisis management will be responsible for the preparation and application of high-value procedures that can lead to the achievement of the proposed security goals. It is necessary that the combat reactions at each facility be synchronized with the efforts of the hierarchically higher levels, undertaken in various spaces or connected with the concerns of the force institutions. This way, it is possible to achieve desired goals, to maintain the security of the objectives, in relation to the diversity of forms of aggression considered by a potential aggressor
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