59 research outputs found

    Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner (Case C-362/14): Empowering National Data Protection Authorities

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    On 6 October 2015, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued the final ruling in Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner (Case C-362/14). In its ruling the Court invalidated the Safe Harbour arrangement, which governs data transfers between the EU and the US. While the decision does not automatically put an end to data transfers from Europe to the United States, it allows each country\u27s national regulators to suspend transfers if the company in the United States does not adequately protect user data. The paper analyses the most important aspects of the judgment: the Court’s definition of the competences of national data protection authorities, the Court’s interpretation of the criteria for ‘adequacy’ under Article 25(6) of Directive 95/46/EC and the reasoning of the Court for the invalidation of the Safe Harbour Agreement. Further, and in line with the findings of the Court, the paper analyses the relationship between state surveillance and data protection and examines the consequences of the Court’s ruling

    EU Data Protection Reform: Challenges for Cloud Computing

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    The EC adopted a strategy to unleash the potential of cloud computing, where it marked data protection legislation as one of the main barriers for the development and expansion of cloud computing in Europe. In light of the EC goal to ensure a stimulating environment for the development of cloud computing in the EU, this paper aims to assess the consequences of the new roles and responsibilities of cloud service providers and the new rights for individuals under the GDPR. The analyses show that, in line with the position of data protection in the EU as a fundamental right, the GDPR considerably raises standards of data protection in cloud computing, which faces EU cloud service providers with a more demanding position than their non-EU competition. Further analysis shows that by promoting privacy enabling technology and by the extraterritorial application of the GDPR, together with the hefty fines for non-compliance, the GDPR provides tools that might force non-EU service providers to adjust their business model to EU standards, thus rebalancing possible market disruption in cloud computing. The paper concludes that the GDPR provides tools that might result in raised standards of data protection globally and in cloud computing in particular

    Interpersonalna komunikacija u profesionalnom kontekstu

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    Prvi dio knjige Interpersonalna komunikacija sadrži poglavlja: Komunikacija: Definicija i obilježja i Teorije o komunikaciji i komunikacijske tradicije. Drugi dio knjige Komunikacijske kompetencije i profesionalna komunikacija sadrži poglavlja Što su komunikacijske vještine? i Vještine interpersonalne komunikacije te Komuniciranje u organizaciji. Treći dio knjige Poučavanje komunikacije sadrži poglavlje koje se bavi poučavanjem komunikacije na studiju i u programima trajnog stručnog usavršavanja

    Prvi podaci o parazitskim grinjama roda Riccardoella Berlese (Acari: Ereynetidae) na puževima plućašima u Srbiji

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    The paper presents the first data on slug mites Riccardoella (Riccardoella) limacum (Schrank) and R. (Proriccardoella) oudemansiThor (Acari: Ereynetidae) in Serbia. The two parasitic species were detected on seven species of snails and slugs (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) in Serbia. Riccardoella limacum, which is a specialized snail parasite, was found in Helixpomatia L. and H. lucorum L species of the family Helicidae. Riccardoella oudemansi was found exclusively on slug species: Arion lusitanicus Mabille (Arionidae), Tandonia budapestensis (Hazay) (Milacidae), Limacus flavus (L.), Limax maximus L. and L. cinereoniger Wolf (Limacidae).U radu su izloženi prvi podaci o nalazima plućnih grinja Riccardoella (Riccardoella) limacum (Schrank) i R. (Proriccardoella) oudemansiThor (Acari: Ereynetidae), koje su zabeležene u Srbiji na sedam vrsta puževa i golaća (Gastropoda, Pulmonata). Riccardoella (R.) limacum, koja je parazit puževa sa ljušturom, nađena je na vrstama familije Helicidae, Helixpomatia L. i H. lucorum L. Nasuprot tome, vrsta R. (P.) oudemansi nalažena je isključivo na golaćima, na vrstama: Arion lusitanicus Mabille (Arionidae), Tandonia budapestensis (Hazay) (Milacidae), Limacus flavus (L.), Limax maximus L. i L. cinereoniger Wolf (Limacidae)

    Kombinirana uporaba videolaringoskopa i intubacijskog endoskopa BONFILS kao mogućnost zbrinjavanja otežanoga dišnog puta: prikaz slučaja

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    Difficult airway management poses a great challenge for clinicians, especially if it is unanticipated. Numerous guidelines and a wide array of devices constitute the anesthesiologist’s armamentarium for managing the airway. When the use of individual devices fails, the use of combination techniques is advised. We present a case of difficult intubation in a 50-year-old male patient scheduled for aortic valve replacement. He had no prior history of difficult airway management, and no abnormalities were detected on preoperative airway assessment. Body mass index was 29 kg/m2. After the separate use of direct laryngoscopy, videolaryngoscopy and a BONFILS intubation endoscope (BIE) had failed, we resorted to a combination technique, combining videolaryngoscopy and BIE. While the videolaryngoscope provided the space needed for BIE and visual guidance through copious secretions, the BIE served as a stylet for endotracheal tube guidance, leading to successful intubation. Since the technique requires costly equipment, experience in handling it and at least two operators, it is more appropriate as a rescue measure than an elective procedure. Given the potentially disastrous outcomes of failed intubation, mastering advanced airway management techniques remains of vital importance, and the combination technique is one of them.Otežani dišni put predstavlja velik izazov za kliničare, pogotovo ako je neočekivan. Anesteziolozima su na raspolaganju brojne smjernice i široka paleta pomagala za zbrinjavanje dišnoga puta, a kad pojedinačne tehnike zakažu, savjetuje se primjena kombiniranih tehnika. Predstavljamo slučaj otežane intubacije kod pedesetogodišnjeg muškarca kod kojega je planirana zamjena aortnog zalistka. Anamnezom nisu utvrđene ranije otežane intubacije. Prijeoperacijska procjena dišnoga puta bila je bez osobitosti. Indeks tjelesne mase iznosio je 29 kg/m2. Nakon neuspješne pojedinačne primjene direktne laringoskopije, videolaringoskopije i intubacijskog endoskopa BONFILS (BIE) primijenili smo kombiniranu tehniku kombinirajući videolaringoskop i BIE. Dok smo videolaringoskopom osigurali potreban prostor za plasiranje BIE i poboljšali prikaz kroz obilan sekret, BIE nam je poslužio kao vodilica za endotrahealni tubus, što je dovelo do uspješne intubacije. Budući da tehnika zahtijeva skupu opremu, iskustvo u njenoj primjeni te barem dva anesteziologa, prikladnija je kao izvanredna mjera nego kao redovni postupak. S obzirom na potencijalno katastrofalne posljedice neuspješne intubacije ovladavanje naprednim tehnikama zbrinjavanja dišnoga puta ostaje od ključne važnosti, a kombinirana tehnika jedna je od njih

    Određivanje etanola u dijetetskim suplementima tipa sirupa

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    Dietary supplements are intended to supplement normal nutrition and they are concentrated sources of vitamins, minerals and other substances with nutritional and physiological effects. Because of large use of dietary supplements, which often contain ethanol, we have to educate health workers, as well as consumers in this area, and hope that the use of dietary supplements will become safe, controlled and rational. Ethanol is used for extraction, and it is also important as a stabilizer in a significant number of dietary products in the form of syrup. Because of that, a lot of dietary products contain ethanol, and often it is not declared. One more problem is the fact that users who read the declaration cannot conclude that ethanol is present in these products. Also, some of these syrups can be ordered through the internet without information of percentage of ethanol, which is worrying. Besides that, some syrup contains concentrations of ethanol in the amount that is the same as is in spirit drinks. We used liquid chromatography with a refractometer detector and carbohydrate column, temperature 90◦C, for the detection of ethanol in a dietary supplements syrup-type between 2007 to 2016. Then we ordered concentration of ethanol by external standard method. Content of ethanol was from lt 0,05% to 28,35%. We analyzed 76 syrups and 67% of them did not have ethanol on a declaration. 8% of syrups with ethanol declaration did not have the same amount of ethanol as remarked on the declaration. Also, 66% of all tested syrups had alcohol higher than 1,2% [12]. Syrups are traditionally used in our country, and often used in combination with some drugs, and that can lead to different adverse reaction.Dijetetski suplementi su namenjeni dopuni normalne ishrane i predstavljaju koncentrovane izvore vitamina, minerala i drugih supstanci sa hranljivim i fiziološkim efektom. Zbog velike upotrebe dijetetskih preparata, koji često sadrže etanol, moraju se edukovati zdravstveni radnici, kao i potrošači koji ih konzumiraju, kako bi upotreba dijetetskih suplemenata postala sigurna, kontrolisana i racionalna. Etanol se koristi za ekstrakcije, i takodje je važan kao stabilizator u velikom broju dijetetskih suplemenata u obliku sirupa. Zbog toga, veliki broj dijetetskih proizvoda sadrži etanol, a često se dešava da nije ni deklarisan. Još jedan problem je i činjenica da potrošači koji čitaju deklaraciju ovih proizvoda ne mogu da zaključe da je etanol prisutan. Takođe, neki od ovih sirupa se mogu naručiti putem interneta, bez informacije o sadržaju etanola, što je zabrinjavajuće. Osim toga, neki sirupi sadrže istu koncentraciju etanola, kao što je to i u alkoholnim pićima. Koristili smo tečnu hromatografiju, refraktometrijski detektor, ugljeno-hidratnu kolonu, temperaturu 90°C, za detekciju etanola u dijetetskim suplementima, tipa sirupa, tokom 2007 do 2016. godine. Zatim smo određivali koncentraciju etanola eksternom standardnom metodom. Koncentracija etanola se kretala u opsegu od lt 0,05% do 28,35%. Od 76 analiziranih sirupa 67% nije imalo deklarisan etanol. 8% od sirupa sa deklarisanim etanolom, nije imalo istu koncentraciju kao što je deklarisano. Takodje, 66% od svih analiziranih sirupa je imalo alkohol veći od 1,2% [12]. Sirupi se tradicionalno koriste u našoj zemlji, a često i u kombinaciji sa drugim lekovima, što može izazvati različite neželjene reakcije

    Metolachlor and Metobromuron - Induced Methaemoglobinemia

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    An 81-year-old man was admitted in the emergency department approximately four hours after accidental ingestion of an unknown quantity of herbicide »Galex 500 EC«. This product contains 25% of metolachlor and 25% of metobromuron dissolved in xylene. In spite of the fact that the combination of aniline and urea-substituted derivatives is widely used in agriculture as herbicide, there are very few data available about their harmful effects on humans. These agents appear to be mildly toxic, and rarely has a major systemic effect been reported after the poisoning. On admittance, our patient showed remarkable cyanosis and his methaemoglobin level was 38.4% of the total haemoglobin, rising next day to 46.2%. Only mild transient signs of hypoxic effects on central nervous system were observed and the laboratory findings indicated mild haemolysis. Methylene blue was applied intravenously in a dose of 1.5 mg/kg (10 ml, 1% solution) on the second day of admission. Administration of methylene blue was very effective and the patient was discharged from the hospital fully recovered.U radu je prikazano otrovanje metolaklorom i metobromuronom, nastalo nakon slučajne ingestije nepoznate količine kombiniranog herbicida »Galex 500 EC«. Unatoč širokoj primjeni herbicida iz skupine anilida i derivata ureje, nema mnogo podataka o njihovu učinku na ljude. Otrovanja su rijetka zbog njihove relativno niske akutne toksičnosti. U našeg bolesnika kliničkom je slikom dominirala cijanoza, uz methemoglobinemiju koja je premašila 46% vrijednosti ukupnog hemoglobina, što je indiciralo intravensku primjenu 10 ml 1%-tne otopine metilenskog modrila (1,5 mg/kg). Učinak takve terapije bio je vrlo povoljan, cijanoza i znakovi hipoksije središnjega živčanog sustava ubrzo su nestali. Znakova lezije parenhimnih organa nije bilo, a laboratorijski se mogla uočiti blaža hemoliza. Bolesnik je nakon 12 dana otpušten bez trajnih posljedica otrovanja

    Metolachlor and Metobromuron - Induced Methaemoglobinemia

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    An 81-year-old man was admitted in the emergency department approximately four hours after accidental ingestion of an unknown quantity of herbicide »Galex 500 EC«. This product contains 25% of metolachlor and 25% of metobromuron dissolved in xylene. In spite of the fact that the combination of aniline and urea-substituted derivatives is widely used in agriculture as herbicide, there are very few data available about their harmful effects on humans. These agents appear to be mildly toxic, and rarely has a major systemic effect been reported after the poisoning. On admittance, our patient showed remarkable cyanosis and his methaemoglobin level was 38.4% of the total haemoglobin, rising next day to 46.2%. Only mild transient signs of hypoxic effects on central nervous system were observed and the laboratory findings indicated mild haemolysis. Methylene blue was applied intravenously in a dose of 1.5 mg/kg (10 ml, 1% solution) on the second day of admission. Administration of methylene blue was very effective and the patient was discharged from the hospital fully recovered.U radu je prikazano otrovanje metolaklorom i metobromuronom, nastalo nakon slučajne ingestije nepoznate količine kombiniranog herbicida »Galex 500 EC«. Unatoč širokoj primjeni herbicida iz skupine anilida i derivata ureje, nema mnogo podataka o njihovu učinku na ljude. Otrovanja su rijetka zbog njihove relativno niske akutne toksičnosti. U našeg bolesnika kliničkom je slikom dominirala cijanoza, uz methemoglobinemiju koja je premašila 46% vrijednosti ukupnog hemoglobina, što je indiciralo intravensku primjenu 10 ml 1%-tne otopine metilenskog modrila (1,5 mg/kg). Učinak takve terapije bio je vrlo povoljan, cijanoza i znakovi hipoksije središnjega živčanog sustava ubrzo su nestali. Znakova lezije parenhimnih organa nije bilo, a laboratorijski se mogla uočiti blaža hemoliza. Bolesnik je nakon 12 dana otpušten bez trajnih posljedica otrovanja

    Dietary Supplements Use among Serbian Undergraduate Students of Different Academic Fields

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    The rising popularity of dietary supplements as a part of self-care practice increases interest in monitoring their usage in the general and specific population groups. This study investigated the prevalence and patterns of dietary supplement use among Belgrade University undergraduate students and its variations across different academic study fields. Of the 914 online survey students, 55.7% used dietary supplements during the past year. Female gender, eating behavior, and academic field were significant predictors of dietary supplement use. For all students, the most commonly used dietary supplements were vitamins and minerals, alone or in combination. Magnesium, vitamin C, and B vitamins were the most frequently supplemented micronutrients. The reasons for using, place of purchase, and source of information regarding dietary supplements significantly varied among students of different fields of study. Adverse effects related to dietary supplement use, including gastrointestinal symptoms, skin flushing, dizziness, and heart palpitation, were reported in 4.5% of students. Insufficient knowledge about these products was self-reported by 16.5% of users, more common among non-medical students. Thus, public health interventions are needed to improve students’ knowledge regarding rational and safe dietary supplement use

    Organic fluorides in the prevention of inflamatory condition of marginal periodontium of children in puberty

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    U radu su opisani rezultati uticaja Aminfluorid želea (I) AminfluoridR solucije (II), svakodnevnog četkanja zuba u školi (III) i jednonedeljnog četkanja zuba (IV) sa zubnom pastom na bazi neorganskih fluorida. Ispitivanje postojanja inflamacije u gingivi vršeno je WHO-TRS-621 metodom registrovanja krvavljenja iz gingivalnog sulkusa. Kao osnovna jedinica uzeta je svaka od 4 površine marginalnog parodoncijuma oko svakog stalnog zuba koji je dostigao okluzalnu ravan kod dece uzrasta 1 2 i 13 god. Statistički značajno smanjenje broja inflamiranih površina postignuto je u I (za 51,2% p<0,001) i IV (za 32,8% p<0,001) grupi. Kod II i III grupe nije potvrđena značajnost dobijenih razlika. Utvrđeno je da je nivo broja inflamiranih površina kod svih grupa izuzimajući indentičan. To upućuje na postojanje platoa do koga je moguće doći primenom masovnih preventivnih mera. Aminfluorid žele se pokazao efikasnim u redukciji gingivalne inflamacije kako na slobodnim površinama zuba tako i u aproksimalnim predelima.In the article are presented the resultes obtained after application of Aminfluoride geleeR, Aminfluoride soeution and daily and weekly teeth brushing with paste with inorganic fluorides. Marginal gingiva inflamation was registrated according to WHO-TRS-621 methodology with the part of gingiva laying on every surface as the statistical unit. The best results gave usage of Aminfluoride gellee. No statistical difference was noticed after solution application and daily teeth brushing. Reduction after weekly brushing was significant but the finale level of gingival inflamation was the same. That speaks about existence of platou in the number of inflamed gingival surfaces after which it is necessery to apply individual preventive programes