28 research outputs found

    Procjene adolescenta o sigurnosti u obitelj kao medijator učinka obiteljske nestabilnosti na samopoštovanje adolescenta

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    The aim of this two-wave study was to examine the mediating role of adolescent appraisals of family security in the relation between family instability and adolescent self-esteem in a sample of 377 adolescents and their mothers. Mothers\u27 reports of family instability at Time 1 were significantly and positively associated with adolescent appraisals of family insecurity at Time 1 and Time 2. Adolescent self-esteem at Time 2 was significantly and negatively related to family instability at T1 and family insecurity at Time 1 and Time 2. Findings from structural equation models supported the hypothesis that family instability undermines adolescents\u27 self-esteem one year later by directly threatening adolescents\u27 appraisals of family as a safe and secure system. The results indicated that adolescent appraisals fully mediated the relation between family instability and adolescent self-esteem. The implications of the findings for adolescent development in a secure and stable family environment are discussed and suggestions for further process-oriented research on the relation between family instability and adolescent development are stated

    Association of Fathers\u27 Satisfaction and Perception of Family with Participation in Family Life and Prosocial Behavior of Adolescents

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    Svrha rada bila je ispitati prenosi li se očev doživljaj obitelji na ponašanje adolescenta u obitelji i potom prelijeva na društveno poželjna ponašanja adolescenta. U radu se ispitalo kako očeva procjena obiteljskoga funkcioniranja i očevo zadovoljstvo obitelji izravno i neizravno, sudjelovanjem adolescenta u obiteljskom životu, pridonose prosocijalnom ponašanju adolescenta. Uzorak čini 178 djece i njihovi očevi koji su sudjelovali u istraživanju na dvije točke mjerenja. Djeca su procijenila svoje prosocijalno ponašanje i sudjelovanje u obiteljskom životu u drugom mjerenju, a očevi obiteljsko funkcioniranje i zadovoljstvo obitelji u prvom mjerenju. Rezultati su pokazali kako je pozitivna percepcija obiteljskoga funkcioniranja i više zadovoljstvo obiteljskim životom očeva povezano s izraženijim prosocijalnim ponašanjem i većim sudjelovanjem u obiteljskom životu adolescenata. Očev pozitivniji doživljaj obitelji pridonosi višoj razini sudjelovanja adolescenata u obiteljskom životu, što zatim pridonosi izraženijem prosocijalnom ponašanju adolescenata. Rezultati potvrđuju postojanje značajnoga, neizravnog doprinosa obitelji ponašanju adolescenata te potvrđuju hipoteze o prijenosu i prelijevanju emocija i ponašanja u obiteljskom sustavu i drugim sustavima.The purpose of the paper was to examine whether the father\u27s family experience transfers to the behavior of the adolescent in the family and then to the socially desirable behaviors of the adolescent. The aim of the paper was to examine how the father\u27s experience of family functioning and family satisfaction directly and indirectly, through adolescent participation in family life, contribute to the prosocial behavior of adolescents. The sample consisted of 178 children and their fathers who participated in the two-wave study. Children evaluated their prosocial behavior and participation in family life in the second wave, and fathers assessed family functioning and family satisfaction in the first wave. The results showed that the father\u27s positive perception of family functioning and higher satisfaction with family life are associated with more prosocial behavior and greater participation in family life among adolescents. The father\u27s positive family experience contributes to a higher level of adolescent participation in family life, which then contributes to the more prosocial behavior of adolescents. The results confirm the existence of a significant and indirect contribution of the family to adolescent behavior as well as the transfer of emotions and behaviors in the family and other systems


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    Svrha rada je ispitati povezanost dječjeg i roditeljskog doživljaja ekonomskog pritiska sa dobrobiti djece. U radu se empirijski provjerava u kojoj mjeri dječji doživljaj ekonomskog pritiska zajedno s roditeljskim doživljajem ekonomskog pritiska, uz kontrolu prihoda obitelji i obrazovanja roditelja, izravno pridonosi objašnjenju razine nade, samopoštovanja i zadovoljstva životom djece. Sudionici istraživanja bili su djeca i njihova oba roditelji koji su sudjelovali u kratkotrajnom longitudinalnom istraživanju s dvije točke mjerenja u okviru znanstvenog projekta „Rad roditelja, ekonomske teškoća obitelji i dobrobit roditelja i djece“. Djeca su procijenila ekonomski pritisak koji obitelj doživljava uslijed ekonomskih teškoća u prvom mjerenju te svoju razinu nade, samopoštovanja i zadovoljstva životom u drugom mjerenju. U prvom mjerenju, roditelji su procijenili ekonomskih pritisak koji osjećaju zbog uštede na troškovima za dijete te dali informacije o prihodu obitelji i svojem stupnju obrazovanja. Rezultati su pokazali da su dječji i roditeljski doživljaj ekonomskog pritiska značajno i pozitivno povezani te da su dječji i roditeljski doživljaj ekonomskog pritiska u prvom mjerenju značajno i negativno povezani s nadom, samopoštovanjem i zadovoljstvom životom djece u drugom mjerenju. Tri provedene regresijske analize, uz kontrolu prihoda obitelji i stupnja obrazovanja roditelja, pokazale su da je dječji doživljaj ekonomskog pritiska značajan i negativan prediktor nade, samopoštovanja i zadovoljstva životom u djece, dok se roditeljski doživljaj ekonomskog pritiska pokazao kao značajan i negativan prediktor zadovoljstva životom djece. Općenito, rezultati pokazuju da je doživljaj većeg ekonomskog pritiska u djece i roditelja povezan s nižom razinom dobrobiti djece u adolescenciji.The purpose of the paper is to examine the relationship between children’s and parents’ experiences of economic pressure and children’s well-being. The paper empirically examines the extent to which children’s experiences of economic pressure directly, along with parental experiences of economic pressure, and controlling for family income and parental education, contribute to the explanation of the level of hope, self-esteem, and life satisfaction in children. The participants in the study were children and both of their parents who participated in a short-term, two-wave longitudinal study within the scientific project “Parents’ work, family economic hardship and well-being of parents and children”. The children assessed the economic pressure that the family is experiencing due to economic hardship in the first measurement point, and their level of hope, self-esteem, and life satisfaction in the second measurement point. In the first measurement point, parents assessed the economic pressures they feel when they must reduce their child’s expenses and provided information on family income and their educational level. The results showed that children’s and parents’ experiences of economic pressure were significantly and positively correlated, and that children’s and parents’ experiences of economic pressure measured in the first wave were significantly and negatively related with hope, self-esteem, and life satisfaction of children measured in the second wave. Three regression analyses, controlling for family income and parental education level, showed that children’s experience of economic pressure was a significant and negative predictor of hope, self-esteem, and life satisfaction in children, while parental experience of economic pressure proved to be a significant and negative predictor of children’s life satisfaction. In general, the results show that experience of higher economic pressure in children and parents is related with lower levels of well-being in children in adolescence

    Characteristics and parental viewpoints regarding digital device use in children aged 4 to 8 years

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    In the present digital age, the number of digital devices and media has multiplied, giving young children and their parents access to them anytime and anywhere. The family and home environment constitutes an important ecological context for fostering and supporting the development of safe online behaviour, as well as preventing risky online behaviour in young children. During childhood, parents play an influential role in shaping a child’s use of digital technology (DT) devices through parental practices that are shaped by their beliefs about DT. The first aim of this study was to describe preferred digital devices, activities, and emotional states related to digital device use among children aged 4 to 8 years. The second aim was to describe parental viewpoints about their children’s device use. The data was collected through online interviews with 31 children (16 girls), aged 4 to 8 years, and one parent of each of the children included in the project “Digital technology in the family: patterns of behaviour and effects on child development”. The results show that smartphones are the children’s favourite device and playing video games is their preferred digital activity. Most children reported feeling happy when they used DT devices, as well as feeling sad and angry when they had to stop using them. Parental motivation for providing children access to DT devices can be child- and parent-oriented. Parents frequently emphasised the educational aspects of their children’s device use, but they were aware of the negative and positive effects on the children’s functioning. The findings indicate that children’s daily context of living in association with DT usage is characterised by small, portable devices that are used mainly for entertainment. Additionally, their parents allow the use of such devices because they believe that DT can have a positive impact on child development, and they need to occupy children’s attention in specific situations. However, DT device usage is limited due to the awareness of the negative impact on child development

    Roditeljska samoefikasnost i rizično i antisocijalno ponašanje adolescenata: posredujuća uloga roditeljskog kažanjavanja i školske uključenosti

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    The aim of this study was to examine direct effects of parental self efficacy on adolescents’ risky and antisocial behaviour as well as serial indirect effects through parental punishment and adolescents’ school engagement. Data used in the paper were collected in a two-wave longitudinal study conducted within the research project "Parents’ work, family economic hardship, and well-being of parents and children". In this paper, data collected from 193 adolescents (120 girls) and their parents were used. Adolescents completed the Self-Reported Risky and Antisocial Behaviour Scale (Vrselja et al., 2009), the School Engagement Measure (Fredricks et al., 2005), and the Punishment Subscale of the Parenting Behaviour Questionnaire (Keresteš et al., 2012). Mothers and fathers completed the Parental Self-Efficacy Subscale of the Parental Competence Scale (Keresteš et al., 2011). Process macro (Hayes, 2013) for SPSS was used to test the proposed direct and indirect effects. The results showed that paternal, unlike maternal, self-efficacy had a direct effect on adolescents’ risky and antisocial behaviour. Lower self-efficacy in fathers contributed positively to more pronounced risky and antisocial behaviour in adolescents. Further, maternal self-efficacy had an indirect effect on adolescents’ risky and antisocial behaviour through the maternal use of harsh punishment and lower adolescents’ behavioural school engagement. There were no significant indirect effects of maternal or paternal self efficacy on adolescents’ risky and antisocial behaviour in models with emotional and cognitive school engagement as mediators. The findings of the study point to different mechanisms by which maternal and paternal self-efficacy and adolescents’ school engagement contribute to adolescents’ risky and antisocial behaviour.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati izravne i serijalne neizravne, kroz roditeljsko kažnjavanje i školsku uključenost adolescenata, učinke roditeljske samoefikasnosti na rizično i antisocijalno ponašanje adolescenata. Podaci korišteni u ovom radu prikupljeni su unutar longitudinalnog istraživanja s dva mjerenja provedenog u sklopu projekta "Rad roditelja, ekonomske teškoće obitelji i dobrobit roditelja i djece". U ovom radu korišteni su podaci 193 adolescenta (120 djevojaka) i njihovih roditelja. Adolescenti su ispunili Skalu samoiskaza o rizičnom i antisocijalnom ponašanju (Vrselja i sur., 2009), Mjeru školske uključenosti (Fredricks i sur., 2005) te subskalu Kažnjavanja iz Upitnika roditeljskog ponašanja (Keresteš i sur., 2012). Majke i očevi su ispunili subskalu Roditeljske samoefikasnosti iz Skale roditeljske kompetentnosti (Keresteš i sur., 2011). S ciljem testiranja predloženih izravnih i neizravnih učinaka korišten je Process makro za SPSS (Hayes, 2013). Rezultati su pokazali kako samoefikasnost očeva, za razliku od samoefikasnosti majki, ostvaruje izravan učinak na rizično i antisocijalno ponašanje adolescenata. Niža samoefikasnost očeva predviđala je izraženije rizično i antisocijalno ponašanje adolescenata. Nadalje, samoefikasnost majki imala je neizravan učinak, kroz izraženije korištenje roditeljskog kažnjavanje kod majki i nižu ponašajnu školsku uključenost adolescenata, na rizično i antisocijalno ponašanje adolescenata. Neizravni učinci samoefikasnosti majki i očeva na rizično i antisocijalno ponašanje adolescenata nisu utvrđeni u modelima s emocionalnom i kognitivnom školskom uključenosti kao medijatorima. Rezultati ovog istraživanja upućuju na različite mehanizme putem kojih samoefikasnost majki i očeva, kao i školska uključenost adolescenata, doprinose rizičnom i antisocijalnom ponašanju adolescenata

    Roditeljska samoefikasnost i rizično i antisocijalno ponašanje adolescenata: posredujuća uloga roditeljskog kažanjavanja i školske uključenosti

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    The aim of this study was to examine direct effects of parental self efficacy on adolescents’ risky and antisocial behaviour as well as serial indirect effects through parental punishment and adolescents’ school engagement. Data used in the paper were collected in a two-wave longitudinal study conducted within the research project "Parents’ work, family economic hardship, and well-being of parents and children". In this paper, data collected from 193 adolescents (120 girls) and their parents were used. Adolescents completed the Self-Reported Risky and Antisocial Behaviour Scale (Vrselja et al., 2009), the School Engagement Measure (Fredricks et al., 2005), and the Punishment Subscale of the Parenting Behaviour Questionnaire (Keresteš et al., 2012). Mothers and fathers completed the Parental Self-Efficacy Subscale of the Parental Competence Scale (Keresteš et al., 2011). Process macro (Hayes, 2013) for SPSS was used to test the proposed direct and indirect effects. The results showed that paternal, unlike maternal, self-efficacy had a direct effect on adolescents’ risky and antisocial behaviour. Lower self-efficacy in fathers contributed positively to more pronounced risky and antisocial behaviour in adolescents. Further, maternal self-efficacy had an indirect effect on adolescents’ risky and antisocial behaviour through the maternal use of harsh punishment and lower adolescents’ behavioural school engagement. There were no significant indirect effects of maternal or paternal self efficacy on adolescents’ risky and antisocial behaviour in models with emotional and cognitive school engagement as mediators. The findings of the study point to different mechanisms by which maternal and paternal self-efficacy and adolescents’ school engagement contribute to adolescents’ risky and antisocial behaviour.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati izravne i serijalne neizravne, kroz roditeljsko kažnjavanje i školsku uključenost adolescenata, učinke roditeljske samoefikasnosti na rizično i antisocijalno ponašanje adolescenata. Podaci korišteni u ovom radu prikupljeni su unutar longitudinalnog istraživanja s dva mjerenja provedenog u sklopu projekta "Rad roditelja, ekonomske teškoće obitelji i dobrobit roditelja i djece". U ovom radu korišteni su podaci 193 adolescenta (120 djevojaka) i njihovih roditelja. Adolescenti su ispunili Skalu samoiskaza o rizičnom i antisocijalnom ponašanju (Vrselja i sur., 2009), Mjeru školske uključenosti (Fredricks i sur., 2005) te subskalu Kažnjavanja iz Upitnika roditeljskog ponašanja (Keresteš i sur., 2012). Majke i očevi su ispunili subskalu Roditeljske samoefikasnosti iz Skale roditeljske kompetentnosti (Keresteš i sur., 2011). S ciljem testiranja predloženih izravnih i neizravnih učinaka korišten je Process makro za SPSS (Hayes, 2013). Rezultati su pokazali kako samoefikasnost očeva, za razliku od samoefikasnosti majki, ostvaruje izravan učinak na rizično i antisocijalno ponašanje adolescenata. Niža samoefikasnost očeva predviđala je izraženije rizično i antisocijalno ponašanje adolescenata. Nadalje, samoefikasnost majki imala je neizravan učinak, kroz izraženije korištenje roditeljskog kažnjavanje kod majki i nižu ponašajnu školsku uključenost adolescenata, na rizično i antisocijalno ponašanje adolescenata. Neizravni učinci samoefikasnosti majki i očeva na rizično i antisocijalno ponašanje adolescenata nisu utvrđeni u modelima s emocionalnom i kognitivnom školskom uključenosti kao medijatorima. Rezultati ovog istraživanja upućuju na različite mehanizme putem kojih samoefikasnost majki i očeva, kao i školska uključenost adolescenata, doprinose rizičnom i antisocijalnom ponašanju adolescenata

    Iskustva i prilagodba djece izbjeglica u Hrvatskoj

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    Pregled literature pokazuje da o djeci izbjeglicama u Hrvatskoj nedostaje podataka temeljenih na istraživanjima. Ovim radom želio se dobiti bolji uvid u iskustvo dolaska djece izbjeglica u Hrvatsku, njihovu prilagodbu na nove uvjete života i njihova očekivanja u budućnosti. Provedeni su intervjui s djecom izbjeglicama (N = 10) koja se trenutno nalaze u Hrvatskoj. Raspon dobi djece bio je od 8 do 16 godina. Tematskom analizom odgovora iz intervjua izdvojeno je 14 podtema svrstanih u tri šire kategorije, odnosno glavne teme: iskustvo dolaska i migracije, iskustvo života u Hrvatskoj te potrebe i želje za budućnost. Djeca izbjeglice opisala su različita iskustva dolaska u Hrvatsku te kao najvažnijim za svoj život, odnosno prilagodbu navodili su podršku obitelji, prijatelja, nastavnika, volontera i zaposlenika prihvatilišta i osnovne škole. Iskazali su potrebu za stabilnim i legalnim statusom izbjeglice u Hrvatskoj, sigurnim domom te želju za učenjem, posebno hrvatskoga jezika. Rezultati upućuju na važnost sustava podrške, formalne i neformalne, za proces prilagodbe djece izbjeglica na nove uvjete života. U radu se opisuje smjer u kojem je moguće dalje istraživati temu i daje uvid u područja gdje je potrebno i moguće praktično djelovati

    Iskustva i prilagodba djece izbjeglica u Hrvatskoj

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    Pregled literature pokazuje da o djeci izbjeglicama u Hrvatskoj nedostaje podataka temeljenih na istraživanjima. Ovim radom želio se dobiti bolji uvid u iskustvo dolaska djece izbjeglica u Hrvatsku, njihovu prilagodbu na nove uvjete života i njihova očekivanja u budućnosti. Provedeni su intervjui s djecom izbjeglicama (N = 10) koja se trenutno nalaze u Hrvatskoj. Raspon dobi djece bio je od 8 do 16 godina. Tematskom analizom odgovora iz intervjua izdvojeno je 14 podtema svrstanih u tri šire kategorije, odnosno glavne teme: iskustvo dolaska i migracije, iskustvo života u Hrvatskoj te potrebe i želje za budućnost. Djeca izbjeglice opisala su različita iskustva dolaska u Hrvatsku te kao najvažnijim za svoj život, odnosno prilagodbu navodili su podršku obitelji, prijatelja, nastavnika, volontera i zaposlenika prihvatilišta i osnovne škole. Iskazali su potrebu za stabilnim i legalnim statusom izbjeglice u Hrvatskoj, sigurnim domom te želju za učenjem, posebno hrvatskoga jezika. Rezultati upućuju na važnost sustava podrške, formalne i neformalne, za proces prilagodbe djece izbjeglica na nove uvjete života. U radu se opisuje smjer u kojem je moguće dalje istraživati temu i daje uvid u područja gdje je potrebno i moguće praktično djelovati

    Umjetničke sposobnosti i opće samopoštovanje studenata umjetničkih akademija

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    The first aim of this paper was to examine the correlation between artistic ability and general self-esteem and the second was to examine gender differences in the selfperception of artistic ability among students at art academies. The study involved 215 students of art academies (140 female students; mean age 22.54) from Osijek and Zagreb. Students completed the adult version of the Arts Self-Perception Inventory (Vispoel, 1996) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965). The results show that artistic abilities are significantly and positively related to self-esteem, with music, dance, and general skills having the highest correlation with a sense of selfworth. Male students rate themselves higher than female students in the field of music and drama, and female students compared to male students in the field of visual art skill. In the field of dance and general artistic ability, no gender differences were found.Prvi je cilj ovoga rada istražiti korelacije između umjetničkih sposobnosti i općega samopoštovanja, dok je drugi cilj studije istražiti spolne razlike u percepciji vlastitih umjetničkih sposobnosti kod studenata umjetničkih akademija. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 215 studenata umjetničkih akademija (140 studentica, prosječne dobi 22,54) iz Osijeka i Zagreba. Studenti su ispunili Inventar samoprocjene umjetničkih sposobnosti (Vispoel, 1996) i Rosenbergovu skalu samopoštovanja (Rosenberg, 1965). Rezultati su pokazali kako su umjetničke sposobnosti značajno pozitivno povezane sa samopoštovanjem, pri čemu glazbene i opće umjetničke sposobnosti pokazuju najviše korelacije s osjećajem vlastite vrijednosti. Studenti su percipirali svoje glazbene i glumačke sposobnosti boljima od studentica, dok su studentice percipirale svoje likovne sposobnosti boljima u odnosu na studente. U područjima plesa i općih umjetničkih sposobnosti nisu pronađene spolne razlike

    Individuelle und familiäre Unterschiede zwischen berufstätigen und arbeitslosen jungen Schulabbrechern

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    Cilj provedenoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlikuje li skup individualnih i obiteljskih obilježja zaposlene i nezaposlene mlade bez završene srednje škole te koja od tih obilježja najviše pojedinačno pridonose razlikovanju. U istraživanju su sudjelovali mladi bez završene srednje škole iz 14 naselja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Prikupljeni su podatci o individualnim (školske sposobnosti, ponašanje u školi i podatci o zaposlenju) i obiteljskim (obrazovanje roditelja, učestalost kontakata s roditeljima i životni standard obitelji) obilježjima mladih bez završene srednje škole. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju početna očekivanja o višem školskom uspjehu, višem životnom standardu obitelji i obrazovanijim roditeljima zaposlenih mladih bez završene srednje škole u odnosu na njihove nezaposlene vršnjake bez završene srednje škole. Na temelju skupa individualnih i obiteljskih obilježja moguće je razlikovati zaposlene i nezaposlene mlade bez završene srednje škole, pri čemu obrazovanje majke i životni standard obitelji najviše pojedinačno pridonose razlikovanju.The aim of the present study was to determine whether the set of individual and family characteristics discriminates between employed and unemployed young adults without high school, and which of these characteristics contribute most to the discrimination between groups. The sample comprised youth without high school diploma (school dropouts) from 14 cities in the Republic of Croatia. Data on individual (school competence, behavior in school, and employment status) and family (parents’ education level, frequency of contacts with parents, and the living standard of family) characteristics of school dropouts were collected. The results of the study confirm the initial expectation about higher school achievement, higher living standard of the family, and higher educated parents of employed school dropouts in comparison to unemployed school dropouts. Based on the set of individual and family characteristics it is possible to discriminate between employed and unemployed school dropouts, whereby the mother’s education level and the living standard of family contribute most to the discrimination between groups.Mit vorliegender Untersuchung sollte ermittelt werden, ob es hinsichtlich individueller und familiärer Merkmale Unterschiede zwischen berufstätigen und arbeitslosen jugendlichen Schulabgängern gibt und welches dieser Merkmale am stärksten zu den Unterschieden beiträgt. An der Untersuchung nahmen jugendliche Schulabgänger aus 14 Städten der Republik Kroatien teil. Ermittelt wurden individuelle Merkmale wie schulische Begabung, Verhalten in der Schule und Angaben zur Berufstätigkeit, ferner familiäre Merkmale wie Bildungsgrad der Eltern, Häufigkeit der Kontakte zu den Eltern sowie der familiäre Lebensstandard. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse bestätigten die Annahme, dass berufstätige Schulabbrecher einem Milieu entstammen, in dem der familiäre Lebensstandard besser und das Bildungsniveau der Eltern höher ist – im Unterschied zu ihren arbeitslosen Altersgenossen, bei denen das nicht der Fall ist. Die Unterscheidung zwischen berufstätigen und arbeitslosen jugendlichen Schulabbrechern kann also durch genannte individuelle und familiäre Merkmale gestützt werden; die ausschlaggebenden Merkmale sind dabei der Bildungsgrad der Mutter und der Lebensstandard der Familie