8 research outputs found

    Efeitos da suplementação com vitamina E na cicatrização de feridas induzidas em Oreochromis niloticus

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    In the present study, the effect of vitamin E supplementation 450 mg/kg diet was appraised in the process of induced wound healing in Nile tilapias Oreochromis niloticus. Fish were distributed into 18 tanks (10 fish each). Nine tanks were fed the non-supplemented diet and the other 9 tanks were fed 450 mg vitamin E for 60 days. Subsequently, the fish were anesthetized and the epidermis and dermis were surgically removed. The rate of cicatricial retraction and appearance of the wounds, and the histomorphometry of mucous cells, chromatophores, revascularization, inflammatory cells, presence of fibroblasts, collagen fibers, and scales were checked after 3-, 7-, 14-, 21-, and 28 days post-wounding. The retraction rate of the wound was significantly higher in the supplemented fish. The higher concentrations of inflammatory cells, mucous cells, and chromatophores, as well as the production and organization of collagen fibers, resulted in a higher retraction rate. We concluded that a dietary supplementation diet improves specific aspects of the cutaneous healing process in Nile tilapia fish.No presente estudo, o efeito da suplementação com vitamina E de 450 mg / kg de dieta foi avaliado no processo de cicatrização induzida de feridas em tilápias do Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus. Os peixes foram distribuídos em 18 tanques (N=10), sendo 9 tanques com dieta não suplementada e os outros 9 tanques suplementados com 450 mg de vitamina E por 60 dias. Posteriormente, os peixes foram anestesiados e a epiderme e derme foram removidas cirurgicamente. Nos tempos pré- determinado de 3, 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias após a ferida foi analisado a taxa de retração cicatricial, a aparência das feridas e a histomorfometria das células mucosas, dos cromatóforos, das células inflamatórias, a revascularização, a presença de fibroblastos, de fibras de colágeno e escamas. A taxa de retração da ferida foi significativamente maior nos peixes suplementados. As maiores concentrações de células inflamatórias, mucosas e cromatóforos, bem como a produção e organização das fibras de colágeno, resultaram em uma maior taxa de retração. Concluímos que a dieta de suplementação melhora aspectos específicos do processo de cicatrização cutânea em peixes de tilápia do Nilo

    Probióticos na alimentação de tilápias do Nilo: desempenho produtivo, hematologia e imunologia

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    A atividade do probiótico contendo Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bacillus subtilis e Aspergillus oryzae foi avaliada através da inclusão de níveis do produto na dieta de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Foi avaliado seu efeito no desempenho produtivo, na resposta inflamatória e na resposta imune dos peixes, através do efeito protetor contra desafios infecciosos de Aeromonas hydrophila e Streptococcus iniae. Três dietas foram formuladas: uma sem a adição do probiótico (Controle); T1, suplementada com 5g; e T2 suplementada com 10g de probiótico por quilo de ração. As dietas continham os níveis de proteína indicados para a fase de alevinagem. Após 1, 3, 7 e 14 dias do início da alimentação coletas foram realizadas, e foi averiguado a colonização do trato gastrointestinal. Foram recuperados do trato 1,08x106 e 3,81x107 UFC.g-1 de B. subtilis e 1,0x105 e 1,06x106 de S. cerevisiae, dos tratamentos suplementados com 5 e 10g de probiótico respectivamente. Não foi possível recuperar o A. oryzae. Resultados de desempenho produtivo mostraram valores superiores em 30 dias de alimentação com 10g de probiótico por kg de ração. O hemograma e leucograma dos peixes que receberam o probiótico mostraram alterações e melhor resposta inflamatória. Estes peixes mostraram valores de cortisol e glicemia plasmática reduzidos. Os dados hematológicos dos peixes submetidos ao desafio bacteriano mostraram que o probiótico proporcionou maior resistência dos eritrocitócitos às diferenças osmóticas e à produção de ânion superóxido. Doses de 5 e 10g de probiótico por kg de ração garantiu maiores taxas de sobrevivência contra A. hydrophila, e doses de 10g de probiótico por kg de ração, maior sobrevivência à infecção S. iniaeThe probiotic activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bacillus subtilis and Aspergillus oryzae was evaluated by including product levels in the diet of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Performance, inflammatory and immune response, and protective effect against challenge infection with Aeromonas hydrophila and Streptococcus iniae was evaluated. Three diets were formulated: without probiotic (Control), T1, supplemented with 5g and T2, supplemented with 10g probiotic per kg of diet. The diets contained protein levels indicated for nursery phase. After 1, 3, 7 and 14 days after the beginning of feeding, samples were taken, gastrointestinal tract colonization was observed. 1.08 x 106 and 3.81 X107 CFU.g-1 of B. subtilis and 1.0 x 105 and 1.06 x 106 of S. cerevisiae, were recovered from the tract from fish fed 5 and 10g of probiotic respectively. It was unable to recover A. oryzae. Performance data showed higher values, in 30 days of probiotic feeding with 10g per kg of feed. The CBC and WBC of fish that received the probiotic showed better changes and inflammatory response. These fish showed levels of cortisol and reduced plasma glucose. The blood of the fish subjected to bacterial challenge showed that the probiotic provided eritrocitócitos greater resistance to the osmotic differences and the production of superoxide anion. Doses of 5 and 10g of probiotic per kg of ration ensured the highest survival rates against A. hydrophila, and doses of 10 g probiotic per kg of diet increased survival against S. iniae infectionCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Influência da vitamina E na cinética do processo cicatricial induzido em tilápia do Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus

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    A vitamina E ou tocoferol é um importante nutriente que atua como imunoestimulante em peixes. No presente estudo foi verificado o efeito deste nutricêutico no processo de cicatrização induzido em tilápia do Nilo, suplementadas ou não com 450 mg de vitamina E. Exemplares desta espécie foram separados em dois grupos contendo 90 peixes, denominados controle e suplementados, distribuídos em 18 caixas de água com capacidade de 250L com 10 exemplares em cada. Os peixes foram alimentados durante 60 dias com as rações experimentais. Após este período, todos os peixes foram anestesiados e submetidos às cirurgias, onde feridas cutâneas de tamanho padronizado e representativas do processo cicatricial foram realizadas cirurgicamente com remoção da epiderme e derme. A análise histomorfométrica foi verificada após três, sete, 14, 21 e 28 dias. Foram utilizados como parâmetros para análise macroscópica: índice de retração cicatricial e aparência das feridas, e para a microscópica: histomorfometria de células mucosas, cromatóforos, neovasos, células inflamatórias, fibroblastos, fibras de colágeno e escamas. Os resultados mostraram que o índice de retração cicatricial foi significativamente maior no grupo suplementado, fato atribuído à contribuição do maior número de células inflamatórias, células mucosas, cromatóforos e a maior produção e organização das fibras de colágeno que foram significativamente maiores nos diferentes tempos, neste grupo. Os resultados indicam que o efeito nutricêutico da vitamina E promove o processo de reparação tecidual.The vitamin E or tocoferol is an important nutrient that acts as an imunoestimulant in fishes. In the present study the effect of this vitamin was appraised in the process of induced wound healing in Nile tilapias Oreochromis niloticus supplemented with 0 and 450 mg levels of vitamin E. Examples from this specie were separated in two groups with 90 fishes in each, denominative control and supplemented, distributed in 18 boxes of water with capacity of 250L with 10 examples in each. The fishes were fed during 60 days with the experimental rations. After this period, all the fishes were anaesthetized and submitted the surgeries, where cutaneous wounds of standardized size and representative of the wound healing process were carried out by them surgically with removal of the epidermis and derme. The histomorphometric analysis was checked after three, seven, 14, 21 and 28 days post-wounding. They were used parameters for macroscopic as analysis rate of cicatricial retraction and appearance of the wounds, and for the microscopic one, histomorphometric of mucous cells, cromatophores, revascularization, inflammatory cells, presence of fibroblasts, fibers of collagen and scales. The results show the rate of retraction of the wound was significantly higher in the supplemented group. This higher rate of retraction results from the contribution of each microscopic parameter analyzed, such as inflammatory cells, mucous cells and cromatophores that were significantly higher in the different times, as the production and organization of collagen fibers. The results indicate that the vitamin E promotes wound healing process.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    <b>Growth performance and intestinal histomorphology of Nile tilapia juveniles fed probiotics</b> - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v35i4.18610

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    <span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;"> </span><p>The objective of this study was to assess the growth performance and the histomorphometric characterization of the middle intestine of GIFT strain Nile tilapia, <em>Oreochromis niloticus</em> juveniles fed probiotics, added either before or after the feed processing. The experimental design was completely randomized, with five treatments and five replications: pelleted feed without any probiotic; pelleted feed with inclusion of probiotic before the processing; pelleted feed with inclusion of probiotic after the processing; extruded feed without any probiotic and extruded feed with inclusion of probiotic after the processing. Two hundred and fifty juveniles were distributed in 25 aquaria (20L) and fed for 63 days. Differences in the mean values of total weight were found at the end of the experiment. After 42 days of feed intake, significant differences in feed conversion were verified for treatments with extruded diets when compared to the pelleted ones. The fishes fed diets supplemented with probiotic presented increase in the thickness of the epithelium of the intestine. The best zootechnical performance was observed in the extruded diet supplemented with probiotic added after the feed processing. The inclusion of 4.0 x 10<sup>8 </sup>CFU g<sup>-1</sup> of <em>Bacillus subtilis</em> and 4.0 x 10<sup>8 </sup>CFU g<sup>-1</sup> of <em>Bacillus toyoi</em> in both the pelleted and the extruded diets promoted an increase in the thickness of the epithelial layer of the middle intestine.</p> <p class="akeyword"> </p><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 150%;"> </p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;"> </span

    Incorporação de probióticos na dieta para juvenis de tilápias-do-nilo: Parâmetros hematológicos, imunológicos e microbiológicos

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    Probiotics are generally considered as live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit to the host. The processing method of diet and the form of inclusion of probiotic can interfere in hematological, immunological and microbiological parameters in fish. The aim was to estimate the hematological, immunological and microbiological parameters in juveniles of Nile tilapia, fed probiotic, included before and after the process of pelletization and extrusion. The experimental design was completely randomized, with five treatments: pelleted diet without probiotic, pelleted diet with inclusion of probiotic before and after processing, extruded feed without probiotic and extruded feed with inclusion of probiotic after processing and five replications. Two hundred and fifty fish were distributed in 25 aquaria (20 L) and fed for 63 days. The blood composition (red and white) showed no significant differences except mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration of control when compared to other treatments. The phagocytic capacity of the animals that had received the extruded diet supplemented with probiotic was significantly higher when compared to the other treatments. However, there were no differences between the treatments regarding to the phagocytic index. Fish fed the extruded diet exhibited significant improvement in the nonspecific immunity. The probiotic bacteria colonized the intestine, since it was possible to recover them. We can affirm that these fishes remained healthy, because the hematological parameters were not altered during the experimental. The study shows that any form type of inclusion in the feed tested (before or after and after pelletizing extrusion) may be easily used by the fish farmer