10 research outputs found

    Desempenho e morfometria intestinal em frangos alimentados com ração à base de sorgo grão inteiro e moído em diferentes fases de criação

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of diets based on sorghum grain, whole and ground, supplied to broilers at different stages of creation, on the performance, organs and intestinal mucosa morphometry, and goblet cell count. We performed a food program composed of four phases, with the diets based on sorghum without tannin and corn, divided into treatments: ground grain sorghum; ground corn grain; whole sorghum grain from housing (pre-starter); whole sorghum grain from the initial ration; whole sorghum grain from the fattening ration; whole sorghum grain on the housing and ground sorghum grain from the starter feed; and whole grain sorghum in the housing and ground corn from the initial feed. At 42 days old data of feed intake, live weight gain, real and traditional feed conversion, and viability we evaluated. Five animals from each treatment were slaughtered, and organs collected for morphometric evaluation and goblet cells quantification. At 42 days of age the inclusion of whole or ground sorghum secured higher body weight and better feed conversion than corn ground. We observed greater duodenal villus height, smaller crypt depth and greater absorption area in animals of treatment whole grain sorghum in the housing and ground corn from the initial feed, compared to whole sorghum grain from the fattening ration. The use of sorghum grain, free of tannin, from housing, or included in the initial or fattening stages of broiler raising, assured satisfactory performance characteristics, without affecting the morphometric parameters of gastrointestinal tube, accessory glands and intestinal goblet cells proliferation.Mestre em Ciências VeterináriasObjetivou-se com esta pesquisa avaliar o efeito das dietas à base de sorgo grão, moído e inteiro, fornecidas a frangos de corte em diferentes fases de criação, sobre o desempenho zootécnico, morfometria de órgãos e da mucosa intestinal, e contagem de células caliciformes. Foi realizado um programa alimentar composto por quatro fases, com rações formuladas a base de sorgo sem tanino e a base de milho, divididos nos tratamentos: sorgo grão moído; milho grão moído; sorgo grão inteiro a partir do alojamento (pré-inicial); sorgo grão inteiro a partir da ração inicial; sorgo grão inteiro a partir da ração engorda; sorgo grão inteiro no alojamento e sorgo grão moído a partir da ração inicial; e sorgo grão inteiro no alojamento e milho moído a partir da ração inicial. Aos 42 dias de idade dados de consumo de ração, ganho de peso vivo, conversão alimentar real e tradicional, e viabilidade foram avaliados. Cinco animais de cada tratamento foram abatidos e coletados órgãos para avaliação morfométrica e quantificação de células caliciformes. Aos 42 dias de idade a inclusão de sorgo inteiro ou moído garantiu maior peso vivo e melhor conversão alimentar que o milho moído. Observou-se no duodeno maior altura das vilosidades, menor profundidade de cripta e maior área de absorção nos animais do tratamento sorgo grão inteiro no alojamento e milho moído a partir da ração inicial, comparados ao sorgo grão inteiro a partir da ração engorda. A utilização de sorgo grão inteiro, livre de tanino, desde o alojamento dos pintinhos, ou incluído nas fases inicial ou engorda da criação de frangos, garantiu características de desempenho satisfatórias, sem afetar os parâmetros morfométricos do tubo gastrintestinal e glândulas acessórias, e a proliferação de células caliciformes do intestino

    Split feeding program for laying hens

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    O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Código de Financiamento 001.It was evaluated a Split feeding program for commercial laying hens, its zootechnical and physiological results, egg bromatology and the diets digestibility. A total of 240 commercial Lohmann LSL®, laying hens were used, divided into four treatments (60 birds / treatment), with five replications each. The treatments were: MC - conventional feed program (50% in the morning and 50% in the afternoon); SFB: Split feeding base (hight energy / protein and low calcium in the morning and low energy / protein and high calcium in the afternoon); SF-2: SFB feed program with 2% reduction in nutrients; SF + 2: SFB feed program with 2% increase in nutrients. The experiment was carried out in 56 days, comprising two cycles of 28 days. The birds were fed twice a day, each one receiving 108 g of feed/day, divided equaly in the morning and afternoon. We evaluated productive, physiological and blood parameters, economic analysis of diets, diets digestibility test and bromatological analysis of eggs. Egg production, bird weight and blood parameters were the same between treatments. The best results for specific gravity were observed in Split feeding systems (SFB; SF-2 and SF + 2). The Split feeding program did not cause any loss to the zootechnical performance of the laying hens, being economically more viable.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorTese (Doutorado)Avaliou-se um programa de alimentação dividida, Split feeding para galinhas poedeiras comerciais, seus resultados zootécnicos e fisiológicos, bromatologia de ovos e a digestibilidade das rações utilizadas. Foram utilizadas 240 poedeiras comerciais da linhagem Lohmann LSL®, divididas em quatro tratamentos (60 aves/tratamento), com cinco repetições cada. Os tratamentos foram: MC – programa alimentar convencional (50% de ração pela manhã e 50% a tarde); SFB:Split feeding base (ração da manhã com maior densidade energia/proteína e baixa em cálcio e ração da tarde com baixa densidade energia/proteína e alta densidade em cálcio); SF-2: programa alimentar SFB com redução de 2% nos nutrientes; SF+2: programa alimentar SFB com acréscimo de 2% dos nutrientes. O experimento foi conduzido em 56 dias compreendendo dois ciclos de 28 dias. As aves foram alimentadas duas vezes ao dia, recebendo cada uma 108 g de ração/dia, dividida igualmente pela manhã e tarde. Foram avaliados os parâmetros produtivos, fisiológicos e sanguíneos das aves, analise econômica e teste de digestibilidade das rações, e composição bromatológicas dos ovos. A produção de ovos, o peso das aves e parâmetros sanguíneos foram iguais entre os tratamentos. Os melhores resultados para a gravidade específica foram observados nos sistemas de Split feeding (SFB; SF-2 e SF+2). O programa alimentar Split feeding não causou nenhum prejuízo no desempenho zootécnico das galinhas poedeiras e mostrou-se economicamente mais viável.2022-02-1

    Millet and corn oil in sorghum-based diets for broilers

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    ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the effects of millet and corn oil additions to sorghum-based diets on the performance, carcass yields and prime cuts (i.e., wings, breasts, thighs and drumsticks) and the relative weights of edible offal (i.e., gizzard, heart, and liver) of broiler chickens. A total of 684 Hubbard Flex chickens, including 342 broilers of each sex, were housed. The design was completely randomized, and the following diets were supplied: A) sorghum and soybean meal + soybean oil (control); B) sorghum and soybean meal + corn oil; and C) sorghum and soybean meal + millet and soybean oil. Six replicates with 38 birds each (19 males and 19 females) were evaluated regarding each experimental diet. At 14, 21, 35 and 42 days of age, the feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion and viability of the chickens were evaluated. At 42 days, the live weight, carcass yield, prime cuts and relative weight of the edible offal were measured. The dietary inclusion of either millet or corn oil did not affect any of the parameters. In conclusion, additions of millet and corn oil to sorghum-based diets of broilers do not compromise poultry performance


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    This study aimed to evaluate the performance of three fast-growing broiler strains which currently represent the highest percentage of production on the market. We used a completely randomized design with six treatments in a 3 x 2 factorial design (strain x gender), with 12 repetitions per treatment. The treatments were divided into males of strain A, females of strain A, males of strain B, females of strain B, males of strain C and females of strain C. The performance variables that were analyzed were mean feed consumption (FC), live weight (LW), real feed conversion (FCr), traditional feed conversion (FCt) and viability (Viab.) at seven, 14 and 35 days of age. The results were submitted to variance analysis and Tukey’s test at 5% probability (SAS 9.2). There were no significant interactions between strain and sex for the performance variables at any age. There were no differences between strains in any variable analyzed performance at 35 days of age. However, as expected, analyses of variance showed sex effect on feed consumption, live weight, real feed and traditional feed, where the performance of males was higher than that of females. It was concluded that there are no differences in the performance between the current commercial strains evaluated, where the use of any can enable the same economic performance

    Efeito do óleo de milho em ração de frangos de corte sobre a digestibilidade, composição bromatológica do músculo do peito e viabilidade econômica das rações

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the digestibility, economic efficiency, and composition of breast muscle in broiler chickens fed with a diet containing corn oil as an alternative replacement to soybean oil. We evaluated feed digestibility, crude protein (CP), ethereal extract (EE), apparent metabolizable energy (AME), and apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen balance (AMEn) during two periods (17-21 and 31-35 days of age). An analysis of breast composition, feed cost (Yi), economic efficiency index (EEI), and cost index (CI) for live weight of the animal and carcass between the two oil sources was also carried out. The design was completely randomized in a 2×2 factorial design with two ingredients (soybean oil and corn oil) and two periods (17-21 and 31-35 days). Digestibility tests were performed with four replicates per treatment and two birds per pen, and tests of breast muscle composition were made with six replicates. There was an interaction between diet and age for digestibility of CP (P 0.05) by treatment or age. The use of corn oil resulted in higher (P 0.05) in AMEn among 17-21 day olds. In breast composition, there were no differences (P > 0.05) in deposition of EE. For CP level and dry matter (DM), corn oil showed better values, while for breast moisture, soybean oil resulted in higher levels of moisture compared to corn oil (P 0,05) pelos tratamentos e pelas idades. A utilização do óleo de milho resultou em maior (P 0,05) para EMAn aos 17-21 dias. Na composição de peito, não foram encontradas diferenças (P > 0,05) em deposição de EE. Para o nível de PB e matéria seca (MS) o óleo de milho apresentou melhores valores enquanto que para umidade de peito o óleo de soja resultou em maiores teores de umidade se comparado ao óleo de milho (P < 0,05). O resultado de viabilidade econômica beneficiou o óleo de soja. Concluiuse que o óleo de milho pode substituir o óleo de soja em dietas formuladas com o sorgo, pois apresenta maior energia metabolizável aparente da ração e melhor composição de peito

    Effect of nutrition on the body temperature and relative organ weights of broilers

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    <p>The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different nutritional plans on the body temperature and organ biometrics in male and female broilers, of two ages. Here, 1,700 birds were used (850 males and 850 females) in a completely randomized design composed of five treatments (- 3%, - 1.5%, reference, + 1.5% and + 3%), with 10 repetitions, totaling 50 experimental units; the reference treatment based on nutritional and energy levels indicated in previous studies was calculated from this. At 35 and 42 d, the temperatures of the wing, head, shin, back, and cloaca in males and females were measured separately, and the average surface and body temperature were calculated. At 42 d, relative weights of the gizzard, liver, heart, and small intestine were calculated. The temperatures of the wings, back, and cloaca, and consequently the average surface temperature and body temperatures, were not affected by nutritional plans. Effects of increasing the nutritional and energy levels were observed on liver weights, the gizzard, and the small intestine. We conclude that the nutritional plans did not affect body temperature. Males had higher body temperatures than females. Body temperature increased with increase in age, and the increase in the nutritional plans increased liver weight and reduced the gizzard weights.</p

    Effect of nutrition on the body temperature and relative organ weights of broilers

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different nutritional plans on the body temperature and organ biometrics in male and female broilers, of two ages. Here, 1,700 birds were used (850 males and 850 females) in a completely randomized design composed of five treatments (- 3%, - 1.5%, reference, + 1.5% and + 3%), with 10 repetitions, totaling 50 experimental units; the reference treatment based on nutritional and energy levels indicated in previous studies was calculated from this. At 35 and 42 d, the temperatures of the wing, head, shin, back, and cloaca in males and females were measured separately, and the average surface and body temperature were calculated. At 42 d, relative weights of the gizzard, liver, heart, and small intestine were calculated. The temperatures of the wings, back, and cloaca, and consequently the average surface temperature and body temperatures, were not affected by nutritional plans. Effects of increasing the nutritional and energy levels were observed on liver weights, the gizzard, and the small intestine. We conclude that the nutritional plans did not affect body temperature. Males had higher body temperatures than females. Body temperature increased with increase in age, and the increase in the nutritional plans increased liver weight and reduced the gizzard weights.</p