83 research outputs found

    Combustion analysis and diagnostics of diesel engine by monitoring of instaneous angular velocity

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    Sports live text commentary as a hybrid register

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    Aim: To present and analyze features of live text commentary (LTC) as a recent register of the English language using examples from the coverage of UEFA Euro 2020. The paper explores the influence of spoken language and sports announcer talk (SAT) on the register. It focuses on the differences and similarities between LTC and SAT and presents an overview of features unique to LTC. Methods: LTC was examined as a text variety following Chovanecā€™s (2018) analysis and using the register perspective proposed by Biber and Conrad (2009). Examples from fourteen LTCs reporting on the UEFA Euro 2020 competition held in June/July 2021 were analyzed, including their typical situational and linguistic characteristics and some of their functions. Results: LTC is a hybrid register that exemplifies todayā€™s convergence of different media. LTCs take the context of production from live blogs, while their language is mainly reminiscent of SAT, including tense usage and adoption of certain forms. Spoken language, in general, is also an influence, especially on the syntactic and grammatical levels. Distinct LTC features include the internal structure, icons, and interactiveness of the text. The analyzed commentaries feature clearly outlined sections (e.g., opening and closing posts) that serve specific discursive purposes. Icons have a particular function in LTC; their meaning is well-established, and they sometimes function as utterances. Another remarkable characteristic is the intertextuality derived from text contributions provided by various spectators of the sports event, including fans. This interaction is, at times, simulated. Conclusion: The paper confirmed LTC as a hybrid format with avenues for further hybridization. In LTC, we see an intertwining of different elements, which, taken together, produce a new whole in a process typical of the convergence seen in the media today. The most innovative aspects of LTC, the intertextuality, interactiveness, and co-production of a text, are limited

    Uloga signala torzionih vibracija koljenastog vratila u dijagnostici motora s unutarnjim izgaranjem

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    Sofisticirani sistemi mjerenja i upravljanja termoenergetskim sistemima sve se viÅ”e primjenjuju i kod motora SUI. Prednosti koje se njihovom primjenom os-tvaruju, svakim danom su veće, a potencijal ovih sistema nije joÅ” iscrpljen. KoriÅ”tenjem jednog takvog sistema, u obliku beskontaktnog davača za mjerenje kutne brzine i položaja koljenastog vratila, otvaraju se mogućnosti praćenja i dijagnosticiranja rada motora SUI na relativno jednostavan i jeftin način. Praćenjem promjena kutne brzine koljenastog vratila, te njegovim odgovarajućim vrednovanjem, mogu se dobiti pouzdane informacije o stanju SUI motora. S jedne strane to znači da je moguće ustanoviti neispravnosti u njegovom radu, a s druge strane da se mogu ustanoviti čak i uzroci takvog rada

    Sinteza i interakcija epitaksijalnog grafena na iridiju

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    Epitaxial graphene on iridium (111) surface is considered to be one of the best systems for studying intrinsic properties of graphene due to the weak interaction with the substrate which is predominantly of the van der Waals character. In epitaxial systems, grapheneā€™s properties can be modified or some new ones can be induced by the processes of intercalation of various atoms or molecules in between the graphene and the substrate. Therefore, a detailed understanding of the formation of such hybrid systems, from graphene synthesis to its intercalation, is crucial for their complete understanding. In this thesis, results relevant for the growth and intercalation of epitaxial graphene synthesized on Ir(111) are presented. By utilizing well-established procedures for graphene synthesis, samples with various graphene coverages are prepared in order to characterize the growth of graphene in detail. Different species (specifically, Cs, Li, Eu and O) are also deposited on such samples which results in the formation of new, hybrid (and most often intercalated) systems whose properties depend on the exact preparation parameters. In order to characterize the morphology, low energy electron microscopy (LEEM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) are used while the electronic structure is investigated by means of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and two-photon photoemission spectroscopy (2PPE). The growth of graphene is characterized on a microscopic level, focusing on small graphene islands and their interaction with iridium. For a complete graphene monolayer, a network of graphene wrinkles is studied. It is found that such network exhibits ordering on the micrometer scales dictated by the substrate. Occupied and unoccupied electronic structure in the vicinity of the Brillouin zone center is investigated via spectroscopic techniques establishing basic relations between the states located below and above the Fermi level. From the aspect of intercalation, Cs deposition on well defined graphene layer is studied and emerging spectroscopic and morphological features are characterized. By this, a novel mechanism of intercalation and the corresponding dynamics behind it are revealed. A competition between Coulomb and van der Waals interactions turns out to be crucial in such epitaxial systems. In addition, intercalation of Li, Eu and O are characterized with special emphasis on the electronic structure at the K point of the Brillouin zone which gives new insight on the influence of various intercalated layers on the surface states of iridium.Epitaksijalni grafen na iridiju (111) se smatra jednim od najboljih sistema za proučavanje intrinzičnih svojstava grafena zbog slabog međudjelovanja s podlogom koje je dominantno van der Waals tipa. U epitaksijalnim sistemima, svojstva grafena se mogu mijenjati ili se čak mogu inducirati neka nova u procesima interkalacije različitih atoma ili molekula između grafena i podloge. Stoga je detaljno razumijevanje nastanka takvih hibridnih sistema, od sinteze grafena do njegove interkalacije, ključno za njihovo potpuno razumijevanje. U ovom radu su prezentirani rezultati relevantni za rast i interkalaciju epitaksijalnog grafena sintetiziranog na Ir(111). KoriÅ”tenjem dobro utvrđenih postupaka za sintezu, pripremljeni su uzorci s različitim pokrivenostima iridijeve povrÅ”ine grafenom kako bi se detaljno okarakterizirao njegov rast. Na takve uzorke naneseni su drugi kemijski elementi (specifično, Cs, Li Eu i O) Å”to je rezultiralo stvaranjem novih, hibridnih (i najčeŔće interkaliranih) sistema čija svojstva ovise o konkretnim parametrima pripreme. Za karakterizaciju morfologije se koriste nisko-energetska elektronska mikroskopija (LEEM) i pretražna tunelirajuća mikroskopija (STM) dok se elektronska struktura istražuje kutno-razlučivom fotoemisijskom spektroskopijom (ARPES) i dvo-fotonsko fotoemisijskom spektroskopijom (2PPE). Rast grafena je karakteriziran na mikroskopskom nivou sa posebnim fokusom na malene grafenske otoke i njihovo međudjelovanje s iridijem. Za cjeloviti grafenski sloj, istražena su svojstva mreže grafenskih nabora te je nađeno da takva mreža pokazuje uređenost na mikrometarskim skalama koja je određena s podlogom. Pomoću spektroskopskih tehnika je istražena popunjena i nepopunjena elektronska struktura u blizini centra Brillouinove zone čime su uspostavljene osnovne veze između stanja koja se nalaze ispod i iznad Fermijevog nivoa. S aspekta interkalacije, obavljena je spektroskopska i morfoloÅ”ka karakterizacija depozicije cezija na dobro definiran grafenski sloj. Pri tome je otkriven novi mehanizam interkalacije kao i odgovarajuća dinamika koja je vezana uz taj proces. Pokazuje se da je natjecanje između van der Waals i Coulomb međudjelovanja od ključne važnosti u epitaksijalnim sistemima. Dodatno, okarakterizirana je interkalacija litija, europija i kisika sa posebnim naglaskom na elektronsku strukturu u blizini K točke Brillouinove zone čime je dobiven novi uvid u utjecaj različitih interkaliranih slojeva na povrÅ”inska stanja iridija

    Kimura's disease in a young Balkan male

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    Introduction. Kimura's disease is a rare, chronic inflammatory disorder of unknown cause, mainly seen in young Asian men. To our knowledge it has not been reported previously in persons from the Balkan countries. Case report. We presented a 15-year-old male with Kimura's disease manifested as chronic left neck mass. The diagnosis was based on the histopathological findings of the excised lesion. Peripheral blood eosinophilia and raised serum Immunoglobulin E (IgE) level supported the diagnosis. Conclusion. The presented patient confirmed the fact that Kimura's disease could occur in different ethnic groups. Histopathological examination, should be performed prior to making the definitive diagnosis

    Experimental Determination of Capillarity of Certain Liquids

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    U radu su opisane osnovne karakteristike kapilarnosti kao jedne od osnovnih svojstva kapljevina. Definiran je pojam povrÅ”inskog naprezanja, značajke kohezijskih i adhezijskih sila unutar kapljevine, način određivanja visine kapilarnog dizanja te najznačajnije metode za mjerenje kapilarnosti u praksi. Drugi dio rada baziran je na izradi eksperimentalnih pokusa u hidrotehničkom laboratoriju Građevinskog fakulteta u Rijeci. Prvi pokus je obuhvatio eksperimentalna mjerenja visina kapilarnog dizanja kapljevine između dviju staklenih pločica, a drugi određivanje visina kapilarnog dizanja kapljevine u malim uskim cjevčicama različitih promjera za četiri različite vrste kapljevina pri njihovim različitim temperaturama.The paper describes the basic characteristics of capillarity as one of the basic properties of liquids. The concept of surface tension, the characteristics of cohesion and adhesion forces, the method of determining the height of capillary rise and the most important methods for measuring capillarity in practice are defined. The second part of the paper is based on the creation of an experiments in the Hydrotechnical laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Rijeka. The first experiment included experimental measurements of liquid rise heights between two glass plates and the second one was determination of liquid rise heights in small narrow tubes of different diameters for four different types of liquids at their different temperatures
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