58 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Electronic Programme Guide Adoption Using UTAUT2 Based Model

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    In this paper we describe research in the ways in which consumers reach the information on television programme schedule and what motivates them to use the electronic programme guide service. The research was carried out using the Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2) model on a sample of N=234 respondents in the Republic of Croatia. The survey found that, when consumers want to get information about programme scheduling or event information, 55.5% of them first choose to use the electronic programme guide (EPG), and that the rest of them rather use teletext, Internet portals and smartphone applications or printed programme guides as a first choice. The research model based on UTAUT2 explained almost 90% of the variance in behavioural intention to use the electronic programme guide and 78% of the variance in use of the EPG. The intention to use the EPG is driven mainly by the userā€™s habit with more than 50% of influence on the behavioural intention, followed by the usersā€™ perception that the EPG as a solution gives them high quality information which they can retrieve quickly, as well as ease of use of the EPG application and the fact that it is free to use. The actual use of the EPG is influenced by the facilitating conditions which include availability of an electronic programme guide on every television set or digital receiver and usersā€™ perception that they know how to use the application, habit and intention to use. Indirectly, through the intention to use, the fact that the electronic programme guide is quick and reliable, easy to use and free also plays a major role in use behaviour

    Positioning of University North for the contemporary labour market

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    The positioning of higher education institutions, taking into consideration social developments as well as changes in education, is essential to the development and growth of an education and knowledge-based economy. The dynamics of modern economy and the scientific and technological revolution have created a complex environment and imposed a continuous need for adaptation and innovation in the field of education and knowledge. The education system, as the primary driving force of growth, needs to continuously review its own efficiency and competitiveness. The aim of the paper is to underline the position of University North in the current higher education landscape in Croatia as a thriving and successful university which is setting the bar and creating new values and expectations to meet the challenges and opportunities of the current labour market. The strategic concept pursued by University North is learningoriented teaching, which is responsive to changes in the environment, new student needs, new occupational profiles, new partners, market demands and the very factors that drive students to learn. To do this successfully, the University has to adopt the latest advancements in technology for learning, and introduce new undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate study programmes. The paper lists new study programmes that meet the student as well as labour market needs. University North occupies a distinctive position in the market owing to its innovative study programmes and active learning

    Analysis of porous and chemical additives effects on the cement-lime mortar properties

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    Cement-lime (CL) mortar has a number of properties and most important property of this mortar type is dependent on the admixtures and aggregates. By varying the ratio of ingredients, the characteristics of CL mortar can be adapted to specific mortar applications. This paper discusses those mortar properties that EU standards and engineers consider important. For each of these properties, the influence of admixtures and aggregates in the mortar is explored. Properties detailed in the paper include bond strength, compressive strength and workability

    Estimation of electronic programme guide use behaviour based on the switching cost evaluation

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    In this article we define a new technology acceptance research model which considers the comparison of two technology solutions that an individual can use. The model estimates the usage of the observed solution based on the cost of switching from the reference solution (typically a standard or older solution) to the observed solution, considering the fact that the cost of switching is caused by a difference of facilitating conditions, habit and the intention to use between the reference and observed solutions. For evaluation purposes, we observed the costs of switching from teletext use to the use of the electronic programme guide (EPG on the subset of n = 82 respondents and interpreted 77.2% of the variance, which demonstrates the high quality of the model. Evaluation results indicate that the primary obstacle to switching from teletext to EPG usage arises from the individualsā€™ perception whether they have more or less of the necessary resources to use the EPG in comparison to the resources they have at their disposition in case of teletext use, and the second ranked switching cost is caused by a difference in habit

    Evaluation of the chromatic assimilation effect intensity in Munker-White samples produced using standard methods of rendering

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    U svakodnevnoj komunikaciji uobičajeno je da se određena valna duljina svjetlosti vidljivog spektra ili fizičkog objekta poistovjeti s njegovom bojom. Određivanje boje spada, kao fizikalni fenomen, u područje spektrofotometrije ili spektroradiometrije. Možemo reći da se određena valna duljina pod određenim uvjetima gledanja percipira kao njihova boja. Pojavnost boje neke slike koju promatramo uvjetovana je promjenom uvjeta gledanja. Takav fenomen predstavlja izazov komunikacijskim tehnologijama koje se za prijenos informacija služe informacijom o boji. Sustavi paralelnih linija različitog obojenja koji su svojim oblikom slični klasičnim Munker-White uzorcima upotrebljavaju se svakodnevno u različitim dizajnerskim rjeÅ”enjima. Upotreba takovih sustava linija može uslijed manifestacije određenih psihofizikalnih vizualnih efekata uzrokovati potencijalno odstupanje u percepciji boje pojedinih elemenata. Zbog toga istraživanja u ovom radu usmjerena su na određivanje utjecaja pojedinih standardnih metoda renderiranja na magnitudu najintenzivnijeg efekta koji se manifestira kod različitih tipova Munker-White uzorka, odnosno efekta kromatske asimilacije.In everyday communication it is common that a particular wavelength of visible light spectrum or physical object is identified with its color. Determination of color as a physical phenomenon belongs to the area of spectrophotometry or spectrum-diometry. It can be said that, under certain conditions of viewing, a particular wavelength is perceived as their color. Occurrence of color of viewed pictures depends on the change of the viewing conditions. Such a phenomenon is a challenge to communication technologies which use information about the color for the transmission of information. Systems of parallel lines of various colors that with their shape are similar to the classic Munker-White samples are used daily in a variety of design solutions. The use of such line systems may potentially, due to the manifestation of certain psychophysical visual effects, cause deviation in color perception of individual elements. Therefore, the researches in this paper are focused on determining the impact of certain standard methods of rendering on the magnitude of the most intensive effect that is manifested in different types of Munker-White pattern, or the chromatic assimilation effect

    Modeling light dispersion in the printing substrate within the Monte Carlo method

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    Proizvodni značaj optičkih svojstava papira motivirao nas je na izgradnju teorijskog pristupa koji se može koristiti za određivanje refleksije i disperzije svjetla od povrÅ”ine papira. U radu smo prezentirali metodu temeljenu na Monte Carlo modelu rasprÅ”enja svjetlosti za bolje razumijevanje nastanka optičkog prirasta rastertonskih vrijednosti, te kako bi osigurali realističniji opis medija u kojem se rasprÅ”enje svjetlosti događa. Monte Carlo metoda je služila kao okvir unutar kojeg smo bili u mogućnosti opisati difuzno rasprÅ”enje svjetlosti koja doživljava viÅ”estruke podpovrÅ”inske refleksije i apsorpcije na komponentama od kojih je papir sačinjen. NaÅ”e simulacije pružaju fleksibilan i u isto vrijeme, strog pristup transportu svjetlosti u mediju kao Å”to je papir. Numerički smo istražili učinke modelirane povrÅ”ine na optička svojstva papira zbog podpovrÅ”inskog rasprÅ”enja svjetlosti.Manufacturing significance of optical properties of paper motivated us to construct a theoretical approach which could be used to determine the reflection and dispersion of light from paper surface. We introduced a method based on the Monte Carlo model of light scattering in paper for better understanding the origin of optical screen values gain and to provide a more realistic description of the medium in which light scattering occurs. The Monte Carlo method was used as a frame within which we were able to describe the diffuse scattering of light which suffers multiple subsurface reflections. Our simulation provides a flexible and at the same time rigorous approach to the transport of light in a medium such as paper. We numerically investigated the effects of the modeled surface on the optical properties of paper throughout subsurface light scattering

    Applications of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in Empirical Studies Regarding the Croatian Tourism

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    Tourism is one of the largest and continuously booming economic sectors globally that significantly contributes primarily to GDP, employment, and prosperity. The efficiency of this sector is, therefore, closely researched and investigated by scholars across the globe. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA henceforward) is one of the leading non-parametric methodologies that evaluates the performance and relative efficiency of complex and homogeneous entities called Decision-Making Units (DMUs). The main aim of this study is to explore, identify and present different applications of DEA in Croatian tourism, which is one of the sectors that contributes the most to the economy. Other goals are to present ten surveyed papers that employ the DEA methodology. To identify the surveyed studies, an extensive literature review has been conducted, and the Scopus, Web of Science, and CROSBI (Croatian Scientific Bibliography) databases have been browsed, with the keywords "DATA ENVELOPMENT ANALYSIS", "TOURISM "and "CROATIA ". Furthermore, the study of Neralić and Gardijan Kedžo (2019) has been used as a foundation of the literature review. The key findings indicate that most of these ten surveyed papers employ the DEA BCC output-oriented model, and most of the analyzed time frame is from 2011 onwards

    Rewarding Scientific Productivity of University North Employees

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    Scientific productivity makes for an important indicator to all scientific institutions and professionally recognized scientists. Scientific activity is of particular interest to Republic of Croatia, as it holds a special place in the international (and particularly European) scientific domain. Scientists are known for their reputation, i.e., their productivity is often recognized in magazines that publish their research papers. University North has recently established a special reward system for scientist, in order to ensure proper rewards for scientific accomplishments, i.e., for published research papers, citations of said papers, and an overall improved recognition of the institution that employs them. This system has certain rules and criteria for rewarding scientists. The rewards in and of themselves are contributing to popularization of science at the institution in question; furthermore, rewarding provides for a very good incentive for publishing many research papers with excellent indexing. Publishing research papers is also important to the institution the paper is referencing, as it adds to said institutionā€™s visibility and recognition in the European and international domain of research and science

    The neon colour spreading effect in various surround ambient conditions

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    Suvremeni sustavi vizualnih komunikacija na kojima se temelje i reprodukcijski procesi grafičke tehnologije permanentno se unaprijeđuju novim spoznajama vezanima uz rezultate istraživanja pojedinih vizualnih efekata. U ovom radu istražen je utjecaj određenih standardnih izvora svjetla na intenzitet efekta neonskog proÅ”irivanja boje u procesu grafičke reprodukcije. Analiziran je i utjecaj primarnih boja aditivne i suptraktivne sinteze pri konstruiranju testnih uzoraka koji su temeljeni na tzv. Ehrensteinovom modelu. Testni uzorci otisnuti su na viÅ”estruko premazanoj sjajnoj tiskovnoj podlozi za umjetnički tisak putem kalibriranog stroja za digitalni tisak na principu tekućeg tonera. Evaluacija testnih uzoraka provedena je primjenom vizualne tehnike ocjenjivanja, simultanog binokularnog usuglaÅ”avanja. Rezultati istraživanja dokazuju utjecaj različitih standardnih izvora svjetla i bojenih karakteristika stimulusa na intenzitet manifestacije efekta neonskog proÅ”irivanja boje. Predlažu se preporuke primjene efekta neonskog proÅ”irivanja boje u cilju postizanja efikasnijih dizajnerskih rjeÅ”enja grafičkih predložaka u suvremenim procesima grafičke reprodukcije.Modern systems of visual communications, which reproduction processes of graphic technology are also based on, are permanently being improved with new findings connected with the research results of certain visual effects. In this paper, the influence of certain standard light sources to the intensity of the neon colours spreading effect in the process of graphic reproduction was studied. Also, the additive primary colours and subtractive synthesis effect in design of test samples that are based on so-called Ehrenstein model were analyzed. Test samples were printed on multiple coated glossy art paper through the machine calibrated for digital printing on the principle of liquid toner. By using visual assessment technique simultaneous binocular reconciliation evaluation of test samples was carried out. The research results prove the effect of different standard light sources and coloured characteristics of the stimulus on the intensity of neon colour spreading effect. Recommendations to expand the application of the neon colours spreading effect in order to achieve efficient designs of graphic templates in contemporary processes of graphic reproduction are proposed

    Identifying Motivation Factors for Using Various Programme Guide Options

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    Programme guides have been a source of scheduling information since the beginning of television. The electronic programme guide is owadays an omnipresent service on all television sets, but still only 55% of respondents in this research select it as a primary option, while others use teletext, Internet portals or applications and printed programme guides. Motivation factors for using various programme guide options were evaluated with the help of the UTAUT2-based research model. When it comes to the behavioural intention to use the programming guide option, the model explained 89.6% of the variance in the case of the electronic programme guide, 71.0% in the case of teletext and 80.1% in the case of Internet portals and applications. The results indicate that for all options, the independent variables of habit (usersā€™ assessment based on previous experiences) and performance expectancy (the usersā€™ belief that by using the solution, they will become more productive) are the main motivators for the behavioural intention to use the programme guide option. The individualā€™s perception that the selected option is a good value for money is also important to the users of the electronic programme guide and Internet portals, while the social infl uence variable, which outlines the usersā€™ belief that the individuals who they fi nd important will support them in the use of the selected option, affects teletext and Internet portals. The results also indicate that habit is the dominant motivator behind the actual use of either of the programme guide options
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