15,184 research outputs found

    Antiglycation activity and HT-29 cellular uptake of aloe-emodin, aloin, and aloe arborescens leaf extracts

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    Aloe arborescens is a relevant species largely used in traditional medicine of several countries. In particular, the decoction of leaves is prepared for various medicinal purposes including antidiabetic care. The aim of this research was the study of the antiglycation activity of two A. arborescens leaf extracts and isolated compounds: aloin and aloe-emodin. These phytoconstituents were quantitatively assessed in methanolic and hydroalcoholic extracts using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. In addition, the total phenolic and flavonoid contents were detected. In order to study their potential use in diabetic conditions, the antiglycation and antiradical properties of the two extracts and aloin and aloe-emodin were investigated by means of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazil (DPPH) assays; further, their cytotoxicity in HT-29 human colon adenocarcinoma cells was evaluated by 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Furthermore, the ability of aloin and aloe-emodin to permeate the cellular membranes of HT-29 cells was determined in order to estimate their potential in vivo absorption. This assessment indicated that aloe-emodin can substantially pass through cell membranes (~20%), whereas aloin did not permeate into HT-29 cells. Overall, the data show that both the methanolic and the hydroalcoholic A. arborescens extracts determine significant inhibition of glycation and free-radical persistence, without any cytotoxic activity. The data also show that the antiglycation and the antiradical activities of aloin and aloe-emodin are lower than those of the two extracts. In relation to the permeability study, only aloe-emodin is able to cross HT-29 cellular membranes, showing the attitude to pass through the intestinal layer. Overall, the present data surely support the traditional use of A. arborescens leaf extracts against hyperglycemic conditions, while aloin and aloe-emodin as potential drugs need further study

    Corporate Hierarchies and the Size of Nations: Theory and Evidence

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    Corporate organization varies within a country and across countries with country size. The paper starts by establishing some facts about corporate organization based on unique data of 660 Austrian and German corporations. The larger country (Germany) has larger firms with flatter more decentral corporate hierarchies compared to the smaller country (Austria). Firms in the larger country change their organization less fast than firms in the smaller country. Over time firms have been introducing less hierarchical organizations by delegating power to lower levels of the corporation. We develop a theory which explains these facts and which links these features to the trade environment that countries and firms face. We introduce firms with internal hierarchies in a Krugman (1980) model of trade. We show that international trade and the toughness of competition in international markets induce a power struggle in firms which eventually leads to decentralized corporate hierarchies. We offer econometric evidence which is consistent with the models predictions

    A low-luminosity type-1 QSO sample; III. Optical spectroscopic properties and activity classification

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    We report on the optical spectroscopic analysis of a sample of 99 low-luminosity quasi-stellar objects (LLQSOs) at z0.06z\leq 0.06 base the Hamburg/ESO QSO survey (HES). The LLQSOs presented here offer the possibility of studying the faint end of the QSO population at smaller cosmological distances and, therefore, in greater detail. A small number of our LLQSO present no broad component. Two sources show double broad components, whereas six comply with the classic NLS1 requirements. As expected in NLR of broad line AGNs, the [S{\sc{ii}}]-based electron density values range between 100 and 1000 Ne_{e}/cm3^{3}. Using the optical characteristics of Populations A and B, we find that 50\% of our sources with Hβ\beta broad emission are consistent with the radio-quiet sources definition. The remaining sources could be interpreted as low-luminosity radio-loud quasar. The BPT-based classification renders an AGN/Seyfert activity between 50 to 60\%. For the remaining sources, the possible star burst contribution might control the LINER and HII classification. Finally, we discuss the aperture effect as responsible for the differences found between data sets, although variability in the BLR could play a significant role as well.Comment: 22 pages; 5 tables; 17 figures; in press with A&

    Optimal Path to Epigenetic Switching

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    We use large deviation methods to calculate rates of noise-induced transitions between states in multistable genetic networks. We analyze a synthetic biochemical circuit, the toggle switch, and compare the results to those obtained from a numerical solution of the master equation.Comment: 5 pages. 2 figures, uses revtex 4. PR-E reviewed for publicatio

    Interplay between the magnetic anisotropy contributions of Cobalt nanowires

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    We report on the magnetic properties and the crystallographic structure of the cobalt nanowire arrays as a function of their nanoscale dimensions. X-ray diffraction measurements show the appearance of an in-plane HCP-Co phase for nanowires with 50 nm diameter, suggesting a partial reorientation of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy axis along the membrane plane with increasing pore diameter. No significant changes in the magnetic behavior of the nanowire system are observed with decreasing temperature, indicating that the effective magnetoelastic anisotropy does not play a dominant role in the remagnetization processes of individual nanowires. An enhancement of the total magnetic anisotropy is found at room temperature with a decreasing nanowire diameter-to-length ratio (d/L), a result that is quantitatively analyzed on the basis of a simplified shape anisotropy model.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    QTL analysis for early yield in a pseudo F2 population of cassava

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    Genetic mapping of early bulking in a full-sib population of cassava was continued in a selfed family of 268 cassava plants derived from a single progeny of the full-sib population. The pseudo F2 populationwas analysed with 122 segregating SSR markers. A previously constructed linkage map of cassava consisting of 22 linkage groups covering 1236.7 cM, with an average marker distance of 18 cM wasused for this study. The F2 population was evaluated for components of early yield, namely dry root yield (DR) at 7 months, harvest index (HI), and weight of fresh foliage (FF). Interval mapping, with single- and two-QTL models, was used to identify QTLs. The single-QTL model identified three QTLs each for DR, FF, and HI. The two-QTL model approach identified groups of QTLs that together explained 33% for FF, 43.5% for DR and 36% for HI. The identification of QTLs involved in early yield is an important step toward understanding quantitative genetic variation of early yield and implies reconsideration of breeding strategies for improvement of this complex trait

    Inhomogeneous mechanical losses in micro-oscillators with high reflectivity coating

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    We characterize the mechanical quality factor of micro-oscillators covered by a highly reflective coating. We test an approach to the reduction of mechanical losses, that consists in limiting the size of the coated area to reduce the strain and the consequent energy loss in this highly dissipative component. Moreover, a mechanical isolation stage is incorporated in the device. The results are discussed on the basis of an analysis of homogeneous and non-homogeneous losses in the device and validated by a set of Finite-Element models. The contributions of thermoelastic dissipation and coating losses are separated and the measured quality factors are found in agreement with the calculated values, while the absence of unmodeled losses confirms that the isolation element integrated in the device efficiently uncouples the dynamics of the mirror from the support system. Also the resonant frequencies evaluated by Finite-Element models are in good agreement with the experimental data, and allow the estimation of the Young modulus of the coating. The models that we have developed and validated are important for the design of oscillating micro-mirrors with high quality factor and, consequently, low thermal noise. Such devices are useful in general for high sensitivity sensors, and in particular for experiments of quantum opto-mechanics