28 research outputs found

    Fruit Morphological Changes during Pit Hardening in Autochthonous Istrian Olive (Olea europaea L.) Cultivars

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    Endocarp lignification is important fruit growth phenophase since after its completion fruit starts with oil accumulation. The information about duration of endocarp lignification is important for timing of management practices, irrigation and pest control in oil cultivars, and fruit thinning in table cultivars to obtain uniform fruit weight and size. In this study, fruit length, width and weight of four Istrian autochthonous olive cultivars (‘Buža’, ‘Puntoža’, ‘Rošinjola’ and ‘Istarska bjelica’) were measured. Samples were taken from olive collection orchard of the Institute of Agriculture and Tourism in Poreč in equal growing conditions. The aim of the research was to define an olive fruit growth dynamics during pit hardening. Fruit weight in all cultivars was increasing during endocarp lignification (from 7th to 28th July). The highest percentage in the weight growth in the first week had cultivars ‘Buža’ (48.5%) and ‘Rošinjola’ (44.6%) while in the second week maximum was reached by cultivars ‘Puntoža’ (44.2%) and ‘Istarska bjelica’ (42%). The highest increase in total fruit mass was detected in ‘Puntoža’ (1.30 g) and the least at ‘Rošinjola’ (0.56 g). Maximum increase in length (L) and width (W) had ‘Puntoža’ (L: 7.13 mm; W: 4.23 mm) and the least ‘Istarska bjelica’ (L: 2.48 mm; W: 2.70 mm)

    Influence of olive growing location on the quality of the varieties \u27Leccino\u27 and \u27Buža\u27 extra virgin olive oil in Istria

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    U radu su izneseni jednogodišnji rezultati kemijskih analiza: slobodne masne kiseline, peroksidni broj, primarni i sekundarni produkti oksidacije (K232 i K270), ukupni fenoli, o-difenola i klorofila u ekstra djevičanskim maslinovim uljima dobivenim od sorte \u27Leccino’ i ‘Buža’ uzgojenih u masliniku Barbariga (neposredno uz obalu mora) i u masliniku rubnog sjevernog područja Veli Mlun i Pračana na nadmorskoj visini od oko 250 m (blizu mjesta Buzet) u Istri. Isto tako izneseni su rezultati istraživanja temperatura u fazi zrenja ploda za obje lokacije na osnovi kojih se pokazalo da je lokacija Barbariga primila višu sumu aktivnih temperatura za sve istraživane pragove od 7.0, 10.0, 12. 5 i 15.0 ºC. Utvrđene su statistički opravdane razlike u udjelu ukupnih fenola, kod obiju sorata u odnosu na lokaciju. Sorta ‘Leccino’ imala je značajno nižu količinu ukupnih fenola u masliniku hladnijeg klimata na nadmorskoj visini od 250 m u odnosu na ulje iste sorte s lokacije Barbariga - toplijeg priobalnog područja. Nasuprot tome ulja sorte ‘Buža’ sadržavala su veću količinu ukupnih fenola na višoj nadmorskoj visini nego u priobalju. Kako sadržaj ukupnih fenola direktno utječe ne samo na organoleptičke osobine ulja, pikantnost i gorčinu, nego i na njegovu antioksidacijsku stabilnost, dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju lokaciju u interakciji sa sortom kao značajni faktor u kreaciji kvalitete ekstra djevičanskih ulja Istre.The paper presents a one-year results of chemical analyses: free fatty acids, peroxide number, primary and secondary oxidation products (K232 and K270), total phenols, o-diphenols and clorofil of extra virgin olive oils obtained from the olive trees of ‘Leccino’ and ‘Buža’ varieties grown in the olive plantation Barbarig by the see near Pula and in the olive plantation area of Veli Mlun and Pračana around Buzet, at 250 m above the see level. The paper also presents the results of temperature analyses during the fruits’ maturity stage at both locations. “Barbariga” received higher sum of active temperatures for temperature thresholds of 7.0, 10.0, 12. 5 and 15.0 ºC. Statistically significant differences of the total phenols content for both cultivars were found out as regard to the location. Oil obtained from cv. ‘Leccino’ trees grown in “Barbariga” had higher total phenols content in comparison to the same cultivar grown at 250 m above the see level, while the same type values of the ‘Buža’ cultivar were quite the opposite as regard to the location. As the total phenols content influences significantly the quality of extra virgin olive oil (organoleptic characteristic as well as antioxidative stability) the obtained results confirm the importance of location/cultivar interaction in creating the quality of extra virgin oils of Istria

    Phenological stages of olive trees

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    Proučavanje fenofaza dio je znanosti koju nazivamo fenologijom. Fenologija je znanost koja istražuje pojave bioloških ciklusa i njihovu povezanost sa klimom. Pojava fenofaza kod biljaka iste vrste, osim o klimatskim faktorima u velikoj mjeri ovisi i o sorti. Identifikacija sorti u današnje vrijeme pouzdano se vrši molekularnim tehnikama, no praćenje fenofaza ipak ostaje važno za određivanje optimalnog trenutka primjene pojedinih agrotehničkih zahvata. Fenološki stadiji određuju se prema definiranim skalama. Službena skala Međunarodnog savjeta za masline i maslinovo ulje je skala po Colbrantu i Fabreu, a Europske organizacije za zaštitu bilja je BBCH skala. Fenološka mjerenja nam pomažu u boljem razumijevanju klimatske varijabilnosti, a biljke su pouzdani mjerni instrument uz čiju pomoć sa sigurnošću možemo uočiti klimatske promjene u svijetu. U kolekcijskom nasadu maslina Instituta za poljoprivredu i turizam u Poreču prate se fenofaze autohtonih i nekih introduciranih sorti maslina.Phenological growth stages is a part of a complex science called phenology. Phenology is searching the appearance of biological cycles and their connection with climate. The appearance of phenological growth stages for plants of the same species depends on climatic factors, but also on variety. Varietal identification is nowadays performed mostly by molecular techniques, phenological science is however important for determining the optimal moments for application of singular agrotechnical interventions. The official scale of International Olive Oil Council is Colbrant and Fabre scale, and of European Plant Protection Organization is BBCH scale. Phenological measures help us in a better understanding of climatic variations, and plants are a reliable instrument for individuation of global climatic changes. In the collection of the Institute of Agriculture and Tourism Poreč, phenological growth stages are researched on autochthonous and some introduced olive varieties

    Influence of olive growing location on the quality of the varieties \u27Leccino\u27 and \u27Buža\u27 extra virgin olive oil in Istria

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    U radu su izneseni jednogodišnji rezultati kemijskih analiza: slobodne masne kiseline, peroksidni broj, primarni i sekundarni produkti oksidacije (K232 i K270), ukupni fenoli, o-difenola i klorofila u ekstra djevičanskim maslinovim uljima dobivenim od sorte \u27Leccino’ i ‘Buža’ uzgojenih u masliniku Barbariga (neposredno uz obalu mora) i u masliniku rubnog sjevernog područja Veli Mlun i Pračana na nadmorskoj visini od oko 250 m (blizu mjesta Buzet) u Istri. Isto tako izneseni su rezultati istraživanja temperatura u fazi zrenja ploda za obje lokacije na osnovi kojih se pokazalo da je lokacija Barbariga primila višu sumu aktivnih temperatura za sve istraživane pragove od 7.0, 10.0, 12. 5 i 15.0 ºC. Utvrđene su statistički opravdane razlike u udjelu ukupnih fenola, kod obiju sorata u odnosu na lokaciju. Sorta ‘Leccino’ imala je značajno nižu količinu ukupnih fenola u masliniku hladnijeg klimata na nadmorskoj visini od 250 m u odnosu na ulje iste sorte s lokacije Barbariga - toplijeg priobalnog područja. Nasuprot tome ulja sorte ‘Buža’ sadržavala su veću količinu ukupnih fenola na višoj nadmorskoj visini nego u priobalju. Kako sadržaj ukupnih fenola direktno utječe ne samo na organoleptičke osobine ulja, pikantnost i gorčinu, nego i na njegovu antioksidacijsku stabilnost, dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju lokaciju u interakciji sa sortom kao značajni faktor u kreaciji kvalitete ekstra djevičanskih ulja Istre.The paper presents a one-year results of chemical analyses: free fatty acids, peroxide number, primary and secondary oxidation products (K232 and K270), total phenols, o-diphenols and clorofil of extra virgin olive oils obtained from the olive trees of ‘Leccino’ and ‘Buža’ varieties grown in the olive plantation Barbarig by the see near Pula and in the olive plantation area of Veli Mlun and Pračana around Buzet, at 250 m above the see level. The paper also presents the results of temperature analyses during the fruits’ maturity stage at both locations. “Barbariga” received higher sum of active temperatures for temperature thresholds of 7.0, 10.0, 12. 5 and 15.0 ºC. Statistically significant differences of the total phenols content for both cultivars were found out as regard to the location. Oil obtained from cv. ‘Leccino’ trees grown in “Barbariga” had higher total phenols content in comparison to the same cultivar grown at 250 m above the see level, while the same type values of the ‘Buža’ cultivar were quite the opposite as regard to the location. As the total phenols content influences significantly the quality of extra virgin olive oil (organoleptic characteristic as well as antioxidative stability) the obtained results confirm the importance of location/cultivar interaction in creating the quality of extra virgin oils of Istria

    Designation of origine and geographical indication of olives and olive oils in Croatia

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    Europsko i svjetsko tržište prehrambenih proizvoda zasićeno je novim proizvodima koji međusobno konkuriraju kakvoćom i cijenom. Nespecifični proizvodi nisu u mogućnosti nositi se s oštrom konkurencijom sličnih proizvoda, a potrošači su često nesigurni u kakvoću onoga što kupuju. Zbog toga se javila potreba za zaštitom proizvoda visoke kakvoće i specifičnih karakteristika. U tu svrhu EU je 1992. godine stvorila sustave: PDO (Protected Designation of Origin odnosno Oznaka izvornosti), PGI (Protected Geographical Indication odnosno Oznaka zemljopisnog podrijetla) i TSG (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed odnosno Oznaka „tradicionalni ugled“). Od 2005. godine proizvođačima u Hrvatskoj omogućena je ista zaštita za proizvode koje imaju i proizvođači u zemljama EU, čime se podiže razina konkurentnosti domaće proizvodnje i prepoznatljivost domaćih proizvoda. Cilj ovog rada bio je pojasniti mogućnosti zaštite maslinovog ulja i stolnih maslina, te iznošenjem praktičnih primjera dati doprinos u bržem integriranju Hrvatske u europsko i svjetsko tržište proizvoda od maslina.European and world market of foodstuffs is glutted with new products competing by quality and price. Non specific products are not able to deal with a sharp competition among similar products, and consumers are often uncertain about the quality of purchased goods. Therefore the EU created in 1992 three types of food quality system: PDO (Protected Designation of Origin), PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) and TSG (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed). From 2005 Croatian producers have the same possibility of protecting their products as the EU producers, raising the competitiveness and identity of domestic production and products. The aim of the present paper was to clarify the possibilities for olive oil and table oil protection, as well as to give a contribution to faster integration of Croatia in to European and world olive products market by giving practical examples

    Oil content in fruits of leading autochthonous olive varieties in Istria

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    Sadržaj ulja u plodu masline najvažniji je čimbenik koji određuje ekonomsku vrijednost pojedine sorte i jedan od kriterija za određivanje stupnja zrelosti ploda, odnosno karakterizaciju sorte. Određena je količina ulja u plodu vodećih autohtonih sorti maslina u Istri, tijekom 2004. i 2005. godine, pomoću Soxtec aparata. Dobiveni podaci u zasebnim godinama upućuju na povezanost sadržaja ulja sa sortom, no njihova varijabilnost između dvije godine za pojedinu sortu ukazuje na značajan utjecaj vanjskih čimbenika. Dobiveni rezultati variraju između 21 i 48% ulja u odnosu na suhu tvar ploda, što ukazuje na značajan ekonomski potencijal ovih sorti.The oil content in an olive fruit is the most relevant factor determining the economic value of singular variety and one of the criteria for fruit maturity degree determination, and variety characterization as well. In this paper, the olive oil content in fruits of leading autochthonous olive varieties in Istria during crop seasons 2004 and 2005, using Soxtec apparatus, was determined. The results obtained reflect mostly the influence of the variety genetic potential on the oil content, when monitored in a single year, but its variation between the two years in a single variety shows the influence of external factors. The oil content on a dry weight basis in fruits of investigated varieties ranged from 21% to 48% which shows their high economic potential

    The effect of olive-grove location on fatty - acid content of extra virgin olive oil of Buža and Leccino sorts in Istria

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    Provedena istraživanja imala su za cilj utvrditi utjecaj lokacije maslinika na masnokiselinski sastav ekstra djevičanskih maslinovih ulja. Masno-kiselinski sastav određivan je u ekstra djevičanskim uljima dobivenim od sorti „Leccino“ i „Buža“ koje su uzgajane na dva različita lokaliteta na području Istre. Jedan od maslinika smješten je uz obalu mora (Barbariga), a drugi na nadmorskoj visini od 250 m (Veli Mlun, Pračana–Buzet). Mjerenjem temperatura u fazi zrenja ploda utvrđeno je da je lokacija Barbariga primila višu sumu aktivnih temperatura za sve istraživane pragove od 7.0, 10.0, 12.5 i 15.0ºC. Rezultati kemijskih analiza ukazuju na značajne razlike u udjelu palmitinske, palmitoleinske, oleinske, stearinske, linolne, linolenske, arahinske te gadoleinske kiseline u ekstra djevičanskim uljima, ovisno o lokalitetu i sorti. Značajno veće količine oleinske, linolne i linolenske kiseline utvrđene su u uljima sorte ‘Leccino’ u hladnijem području, a kod sorte ‘Buža’ u toplijem području. Veće količine palmitinske i manje količine stearinske i arahinske kiseline utvrđene su u uljima obiju sorti u toplijem području, dok je sadržaj gadoleinske kiseline u ulju sorte ‘Buža’ bio veći u toplijem području.The conducted researches had a goal to determine the effect of olive- grove location on fatty- acid content of extra virgin olive oils. The fatty- acid content was determined in extra virgin olive oils of “Leccino” and “Buža” sorts, which were cultivated in the area of Istria, on two different localities. One of olive- groves was located by the sea (Barbariga) and the other one on 250 m of height above sea- level (Veli Mlun, Pračana- Buzet). By measuring temperatures in the phase of fruit maturing it was determined that Barbariga location received a higher sum of active temperatures for all the temperature grades from 7.0, 10.0, 12.5 and 15.0 ºC. Chemical analyses’ results indicate significant differences in the content of: palmitinic, palmitolenic, oleinic, stearinic, linoleic, linolenic, gadoleinic and arachidonic acids in extra virgin oils, depending on the locality and the sort. Significantly higher quantities of oleinic, linoleic and linolenic acids were determined in oils of “Leccino” sort in the colder area and of “Buža” sort in the warmer area. Higher quantities of palmitinic and lower quantities of stearinic and arachidonic acids were determined in oils of both sorts in the warmer area, whereas the content of gadoleinic acid in the oil of “Buža” sort was higher in the warmer area

    Influence of harvest times on the fatty - acids composition of extra virgin olive oil of \u27Buća\u27 and \u27Leccino\u27 varieties in Istria

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    Provedena istraživanja imala su za cilj utvrditi utjecaj roka berbe na masno-kiselinski sastav ekstra djevičanskih maslinovih ulja sorte ‘Leccino’ i ‘Buža ‘ koje su uzgajane na dva različita lokaliteta, na području Istre. Jedan od maslinika smješten je uz obalu mora (Barbariga), a drugi na nadmorskoj visini od 250 m (Veli Mlun, Pračana–Buzet). Berba je obavljena u dva karakteristična roka s ujednačenim stupnjem zrelosti plodova na obje lokacije. Rezultati kemijskih analiza ukazuju na značajne razlike u udjelu palmitinske, stearinske, oleinske, linolne, linolenske, gadoleinske i arahinske kiseline u ekstra djevičanskim uljima, ovisno o roku berbe. Pod utjecajem ranijeg roka berbe bile su niže vrijednosti sadržaja: palmitinske kiseline u uljima obiju sorti s hladnijeg područja, stearinske i arahinske kiselina u uljima sorte ‘Leccino’ s toplijeg područja, oleinske kiseline u uljima obiju sorti iz toplijeg područja, linolne kiseline u uljima sorte Buža iz hladnijeg područja te linolne, linolenske i gadoleinske kiseline u uljima sorte ‘Leccino’ s obje lokacije. Pod utjecajem kasnijeg roka berbe bile su niže vrijednosti sadržaja: palmitinske kiseline u uljima sorte ‘Leccino’ s toplijeg područja, oleinske kiseline u uljima obiju sorti iz hladnijeg područja, linolne i arahinske kiseline u uljima sorte ‘Buža’ iz toplijeg područja te linolenske i gadoleinske kiseline u uljima sorte ‘Buža’ s oba područja.The conducted researches had a goal to determine the effect of harvesting period on fatty- acid content of extra virgin olive oils of “Leccino” and “Buža” sorts, which were cultivated in the area of Istria, on two different localities. One of olive- groves was located by the sea (Barbariga) and the other one on 250 m of height above sea- level (Veli Mlun, Pračana- Buzet). Harvesting was performed in two characteristic periods when the degree of maturity of fruits on both localities was about equal. Chemical analyses’ results indicate significant differences in the content of: palmitinic, stearinic, oleinic, linoleic, linolenic, gadoleinic and arachidonic acid in extra virgin oil, depending on the harvesting period. Under the influence of an earlier harvesting period there were lower values in the content of: palmitinic acid in oils of both sorts from the colder area, stearinic and arachidonic acid in oils of “Leccino” sort from the warmer area, oleinic acid in oils of both sorts from the warmer area, linoleic acid in oils of “Buža” sort from the colder area and linoleic, linolenic and gadoleinic acids in oils of “Leccino” sort from both areas. Under the influence of a later harvesting period there were lower values in the content of: palmitinic acid in oils of “Leccino” sort from the warmer area, linoleic and arachidonic acids in oils of “Buža” sort from the warmer area and linolenic and gadoleinic acids in oils of “Buža” sort from both areas

    The effect of olive-grove location on fatty - acid content of extra virgin olive oil of Buža and Leccino sorts in Istria

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    Provedena istraživanja imala su za cilj utvrditi utjecaj lokacije maslinika na masnokiselinski sastav ekstra djevičanskih maslinovih ulja. Masno-kiselinski sastav određivan je u ekstra djevičanskim uljima dobivenim od sorti „Leccino“ i „Buža“ koje su uzgajane na dva različita lokaliteta na području Istre. Jedan od maslinika smješten je uz obalu mora (Barbariga), a drugi na nadmorskoj visini od 250 m (Veli Mlun, Pračana–Buzet). Mjerenjem temperatura u fazi zrenja ploda utvrđeno je da je lokacija Barbariga primila višu sumu aktivnih temperatura za sve istraživane pragove od 7.0, 10.0, 12.5 i 15.0ºC. Rezultati kemijskih analiza ukazuju na značajne razlike u udjelu palmitinske, palmitoleinske, oleinske, stearinske, linolne, linolenske, arahinske te gadoleinske kiseline u ekstra djevičanskim uljima, ovisno o lokalitetu i sorti. Značajno veće količine oleinske, linolne i linolenske kiseline utvrđene su u uljima sorte ‘Leccino’ u hladnijem području, a kod sorte ‘Buža’ u toplijem području. Veće količine palmitinske i manje količine stearinske i arahinske kiseline utvrđene su u uljima obiju sorti u toplijem području, dok je sadržaj gadoleinske kiseline u ulju sorte ‘Buža’ bio veći u toplijem području.The conducted researches had a goal to determine the effect of olive- grove location on fatty- acid content of extra virgin olive oils. The fatty- acid content was determined in extra virgin olive oils of “Leccino” and “Buža” sorts, which were cultivated in the area of Istria, on two different localities. One of olive- groves was located by the sea (Barbariga) and the other one on 250 m of height above sea- level (Veli Mlun, Pračana- Buzet). By measuring temperatures in the phase of fruit maturing it was determined that Barbariga location received a higher sum of active temperatures for all the temperature grades from 7.0, 10.0, 12.5 and 15.0 ºC. Chemical analyses’ results indicate significant differences in the content of: palmitinic, palmitolenic, oleinic, stearinic, linoleic, linolenic, gadoleinic and arachidonic acids in extra virgin oils, depending on the locality and the sort. Significantly higher quantities of oleinic, linoleic and linolenic acids were determined in oils of “Leccino” sort in the colder area and of “Buža” sort in the warmer area. Higher quantities of palmitinic and lower quantities of stearinic and arachidonic acids were determined in oils of both sorts in the warmer area, whereas the content of gadoleinic acid in the oil of “Buža” sort was higher in the warmer area