
Designation of origine and geographical indication of olives and olive oils in Croatia


Europsko i svjetsko tržište prehrambenih proizvoda zasićeno je novim proizvodima koji međusobno konkuriraju kakvoćom i cijenom. Nespecifični proizvodi nisu u mogućnosti nositi se s oštrom konkurencijom sličnih proizvoda, a potrošači su često nesigurni u kakvoću onoga što kupuju. Zbog toga se javila potreba za zaštitom proizvoda visoke kakvoće i specifičnih karakteristika. U tu svrhu EU je 1992. godine stvorila sustave: PDO (Protected Designation of Origin odnosno Oznaka izvornosti), PGI (Protected Geographical Indication odnosno Oznaka zemljopisnog podrijetla) i TSG (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed odnosno Oznaka „tradicionalni ugled“). Od 2005. godine proizvođačima u Hrvatskoj omogućena je ista zaštita za proizvode koje imaju i proizvođači u zemljama EU, čime se podiže razina konkurentnosti domaće proizvodnje i prepoznatljivost domaćih proizvoda. Cilj ovog rada bio je pojasniti mogućnosti zaštite maslinovog ulja i stolnih maslina, te iznošenjem praktičnih primjera dati doprinos u bržem integriranju Hrvatske u europsko i svjetsko tržište proizvoda od maslina.European and world market of foodstuffs is glutted with new products competing by quality and price. Non specific products are not able to deal with a sharp competition among similar products, and consumers are often uncertain about the quality of purchased goods. Therefore the EU created in 1992 three types of food quality system: PDO (Protected Designation of Origin), PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) and TSG (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed). From 2005 Croatian producers have the same possibility of protecting their products as the EU producers, raising the competitiveness and identity of domestic production and products. The aim of the present paper was to clarify the possibilities for olive oil and table oil protection, as well as to give a contribution to faster integration of Croatia in to European and world olive products market by giving practical examples

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