217 research outputs found

    Romania’s Regional Development in the Economical Reform Process

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    The scientific basis of regional development strategies implies the most exact possible knowledge of the development level of each region in the field of national development complexity, the mutations that occurred from one period to another. The diversity of activities which take place within villages, regions etc. do not permit their addition only. In this context, their merging into one single synthetic indicator is necessary. We believe that this indicator can be determined starting with the basic principles of information energy. Such a synthetic, aggregated indicator allows the setting of direct connections between certain parts of development, measured by different indicators, as well as their importance, the specific transformations of the quantitative aspects of the development in their qualitative elements. By this approach, the premises of the implied organisms in this field are created, to set the realistic political coordinates of regional development, which are meant to decrease the existent differences between regions and to prevent the appearance of other differences, and to assure as similar as possible working and living conditions for the inhabitants of all regions.banque, divergence de pratiques, changement culturel, entreprise multinationale

    Low grade and high grade appendiceal mucinous lesions

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    Catedra Chirurgie nr.1 „Nicolae Anestiadi” şi Laboratorul de Chirurgie Hepato-Pancreato-Biliară, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Moldova, Institutul de Medicină Urgentă, Secţia de Ginecologie Chirurgicală, Institutul Mamei şi CopiluluiIntroducere. Mucocelul apendicular reprezintă o patologie rară, care se poate prezenta printr-o varietate de semne clinice sau poate fi depistat incidental intraoperator. Mucocelul apendicular reprezintă o dilatare a apendicelui care se datorează acumulării intraluminale a substanței mucinoase și poate fi un proces atât benign, cât și malign. Incidența mucocelului apendicular este de 0.2-0.4% din apendicele vermiculare înlăturate și constituie 8% din toate tumorile apendicelui. Mucocelul apendicular în 10-15% din cazuri poate progresa spre pseudomixom peritoneal, care are un impact major asupra rezultatelor tratamentului și supraviețuire. Pseudomixomul peritoneal are o incidență estimată de un caz la un milion pe an. Nu există, totuși, o statistică relevantă privind frecvența evoluării leziunilor mucinoase ale apendicelui spre pseudomixom. Scopul acestui studiu este de a analiza rezultatele proprii ale tratamentului mucocelului apendicular. Materiale și metode. În studiu au fost incluși 22 de pacienți din trei instituții. Din grupul total 10 pacienți (45,45%) au fost diagnosticați primar sau au dezvoltat pe parcurs pseudomixom peritoneal, dintre care nouă cu neoplasme mucinoase cu potențial malign sporit. Rezultate. Durata medie dintre diagnosticarea leziunii mucinoase primare și dezvoltarea pseudomixomului peritoneal a constituit 75±24.77 luni. Au decedat 4 pacienț din lotul cu neoplasme mucinoase cu potențal malign sporit. Concluzii. Datele obținute arată o diferență statistic semnificativă a duratei supraviețuirii și a apariției pseudomixomului peritoneal în funcție de tipul histologic al neoplasmelor apendiculare mucinoase, fiind mai frecvente în cazul leziunilor mucinoase cu potențial malign sporit.Appendiceal mucocele is a rare entity that can present with a variety of clinical symptoms or occur as an incidental surgical finding. Appendiceal mucocele is a dilatation of the appendix as a result of intraluminal accumulation of the mucoid substance. It may be a benign or malignant process. The incidence is 0.2%-0.4% of all appendectomied specimens and 8% of appendiceal tumors. Around 10%–15% of mucoceles progress to pseudomyxoma peritonei, changing completely the outcome. Pseudomyxoma peritonei is a rare disease with an estimated incidence of 1 per million per year, and is thought to originate usually from an appendiceal mucinous epithelial neoplasm. However it is not known exactly how often these neoplasms lead to pseudomyxoma peritonei. The aim of this study was to analyze the own treatment results of these pathologies. Materials and methods. Twenty two patients from three institutions were included in the study. Ten patients (45,45%) were primarily diagnosed or subsequently developed pseudomyxoma peritonei, nine of them had high grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasms. Results. The median time between diagnosis of the primary neoplasm and pseudomyxoma peritonei development was 75 months. Four patients died from the high grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasms group. Conclusions. The obtained data show a statistically significant difference of the survival time and of the development of pseudomyxoma peritonei depending on the histological type of the appendiceal mucinous lesions, and the latter is more frequent in case of high grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasms

    Theoretical Aspects Concerning Groundwater Reserves and Resources Assessment and Administration

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    Abstract. A great part of human domestic activities, agriculture and industrial water supply use groundwater. Overexploitation and other forms of quantitative and qualitative human impact have negative consequence in the protection and conservation of groundwater resources. Increasing investigation degrees in groundwater resources research, offering new detailed information allow transposition in numerical models for quantitative assessment of water reserves and resources. A correct groundwater assessment and administration is based on certain major concepts concerning resource establishment, water storage in rocks of the terrestrial crust, hydraulic properties, groundwater investigation methods and reserve and resource types

    Krukenberg tumor. (Literature review).

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    Krukenberg tumor represents an uncommon metastatic tumor of the ovary. This paper provides a review of the major pathologic manifestations of Krukenberg tumor, patient characteristics, clinical and laboratory features, prognostic factors, and its pathogenesis. Knowledge of the diagnostic manifestations of the tumor leads to the correct diagnosis and prevents tumor misclassifi cation, thus avoiding improper clinical management. Prognosis of Krukenberg tumor is still very poor but there seem to exist several factors that appear to have an impact on survival. There is no established treatment for Krukenberg tumors

    Resuscitating Old Forest Models to Meet Present Environmental Reporting Needs

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    A plethora of forest models were developed by transforming dependent variable, which introduces bias in estimation if appropriate correction are not applied when back-transforming to the original units. The need for accurate reporting of environmental statistics to national and international agencies lead to improvement of existing models or development of new ones. However, in many instances, not only were no original models established, but original data sets are no longer available, which recommends ad-hoc bias corrections of existing models. The present research presents a procedure for bias correction based on information extracted from summary statistics, specifically coefficient of determination and standard error. The transformations considered in this study are trigonometric (i.e. sine, cosine, tangent, arcsine, and arctangent), hyperbolic (i.e., sine, secant, and tangent), power, and logarithm. The method was applied to site index equations of Douglas Fir and Ponderosa Pine [Hann and Scrivani, 1987], and tree volume of 27 species from Romania [Giurgiu, 1974]. Using only the information describing the models, such as variance or range, the proposed method corrected the bias, and proved that estimates can change from 1% (the site index equations of Hann and Scrivani) to 40% (the tree volumes of Giurgiu)

    Appendiceal mucocele (Literature review)

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    The mucocele of the appendix is an uncommon disorder which is often asymptomatic but sometimes causes acute appendicitis-like symptoms. Sometimes, patients with mucocele can present with confusing symptoms. Preoperative suspicion and diagnosis of appendiceal mucocele are important. Ultrasonography and computed tomography are useful tools for the diagnosis of appendiceal mucocele. It may be also recognized by colonoscopy as a smooth submucosal lesion of the cecum. Optimal management of the mucocele could be achieved through accurate preoperative diagnosis. Preoperative diagnosis is a major component for minimizing intra-operative and post-operative complications

    Hipertensiunea portală stângă

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    Hipertensiunea portală stângă este un sindrom rar, care se poate manifesta prin varicele gastrice izolate cu hemoragii potenţial fatale. Etiologia cea mai frecventă este prezentată de patologia pancreasului. Hipertensiunea portală stângă trebuie suspectată în toate cazurile de hemoragie digestivă superioară la un pacient cu funcţie hepatică neafectată şi splenomegalie. Uneori diagnosticul este difi cil de a fi determinat, atât endoscopic cât şi radiologic. În cazurile manifestate prin hemoragie din varicele gastrice splenectomia este metoda de elecţie, în acelaşi timp nu există o metodă de tratament unanim acceptată pentru cazurile asimptomatice. Pronosticul pacienţilor cu hipertensiune portală stângă depinde de cauza primară a acesteia