383 research outputs found

    Analysis and modeling of agricultural land consolidation procedure in Finland

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    The thesis brings the detailed analysis of the agricultural land consolidation procedure in Finland. It introduces some new approaches, which were developed in Finland. They directed their attention to the wholesome or simultaneous consideration of the needs and the conditions in the preparation phase of land consolidation project, to a bigger role of the land owners in a decision making, they emphasized the quality of cadastral and topographical data together with efficient organization of public services and cheaper implementation of the land consolidation. The first part of the thesis presents the organization of the surveying service and the Finnish land information system (LIS). This is followed by the introduction of the juridical frame of the land consolidation. All the cadastral processes in Finland are guided by the public institutions with wide range of competences, because they believe that the land management involves processes that have to meet the high expectations of the societal responsibility, a public interest and an interest of the country. To its advantage Finland has developed a computer system for such extensive land rearrangements that is also designed for other geodetic procedures. It is named JAKO and it enables the National land Survey in Finland to carry out the complete land consolidation project. The conclusion of the thesis shows an example of a good practice. A final debate intends to show some interesting viewpoints of Finnish land consolidation examples the thesis is based on the interviews with the members of the academy and with the experts in Finland. Some suggestions on how the Finnish experiences could be integrated in Slovenia, according to the suggested course of development in the research report Land consolidation and integrated management of rural areas from 2011, are also included


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    In gymnastics every exercise finishes with a landing. The quality of landing depends on subjective (e.g. biomechanical) and objective (e.g. mechanical characteristics of landing area) factors. The aim of our research was to determine which biomechanical (temporal, kinematic and dynamic) characteristics of landing best predict the quality of landing. Twelve male gymnasts performed a stretched forward and backward salto; also with 1/2, 1/1 and 3/2 turns. Stepwise multiple regression extracted five predictors which explained 51.5% of landing quality variance. All predictors were defining asymmetries between legs (velocities, angles). To avoid asymmetric landings, gymnasts need to develop enough height; they need higher angular momentum around the transverse and longitudinal axis and they need to better control angular velocity in the longitudinal axis

    Development of the initial phase after wind throw in the virgin forest remnant Ravna gora

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    Zaradi vetroloma je leta 1983 v pragozdnem ostanku Ravna gora na Gorjancih na bukovem rastišču (Cardamini savensi-Fagetum) nastala 5,17 ha velika vrzel. Dejstvo, da je izsledkov o pomlajevanju po velikopovršinskih motnjah v pragozdovih malo, nas je vodilo k temu, da smo leta 2000 analizirali stanje indinamiko pomlajevanja vrzeli. Na treh različnih delih vrzeli smo postavili 15 raziskovalnih ploskev z dimenzijami 15 x 15 metrov, znotraj katerih smo analizirali zmes, razrast dreves, sestojno stanje po IUFRO klasifikaciji, pomladek in grobe lesne ostanke. Posebej nas je zanimalo razmerje med bukvijo (Fagus sylvatica L.) in gorskim javorjem (Acer pseudoplatanus L.). Slednjega je največ na sredini vrzeli. Pod sestojem, ki je zapolnil vrzel, je razvit pomladek bukve in javorja, ki je najgostejši na spodnjem (severnem) delu vrzeli. V pomladku prevladuje bukev. Ugotovili smo, da so bile razmere, ki so se izoblikovale po vetrolomu, bistveno drugačne od tipičnega goloseka. Predstavili smo tudi uporabne izsledke za gospodarjenje v gozdovih na podobnihrastiščih.Special attention is given to the gap, which was created in the virgin forest remnant Ravna gora in 1983 by wind throw. The gap in the optimal phase of almost pure beech and on beech site (Cardamini savensi-Fagetum) was 5.17 ha large. In 2000, owing to a lack of investigations in such conditions, we started to research the development patterns of natural regeneration within the gap. 15 sample plots (15 x 15 m) in three different positions within the gap were established. We analysed tree species mixture, architecture, stand structure according to IUFRO classification, advanced regeneration density andcoarse woody debris.The reserach concentrated in particular on the variability of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) mixture in regard to theposition within the gap. It was found out that sycamore was more abundant than beech in the center of the gap. The advanced regeneration density of beech was much higher than sycamore\u27s, and both species were more abundant in the northern part of the gap. The results suggest that the ecological conditions after the wind throw were different when compared to a clear-cut area of similar size. Useful results for managed forests on similar sites are also presented

    Teaching strategies for promoting motor creativity and motor skill proficiency in early childhood

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    Existing research provides ambiguous evidence for associations between motor competency and motor creativity. Therefore, this study examined the association between motor skill proficiency and motor creativity. The Test of Gross Motor Development (second edition) and Bertsch’s motor creativity test were used to assess motor skill proficiency and motor creativity among 39 children aged five to six. Results revealed that motor proficiency and motor creativity are not interrelated traits. Therefore, it is necessary to use different teaching strategies to promote these traits. Teaching with direct instructions and reproduction of demonstrated movement is probably the most appropriate to acquaint children with motor skills. Learning through play with less explicit teaching instructions and emphasis on motivating children to find novel and original solutions to the motor tasks is probably more suitable for facilitating motor creativity

    Occurrence of invasive alien plant species in the floodplain forests along the Mura River in Slovenia

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    Background and purpose: The objectives of our study were to identify invasive alien plant species (IAS) in the main Natura 2000 forest habitat types (FHT) along the Mura River in Slovenia, and to estimate their abundance and cover. The aim of our study was to find out a) What kinds of IAS appear in the research forests? b) What is their frequency and cover percentage? c) Are individual IAS more attached to some FHT than others? d) What is the correlation between the cover of IAS and the tree layer cover?Materials and methods: We analysed the fidelity of invasive plant species to individual FHT. The studied FHTs along the Mura River were following: 91E0* (Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior), 91F0 (Riparian mixed forests of Quercus robur, Ulmus laevis and Ulmus minor, Fraxinus excelsior or Fraxinus angustifolia, along the great rivers) and 91L0 (Illyrian oak-hornbeam forests). Two forest areas of about 600 ha were studied in total.Results: 16 IAS were recorded in studied FHTs. Some species, like Robinia pseudacacia, Impatiens glandulifera, I. parviflora, Fallopia japonica (incl. F. x bohemica), Erigeron annuus, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Amorpha fruticosa, Conyza canadensis and Juncus tenuis occur only in one or two FHTs, while some species can be found in all studied FHTs (like Solidago sp.). We have found that the most threatened forests are those with prevailing Salix alba, Alnus glutinosa, Fraxinus angustifolia and Ulmus laevis, tree species, which grow closest to the river and on the wettest sites.Conclusions: The increasing presence of IAS in the study areas seriously affect natural regeneration, stability, and continuity of floodplain FHTs. Therefore, some measures and guidelines for managing of these forests are suggested in this study.</p

    Spremenjeni načini zdravljenja rabdomiosarkoma pri otrocih

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    Background. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (Cht) has changed the treatment of rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) in children. The purpose of our study was to review thechildren treated for RMS between 1974 and 1996. Patients and methods. Fifty-one children, 1-15 years old, were included. Primary sites of tumour were: head and neck 15, orbit 6, genitourinary 12, extremity 9, torso 5 and paratesticular 4. Twelve patients were in stage 1, 10 in stage II, 26 in stage111 and 3 in stage IV. Of 43 histologically confirmed RMS 25 were embryonal, 13 alveolar, 1 botryoid, 1 spindle cell and 3 sarcoma NOS. In 8 patients, only fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) was available. All patients had Cht, 29 neoadjuvant, 20 had surgery first, 40 had irradiation (RT), 2 stage IV patients had bone marrow transplant (ABMT). Multidrug Cht varied: VCR, AMD, and cyclophosphamide (VAC) were used in the 1970s, with Adriablastine (T2), methotrexat (MTX) and/or other drugs (T6, T11) in the 1980sand in the 1990s, cyclophosphamide was replaced by ifosfamide (VAIA). The treatment was started with Cht in orbital and head and neck tumours and inthe majority of genitourinary tumours, but surgery was first in paratesticular and in the majority of extremity tumours. Results. The 3 patients with stage IV disease died. Of those with localised tumour, 34 (70%) were alive and well 5 years after treatment, 80% stage I, 75% stage II and 61%stage III. One patient died of heart failure, 3 of Cht toxicity and 1 of intereurrent disease. Conclusions. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)Izhodišča. Neoadjuvantna kemoterapija (KT) je spremenila način zdravljenja rabdomiosarkoma (RMS) otrok. Namen naše študije je bil analizirati rezultate zdravljenja pri otrocih, ki so bili zdravljeni v letih med 1974 in 1996. Bolniki in metode. V študijo smo vključili 51 otrok med enim in 15 letom starosti. Primarni tumorji so bili v področju glave in vratu pri 15, v orbiti pri 6, v genitourinskem področju pri 12, na udih pri 9, na trupu pri 5 in paratestikularno pri 4 bolnikih. Dvanajst bolnikov je imelo bolezen s stadijemI, 10 s stadijem II, 26 s stadijem III in 3 s stadijem IV. Med 43 histološko potrjenimi primeri RMS je imelo 25 bolnikov embrionalni podtip, 13 alveolarni, 1 botrioidni, 1 vretenastocelični in 3 sarkom brez nadalnje opredelitve. Pri 8 bolnikih je bila morfološka diagnoza opredeljena le iz vzorca aspiracijske biopsije s tanko iglo (ABTI). Vsi bolniki so prejeli KT, 29 neoadjuvantno, 20 je bilo najprej operiranih, 40 je bilo obsevanih (RT), 2 bonika z boleznijo v stadiju IV sta imela presaditev kostnega mozga. Kombinirana KT se je v različnih obdobjih razlikovala: z VRC, AMD in ciklofosfamidom (VAC) smo zdravili v 70-tih letih, kombinirano z tždriablastinom (T2), MTX in/ali drugimi kemoterapevtiki (T6, T11) v 80-tih letih, ciklofosfamid smo zamenjali z ifosfamidom v 90-tih letih (VAIA): S kemoterapijo smo pričeli pri tumorjih orbite, glave in vratu in pri večini tumorjev genitourinskega področja. Operacija je bila na prvem mestu pri paratestikularnih tumorjih in pri večini tumorjev na udih. Rezultati. Vsi trije bolniki z boleznijo v stadiju IV so umrli. Med bolniki z lokaliziranimi tumorji je bilo 34 (70 %) živih in brez znakov bolezni 5 let po pričetku zdravljenja: 80% bolnikov s stadijem I, 75 % s stadujem II in 61 % s stadijem III. En bolnik je umrl zaradi odpovedi srca, 3 zaradi posledic KT in eden zaradi spremljajoče bolezni. (Izvleček skrajšan pri 2000 znakih

    Usporedba učinaka losartana i ramiprila u liječenju akutnoga infarkta srca s elevacijom ST spojnice [The comparison of the efficacy of ramipril and losartan in treatment of ST-elevation myocardial infarction]

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    Objectives. The use of an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-I) or an angiotensinreceptor antagonists (ARBs) reduces the incidence of heart failure and the risk of thrombosis after acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) blockade of the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system (RAAS).There are some differences between ACE-I and ARBs, as more than 75% of angiotensin II in human myocardium originates from the alternative pathway influenced only by ARB. Goal. To compare the effect of 8-week and 6-month treatment of AMI patients with ramipril and losartan on laboratory markers, echocardiographic parameters and clinical signs of heart failure. Patients and methods.108 patients who suffered an STEMI were randomized in a ramipril (55) and a losartan (53) group, and followed-up for 8 weeks and 6 months. During treatment the effect of drugs on clinical (Killip-Kimbal classes), laboratory markers (NT-pro BNP, PAI-1, lipidogram) and echocardiographical parameters (EFLV, LVEDD) were compared. Results. No statistically significant differences in the levels of laboratory markers, echocardiographic parameters and clinical signs of heart failure were observed between the ramipril and the losartan group, neither after 8-week nor after 6-month treatment. Conclusions. After an uncomplicated STEMI, losartan was equally effective as ramipril in terms of laboratory markers, echocardiographic parameters and clinical signs of heart failure

    Usporedba učinaka losartana i ramiprila u liječenju akutnoga infarkta srca s elevacijom ST spojnice [The comparison of the efficacy of ramipril and losartan in treatment of ST-elevation myocardial infarction]

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    Objectives. The use of an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-I) or an angiotensinreceptor antagonists (ARBs) reduces the incidence of heart failure and the risk of thrombosis after acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) blockade of the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system (RAAS).There are some differences between ACE-I and ARBs, as more than 75% of angiotensin II in human myocardium originates from the alternative pathway influenced only by ARB. Goal. To compare the effect of 8-week and 6-month treatment of AMI patients with ramipril and losartan on laboratory markers, echocardiographic parameters and clinical signs of heart failure. Patients and methods.108 patients who suffered an STEMI were randomized in a ramipril (55) and a losartan (53) group, and followed-up for 8 weeks and 6 months. During treatment the effect of drugs on clinical (Killip-Kimbal classes), laboratory markers (NT-pro BNP, PAI-1, lipidogram) and echocardiographical parameters (EFLV, LVEDD) were compared. Results. No statistically significant differences in the levels of laboratory markers, echocardiographic parameters and clinical signs of heart failure were observed between the ramipril and the losartan group, neither after 8-week nor after 6-month treatment. Conclusions. After an uncomplicated STEMI, losartan was equally effective as ramipril in terms of laboratory markers, echocardiographic parameters and clinical signs of heart failure