8 research outputs found
Um Barquinho para navegar: devoção e habitus religioso na constituição da Capelinha de São Francisco
Policies of negative actions and aspirations of family black by access to education in province of Maranhão in the XIX century
The present work describes aspects of relation between the black people and schooling in the province of Maranhão during the XIX century. It uses primary sources, printed and handwritten, about the public instruction. It characterizes the occurrence of policies for negative actions that happened in this period to impede the access of black people in school public through criteria based on the conditions and the color of skin dark. This paper also emphasizes the aspirations of family black for education of their children, showing that black people were not alien to the social significance that access to the knowledge of reading, writing, and counting had obtained along the XIX century
Famílias e alunos de origem africana no Maranhão do século XIX
This article demonstrates the existence of black families and the presence of children from these families in public schools of Maranhão, in the nineteenth century. Based on a conjectural methodology newspapers ads of the nineteenth century were consulted and also codices relating to records of baptism, marriage, and documentation of the Government Secretary, located in the Public Archives of the State of Maranhão and Public Library Benedito Leite
A produção da invisibilidade intelectual do professor negro Nascimento Moraes na história literária maranhense, no início do século XX
Resumo O artigo contempla a trajetória familiar, escolar e profissional de José do Nascimento Moraes, dando ênfase às dificuldades encontradas durante a consolidação da sua vida profissional em razão de sua origem racial, quando esteve envolvido em debates na imprensa maranhense. Destacam-se aspectos ligados à polêmica travada com Antonio Francisco Leal Lobo, quando este, ao escrever sobre a terceira fase da história literária do Maranhão, omitiu a importância e a relevante contribuição de Nascimento Moraes para a efervescência cultural do período