8 research outputs found


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    This study examined the topic of faculty satisfaction among faculty employed at the University of Sarajevo (UNSA) in Bosnia and Hercegovina (BiH). BiH has endured a difficult transition from a socialist regime to a market economy following the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the early 1990’s and its higher education sector has been particularly affected by this transition. Scholarly research has focused mostly on the impact of discrimination of certain groups at the primary and secondary levels (Pašalic-Krešo, 2008). Research into issues affecting tertiary education is still an emerging field, and research on faculty is especially sparse. Utilizing survey methodology, this study described the demographic and professional profile of the average faculty member, their satisfaction and/or agreement with various aspects of their work and working conditions and tested which variables within Hagedorn’s (2000) conceptual framework of faculty satisfaction significantly predicted their job satisfaction. The results revealed that faculty were not involved in major decision-making and that external politics heavily influenced university operations. They were dissatisfied with their overall working conditions, but especially with library offerings and administrative support. The work itself, recognition, and being single were the only variables from Hagedorn’s model that significantly predicted their overall satisfaction

    Advising Experiences among First-Year International Doctoral Students

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    The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand how international graduate students in their first-year of doctoral study selected their faculty advisor and how this selection process influenced their advising relationship. Our results found that a majority of students in our sample were assigned to an interim advisor and most reported a positive advising experience. However, disquieting patterns emerged from the data: low frequency of advisor-advisee interaction, occurrences of mismatching between advisor-advisee, and an unknowingness of how to engage with one’s faculty advisor. Our study adds to the literature focusing on international students by shedding a light on nuanced advising experiences of first-year international doctoral students and by providing recommendations for faculty advisors and directors of graduate studies on ways to improve and systematize their advising practices so as to encourage retention and success among international doctoral students

    Advising Experiences of First Year International Doctoral Students

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    The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand how international doctoral students were matched with their faculty advisors and how their advising experiences and satisfaction were shaped by their academic discipline. We applied the lens of developmental advising to situate the advising experiences of our sample because of the framework’s emphasis on holistic support and student development. We conducted individual semistructured interviews with 21 international doctoral students attending a large research-intensive university in the Southeast. Most participants were assigned to an interim advisor, but the data revealed concerning differences in the type of advising experiences and support based on academic discipline. This study contributes to the body of literature by exploring advisor–advisee matching among international doctoral students and by further analyzing how disciplinary cultures shape perceptions of satisfaction with advising


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    Provedeno je on-line anketno ispitivanje na uzorku od 659 hrvatskih studenata o njihovim navikama vezanim uz objedovanje i potrošnju brze hrane. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da ispitanici najčešće konzumiraju brzu hranu nekoliko puta mjesečno (42%), uglavnom za ručak (48,7%), pri čemu najčešće odabiru pizzu (79,7%). Najvažnija obilježja brze hrane za ispitanike su okus (srednja vrijednost na Likertovoj ljestvici od 5 stupnjeva je 4,68) i miris (srednja vrijednost 4,38). Istraživanjem je utvrđena povezanost između učestalosti konzumiranja brze hrane i stručne spreme roditelja, prosječnog mjesečnog džeparca i dobi ispitanih studenata, kao i prehrambenih navika ispitanih studenata. Spol utječe na odabir pojedinih jela i namirnica brze hrane, muškarci učestalije konzumiraju hamburger, ćevape i kebab, dok žene češće jedu pomfrit. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja preporuča se edukacija studenata i njihovih roditelja o važnosti zajedničkog objedovanja u krugu obitelji, kao i o štetnom učinku učestale potrošnje brze hrane na zdravlje. Rezultati istraživanja značajni su za zdravstvene organizacije koje se svakodnevno bore protiv porasta potrošnje brze hrane među mladima, kao i za unapređenje aktivnosti u marketingu hrane.An on-line survey was conducted on a sample of 659 respondents regarding the habits of Croatian students in fast food consumption and nutrition habits. The research results have shown that the respondents most frequently consume fast food several times a month (42%), mainly for lunch (48,7%); when they consume fast food, pizza is the meal they choose most often (79,7%). The most significant characteristics of fast food for the respondents are taste (mean value on Likert scale being 4.68) and smell (mean value 4.38). The study has shown a connection between the frequency of eating fast food and the respondents\u27 parents\u27 level of education, the average monthly pocket money and the age of the surveyed students, as well as eating habits of the surveyed students. Gender influences the choice of certain fast food items; thus men frequently consume burgers, minced meat rolls and kebabs, while women are more likely to consume French fries. Based one the results of the survey, education of students and their parents about the importance of having their meals together is highly recommended, as well as the education about the harmful effects on health due to frequent consumption of fast food. The research results are significant for health care organizations that daily struggle against the rise of fast food consumption among the young, as well as to promote activities in the food marketing

    Žabica Square in Rijeka - Historic Development and Arrangement Proposal

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    U ovom radu biti će prikazan razvoj Trga Žabica kroz povijesna razdoblja. Razvoj trga, od nasipavanja kroz godine do formiranja današnjeg stanja, moguće je pratiti zahvaljujući planovima, sačuvanim grafikama i literaturi. Radi lakšeg shvaćanja promjena koje se događaju na tom području ukratko će biti opisana situacija u gradu za svako razdoblje, od antike do danas. Osim promjena u izgledu formi i funkciji trga u radu će biti opisane promjene koje se događaju s zgradama koje ga okružuju. Nakon povijesne analize u radu je također prikazana i foto dokumentacija postojećeg stanja trga, okolnih zgrada, popločenja, odvodnje i urbane opreme, kao i idejni i dio izvedbenog projekta preuređenja trga. Osnovna misao kod preuređenja je vraćanje funkcije trga Trgu Žabica, prilagođavajući ga građanima kako bi ih se potaknulo na boravak na ovakvom tipu javnog prostora, a da se pritom ne naruši povijesno značenje trga i okolnog prostora.This work will present the development of the Žabica Square through historical periods. The development of the square, from silting over the years to the formation of today's situation, is possible to follow thanks to the plans, stored graphics and literature. In order to facilitate understanding of the changes occurring in this area, the situation in the town will be briefly described for each period, from ancient Tarsatica until today. In addition to changes in the appearance, form and function of the square this work will describe changes taking place with the buildings that surround it. After a historical analysis this work's content also deals with the photographical documentation of the current state of the square, the surrounding buildings, paving, drainage and street furniture, as well as preliminary and detailed design part of the renovation of the square. The basic idea with the reconstruction is to restore the function of the Žabica Square, adapting it to the citizens in order to encourage them to stay in this type of public space, without compromising the historical significance of the square and the surrounding area

    Žabica Square in Rijeka - Historic Development and Arrangement Proposal

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    U ovom radu biti će prikazan razvoj Trga Žabica kroz povijesna razdoblja. Razvoj trga, od nasipavanja kroz godine do formiranja današnjeg stanja, moguće je pratiti zahvaljujući planovima, sačuvanim grafikama i literaturi. Radi lakšeg shvaćanja promjena koje se događaju na tom području ukratko će biti opisana situacija u gradu za svako razdoblje, od antike do danas. Osim promjena u izgledu formi i funkciji trga u radu će biti opisane promjene koje se događaju s zgradama koje ga okružuju. Nakon povijesne analize u radu je također prikazana i foto dokumentacija postojećeg stanja trga, okolnih zgrada, popločenja, odvodnje i urbane opreme, kao i idejni i dio izvedbenog projekta preuređenja trga. Osnovna misao kod preuređenja je vraćanje funkcije trga Trgu Žabica, prilagođavajući ga građanima kako bi ih se potaknulo na boravak na ovakvom tipu javnog prostora, a da se pritom ne naruši povijesno značenje trga i okolnog prostora.This work will present the development of the Žabica Square through historical periods. The development of the square, from silting over the years to the formation of today's situation, is possible to follow thanks to the plans, stored graphics and literature. In order to facilitate understanding of the changes occurring in this area, the situation in the town will be briefly described for each period, from ancient Tarsatica until today. In addition to changes in the appearance, form and function of the square this work will describe changes taking place with the buildings that surround it. After a historical analysis this work's content also deals with the photographical documentation of the current state of the square, the surrounding buildings, paving, drainage and street furniture, as well as preliminary and detailed design part of the renovation of the square. The basic idea with the reconstruction is to restore the function of the Žabica Square, adapting it to the citizens in order to encourage them to stay in this type of public space, without compromising the historical significance of the square and the surrounding area

    Žabica Square in Rijeka - Historic Development and Arrangement Proposal

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    U ovom radu biti će prikazan razvoj Trga Žabica kroz povijesna razdoblja. Razvoj trga, od nasipavanja kroz godine do formiranja današnjeg stanja, moguće je pratiti zahvaljujući planovima, sačuvanim grafikama i literaturi. Radi lakšeg shvaćanja promjena koje se događaju na tom području ukratko će biti opisana situacija u gradu za svako razdoblje, od antike do danas. Osim promjena u izgledu formi i funkciji trga u radu će biti opisane promjene koje se događaju s zgradama koje ga okružuju. Nakon povijesne analize u radu je također prikazana i foto dokumentacija postojećeg stanja trga, okolnih zgrada, popločenja, odvodnje i urbane opreme, kao i idejni i dio izvedbenog projekta preuređenja trga. Osnovna misao kod preuređenja je vraćanje funkcije trga Trgu Žabica, prilagođavajući ga građanima kako bi ih se potaknulo na boravak na ovakvom tipu javnog prostora, a da se pritom ne naruši povijesno značenje trga i okolnog prostora.This work will present the development of the Žabica Square through historical periods. The development of the square, from silting over the years to the formation of today's situation, is possible to follow thanks to the plans, stored graphics and literature. In order to facilitate understanding of the changes occurring in this area, the situation in the town will be briefly described for each period, from ancient Tarsatica until today. In addition to changes in the appearance, form and function of the square this work will describe changes taking place with the buildings that surround it. After a historical analysis this work's content also deals with the photographical documentation of the current state of the square, the surrounding buildings, paving, drainage and street furniture, as well as preliminary and detailed design part of the renovation of the square. The basic idea with the reconstruction is to restore the function of the Žabica Square, adapting it to the citizens in order to encourage them to stay in this type of public space, without compromising the historical significance of the square and the surrounding area

    Žabica Square in Rijeka - Historic Development and Arrangement Proposal

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    U ovom radu biti će prikazan razvoj Trga Žabica kroz povijesna razdoblja. Razvoj trga, od nasipavanja kroz godine do formiranja današnjeg stanja, moguće je pratiti zahvaljujući planovima, sačuvanim grafikama i literaturi. Radi lakšeg shvaćanja promjena koje se događaju na tom području ukratko će biti opisana situacija u gradu za svako razdoblje, od antike do danas. Osim promjena u izgledu formi i funkciji trga u radu će biti opisane promjene koje se događaju s zgradama koje ga okružuju. Nakon povijesne analize u radu je također prikazana i foto dokumentacija postojećeg stanja trga, okolnih zgrada, popločenja, odvodnje i urbane opreme, kao i idejni i dio izvedbenog projekta preuređenja trga. Osnovna misao kod preuređenja je vraćanje funkcije trga Trgu Žabica, prilagođavajući ga građanima kako bi ih se potaknulo na boravak na ovakvom tipu javnog prostora, a da se pritom ne naruši povijesno značenje trga i okolnog prostora.This work will present the development of the Žabica Square through historical periods. The development of the square, from silting over the years to the formation of today's situation, is possible to follow thanks to the plans, stored graphics and literature. In order to facilitate understanding of the changes occurring in this area, the situation in the town will be briefly described for each period, from ancient Tarsatica until today. In addition to changes in the appearance, form and function of the square this work will describe changes taking place with the buildings that surround it. After a historical analysis this work's content also deals with the photographical documentation of the current state of the square, the surrounding buildings, paving, drainage and street furniture, as well as preliminary and detailed design part of the renovation of the square. The basic idea with the reconstruction is to restore the function of the Žabica Square, adapting it to the citizens in order to encourage them to stay in this type of public space, without compromising the historical significance of the square and the surrounding area