24 research outputs found

    Smisao povijesti. Teološki pogled na filozofiju povijesti Nikolaja A. Berdjajeva

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    Quest’articolo riflette su alcuni temi della (dalla) filosofia della storia del filosofo russo Nikolaj Berdjaev che egli ha sviluppato in modo particolare nella sua opera Il senso della storia, che è il principale punto di partenza della nostra riflessione. Innanzitutto viene presentata la particolarità del tentativo di una filosofia della storia di Berdjaev. Il nostro autore offre alcune riflessioni significative sulla storia, sullo storico, sul senso e il progresso della storia e sulla relazione fra la libertà e la storia, nonché fra la metafisica e la storia. Seguono dei pensieri sull’apporto dell’ebraismo alla filosofia della storia e la visione dell’autore della singolarità dell’apporto cristiano alla comprensione della storia e alla filosofia della storia. Infine, viene presentata l’importantissima categoria della Tradizione e il suo significato per la conoscenza dello storico.Ovaj članak promišlja o nekim temama (iz) filozofije povijesti ruskoga filozofa Nikolaja Berdjaeva koje je na poseban način razvio u svome djelu Il senso della storia, koje je temeljno polazište naših promišljanja. Najprije se predstavlja posebnost Berdjajeva pokušaja filozofije povijesti. Naš autor nudi neka značajna promišljanja o povijesti, o povijesnome, o smislu i napretku povijesti, o odnosu slobode i povijesti te metafizike i povijesti. Slijede misli o doprinosu židovstva za filozofiju povijesti te autorovo viđenje jedincatosti kršćanskoga doprinosa shvaćanju povijesti i za filozofiju povijesti. Na kraju se predstavlja vrlo važna kategorija predaje i njezino značenje za spoznaju povijesnoga

    Jetreni apsces kao terapijski i dijagnostički problem

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    Liver abscess still represents a significant clinical entity with mortality rates of up to 10%. Traditional treatment of liver abscesses is open surgical treatment. Recently, percutaneous and laparoscopic drainage has been increasingly used. Still, in spite of these relatively novel techniques and improved imaging, liver abscess can sometimes be difficult to diagnose or treat. Here we present two cases of chronic liver abscess treated at our department. First patient was twice hospitalized in other hospitals without reaching definitive diagnosis. He was admitted at our department because of clinical presentation of sepsis, and definitive diagnosis of liver abscess was established only during open surgery. Second patient was admitted after laparoscopic drainage and repeated percutaneous drainage had failed to resolve his symptoms. In both cases, liver segment resection led to complete healing. These cases indicate that chronic liver abscess can still present a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge.Jetreni apscesi i dalje predstavljaju ozbiljan klinički entitet sa stopom smrtnosti i do 10%. Tradicionalno liječenje apscesa jetre je putem otvorenog kirurškog zahvata, iako se u posljednje vrijeme sve češće rabi perkutana ili laparoskopska drenaža. Usprkos tim načinima liječenja i sve boljim dijagnostičkim metodama apsces jetre ponekad nije jednostavno niti dokazati ni liječiti. Ovdje prikazujemo dva slučaja kroničnog apscesa jetre liječena na našem odjelu. U prvom slučaju bolesnik je bio u dva navrata hospitaliziran u drugim ustanovama pod dijagnozom jetrene ehinokokoze. Kod nas je bio primljen zbog kliničke slike sepse. Cistična tvorba u jetri je dijagnosticirana kao apsces tek tijekom operacije. Učinjena je resekcija VII . segmenta jetre gdje se apsces nalazio. Drugi bolesnik je primljen nakon pokušaja laparoskopske drenaže i više pokušaja perkutane drenaže apscesa. U oba slučaja je učinjena segmentektomija jetre, što je dovelo do izliječenja bolesnika. Ova dva slučaja pokazuju kako kronični jetreni apscesi još uvijek ponekad predstavljaju dijagnostički i terapijski izazov

    Ureterorenoscopic treatment of ureteral stones – influence of operator’s experience and skill on the procedure outcome

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    Aim To observe the influence of operating urologist’s education and adopted skills on the outcome of ureterorenoscopy treatment of ureteral stones. Methods The study included 422 patients (234 men, 55.4%) who underwent ureterorenoscopy to treat ureteral stones at the Urology Department of Clinical Hospital Center Split, Croatia, between 2001 and 2009. All interventions were carried out with a semi-rigid Wolf ureteroscope and an electropneumatic generator used for lithotripsy. The operating specialists were divided into two groups. The first group included 4 urologists who had started learning and performing endoscopic procedures at the beginning of their specialization and the second group included 4 urologists who had started performing endoscopic procedures later in their careers, on average more than 5 years after specialization. Results Radiology tests confirmed that 87% (208/238) of stones were completely removed from the distal ureter, 54% (66/123) from the middle ureter, and 46% (28/61) from the proximal ureter. The first group of urologists completed significantly more procedures successfully, especially for the stones in the distal (95% vs 74%; P = 0.001) and middle ureter (66% vs 38%; P = 0.002), and their patients spent less time in the hospital postoperatively. Conclusion Urologists who started learning and performing endoscopic procedures at the beginning of their specialization are more successful in performing ureteroscopy. It is important that young specialists receive timely and systematic education and cooperate with more experienced colleagues

    Multidisciplinary approach in the management of pregnancy with placenta accreta spectrum disorder - Case report

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    From the histopathologic perspective Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) shows the absence of the normal intervening decidua and invasion of the placenta into the myometrium. There is placenta accreta with the chorionic villi attach directly to the surface of the myometrium in the absence of the decidual layer and placenta increta when the chorionic villi penetrate deeply into the myometrium reaching the external layer. There is also placenta percreta where the invasive chorionic villi reach and penetrate through the myometrium to uterine serosa and it is nowadays the most common reason for peripartum hysterectomy (1). Drawing the line between these subtypes is not always easy, especially in the clinical situations when the invasiveness of the placenta is not known before the delivery (2). The maternal and fetal outcomes are improved upon appropriate antepartum diagnosis and care by multidisciplinary experts with experience in PAS treatment (3). Here we present a pregnancy and multidisciplinary delivery management of a 40-year-old female, gravida V, para IV, with history of the three cesarean sections, in 36+2 weeks of gestation in a tertiary academic teaching hospital. We confirmed suspected PAS antenatally based on ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Preoperative preparation included the ensuring of blood products availability, the use of arterial occlusion balloons to reduce hemorrhage, and the use of double JJ stent to prevent ureteral injuries. We performed a cesarean section with immediate uterine amputation due to severe bleeding, after which the patient fully recovered. If PAS timely suspected and confirmed intraoperatively, the best maternal and neonatal outcome is achieved by the multidisciplinary approach that enables adequate elective procedure

    Ureterorenoscopic treatment of ureteral stones: influence of operator’s experience and skill on the procedure outcome

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    Aim To observe the influence of operating urologist’s education and adopted skills on the outcome of ureterorenoscopy treatment of ureteral stones. Methods The study included 422 patients (234 men, 55.4%) who underwent ureterorenoscopy to treat ureteral stones at the Urology Department of Clinical Hospital Center Split, Croatia, between 2001 and 2009. All interventions were carried out with a semi-rigid Wolf ureteroscope and an electropneumatic generator used for lithotripsy. The operating specialists were divided into two groups. The first group included 4 urologists who had started learning and performing endoscopic procedures at the beginning of their specialization and the second group included 4 urologists who had started performing endoscopic procedures later in their careers, on average more than 5 years after specialization. Results Radiology tests confirmed that 87% (208/238) of stones were completely removed from the distal ureter, 54% (66/123) from the middle ureter, and 46% (28/61) from the proximal ureter. The first group of urologists completed significantly more procedures successfully, especially for the stones in the distal (95% vs 74%; P = 0.001) and middle ureter (66% vs 38%; P = 0.002), and their patients spent less time in the hospital postoperatively. Conclusion Urologists who started learning and performing endoscopic procedures at the beginning of their specialization are more successful in performing ureteroscopy. It is important that young specialists receive timely and systematic education and cooperate with more experienced colleagues

    Clinical recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients with bladder cancer

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    Rak mokraćnog mjehura (RMM) jest, u skladu s podatcima hrvatskog Registra za rak iz 2015. godine, drugi prema učestalosti tumor urinarnog sustava, odmah nakon raka prostate. U 90% slučajeva radi se o urotelnom karcinomu, a razlika u preživljenju kod bolesnika s mišićnoinvazivnim RMM-om (MIRMM) i nemišićnoinvazivnim RMM-om (NMIRMM) znatna je. Liječenje NMIRMM-a usmjereno je na smanjenje recidiva i sprječavanje napredovanja bolesti, a sastoji se od transuretralne resekcije (TUR) tumora i primjene intravezikalne terapije ovisno o procjeni rizika od povrata bolesti. Temelj liječenja bolesnika s MIRMM-om jest radikalno kirurško liječenje, tj. cistektomija kojoj u bolesnika koji su sposobni primiti cisplatinu prethodi neoadjuvantna kemoterapija (NKT). U trenutku postavljanja dijagnoze bolest je kod 4 – 6% bolesnika proširena, dok će se u 50% bolesnika razviti povrat bolesti nakon cistektomije. Metode liječenja proširenje bolesti uključuju: kemoterapiju temeljenu na cisplatini, imunoterapiju, palijativnu radioterapiju te simptomatsko i potporno liječenje. Važno obilježje RMM-a jest prisutnost visoke stope somatskih mutacija koje su omogućile promjenu paradigme u liječenju proširenog RMM-a i dovele do odobravanja niza novih lijekova koji pripadaju inhibitorima PD-1 i PD-L1, tj. inhibitorima nadzornih točaka imunosnog odgovora posredovanog T-stanicama .Bladder cancer is the second most common malignancy of urinary system according to data from the Croatian National Cancer Registry for 2015. In 90% of cases the underlying histology is urothelial carcinoma. Difference in survival in patients with muscle-invasive disease (MIBC) compared to the survival of patients with non-muscle invasive disease (NMIBC) is enormous. Management of NMIBC, traditionally, has been focused on the reduction of subsequent bladder recurrence and prevention of disease progression and is primarily based on transurethral resection (TUR) of the tumor, followed by intravesical therapy based on estimated individual risk of recurrence. Conversely, in patients with MIBC radical cystectomy remains the corne stone of the treatment, optimally in conjunction with neoadjuvant platinum-based chemotherapy in cisplatin-eligible patients. At the moment of diagnosis, 4–6% of patients already have distant metastases, and post cystectomy recurrence could be expected in 50% of patients. Treatment options in metastatic disease range from cisplatin-based chemotherapy, immunotherapy, palliative radiotherapy and finally supportive care. Landmark feature of bladder cancer is the high prevalence of somatic mutations which enabled profound change for decades held treatment paradigm for advanced bladder cancer leading to regulatory approval of whole array of novel immunotherapy agents. These emerging therapeutics (programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1) and programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1)) belong to the class of inhibitors of checkpoint proteins, which are key targets that regulate T-cell mediated immune response


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    Svjetlostanični tip karcinoma bubrežnih stanica najčešći je oblik raka bubrega. Klinički je uglavnom asimptomatski, a samo se kod manjeg postotka bolesnika očituje hematurijom, tupom boli i palpabilnom masom u trbuhu. Najčešće se otkrije slučajno tijekom radioloških pregleda. Dijagnoza raka bubrega potvrđuje se patohistološkim nalazom nakon provedene dijagnostičke obrade. Odluka o liječenju donosi se temeljem kliničke procjene stadija bolesti i drugih čimbenika rizika. Ovisno o tome, mogućnosti liječenja uključuju kirurški zahvat te s obzirom na visoku rezistenciju raka bubrega na kemoterapiju i hormonsku terapiju, primjenu ciljane terapije (imunoterapija, inhibicija aktivnosti receptora tirozin kinaze) te palijativnu radioterapiju. U tekstu koji slijedi predstavljene su kliničke upute s ciljem standardizacije postupaka i kriterija postavljanja dijagnoze, upravljanja i liječenja te praćenja bolesnika s rakom bubrega u Republici Hrvatskoj.Clear cell renal carcinoma is the most common kidney cancer. It is generally asymptomatic. A small percentage of patients present with hematuria, flank pain and abdominal mass. It is usually detected accidentally during radiologic examination. The diagnosis of kidney cancer is confirmed by pathohistological findings after completion of the diagnostic process. The decision about treatment is made based on clinical assessment of disease stage and other risk factors. Depending on that, treatment options include surgery, and considering high resistance of kidney cancer on chemotherapy and hormone therapy, use of targeted therapies (immunotherapy, tyrosine kinase inhibitors) and palliative radiotherapy. The following text presents the clinical guidelines in order to standardize procedures and criteria for the diagnosis, management, treatment and monitoring of patients with kidney cancer in the Republic of Croatia

    Kliničke upute za dijagnostiku, liječenje i praćenje bolesnika oboljelih od raka mokraćnog mjehura Hrvatskoga onkološkog društva i Hrvatskoga urološkog društva Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora [Clinical guidelines for diagnosing, treatment and monitoring patients with bladder cancer - Croatian Oncology Society and Croatian Urology Society, Croatian Medical Association]

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    Urothelial cancer is the most common bladder cancer. Hematuria is the most common presenting symptom in patients with bladder cancer. The most common diagnostics of bladder cancer is performed by transurethral resection of bladder after which pathohistological diagnosis is set. It is necessary to determine whether the cancer penetrated in muscle layer (muscle-invasive cancer) or not (muscle-noninvasive cancer). Decision on therapeutic modality depends on the clinical stage of disease and on prognostic and risk factors. For muscle non-invasive bladder cancer transurethral resection is preferred with or without intravesical instillation of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG). For invasive cancer the method of choice is radical cystectomy. Radiotherapy is used in radical and palliative purposes. Metastatic disease is most frequently treated by chemotherapy metotrexate/vinblastine/doxorubicine/cisplatin (MVAC) or gemcitabine/cisplatin (GC). The purpose of this article is to present clinical recommendations to set standards of procedures and criteria in diagnostics, treatment and follow up of patients with bladder cancer in the Republic of Croatia

    Clinical guidelines for diagnostics, treatment and monitoring of patients with testicular cancer

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    Rak testisa najčešći je solidni tumor u muškaraca u dobi od 15. do 34. godine. Incidencija raka testisa u svijetu udvostručena je u posljednjih 40 godina. Tumori zametnih stanica čine 95% svih tumora testisa, a podijeljeni su u dva osnovna histološka tipa: seminomi i neseminomi. Osobito značenje daje im velik postotak izlječivosti i u diseminiranoj fazi bolesti. Tom je uspjehu najviše pridonijela kemoterapija, ali kirurgija je i dalje neizostavan dio uspješnog liječenja. U znatnog dijela bolesnika danas se nastoji odrediti terapijski minimum kojim se izbjegava niz nuspojava, a dovodi do jednakog uspjeha kao i donedavno agresivniji terapijski pristup. U tekstu koji slijedi iznesene su kliničke upute radi standardizacije dijagnostike, liječenja i praćenja bolesnika s tumorima zametnih stanica testisa u Republici Hrvatskoj.Testicular tumors are the most common solid tumors in men between age 15- 34 years. The worldwide incidence of these tumors has doubled in the past 40 years. Germ cell tumors comprise 95% of malignant tumors arising in the testes and they are classified as seminoma and nonseminoma. Testicular cancer has high cure rates even in disseminated stage of disease. The chemotherapy mostly contributed to these results, but surgery is an unavoidable part of this success. In significant number of these patients treatment algorithms today have intention to offer the same cure rates with minimally aggressive therapy. The following text presents the clinical guidelines in order to standardize procedures and criteria for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of patients with testicular cancer in the Republic of Croatia