80 research outputs found

    Školski uspjeh i anksioznost učenika u produženom i cjelodnevnom boravku

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    The aim of the research was to study the correlation between school achievement and the degree of anxiety and characteristics of its structure among students attending extended and after-school day care. The RCMAS (Revised Childrenā€™s Manifest Anxiety Scale), a scale that measures anxiety among the population aged 7-19, was applied. The sample consisted of 222 elementary school students from the 1st to the 4th grade attending extended and after-school day care programs. Principal components, Pearsonā€™s correlations, t-test and discriminative analysis were used for statistical analysis. The results are indicative of statistically significant differences in the level of anxiety between very good and excellent students. Students who achieve very good success exhibit significantly higher anxiety in relation to students with excellent achievement. Somatised anxiety and, to a lesser extent, social anxiety are dominant among them. Statistically significant differences on the side of very good students are expressed through forms of anxiety that reflect emotional instability, maladjustment, lack of social conformity, and anxiety caused by a variety of social situations. The somatic anxiety factor mostly contributes to the difference in anxiety characteristics.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati vezu između Å”kolskog uspjeha i stupnja anksioznosti, kao i utvrditi oblike anksioznosti kod učenika obuhvaćenih produženim i cjelodnevnim boravkom. U istraživanju se koristio upitnik RCMAS (Revised Children s Manifest Anxiety Scale), koji mjeri razinu anksioznosti kod populacije u dobi od 7 do 19 godina. Uzorak čine 222 učenika, od 1. do 4. razreda osnovne Å”kole, koji su obuhvaćeni produženim i cjelodnevnim boravkom. Primijenjeni su statistička metoda glavnih komponenti, Pirsonova korelacijska analiza, t-test i diskriminacijska analiza. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju statistički značajne razlike u stupnju anksioznosti između vrlo dobrih i odličnih učenika. Učenici vrlo dobrog uspjeha imaju statistički značajno izraženiju anksioznost u odnosu na odlične učenike. Kod njih prevladava somatizirana, a u neÅ”to manjoj mjeri i socijalna anksioznost. Statistički značajne razlike, u korist vrlo dobrih učenika, utvrđene su kod oblika anksioznosti koji označavaju emocionalnu nestabilnost, neprilagođenost, nedostatak socijalnog konformizma, kao i anksioznost izazvanu različitim socijalnim situacijama. Razlika u stupnju anksioznosti najveća je kod somatizirane anksioznosti

    Modular CBT for Childhood Anxiety Disorders: Evaluating Clinical Outcomes and its Predictors

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    This study examined clinical outcomes of a modular individual CBT for children with anxiety disorders (AD), and predictors of outcomes, in usual clinical practice. Participants were 106 children with ADs (7ā€“17 years), and parents. Assessments were pre-, mid-, post-test, and 10 weeks after CBT (follow-up). Predictors (measured pre-treatment) were child characteristics (gender, age, type of AD, comorbid disorders), fathersā€™ and mothersā€™ anxious/depressive symptoms, and parental involvement (based on parentsā€™ presence during treatment sessions and the use of a parent module in treatment). At follow-up, 59% (intent-to-treat analyses) to 70% (completer analysis) of the children were free from their primary anxiety disorder. A significant decrease in anxiety symptoms was found. Higher parental involvement was related to lower child anxiety at follow-up, but only for children with comorbid disorders. Findings suggest that it is beneficial to treat anxiety with modular CBT. Future steps involve comparisons of modularized CBT with control conditions

    Modulation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase signaling and specific glucocorticoid receptor phosphorylation in the treatment of major depression

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    Glucocorticoid resistance is a common finding in major depressive disorder. Increased glucocorticoid receptor (GR) phosphorylation at serine 226 is associated with increased glucocorticoid resistance. Previously we have demonstrated that depressed patients exhibit higher levels of GR phosphorylated at serine 226 compared to healthy controls. The enzyme that is involved in this specific GR phosphorylation is c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). We propose that modulation of glucocorticoid phosphorylation at serine 226, by targeting JNK signaling pathway, could be a potential strategy for antidepressant treatment. We base this assumption on the results of previous research that examined GR phosphorylation and JNK signaling in animal models and human studies. We also discuss the potential challenges in targeting JNK signaling pathway in depression. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A Multilevel Meta-analysis of Single-Case Research on Interventions for Internalizing Disorders in Children and Adolescents

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    The effectiveness of interventions for internalizing disorders in children and adolescents was studied using a review and meta-analysis of published single-case research. Databases and other resources were searched for quantitative single-case studies in youth with anxiety, depressive, and posttraumatic stress disorders. Raw data from individual cases were aggregated and analyzed by means of multilevel meta-analytic models. Outcome variables were symptom severity assessed across baseline and treatment phases of the studies, and diagnostic status at post- and follow-up treatment. Single-case studies were rated for quality. We identified 71 studies including 321 cases (M age ā€‰=ā€‰10.66 years; 55% female). The mean quality of the studies was rated as below average, although there were considerable differences between the studies. Overall, positive within-person changes during the treatment phase in comparison to the baseline phase were found. In addition, positive changes in the diagnostic status were observed at post- and follow-up treatment. Yet high variability in treatment effects was found between cases and studies. This meta-analysis harvests the knowledge from published single-case research in youth-internalizing disorders and illustrates how within-person information from single-case studies can be summarized to explore the generalizability of the results from this type of research. The results emphasize the importance of keeping account of individual variability in providing and investigating youth interventions

    The replisome-coupled E3 ubiquitin ligase Rtt101Mms22 counteracts Mrc1 function to tolerate genotoxic stress

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    Faithful DNA replication and repair requires the activity of cullin 4-based E3 ubiquitin ligases (CRL4), but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. The budding yeast Cul4 homologue, Rtt101, in complex with the linker Mms1 and the putative substrate adaptor Mms22 promotes progression of replication forks through damaged DNA. Here we characterized the interactome of Mms22 and found that the Rtt101Mms22 ligase associates with the replisome progression complex during S-phase via the amino-terminal WD40 domain of Ctf4. Moreover, genetic screening for suppressors of the genotoxic sensitivity of rtt101Ī” cells identified a cluster of replication proteins, among them a component of the fork protection complex, Mrc1. In contrast to rtt101Ī” and mms22Ī” cells, mrc1Ī” rtt101Ī” and mrc1Ī” mms22Ī” double mutants complete DNA replication upon replication stress by facilitating the repair/restart of stalled replication forks using a Rad52-dependent mechanism. Our results suggest that the Rtt101Mms22 E3 ligase does not induce Mrc1 degradation, but specifically counteracts Mrc1's replicative function, possibly by modulating its interaction with the CMG (Cdc45-MCM-GINS) complex at stalled forks.</p

    What differs former, light and heavy smokers? Evidence from a post-conflict setting

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    Background: Evidence suggests that people who live in regions affected by the armed conflict are more likely to smoke. Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess factors associated with smoking status in a sample of students in the northern Kosovo province. Materials and methods: A total of 514 students enrolled in University in Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo, were recruited between April to June 2015 at Student Public Health Center during mandatory health checks. Participants filled in socio-demographic and behavioral questionnaire and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Based on responses about smoking, students were categorized in non-smokers, former smokers, light smokers (1-13 cigarettes/day) and heavy smokers (&gt; 13 cigarettes/ day). Results: Of 514 students, 116 (22.6%) classified themselves as smokers. Higher education level of fathers (Odds ratio [OR]=2.89, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.30-6.44, p=0.009), not living with smokers (OR=0.42, 95%CI 0.15-0.97, p=0.017) and longer exposure to second hand smoke (OR=1.07, 95%CI 1.01-1.13, p=0.036) was associated with former smoking. Studying medical and natural sciences (OR=2.07, 95%CI 1.05-4.18, p=0.040), consuming alcohol (OR=2.98, 95%CI 1.19-10.03, p=0.020), living with smokers (OR=2.88, 95%CI 1.49-5.56, p=0.002), longer exposure to second hand smoke (OR=1.06, 95%CI 1.01-1.11, p=0.019) and having a more intense depressive symptoms (OR=1.08, 95%CI 1.03-1.13, p=0.002) was associated with light smoking. Being male (OR=0.22, 95%CI 0.07-0.41, p=0.001), older (OR=1.47, 95%CI 1.21-1.78, p=0.001), living with smokers (OR=3.78, 95%CI 1.69-8.07, p=0.001), longer daily exposure to second-hand smoke (OR=1.10, 95%CI 1.04-1.16, p=0.001), and having more severe depressive symptoms (OR=1.12, 95%CI 1.07-1.18, p=0.001) were associated with heavy smoking. Conclusion: Smoking prevention and cessation programs should include the entire community, because exposure to environmental second hand smoke may facilitate initiation and more intense smoking. Screening of student smokers for depression should be prioritized in the process of rebuilding the framework for primary and secondary prevention in the post-conflict period

    Serum heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate concentrations in patients with newly diagnosed exfoliative glaucoma

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    Background Exfoliative glaucoma (XFG) is typically classified as a high-pressure type of secondary open-angle glaucoma that develops as a consequence of exfoliation syndrome (XFS). Exfoliation syndrome is an age-related, generalized disorder of the extracellular matrix characterized by production and progressive accumulation of a fibrillar exfoliation material (XFM) in intra- and extraocular tissues. Exfoliation material represents complex glycoprotein/proteoglycan structure composed of a protein core surrounded by glycosaminoglycans such as heparan sulfate (HS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS). The purpose of the present study was to investigate HS and CS concentrations in serum samples of patients with newly diagnosed XFG and compare the obtained values with those pertaining to newly diagnosed primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), normal controls (NC) and subjects with XFS. Methods This caseā€“control study involved 165 subjects, including patients with newly diagnosed XFG, patients with newly diagnosed POAG, subjects with XFS and age- and sex-matched NC. The study was conducted at the Glaucoma Department of Clinic for Eye Diseases, Clinical Centre of Serbia, as the referral center for glaucoma in Serbia. Results The mean age in the XFG, POAG, XFS and NC groups was 73.3 Ā± 9.0, 66.3 Ā± 7.8, 75.5 Ā± 7.0 and 73.5 Ā± 9.5 years, respectively, XFG vs. POAG, p < 0.001. Mean serum HS concentrations in the XFG, POAG, NC and XFS groups were 3,189.0 Ā± 1,473.8 ng/mL, 2,091.5 Ā± 940.9 ng/mL, 2,543.1 Ā± 1,397.3 ng/mL and 2,658.2 Ā± 1,426.8 ng/mL respectively, XFG vs. POAG, p = 0.001 and XFG vs. NC, p = 0.032. Mean serum CS concentrations in the XFG, POAG, NC and XFS group were 43.9 Ā± 20.7 ng/mL, 38.5 Ā± 22.0 ng/mL, 35.8 Ā± 16.4 ng/mL and 43.3 Ā± 21.8 ng/mL, respectively, XFG vs. NC, p = 0.041. Conclusions Our findings revealed greater HS and CS concentrations in XFG patients and XFS subjects compared to those without XFM. Implications of HS and CS in the pathophysiology of XFS and glaucoma should be studied further. Serum is easily accessible and should thus be explored as rich sources of potential biomarkers. Further research should aim to identify XFG biomarkers that could be utilized in routine blood analysis tests, aiding in timely disease diagnosis

    Distorted Cognitive Processing in Youth: The Structure of Negative Cognitive Errors and Their Associations with Anxiety

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    The Childrenā€™s Negative Cognitive Error Questionnaire (CNCEQ) is commonly used to measure four errors in young peopleā€™s thinking, but research has failed to support the factorial validity of the measure. The primary objective of the present study was to examine the factor structure of a refined and extended version of the CNCEQ. Revision of the CNCEQ involved the exclusion of items rated as contaminated, and the addition of items measuring cognitive errors closely associated with anxiety (ā€˜threat conclusionā€™ and ā€˜underestimation of the ability to copeā€™). A secondary objective was to determine the relation between the negative cognitive errors and anxiety. Principal component analysis of data from 481 children and adolescents indicated five distinct negative cognitive error subscales labeled ā€˜underestimation of the ability to copeā€™, ā€˜personalizing without mind readingā€™, ā€˜selective abstractionā€™, ā€˜overgeneralizingā€™, and ā€˜mind readingā€™ which contained the new ā€˜threat conclusionā€™ items. Confirmatory factor analysis in an independent sample of 295 children and adolescents yielded further support for the five-factor solution. All cognitive errors except ā€˜selective abstractionā€™ were correlated with anxiety. Multiple regression analysis indicated that the strongest predictors of anxiety were the two subscales containing new items, namely ā€˜underestimation of the ability to copeā€™ and ā€˜mind readingā€™. The results are discussed with respect to further development of the instrument so as to advance the assessment of distorted cognitive processing in young people with internalizing symptoms
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