8 research outputs found
Uticaj biljnih ulja na fizičko-hemijska i senzorna svojstva suvih fermentisanih kobasica
In order to improve the functional properties of dry fermented sausages, one part of backfat can be substituted with oils that have a more favourable fatty acid profile. In this experiment, one part of backfat in the mixture for dry fermented sausages was replaced with flaxseed and grapeseed oils prepared as alginate gel, with the content of oil in the mixture equalling 3% and 5%. The type and amount of oil did not affect the change in pH values. Sausages with flaxseed oil received lower grades for colour, odour, flavour and overall acceptability compared with the control and grapeseed oil variant. Increase in the flaxseed oil content in the mixture resulted in lower sensory analysis grades.U smislu poboljšanja funkcionalnih svojstava suvih fermentisanih kobasica moguće je deo masnog tkiva zameniti uljima s povoljnijim masnokiselinskim profilom. U ovom ogledu deo čvrstog masnog tkiva u nadevu suvih fermentisanih kobasica zamenjen je lanenim i uljem od koštica grožđa pripremljenim kao alginatni gel tako da je u nadevu sadržaj ulja bio oko 3% i 5%. Vrsta i količina ulja nisu uticali na tok promene pH vrednosti. Kobasice s lanenim uljem ocenjene su manjim ocenama u pogledu boje, mirisa, ukusa i ukupne prihvatljivosti u odnosu na kontrolnu kobasicu i kobasice sa uljem od koštica grožđa. Povećanje sadržaja lanenog ulja u nadevu uticalo je na smanjenje ocena senzorne analize
Hemijski sastav M. Semimembranosus i M. Longissimus Thoracis et Lumborum svinja pet čistih rasa odgajanih u Vojvodini
U ovom radu utvrđen je sadržaj vlage, proteina, ukupne masti i ukupnog
pepela u M. semimembranosus (SM) i M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) pet
čistih rasa svinja: Velika Bela (n=118), Landras (n=116), Durok (n=112), Hempšir
(n=112) i Pietren (n=121), odgajanih u Vojvodini. Osnovni hemijski sastav određen je
ISO metodama. Ukupno, prosečan sadržaj (g/100g) vlage, proteina, ukupne masti i
ukupnog pepela u svim ispitanim mišićima SM i LTL (n=1158) je bio: 75.68, 21.73, 1.36 i
1.14, respektivno. Svinjsko meso proizvedeno u Vojvodini pokazuje sličan sadržaj vlage,
proteina, masti i pepela u poređenju sa sadržajima utvrđenim u drugim zemljama
Hemijski sastav jetri i bubrega svinja pet čistih rasa odgajanih u Vojvodini
In this paper the content of moisture, protein, total fat and total ash in the M.
semimembranosus (SM) and M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) from five
purebred pigs: Large White (n=118), Landrace (n=116), Duroc (n=112), Hampshire
(n=112) and Pietrain (n=121), reared in Vojvodina was determined. Components of
proximate composition were determined by ISO methods. Overall, the average content
(g/100g) of moisture, protein, total fat and total ash in all the SM and LTL (n=1158) was:
75.68, 21.73, 1.36 and 1.14, respectively. The Vojvodian pork showed same moisture,
protein, total fat and total ash content compared with the values found in other countries.U ovom radu utvrđen je sadržaj vlage, proteina, ukupne masti i ukupnog
pepela u jetrama i bubrezima svinja pet čistih rasa: Velika Bela (n=118), Landras (n=116),
Durok (n=112), Hempšir (n=112) i Pietren (n=121), odgajanih u Vojvodini. Osnovni
hemijski sastav određen je ISO metodama. Rasa svinja ne utiče značajno (P>0.05), dok
vrsta iznutrice utiče značajno (P<0.05; P<0.001) na sadržaj vlage, proteina, ukupne masti
i ukupnog pepela. Prosečan sadržaj (g/100g) vlage, proteina, ukupne masti i ukupnog
pepela u svim ispitanim jetrama (n=579) je bio: 71.05, 21.34, 3.24 i 1.48, dok je u svim
ispitanim bubrezima (n=579) bio: 79.43, 16.16, 3.13 i 1.20, respektivno
Meat quality of Swallow-Belly Mangulica pigs reared under intensive production system and slaughtered at 100 kg live weight
Quality parameters including sensory and physical characteristics and proximate and mineral composition in M. psoas major, M. semimembranosus, M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum and M. triceps brachii of Swallow-Belly Mangulica pigs were determined. Type of muscles had no significant effect (P > 0.05) on water-holding capacity, protein, total fat and K, P and Ca content. The M. psoas major was the highest in pH(24h), water-holding capacity, CIEa* and CIEb* values, moisture, K, P and Cu content, and the lowest in visual marbling score and total fat content. The M. semimembranosus was the highest in Mg and Ca content, and the lowest in CIEL* value (darkest muscle) and K content. The lightest colour (CIEL* value), the highest content of protein, total fat and total ash, and the lowest visual colour score, pH(24h), CIEa* and CIEb* values, content of moisture, Na, Ca, Zn, Fe and Cu were found in M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum. The highest visual colour and marbling score, the highest content of Na, Zn and Fe, and the lowest water-holding capacity, content of protein, total ash, P and Mg were found in M. triceps brachii