22 research outputs found

    Urban tourism towards sustainable development

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    Tourism is a modern global phenomenon and reflects the general development of society. The impact of tourism development implies not only the economic but also environmental, social and cultural aspects of life. Due to the numerous economic benefits arising from its development, tourism has gained a very important status and in many countries has received a significant role and priority in economic development. Tourism, from the area uses certain economic benefits that would otherwise remain unused. However uncontrolled development often destroyed the area where itā€™s realized, and in this way operates contrary to the tourism development primary aims. Uncontrolled development in which tourism is an essential part, bring into the question its further development. Therefore, the object of the paper is to determine the negative effects of uncontrolled and intensive tourism development in urban areas that are not based on the principles of sustainable development. The aim and purpose is to present the importance of applying the principles of sustainable tourism development in urban areas and define the key subjects that will have the impact for the application of the concept of sustainable development in such areas. In order to collect the basic data about the importance of applying the sustainable development conception in urban areas survey method was applied. Kruskal-Wallis test is used for the realization research aims. The research results will serve as the operational guidelines for the destination tourism managers in applying the concept of sustainable development in urban areas

    The Evaluation of Ī³-Zein Reduction Using Mass Spectrometryā€”The Influence of Proteolysis Type in Relation to Starch Degradability in Silages

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    The starch availability and nutritional value of corn (Zea mays L.) are affected by zein proteins. The aim of the study was to see whether the proposed reduction of Ī³-zeins during the fermentation of silages is a result of either the enzymatic proteolytic activity or of the acidic environment, and how this reduction affects starch availability and degradability in high-moisture corn. A mass spectrometry (MS) technique was used to quantify the 16- and 27-kDa Ī³-zeins. Briefly, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) was used for Ī³-zein separation, followed by densitometry for protein quantification and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight MS (MALDI-TOF/TOF) for protein identification. The results show that the reduction in Ī³-zeins induced by the ensiling led to a more pronounced starch availability and in vitro degradation, and this reduction was dependent on the type of proteolysis. More specifically, the results indicate that the reduction of Ī³-zeins in the ensiled corn was primarily driven by the enzymatic proteolysis. Furthermore, we demonstrated that 2-DE followed by densitometric quantification and the mass spectrometry analysis for protein identification can be used as a state-of-the-art method for Ī³-zein evaluation both in fresh and fermented/ensiled corn samples

    Usporedba tradicionalnih i industrijskih kobasica Baranjskog kulena i kulenove seke opsežnim proteomskim, peptidomskim i metabolomskim tehnikama

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    Research background. Baranjski kulen is one of the most popular fermented meat sausages originating from Croatia. It has protected geographical indication, and is traditionally produced in the Baranja region of Croatia. Kulenova seka is a fermented sausage very similar to baranjski kulen, but it has a different calibre and consequently, a shorter time of production. In recent decades, due to the high demand and popularity of these products, industrially produced baranjski kulen and kulenova seka have become available on the market. This work aims to identify specific characteristics of traditional and industrial sausages baranjski kulen and kulenova seka on proteome, peptidome and metabolome level, which could potentially lead to better optimization of the industrial production process in order to obtain an equivalent to the traditional product. Experimental approach. Protein profiles of baranjski kulen and kulenova seka (traditional and industrial) were analysed using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by differential display analysis and protein identification by mass spectrometry. Peptidomic profile was analysed via liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Furthermore, aroma profiles were investigated via headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Results and conclusions. The major identified characteristics of each product were: industrial baranjski kulen: specific degradation of myosin-1 and titin, overabundance of stress-related proteins and increased phenylalanine degradation; traditional baranjski kulen: decreased concentration of phenylalanine and overabundance of fructose-bisphosphate aldolase A and carbonic anhydrase 3; industrial kulenova seka - specific myosin-4 and haemoglobin subunit alpha degradation process; traditional kulenova seka - overabundance of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase [NADP(+)] and myosin light chain 1/3, skeletal muscle isoform, degradation of albumin and myoglobin, decreased concentrations of almost all free amino acids and increased amounts of smoke-derived volatile compounds. Presented results showed that potential product type-specific quality markers for each sausage could be found. Novelty and scientific contribution. In this preliminary communication, the first insights into protein degradation processes and generation of peptides, free amino acids and aroma compounds of industrial and traditional baranjski kulen and kulenova seka are presented. Although further research is needed to draw general conclusions, the specific profile of proteins, peptides, amino acids and volatile compounds represents the first step in the industrial production of sausages that meet the characteristics of traditional flavour.Pozadina istraživanja. Baranjski kulen jedna je od najpopularnijih fermentiranih kobasica u Hrvatskoj. Ima zaÅ”tićenu oznaku zemljopisnog podrijetla te se tradicionalno proizvodi u hrvatskoj regiji Baranji. Kulenova seka je fermentirana kobasica koja je vrlo slična Baranjskom kulenu, no manjeg je kalibra te je zbog toga i vrijeme potrebno za njezinu proizvodnju kraće. Zbog velike popularnosti i potražnje navedenih proizvoda, zadnjih su se desetljeća na tržiÅ”tu pojavili i industrijski proizvedeni Baranjski kulen i kulenova seka. Svrha je ovog istraživanja bila identificirati specifične osobine tradicionalnih i industrijskih kobasica, Baranjskog kulena i kulenove seke, na razini proteoma, peptidoma i metaboloma, Å”to bi moglo omogućiti bolje optimiranje industrijskog procesa proizvodnje te približiti industrijski proizvod tradicionalnom proizvodu. Eksperimentalni pristup. Proteinski profili Baranjskog kulena i kulenove seke (tradicionalnog i industrijskog) ispitani su dvodimenzionalnom gel elektroforezom, denzitometrijskom analizom te spektrometrijom masa. Peptidni profil je određen tekućinskom kromatografijom spregnutom s tandemnom spektrometrijom masa. Profili spojeva arome određeni su plinskom kromatografijom sa spektrometrijom masa nakon mikroekstrakcije vrÅ”nih para na čvrstoj fazi. Rezultati i zaključci. Glavne značajke ispitanih proizvoda su: industrijski Baranjski kulen: specifična degradacija proteina miozin-1 i titina, povećana količina proteina povezanih s odgovorom na stres te pojačana degradacija fenilalanina; tradicionalni Baranjski kulen: smanjena količina fenilalanina, povećana količina proteina fruktoza-bisfosfat aldolaza A i ugljikova anhidraza 3; industrijska kulenova seka: specifični proces degradacije proteina miozin-4 i hemoglobin podjedinica alfa; tradicionalna kulenova seka: povećana količina proteina dihidropirimidin dehidrogenaza [NADP(+)] i laganog lanca miozin 1/3 (izoforma skeletnog miÅ”ića), degradacija albumina i mioglobina, smanjena koncentracija gotovo svih aminokiselina te povećana količina hlapljivih spojeva porijeklom iz dima. Prikazani rezultati pokazuju da je moguće pronaći specifične markere za pojedinu kobasicu. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. U ovom prethodnom priopćenju predstavljeni su prvi rezultati koji opisuju procese degradacije proteina te generiranje peptida, slobodnih aminokiselina i spojeva arome u industrijskim i tradicionalnim kobasicama, Baranjskom kulenu i kulenovoj seki. Iako je potrebno provesti dodatna istraživanja radi donoÅ”enja općenitih zaključaka, određivanje specifičnog profila proteina, peptida, aminokiselina i hlapljivih spojeva čini prvi korak u približavanju značajki industrijski proizvedenih kobasica onima tradicionalnih kobasica

    Paraoxonase and arylesterase activity of paraoxonase 1 and oxidative stress parameters in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

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    Graphical abstract Highlights Reduced paraoxonase 1 arylesterase activity was observed in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia Malondialdehyde was lower in the cervical intraepithelial neoplasia group Reduced glutathione was higher in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia IntroductionParaoxonase 1 (PON1) is the enzyme that removes carcinogenic radicals from lipids. The aim of the study was to investigate the differences in PON1 activity and oxidation stress parameters between patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and healthy controls. Materials and methodsThe study included 65 women with CIN and 109 healthy women. Lipid parameters were determined on Cobas Integra 400 plus (Roche, Mannheim, Germany). Tiols and reduced glutathione (GSH) were determined spectrophotometric using Eliman reagent. Activity of PON1 was assessed with two substrates, paraoxon and phenylacetate by spectrophotometric method. Malondialdehyde (MDA) was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan). Mann-Whitney-test, t-test, Ļ‡2-test, correlation and logistic regression was used in statistical analysis. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. ResultsThe basal (P = 0.929) and NaCl-stimulated (P = 0.985) PON1 activity and activities standardised on the concentration of high-density lipoprotein (HDL; P = 0.076; P = 0.065, respectively) and apolipoprotein AI (apo AI; P = 0.444; P = 0.499, respectively) as well as PON1 phenotypes (P = 0.842) did not differ significantly between the groups. The PON1 arylesterase activity (53Ā±19 kU/L vs. 77Ā±17 kU/L; P < 0.001) and HDL-standardized activity (37 (28-44) kU/mmol vs. 43 (37-50) kU/mmol; P < 0.001) and apoAI (29Ā±11 kU/g vs. 44Ā±11 kU/g; P < 0.001) was significantly reduced in the CIN group. The concentration of the thiol groups was similar (P = 0.519), of MDA was lower (0.39 (0.27-0.55) Āµmol/L vs. 0.76 (0.57-1.15) Āµmol/L; P < 0.001) and of GSH was higher (112.0 (66.0-129.6) Āµg/mL vs. 53.4 (34.8-134.4) Āµg/mL; P < 0.001) in the CIN group. ConclusionReduced PON1 arylesterase activity, lower MDA and higher GSH concentration were observed in CIN patients


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    U dvogodiÅ”njim poljskim pokusima (2004. i 2005. godine) na pokuÅ”aliÅ”tu Visokoga gospodarskog učiliÅ”ta u Križevcima provedena su istraživanja s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja rastućih količina duÅ”ika (0, 60, 120, 180 kg N/ha) u gnojidbi na akumulaciju suhe tvari te dinamiku usvajanja duÅ”ika, fosfora i kalija kod industrijske konoplje. Biljni materijal za analizu uziman je četiri puta tijekom vegetacije (20, 40, 60 i 80 dana nakon nicanja). Utvrđeno je da se povećavanjem količine duÅ”ika u gnojidbi od 0 do 180 kg/ha akumulacija suhe tvari povećavala, međutim dobivene razlike statistički su značajne samo u suÅ”noj 2005. godini i to u početnim fazama vegetacije (20 i 40 dana nakon nicanja). Najveća akumulacija suhe tvari odvija se između 40-tog i 60-tog dana nakon nicanja. U obje godine istraživanja udio duÅ”ika u suhoj tvari biljke značajno je rastao s povećanjem količine duÅ”ika danog gnojidbom samo između 20 i 40 dana nakon nicanja, dok nakon toga razdoblja količina duÅ”ika nije imala značajnog utjecaja na apsorpciju duÅ”ika. Najveća apsorpcija duÅ”ika odvija se između 20-tog i 40-tog dana nakon nicanja. Gnojidba duÅ”ikom u prvim fazama vegetacije rezultirala je smanjenjem, a u kasnijim fazama vegetacije povećanjem apsorpcije fosfora. Najintenzivnija apsorpcija fosfora odvija se između 20. i 40ā€“tog dana nakon nicanja. Gnojidba duÅ”ikom nije imala utjecaja na apsorpciju kalija, a najveći udio kalija u suhoj tvari biljke utvrđen je 40 dana nakon nicanja.Two-years field trials (2004 and 2005), carried out on Križevci College of Agriculture experimental field sites, aimed at determining the effect of fertilization with increasing nitrogen quantities (0, 60, 120, 180 kg N/ha) on hemp dry matter accumulation and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake dynamics. Plant material for analyses was taken four times during the growing season (20, 40, 60 and 80 days after emergence). With increasing nitrogen quantities from 0 to 180 kg/ha accumulation of dry matter was increasing but statistically significant only in 2005 in initial vegetation stages (20 and 40 days after emergence). The most intensive accumulation of dry matter was between 40th and 60th day after emergence. In both years nitrogen content in plant dry matter was significantly increased with increasing amounts of nitrogen fertilizer only in the first two samplings 20 and 40 days after emergence, whereas after this period, nitrogen fertilizer quantity had no significant effect on the nitrogen content in plant dry matter. Maximum absorption of nitrogen was between 20 and 40 days after emergence. Nitrogen fertilization in early stages of vegetation resulted in a decrease of phosphorus share in dry matter and at the later stages of vegetation in an increase absorption of phosphorus. The most intensive absorption of phosphorus was between 20 and 40 days after emergence. Nitrogen fertilization had no effect on the absorption of potassium, and the largest proportion of potassium in plant dry matter was determined 40 days after emergence


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    U dvogodiÅ”njim poljskim pokusima (2004. i 2005. godine) na pokuÅ”aliÅ”tu Visokoga gospodarskog učiliÅ”ta u Križevcima provedena su istraživanja s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja rastućih količina duÅ”ika (0, 60, 120, 180 kg N/ha) u gnojidbi na akumulaciju suhe tvari te dinamiku usvajanja duÅ”ika, fosfora i kalija kod industrijske konoplje. Biljni materijal za analizu uziman je četiri puta tijekom vegetacije (20, 40, 60 i 80 dana nakon nicanja). Utvrđeno je da se povećavanjem količine duÅ”ika u gnojidbi od 0 do 180 kg/ha akumulacija suhe tvari povećavala, međutim dobivene razlike statistički su značajne samo u suÅ”noj 2005. godini i to u početnim fazama vegetacije (20 i 40 dana nakon nicanja). Najveća akumulacija suhe tvari odvija se između 40-tog i 60-tog dana nakon nicanja. U obje godine istraživanja udio duÅ”ika u suhoj tvari biljke značajno je rastao s povećanjem količine duÅ”ika danog gnojidbom samo između 20 i 40 dana nakon nicanja, dok nakon toga razdoblja količina duÅ”ika nije imala značajnog utjecaja na apsorpciju duÅ”ika. Najveća apsorpcija duÅ”ika odvija se između 20-tog i 40-tog dana nakon nicanja. Gnojidba duÅ”ikom u prvim fazama vegetacije rezultirala je smanjenjem, a u kasnijim fazama vegetacije povećanjem apsorpcije fosfora. Najintenzivnija apsorpcija fosfora odvija se između 20. i 40ā€“tog dana nakon nicanja. Gnojidba duÅ”ikom nije imala utjecaja na apsorpciju kalija, a najveći udio kalija u suhoj tvari biljke utvrđen je 40 dana nakon nicanja.Two-years field trials (2004 and 2005), carried out on Križevci College of Agriculture experimental field sites, aimed at determining the effect of fertilization with increasing nitrogen quantities (0, 60, 120, 180 kg N/ha) on hemp dry matter accumulation and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake dynamics. Plant material for analyses was taken four times during the growing season (20, 40, 60 and 80 days after emergence). With increasing nitrogen quantities from 0 to 180 kg/ha accumulation of dry matter was increasing but statistically significant only in 2005 in initial vegetation stages (20 and 40 days after emergence). The most intensive accumulation of dry matter was between 40th and 60th day after emergence. In both years nitrogen content in plant dry matter was significantly increased with increasing amounts of nitrogen fertilizer only in the first two samplings 20 and 40 days after emergence, whereas after this period, nitrogen fertilizer quantity had no significant effect on the nitrogen content in plant dry matter. Maximum absorption of nitrogen was between 20 and 40 days after emergence. Nitrogen fertilization in early stages of vegetation resulted in a decrease of phosphorus share in dry matter and at the later stages of vegetation in an increase absorption of phosphorus. The most intensive absorption of phosphorus was between 20 and 40 days after emergence. Nitrogen fertilization had no effect on the absorption of potassium, and the largest proportion of potassium in plant dry matter was determined 40 days after emergence

    Analytical methods in food forensics

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    U Europskoj uniji propisane kontrole za sigurnost hrane prema zakonskim aktima određuju provjeru hrane prije stavljanja na tržiÅ”te. Tijekom proteklog desetljeća provjera kakvoće, autohtonosti i sljedivosti hrane poboljÅ”ana je ubrzanim razvojem osjetljivih, robusnih, učinkovitih i cjenovno prihvatljivih analitičkih metoda. Ovaj rad opisuje najučinkovitije analitičke metode za forenziku hrane i prikazuje njihovu primjenu u određivanju: (1) kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih sastojaka hrane, (2) sigurnosti hrane obzirom na patogene mikroorganizme, nutritivne alergene, ostatke pesticida i toksina, (3) sljedivosti sukladno zemljopisnom i botaničkom podrijetlu te utjecaju tehnoloÅ”ke obrade i skladiÅ”tenja. Obzirom na način ispitivanja, opisane analitičke metode podijeljene su u četiri skupine: biokemijske, molekularno-genetske, spektroskopske i spektrometrijske te separacijske metode.The European Union food safety legislation prescribes controls in order to implement the testing of food before putting it on the market. Over the past decade checking quality, originality and the traceability of food has improved the rapid development of sensitive, robust, efficient and affordable analytical methods. This paper describes the most effective analytical methods for forensic food and shows their use in determining: (i) qualitative and quantitative food ingredients, (ii) food safety due to pathogens, allergens, nutritional, residues of pesticides and toxins, (iii) traceability according to geographical and botanical origin and the impact of technological processing and storage. Given the way tests are described analytical methods are divided into four groups as following: biochemical, molecular-genetic, spectroscopic and spectrometric, and separation method

    Kazeinolitičke proteinaze Lactobacillus i Lactococcus sojeva izoliranih iz fermentiranih mliječnih proizvoda

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    Proteases of Lactobacillus and Lactococcus strains catalyze casein degradation in fermented dairy products, which can result in the production of bioactive peptides. Proteolytic properties of a selection of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains previously isolated in Croatia, including Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus strains, are described. All strains of Lactobacillus and Lactococcus showed an Fmc+ phenotype that can be associated with efficient growth in milk. The significant caseinolytic effect, after incubation of culture supernatant or concentrated cell biomass, was observed for Levilactobacillus brevis D6 and Lactiplantilactobacillus plantarum D13 after growth in the optimal growth medium, while for Lactoccocus lactis ZGBP5-32 and Levilactobacillus brevis SF9B strains after growth in skimmed milk. To assess the LAB growth in skimmed milk, the acidification rate was monitored. Statistically, significant acidification capacity was determined for L. plantarum D13 in the optimal medium and by the proteolytic strain Lactobacillus helveticus M92 in skimmed milk. After extraction of proteinases from the strains with caseinolytic activity, protein samples were analysed by the SDS-PAGE. The protein extract of the Lc. lactis ZGBP5-32 and ZGZA7-10, retained proteolytic activity even at very low concentrations. The ultrafiltration improved protein extraction. The crude extract possibly contained putative protease, as a decrease in contaminating proteins was confirmed by SDS-PAGE in samples of L. brevis D6 and SF9B, L. fermentum D12 and L. plantarum D13.Proteinaze Lactobacillus i Lactococcus sojeva kataliziraju reakcije razgradnje kazeina iz fermentiranih mliječnih proizvoda pri čemu se mogu sintetizirati peptidi s bioaktivnim učincima. Određena su proteolitička svojstva Lactococcus lactis sojeva izoliranih iz tradicionalno proizvedenih hrvatskih svježih sireva i probiotičkih te funkcionalnih starter kultura iz roda Lactobacillus. Odabrani su sojevi Lactobacillus i Lactococcus vrsta kod kojih je ustanovljen Fmc+ fenotip, a koji se povezuje s prisutnoŔću proteinaza s kazeinolitičkim djelovanjem. Analizom fenotipa hidrolize kazeina ustanovljeno je značajnije kazeinolitičko djelovanje sojeva Levilactobacillus brevis D6 i Lactiplantilactobacillus plantarum D13 nakon kultivacije u optimalnoj hranjivoj podlozi za rast, a sojeva Lactococcus lactis ZGBP5-32 i Levilactobacillus brevis SF9B nakon rasta u obranom mlijeku. U svrhu procjene rasta sojeva u obranom mlijeku praćeno je zakiseljavanje mlijeka. Statistički značajna acidifikacija određena je nakon rasta L. plantarum D13 preko noći u optimalnom mediju odnosno nakon rasta proteolitičkog soja L. helveticus M92 u obranom mlijeku. Nakon pripreme ekstrakta proteina sojeva koji iskazuju kazeinolitičku aktivnost, proteinski uzorci su analizirani SDS-PAGE metodom. Djelomično pročiŔćene proteinaze sojeva Lc. lactis ZGBP5-32 i ZGZA7-10 i u vrlo niskim koncentracijama su pokazale kazeinolitičku aktivnost. Implementacija ultrafiltracije u postupku ekstrakcije doprinijela je pročiŔćavanju proteinaza Å”to je potvrđeno SDS-PAGE metodom za proteinske ekstrakte sojeva L. brevis D6 i SF9B, L. fermentum D12 i L. plantarum D13. Daljnja istraživanja bit će usmjerena na karakterizaciju bioaktivnih peptida uslijed proteazne aktivnosti odabranih kazeinolitičkih bakterija mliječne kiseline

    Assessment of forest ecosystem services and non-market forest functions in Park forest Marjan Split

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    Usluge Å”umskih ekosustava i funkcije Å”uma imaju slično značenje, iako se djelomično razlikuju. Funkcije Å”uma se odnose na namjenu i svrhu Å”uma od kojih ljudi imaju koristi, dok su usluge Å”umskih ekosustava posljedice i rezultati funkcija Å”uma, odnosno koristi od ekosustava za čovjeka i okoliÅ”. Usluge Å”umskih ekosustava se odnose na sve funkcije Å”uma, dok se općekorisne funkcije Å”uma (OKFÅ ) odnose samo na one funkcije Å”uma od kojih svi ljudi imaju koristi. Park Å”uma Marjan (PÅ M) sa svojim različitim ekosustavima pruža brojne usluge i koristi stanovnicima Splita, posjetiteljima park Å”ume i drugim organizmima.U Park Å”umi Marjan koja je povrÅ”ine od oko 300 ha, najzastupljeniji su Å”umski ekosustavi koji zauzimaju 2/3 park Å”ume. U radu je po prvi puta definirano 28 usluga Å”umskih ekosustava PÅ M na temelju međunarodne podjele usluga ekosustava i drugih podjela OKFÅ . Pomoću anketnog upitnika napravljeno je rangiranje tih usluga. Pet najvažnijih usluga Å”umskih ekosustava bile su stvaranje čistog i svježeg zraka, pružanje prirodnog prostora za rekreaciju, pružanje prirodnog prostora za odmor, stvaranje kisika i pružanje prirodnog prostora za edukativne aktivnosti. Procjena novčanih vrijednosti pet najvažnijih usluga Å”umskih ekosustava napravljena je na temelju određenih kriterija i indikatora. Procijenjene vrijednosti pojedinih najvažnijih usluga Å”umskih ekosustava iznosile su od 700 do 77.000 kn po hektaru godiÅ”nje. Procijenjena ukupna vrijednost pet najvažnijih usluga Å”umskih ekosustava iznosila je 122.000 kn po ha godiÅ”nje, odnosno oko 24,4 milijuna kn godiÅ”nje za 200 ha Å”uma PÅ M. Napravljena je i aproksimativna procjena vrijednosti preostalih 23 usluge Å”umskih ekosustava PÅ M. Ukupna procijenjena vrijednost svih 28 usluga Å”umskih ekosustava PÅ M iznosila je oko 708.000 kn po ha godiÅ”nje, odnosno oko 141,6 milijuna kn godiÅ”nje za 200 ha Å”uma PÅ M. Analizirane su i vrijednosti općekorisnih funkcija Å”uma dobivene na temelju procjene općekorisnih funkcija Å”uma prema programu gospodarenja za PÅ M, zatim na temelju procjene općekorisnih funkcija mediteranskih Å”uma i na temelju godiÅ”njeg iznosa naknade za općekorisne funkcije Å”uma. Procjene su iznosile od 200 kn do 402.000 kn po ha godiÅ”nje. Procjene novčanih vrijednosti usluga ekosustava, pa tako i Å”umskih ekosustava, imaju važnu ulogu u planovima zaÅ”tite, upravljanja i gospodarenja ekosustavima, kao i pri smanjivanju nepovoljnih ljudskih utjecaja na ekosustave i njihove usluge o kojima ovisi blagostanje sadaÅ”njih i budućih generacija.Forest ecosystem services and forest functions have similar meaning with partial differences. Forest functions refer to forestsā€™ purposes beneficial to people, while ecosystem services are results of forest functions and still present the benefits of ecosystems to people and environment. Ecosystem services cover all forest functions, whereas non-market forest functions are those which are used by all people. Park forest Marjan with its many ecosystems offers many services and benefits to the inhabitants of Split, park forest visitors and other organisms. Of the 300 ha area of park forest Marjan, forest ecosystems are most prevalent and account for 2/3 of the park forest area. In this paper, 28 forest ecosystem services of park forest Marjan were defined for the first time based on the international ecosystem services classification and other non-market forest function classifications. Services were ranked by means of a questionnaire of stakeholders. The five most important services were the production of clean and fresh air, natural space for recreational activities, natural space for leisure, oxygen production and natural space for educational activities. Monetary value of the five most important services was assessed using several different estimation methods based on certain criteria and indicators. Estimated values of individual most important services ranged from 700 kuna to 77.000 kuna per ha per year. Total estimated value of those services amounted to 122.000 kuna per ha per year, that is, 24,4 million kuna per year for the 200 ha of forests in park forest Marjan. Furthermore, approximative monetary value assessment was performed for other 23 forest ecosystem services. As a result, the total estimated value of all 28 services was 708.000 kuna per ha per year, that is, around 141,6 million kuna per year for the 200 ha of forests in park forest Marjan. Obtained results were validated using assessment of non-market forest functions according to the management plan of park forest Marjan, assessment of non-market forest functions of mediterranean forests and the annual amount of non-market forest function fees, with estimated values ranging from 200 kuna to 402.000 kuna per ha per year. Monetary assessment of forest ecosystem services is key in the management and protection of ecosystems, as well as in reducing of adverse human influences on ecosystems and their services, which serve to the welfare of current and future generations


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    S obzirom na važnost starijih osoba u druÅ”tvu i veliki udio starije populacije u svijetu, u radu ā€žStavovi srednjoÅ”kolaca prema osobama treće životne dobiā€œ istražili smo stavove mladih (srednjoÅ”kolaca) prema osobama treće životne dobi. U prvom dijelu rada govori se o ključnim pojmovima koji se odnose na treću životnu dob: starost, starenje, stereotipi, predrasude te u konačnici ageizam. U empirijskom dijelu rada ispitao se stupanj saznanja mladih o starosti i starenju, njihovi stavovi prema osobama treće životne dobi te o iskustvu (su)života s osobama treće životne dobi. Dobiveni odgovori o percepciji starosti ukazuju da najveći broj mladih smatra da je čovjek star kada je u dobi od Å”ezdeset do Å”ezdeset i devet godina. Najveći udio ispitanika navodi da su osobama treće životne dobi najpotrebnija znanja koja obuhvaćaju tehnoloÅ”ku i informatičku pismenost. Slijedi tjelesno vježbanje, zdrava prehrana, a potom druÅ”tvene i građansku vjeÅ”tine. S druge strane, veliki dio ispitanika ispitanika smatra da bi ljudima i nakon umirovljenja druÅ”tvo trebalo osigurati uvjete za stjecanje novih znanja i vjeÅ”tina kako bi oni i tada mogli aktivno sudjelovati u životu svoje zajednice. Pri ispitivanju stavova o osobama treće životne dobi najveći broj ispitanika slaže se s tvrdnjom da se broj i udio osoba treće životne dobi u Hrvatskoj se ubrzano povećava gdje, dok je najmanji stupanj slaganja s tvrdnjom briga i skrb za osobe treće životne dobi oduzima resurse mlađoj populaciji. Uočena je statistički značajna razlika s obzirom na to žive li baka i/ili djed u zajedničkom kućanstvu, pri čemu manji broj ispitanika koji živi u zajedničkom kućanstvu smatra da si osobe treće životne dobi u danaÅ”nje vrijeme ne mogu priuÅ”titi dostojanstven život. Ispitanici smatraju da druÅ”tvo u najvećoj mjeri utječe na stvaranje negativne slike o starenju i starosti. PromiÅ”ljajući o kvaliteti (su)života s osobom treće životne dobi, oni ispitanici koji su naveli da žive s bakom i djedom u istom kućanstvu, u većini ističu da im njihova prisutnost obogaćuje život te da im baka i djed pomažu u svakodnevnom životu.Rezultati ukazuju na to da mali broj ispitanika baku ili djeda posjećuje svaki dan, dok ih neÅ”to veći broj posjećuje jednom tjedno.Ispitanici u konačnici opisuju svoj odnos s bakom i/ili djedom u pozitivnom smislu. DruÅ”tveno korisno učenje kao oblik (su)života s osobama treće životne dobi u zajednici bio je posljednji dio anketnog upitnika, a orijentirao se na iskustvo volontiranja ili posjećivanja Doma za starije i nemoćne i/ili GerontoloÅ”kog centra. Rezultati ukazuju kako mali broj ispitanika ima to iskustvo, dok velik broj ispitanika nije imalo do sada takvo iskustvo Å”to ujedno predstavlja zabrinjavajući rezultat ako znamo korisnost druÅ”tveno korisnog učenja za međugeneracijsku solidarnost.Because of the importance of the elderly in the society and the large number of the worldā€™s elderly population in the work ā€œAttitudes of young people (high school students) towards people in their third ageā€ we researched attitudes of young people among this problem. In the first part of the paper the perception of persons in their third age in society is reflected on, and then basic concepts such as stereotypes, prejudices and, ultimately, ageism are explained. In the empirical part of the paper the level of knowledge of young people about old age and aging, their attitudes towards the persons in their third age and young people's experience of (co)living with persons in their third age were examined. The majority of young people consider people to be old when they are between sixty and sixty-nine years old. The largest proportion of respondents stated that the most required knowledge for people in their third age is that of technology and information literacy followed by physical education, followed by physical exercise, healthy nutrition, followed by social and civic skills. On the other hand, majority of respondents believe that society should provide people in their retirement with the opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills so that they could continue to actively participate in the life of their community. When examining attitudes about the third age, the majority of respondents agree with the statement that the number and proportion of persons in their third age in Croatia is increasing rapidly while the lowest degree of agreement is with the statement that the care for the persons in their third age takes resources away from the younger population. A statistically significant difference was observed with respect to whether a grandparent lives in a shared household, majority of respondents living in a shared household believing that people in their third age cannot afford a decent life today. Respondents find that society has the greatest influence on creating a negative image of aging and old age. Also, those respondents who stated that they live with their grandparents in the majority point out that the presence of their grandparents enriches their lives and that their grandparents help them in daily life. The results indicate that only few of the respondents visit their grandparents daily, while most of them visit their grandma or grandpa once a week. Service learning with people in their third age in the community was the last part of the survey questionnaire and focused on the experience of volunteering or visiting the Nursing Home and/or the Gerontology Centre. The results indicate that most of respondents have not had such experience so far, which is also a worrying result if we are aware of the benefit of service learning for intergenerational solidarity