32 research outputs found

    Poređenje resorptivnih membrana u vođenoj koÅ”tanoj regeneraciji humanog i bovinog porekla

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    The properties of membranes for guided bone regeneration have been described by a number of authors. These involve biocompatibility, appropriate barrier features (mechanical prevention of soft tissue proliferation), tissue integration, immunologic neutrality, preservation of the space for new alveolar bone, and simplicity of application. Such membrane must hold out against the masticatory forces and tissue tension of the flap, and prevent the collapse of soft tissues and wound space reduction. The property of integration into the tissue guarantees wound stabilization and inhibits epithelial migration. The aim of this study was to compare and evaluate the influence of human resorbable demineralized membrane (RHDM) and bovine resorbable demineralized membrane (RBDM) on bone regeneration. The experiment, approved by the Ethical Committee, was performed on six dogs and conducted into three phases. Bone defects were created in all six dogs on the left side of the mandible, 8 weeks after extraction of the second, third and fourth premolar. One defect was covered with 200 Ī¼m thick RHDM, one with 200 Ī¼m thick RBDM, and the third defect was left empty (control defect). The pathohistological analysis was done two, four and six months after the surgery. In the third phase samples of bone tissue were taken and subjected to patohistological analysis. In all six dogs the defects treated with RHDM 200Ī¼m thick showed a higher level of bone regeneration in comparison with the defect treated with RBDM 200 Ī¼m thick and especially with the control defect. Our results demonstrated that the human membrane showed the least soft tissue ingrowth and promoted better bone formation at 6 months compared with a bovine one.Svojstva membrane za vođenu koÅ”tanu regeneraciju opisali su brojni autori. Ona uključuju biokompatibilnost, odgovarajuću barijernu moć (mehaničko sprečavanje proliferacije mekog tkiva), tkivnu integraciju, imunoloÅ”ku inertnost, očuvanje prostora za novu alveolarnu kost i jednostavnost primene. Membrana mora da izdrži sile žvakanja i tkivne tenzije režnja, da spreči kolaps mekih tkiva i smanjenje prostora rane. Svojstvo tkivne integracije omogućava stabilizaciju rane i inhibiciju epitelne migracije. Cilj studije je bio da ispita uticaj humane resorptivne demineralizovane membrane (RHDM) i bovine resorptivne demineralizovane membrane (RBDM) na koÅ”tanu regeneraciju i da ih međusobno uporedi. Eksperimentalna studija rađena na 6 pasa rase nemački ovčar, sprovedena je u tri faze. U prvoj fazi izvrÅ”ena je ekstrakcija drugog, trećeg i četvrtog premolara sa leve strane. Osam nedelja nakon ekstrakcije, formirana su tri defekta na levoj strani mandibule i prekrivena humanom membranom debljine 200Ī¼m, bovinom membranom debljine 200 Ī¼m a treći defekt je ostavljen prazan (kontrolni defekt). PatohistoloÅ”ka analiza rađena je nakon dva, četiri i Å”est meseci posle hirurÅ”ke intervencije. U trećoj fazi uzorci koÅ”tanog tkiva podvrgnuti su patohistoloÅ”koj analizi. Kod svih 6 pasa, defekti prekriveni humanom membranom debljine 200 Ī¼m, pokazali su patohistoloÅ”kom analizom znatno veći stepen koÅ”tane regeneracije u poređenju sa defektima prekrivenim sa bovinom membranom i naročito sa kontrolnim defektom. NaÅ”i rezultati su pokazali da je humana membrana pokazala najmanje prorastanje mekim tkivom i bolju koÅ”tanu regeneraciju nakon 6 meseci u poređenju sa bovinom

    Reconstruction of the mandible with an autogenous corticocancellous bone graft and fibrin glue: An animal experiment

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    This paper reports on an experimental animal study evaluating a method of mandibular reconstruction in dogs using autogenous corticocaneclous bone graft and fibrin glue. Eight animals underwent a resection at the mandibular body and primary reconstruction was carried out using osteosynthesis plates and screws. The defect was bridged with an autogenous particulate bone graft from the anterior iliac crest. To accelerate bone healing, fibrin glue (FG) was mixed with particulate bone graft. The hypothesis of this study was based on the presumption that bone healing, in segmental reconstruction of the dog mandible with a particulate cancellous bone graft mixed with FG, would be successful. All dogs had eventful healing. The histological results were less favorable with regard to bone remodeling than the results obtained in similar experiments with a particulate corticocancellous bone graft

    The Impact of Double Layer Membrane Technique on Bone Regeneration in Postextraction Alveoli-A Pathohistological Experimental Study in Dogs

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    Post extraction alveolar ridge preservation is a preventive oral surgical procedure aimed to preserve the dimensions of the alveolar ridge after removal of the teeth. According to literature data, the utilization of guided bone regeneration for this purpose is absolutely justified. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of resorbable collagen membranes placed in two layers in respect to the application of membranes placed in one layer to the degree of bone regeneration after a tooth extraction. This experimental study was conducted on six adult dogs. In the first phase all four premolars were extracted on both sides in the lower jaw. After the volume-standardisation with bone drill, three post extraction alveoli were filled with bone substitute of equine origin and then covered with: Collagen bioresor bable membrane of porcine origin; collagen bioresorbable membrane of equine origin; pericardial bioresorbable membrane of equine origin. The membranes on the left side were placed in single-layer and on the right side in double-layer manner. After different monitoring periods, histopathological analysis of the samples taken from the experimental regions was performed. A different degree of bone regeneration was achieved between experimental regions in which membranes were placed in one layer and those where membranes were placed in two layers. There was no difference between regions where membranes of different origin were placed in the same manner. The procedure of covering the post extraction alveoli, filled with bone substitute and with resorbable membranes placed in two layers resulted in a higher degree of bone regeneration compared to those where resorbable membranes were placed in one layer

    Liječenje ranoga periimplantitisa u presatku fibule

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    The fibula microvascular free flap technique and placement of dental endosseous implants seem to be viable options for reconstructing the mandible, following a resective jaw surgery. The causes of early failures of implants include bone overheating, latent infection by surgical trauma, the factors related with the implant, and overcompression. This case report reviews the mechanisms of early postimplantation bone loss, and suggests the course of treatment for early peri-implantitis for implants that show no mobility. Radiographs and clinical data presented have shown that the surgical treatment of early developed peri-implantitis using GBR methods in free fibula graft sites offers promising and stabile results.Čini se da je tehnika mikrovaskularnoga režnja fibule i postavljanje zubnih endoosealnih implantata održiva opcija za rekonstrukciju donje čeljusti nakon resekcije. Uzroci ranih neuspjeha pri ugradnji implantata su pregrijavanje kosti, latentna infekcija izazvana kirurÅ”kom traumom, čimbenici povezani s implantatom i prejaka kompresija. Ovaj prikaz slučaja pregled je mehanizama ranoga gubitka kosti nakon implantacije i sugerira tijek liječenja ranoga periimplantitisa za implantate koji nisu pomični. Radiografija i prezentirani klinički podatci pokazali su da kirurÅ”ko liječenje ranoga periimplantitisa koriÅ”tenjem vođene koÅ”tane regeneracije (GBR) u slobodnom presatku fibule nudi obećavajuće i stabilne rezultate

    Efekat lokalne primene plazme bogate trombocitima i vođene regeneracije tkiva na zarastanje kosti kod rane ugradnje dentalnih implantata ā€“ histomorfometrijska analiza

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    Introduction. In order to provide the most favorable conditions for bone healing following implant loading, new techniques such as the use of growth factors to directly or indirectly regulate cell and tissue growth are becoming increasingly popular. Simplicity in producing concentrated thrombocytes derived from platelet-rich plasma has led to increasing application of growth factors derived from thrombocytes, such as PDGF, TGF-Ī², IGF and VEGF, in order to increase the percentage of bone-to-implant contact that provides better implant stability and possibly earlier functional loading. The aim of the study was to determine the effects of platelet-rich plasma and guided tissue regeneration on bone regeneration in the case of bone defects in early dental implant insertion. Materials and Methods. This experimental study was conducted on 10 study dogs that received 40 BCT implants, i.e., 4 implants per dog. The study included early dental implant placement in the sites of the extracted premolars. Artificial bone defects, resembling peri-implantitis defects, were made on the mesial side of each site, and the defects were filled using suitable guided tissue regeneration protocols with platelet-rich plasma derived from each experimental animal an hour before surgery. Histopathologic and histomorphometric evaluations were performed 10 months following the implantation. Results and Conclusion. The applied protocols had different effects on bone healing. According to the results obtained, the use of platelet-rich plasma combined with deproteinized bovine bone and bovine-derived resorptive membrane provided superior bone defect ossification.Uvod. Potreba da se stvore Å”to bolji uslovi za koÅ”tano zarastanje nakon ugradnje implantata poslednjih par godina uticala je na primenu faktora rasta koji direktno ili indirektno reguliÅ”u rast ćelija i tkiva. Jednostavnost dobijanja koncentrovanih trombocita izdvojenih iz plazme bogate trombocitima, dovela je do sve Å”ire primene faktora rasta poreklom iz trombocita poput PDGF, TGF-Ī², IGF, VEGF i mnogih drugih, sa ciljem postizanja Å”to većeg procenta kontakta povrÅ”ine implantata sa kosti, Å”to obezbeđuje povećanu stabilnost implantata i brže funkcionalno opterećenje. Cilj rada bio je da se ispita uticaj plazme bogate trombocitima i vođene tkivne regeneracije tkiva u koÅ”tanim defektima kod rane ugradnje dentalnih impantata na koÅ”tanu regeneraciju. Materijal i metode. Eksperimentalna studija sprovedena je na 10 eksperimentalnih pasa kod kojih je ugrađeno 40 BCT implantata i to po četri svakom. Eksperiment se sastojao od rane ugradnje umplantate na mestima izvađenih premolara. VeÅ”tački koÅ”tani defekti, nalik periimplantatnim defektima, napravljeni su na mezijalnoj strani svake preparacije. Ti defekti su popunjeni prateći odgovarajuće postupke vodjene tkivne regeneracije, uz koriŔćenje plazme bogate trombocitima, dobijene iz krvi eksperimentalnih životinja sat vremena pre intervencije. HistopatoloÅ”ke i histomorfometrijske analize rađene su 10 meseci nakon ugradnje implantata. Rezultati i zaključak. Primenjeni protokoli različito utiču na ispunjenost koÅ”tanih defekata i koÅ”tano zarastanje. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata doÅ”li smo do zaključka da je osifikacija koÅ”tanih defekata najveća u protokolu prema kome se primenjuje plazma bogata trombocitima u kombinaciji sa bovinom deproteinizovanom kosti i resorptivnom membranom bovinog porekla

    Poređenje resorptivnih membrana u vođenoj koÅ”tanoj regeneraciji humanog i bovinog porekla

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    The properties of membranes for guided bone regeneration have been described by a number of authors. These involve biocompatibility, appropriate barrier features (mechanical prevention of soft tissue proliferation), tissue integration, immunologic neutrality, preservation of the space for new alveolar bone, and simplicity of application. Such membrane must hold out against the masticatory forces and tissue tension of the fl ap, and prevent the collapse of soft tissues and wound space reduction. The property of integration into the tissue guarantees wound stabilization and inhibits epithelial migration. The aim of this study was to compare and evaluate the infl uence of human resorbable demineralized membrane (RHDM) and bovine resorbable demineralized membrane (RBDM) on bone regeneration. The experiment, approved by the Ethical Committee, was performed on six dogs and conducted into three phases. Bone defects were created in all six dogs on the left side of the mandible, 8 weeks after extraction of the second, third and fourth premolar. One defect was covered with 200 Ī¼m thick RHDM, one with 200 Ī¼m thick RBDM, and the third defect was left empty (control defect). The pathohistological analysis was done two, four and six months after the surgery. In the third phase samples of bone tissue were taken and subjected to patohistological analysis. In all six dogs the defects treated with RHDM 200Ī¼m thick showed a higher level of bone regeneration in comparison with the defect treated with RBDM 200 Ī¼m thick and especially with the control defect. Our results demonstrated that the human membrane showed the least soft tissue ingrowth and promoted better bone formation at 6 months compared with a bovine one.Svojstva membrane za vođenu koÅ”tanu regeneraciju opisali su brojni autori. Ona uključuju biokompatibilnost, odgovarajuću barijernu moć (mehaničko sprečavanje proliferacije mekog tkiva), tkivnu integraciju, imunoloÅ”ku inertnost, očuvanje prostora za novu alveolarnu kost i jednostavnost primene. Membrana mora da izdrži sile žvakanja i tkivne tenzije režnja, da spreči kolaps mekih tkiva i smanjenje prostora rane. Svojstvo tkivne integracije omogućava stabilizaciju rane i inhibiciju epitelne migracije. Cilj studije je bio da ispita uticaj humane resorptivne demineralizovane membrane (RHDM) i bovine resorptivne demineralizovane membrane (RBDM) na koÅ”tanu regeneraciju i da ih međusobno uporedi. Eksperimentalna studija rađena na 6 pasa rase nemački ovčar, sprovedena je u tri faze. U prvoj fazi izvrÅ”ena je ekstrakcija drugog, trećeg i četvrtog premolara sa leve strane. Osam nedelja nakon ekstrakcije, formirana su tri defekta na levoj strani mandibule i prekrivena humanom membranom debljine 200Ī¼m, bovinom membranom debljine 200 Ī¼m a treći defekt je ostavljen prazan (kontrolni defekt). PatohistoloÅ”ka analiza rađena je nakon dva, četiri i Å”est meseci posle hirurÅ”ke intervencije. U trećoj fazi uzorci koÅ”tanog tkiva podvrgnuti su patohistoloÅ”koj analizi. Kod svih 6 pasa, defekti prekriveni humanom membranom debljine 200 Ī¼m, pokazali su patohistoloÅ”kom analizom znatno veći stepen koÅ”tane regeneracije u poređenju sa defektima prekrivenim sa bovinom membranom i naročito sa kontrolnim defektom. NaÅ”i rezultati su pokazali da je humana membrana pokazala najmanje prorastanje mekim tkivom i bolju koÅ”tanu regeneraciju nakon 6 meseci u poređenju sa bovinom

    Uticaj resorptivne membrane humanog porekla na regeneraciju koŔtanog tkiva - patohistoloŔka studija

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    Background/Aim. Filling a bone defect with bone substitution materials is a therapy of choice, but the infiltration of connective tissue from the mucoperiostal flap may compromise a healing of bone substitutions with bony wall defects. Application of membrane as a barrier is indicated as a solution to this problem. The aim of this study was to show a pathohistological view of bone regeneration and the significance of human resorbable demineralized membrane (HRDM), 200 Ī¼ thick in bone regeneration regarding mandibular defects in an experiment on dogs. Methods. The experiment was performed on six dogs. Bone defects were created in all six dogs on the right side of the mandible after the elevation of the mucoperiostal flap. One defect was filled with human deproteinised bone (HDB), and in between HDB and soft tissue RHDM of 200 Ī¼ thick was placed. In the second defect, used as a control one, only HDB without RHDM was placed. Two dogs were sacrificed two months after the surgery, another two dogs four months after the surgery and the last two dogs six months after the surgery. After that, samples of bone tissue were taken for histopathological analysis. Results. In all the six dogs with defects treated with HDB and RHDM the level of bone regeneration was much higher in comparison with the control defects without RHDM. Conclusion. Membrane, as a cover of bony defect, is useful and benefits bone regeneration. Bony defects covered with RHDM show better bony healing despite the fact that bone regeneration was not fully complete for as long as six months after the RHDM implantation.Uvod/Cilj. Popunjavanje koÅ”tanih defekata zamenicima kosti je terapija izbora, ali prorastanje vezivnog tkiva iz mukoperiostalnog režnja može kompromitovati sam proces zarastanja zamenika kosti sa zidovima koÅ”tanih defekata. U cilju reÅ”avanja ovog problema indikovana je primena membrane kao barijere. Cilj ove studije bio je da se prikaže patohistoloÅ”ki izgled koÅ”tane regeneracije i značaj resorptivne demineralizovane membrane humanog porekla (RHDM), debljine 200 mikrona, u regeneraciji kosti kod mandibularnih defekata u eksperimentu rađenom na psima. Metode. Eksperiment je vrÅ”en na Å”est pasa kojima je sa desne strane donje vilice, po podizanju mukoperiostalnog režnja, pravljen koÅ”tani defekt. U jedan defekt stavljana je humana deproteinizovana kost (HDK), a između nje i mekotkivnog dela stavljana je RHDM debljine 200 mikrona. U drugi defekt, koji je služio kao kontrola, stavljena je samo HDK, bez RHDM. Dva psa žrtvovana su dva meseca nakon hirurÅ”ke intervencije, dva posle četiri meseca, a preostala dva Å”est meseci nakon hirurÅ”ke intervencije. Nakon žrtvovanja uzimani su isečci za patohistoloÅ”ku analizu. Rezultati. Kod svih Å”est pasa kod kojih je u koÅ”tani defekt ugrađena HDK i RHDM stepen koÅ”tane regeneracije bio je daleko veći u odnosu na kontrolne defekte bez RHDM. Zaključak. Membrana, kao pokrivač koÅ”tanog defekta, podesna je i poboljÅ”ava koÅ”tanu regeneraciju. KoÅ”tani defekti prekriveni RHDM pokazali su značajno bolje koÅ”tano zarastanje, mada koÅ”tana regeneracija nije bila potpuna ni Å”est meseci nakon njene ugradnje

    Sustainability of Underground Heritage; The Example of the Military Galleries of the Petrovaradin Fortress in Novi Sad, Serbia

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    This paper focuses on the underground military galleries and countermine system of the Petrovaradin Fortress near Novi Sad (Serbia). The Petrovaradin Fortress was presented within the working group Underground Built Heritage Reuse and Valorisation Strategies on the COST action Underground4value as a good example of tourist valorised underground cultural heritage in Serbia. The goal of the paper is to consider as widely as possible the options that could contribute to the sustainability of these galleries. Numerous field observations, complex research of the literature as well as other available sources, and interviews with visitors to the fortress were necessary for this goal to be achieved. The paper has special historical and practical significance. On the one hand, it represents a record in time concerning the condition of the Petrovaradin Fortress. The practical significance is reflected in the scientific contribution based on the critical analysis of the results obtained from authorities on the Fortress and visitors, as well as the ideas that the authors conceived or adapted from similar sites in the world, assessing that these ideas can be applied to the Petrovaradin Fortress. The results of the paper explain the aspects of ecological, economic, and social sustainability of the Petrovaradin Fortress, and indicate the need for it to be supported by various institution

    Can Depopulation Stop Deforestation? The Impact of Demographic Movement on Forest Cover Changes in the Settlements of the South Banat District (Serbia)

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    The key problem of rural settlements in the South Banat district lasted into the 21st century through the spread of depopulated areas. Considering that settlements give a cultural landscape its basic features, that they are the main bearers of functional organization, and the hotspots of geo-spatial transformation, based on quantitative-qualitative indicators this paper analyzes the spatial-demographic determinants of the development of 94 settlements, and the impact of depopulation on the changes in the surrounding forest cover. The time span included in the analytical-statistical research of the demographic components and forest dislocation lasted from 1990 to 2018. Geo-spatial data for forest areas were taken from the Corine Land Cover database. The data obtained were then turned into visual representations, or maps, using the GIS ArcMap 10.8. software. The results indicated that total depopulation has been an ongoing, 30-years process in this area on the one hand, while the forest cover in the depopulated settlements located on the outskirts of the Deliblato sands (a special nature reserve) has decreased, and the forest cover in the depopulated settlements in the zone of the VrŔac mountains has increased, on the other. These analyses are useful for obtaining more detailed insight into the state of forested areas in this part of Serbia, which is the least afforested one