8 research outputs found

    Domestic insurers in Poland and the global crisis

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    The article contains the analysis of the impact of global crisis on Polish insurance sector. The main areas of the crisis impact on the activity of Polish insurance companies has so far been the change in the assets value and the associated decline in the profitability of investment activity. The danger arising from the economic downturn has not been realized so far in the Polish insurance sector. Although the premium written is high, the structure of the portfolio in life insurances is changing. In 2008, however, a significant retreat from saving insurance policies with capital funds in the direction of structured products is observed. A significant increase in premiums written resulted in a good financial situation of Polish insurance companies. Despite the turmoil in financial markets it also seems that solvency of Polish insurance sector is unthreatened as measured by statutory ratios.insurance companies, Polish insurance market, global crisis

    The Risk of Nanotechnology: A Challenge to the Insurance Industry

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    Nanotechnology poses a challenge for the modern man. Aside from the many benefits that nanotechnological growth may bring, it exposes our civilization to an increasing number of new risks, creating hazards that are currently difficult to foresee. Nanotechnological developments may have a negative impact on the natural environment; some researchers claim that they may even jeopardize the very existence of humankind. Existence of defined threats opens up space for the functioning of insurance. Answering the need for nanotechnological risk management, the insurance sector should develop a strategy that would offer a reduction of risk aversion (especially among producers) and augment further development of nanotechnology-based production methods. However, this leads to questions whether nanotechnology-related risk is an insurable risk and whether it is technically feasible at this time to draft such an insurance offer. The present publication attempts to answer these questions

    Insurance of municipal property in mutual insurance companies – chosen problems

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    Prawidłowe zarządzanie mieniem komunalnym wymaga m.in. przestrzegania zasady gospodarności związanej z ochroną przed nieuzasadnionym uszczupleniem majątku gminy. Jedną z metod umożliwiających odtworzenie mienia jest ubezpieczenie. W artykule rozważana jest możliwość ubezpieczenia majątku komunalnego w towarzystwach ubezpieczeń wzajemnych oraz wskazano korzyści i zagrożenia dla JST związane z umową ubezpieczenia zawartą z TUW.Proper management of municipal property is related to protection against unjustified loss of municipal property. Insurance is one of the methods enabling its reproduction. The article considers the possibility of insuring municipal assets in mutual insurers and indicates benefits and threats to LGU related to the insurance contract concluded with a mutual insurer

    Małe towarzystwa ubezpieczeń wzajemnych na europejskim rynku ubezpieczeniowym – stan obecny i perspektywy wynikające z dyrektywy Wypłacalność II

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    All the features of mutuality are most pronounced in small mutuals. This articleaims to identify the characteristics and principles of operation of a small mutualsin theory and practice of insurance market. The article also identifies opportunitiesand threats in the context of Solvency II. Both theoretical considerations andanalysis of legal solutions indicate that the continuation of this form, the exemptionfrom the rules of the new solvency system and build internal, national rulesof action, could potentially be an opportunity for mutual insurance in the formof a small mutual

    Mutual insurance in the financing of the effects of catastrophic events in the local government – an outline of the concept

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    Analiza finansowania skutków katastrof naturalnych w Polsce wskazuje na dużą akcyjność i uznaniowość zarówno w zakresie decyzji samych JST, jak i władz państwowych. W pracy podjęto próbę wskazania propozycji rozwiązań systemowych opartych na wzajemności ubezpieczeniowej, które mogłyby zagwarantować pokrycie strat w JST spowodowanych katastrofami naturalnymi. Prace w tym zakresie wydają się konieczne, tym bardziej że rynek ubezpieczeniowy coraz częściej odmawia ochrony ubezpieczeniowej tego ryzyka.The analysis of the financing of the effects of natural disasters in Poland indicates a large inconsistency and arbitrariness as far as the decisions of the local government and state authorities are concerned. The paper attempts to identify proposals for systemic solutions, based on mutual insurance, which would ensure covering the costs of the local government caused by natural disasters. Work in this area seems to be all the more necessary that the insurance market is increasingly refuses to cover this risk

    The New Instruments of Risk Management in Agriculture in the European Union

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    AbstractThe specific character of farming was perceived since the beginning of the creation of the European Community. Initiation and systematic evolution of Common Agricultural Policy aim at harmonious development farmstead. Any negative events, especially catastrophic, don’t allow to execute plans and it can be a cause of abandonment of farms by farmers. This can upset the situation on food market. European Community, in its regulations, allows and even recommends the use of various support instruments. In response to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 of 15 December 2006 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production of agricultural products, subsidized crop and animal insurance were introduced in Poland. Much larger opportunities are offered by solution which are financed by assets derived from the mechanism of modulation and defined by Council Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 of 19 January 2009 establishing common rules for direct support schemes for farmers under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers. That can be wider range of subsidized crop, animal and plant insurance or mutual funds. Mutual fund is a mechanism that allows affiliated farmers pay compensation for economic losses incurred as a result of animal and plant diseases and environmental incidents. This regulation defines the financial rules of the fund and the possible use of this mechanism in the public and the EU. At the same time, there are many concerns about the practical implementation of this solution. Mutual fund can be a complementary tool for the protection of risks, which cannot be accepted by the insurance market. Experiences of Member States with regard to its use are small, but the examples of countries in which it operates (in this article indicates the Italian example) suggest that it may be a simple in its design but highly effective tool. And it will allow for more complete protection of agricultural productionThe paper tries to identify the organizational and financial solutions to the mutual fund concept and proposed the establishment of specific solutions for this mechanism in Poland. This paper will present a discussion of the benefits from the introduction of this solution on the Polish and European market for agricultural insurance

    Insurance Programs in the Renewable Energy Sources Projects

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    The development of projects using renewable energy sources (RES) necessitates the development of insurance programs and systems. This involves identifying and assessing the risks of renewable energy projects in the transition to new types of energy, determining typical corporate and specific risks, the need and content of the main types, forms of insurance contracts, assessing the financial condition, and choosing insurance organizations and reinsurance programs. This article focuses on the formation of such insurance programs, their interaction with industrial safety systems and ensuring corporate participation in achieving sustainable development goals; as well as selection and assessment of the insurer financial stability and the insurance RES programs economic efficiency

    Zarządzanie podmiotami leczniczymi - bezpieczeństwo pacjentów i sposoby ograniczania ryzyka szpitali

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperTematyka prezentowanej monografii obejmuje wszystkie aktualne zagadnienia związane z zarządzaniem szpitalami, ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na zarządzanie ryzykiem oraz zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa pacjentów i personelu. Praca napisana została przez zespół ekspertów i praktyków. Uwzględniono w niej najnowszy stan prawny, który uległ w ostatnim czasie dużym zmianom. Ponadto, w sposób szczegółowy i nowatorski, zwrócono uwagę na zagadnienia poprawy bezpieczeństwa pacjentów przez stosowanie procedur zmniejszających ryzyko wystąpienia zdarzeń niepożądanych oraz sposoby ubezpieczania tego ryzyka i kompensacji ewentualnych szkód