15 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal dynamics of cortical representations during and after stimulus presentation

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    Visual perception is a spatiotemporally complex process. In this study, we investigated cortical dynamics during and after stimulus presentation. We observed that visual category information related to the difference between faces and objects became apparent in the occipital lobe after 63 ms. Within the next 110 ms, activation spread out to include the temporal lobe before returning to residing mainly in the occipital lobe again. After stimulus offset, a peak in information was observed, comparable to the peak after stimulus onset. Moreover, similar processes, albeit not identical, seemed to underlie both peaks. Information about the categorical identity of the stimulus remained present until 677 ms after stimulus offset, during which period the stimulus had to be retained in working memory. Activation patterns initially resembled those observed during stimulus presentation. After about 200 ms, however, this representation changed and class-specific activity became more equally distributed over the four lobes. These results show that, although there are common processes underlying stimulus representation both during and after stimulus presentation, these representations change depending on the specific stage of perception and maintenance. </p

    Intravenous ATP infusions can be safely administered in the home setting: a study in pre-terminal cancer patients

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the safety of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) administration at home in pre-terminal cancer patients. Included were patients with cancer for whom medical treatment options were restricted to supportive care, who had a life expectancy of less than 6 months, a World Health Organization performance status 1 or 2, and suffered from at least one of the following complaints: fatigue, anorexia or weight loss >5% over the previous 6 months. Side effects were registered systematically on a standard form according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Common Toxicity Criteria. Fifty-one patients received a total of 266 intravenous ATP infusions. Of these, 11 infusions (4%) were given at the lowest dose of 20 μg kg−1 min−1, 85 infusions (32%) at 25–40 μg kg−1 min−1, and 170 (64%) at the highest dose of 45–50 μg kg−1 min−1 ATP. The majority of ATP infusions (63%) were without side effects. Dyspnea was the most common side effect (14% of infusions), followed by chest discomfort (12%) and the urge to take a deep breath (11%). No symptoms of cardiac ischemia occurred in any of the infusions. All side effects were transient and resolved within minutes after lowering the ATP infusion rate. Side effects were most frequent in the presence of cardiac disorders. We conclude that ATP at a maximum dose of 50 μg kg−1 min−1 can be safely administered in the home setting in patients with pre-terminal cancer

    Application of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) infusions in palliative home care: design of a randomized clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND: Palliative care in cancer aims at alleviating the suffering of patients. A previous study in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer showed that adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) infusions had a favourable effect on fatigue, appetite, body weight, muscle strength, functional status and quality of life. The present study was designed 1. To evaluate whether ATP has favourable effects in terminally ill cancer patients, 2. To evaluate whether ATP infusions may reduce family caregiver burden and reduce the use of professional health care services, and 3. To test the feasibility of application of ATP infusions in a home care setting. METHODS/DESIGN: The study can be characterized as an open-labelled randomized controlled trial with two parallel groups. The intervention group received usual palliative care, two visits by an experienced dietician for advice, and regular ATP infusions over a period of 8 weeks. The control group received palliative care as usual and dietetic advice, but no ATP. This paper gives a description of the study design, selection of patients, interventions and outcome measures. DISCUSSION: From April 2002 through October 2006, a total of 100 patients have been randomized. Follow-up of patients will be completed in December 2006. At the time of writing, five patients are still in follow up. Of the 95 patients who have completed the study, 69 (73%) have completed four weeks of follow-up, and 53 (56%) have completed the full eight-week study period. The first results are expected in 2007

    Offline and Online Sexual Risk Behavior among Youth in the Netherlands: Findings from “Sex under the Age of 25”

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    Sexually developing adolescents and emerging adults face sexual health risks as well as potentially negative outcomes of online sexual behaviors. The goal of this study was to describe three categories of sexual risk behavior: (1) behavior related to STI/HIV, (2) behavior related to unplanned pregnancy, and (3) online sexual risk behavior. In addition, we investigated whether these behaviors are actually related to negative (health) outcomes. For this purpose, we used data from a Dutch probability survey: “Sex under the age of 25.” Adolescents and emerging adults aged 12 through 24 (8,053 boys and 12,447 girls) completed a digital questionnaire, including measures of the risk of STI/HIV and pregnancy, online sexual behavior and non-consensual sex. Chi-square tests and logistic regressions were used to test for gender and age differences and compute associations between risk behavior and negative outcomes. The results showed that the risk of unplanned pregnancy is low in the Netherlands. It seems that adolescents and emerging adults are less aware of the risk of STI/HIV than of the risk of pregnancy. About 11% of the participants had had more than one partner in the last 6 months and had not used condoms consistently with their last partner, and these participants had a 3.56 times higher likelihood of ever being diagnosed with an STI. Although many young people stop using condoms with their partner after a while, most of them did not get tested for STIs. More emerging adults (aged 18–24) engage in sexting (sending personal nude pictures and sex videos to others), but the chance that these images are shared with other people than the intended recipient is higher among adolescents (aged 12–17). The results of this study can guide professionals working in sex education and sexual health services to focus their efforts on the risk behaviors in the Netherlands that deserve most attention

    Innovatively Supporting Teachers' Implementation of School-Based Sex Education: Developing A Web-Based Coaching Intervention From Problem to Solution

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    BACKGROUND: Full program implementation is crucial for effectiveness but is often overlooked or insufficiently considered during development of behavioral change interventions. For school-based health promotion programs, teachers are key players in program implementation, but teacher support in this phase is mostly limited to technical support and information. To ensure optimal implementation of the Dutch school-based sexual health program Long Live Love, a Web-based coaching website was developed to support teachers in completeness and fidelity of program implementation. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to provide insight into the process of systematic development of a Web-based coaching intervention to support teachers in their implementation of a school-based sexual health program. METHODS: The intervention mapping (IM) protocol was applied for the development of a theory- and evidence-based intervention. The IM process begins with (1) a needs assessment, followed by (2) the formulation of change objectives, (3) the selection of theory-based intervention methods and practical applications that take the parameters for effectiveness into consideration, (4) integration of practical applications into an organized program, (5) planning for adoption, implementation, and sustainability of the program, and finally, (6) generating an evaluation plan to measure program effectiveness. RESULTS: Teacher's implementation behavior was characterized by inconsistently selecting parts of the program and not delivering (all) lessons as intended by program developers. Teachers, however, did not perceive this behavior as problematic, revealing the discrepancy between teacher's actual and perceived need for support in delivering Long Live Love lessons with completeness and fidelity. Teachers did, however, acknowledge different difficulties they encountered which could potentially negatively influence the quality of implementation. With the IM protocol, this Web-based coaching intervention was developed based on a concept of unobtrusive coaching, by and for teachers, to bring about change in teachers' implementation behavior. CONCLUSIONS: This paper provides an example of a Web-based intervention to bring about behavioral change in a target group of intermediaries who lack intrinsic motivation for coaching and who's perceptions differ from their actual problematic behavior. The IM protocol is a useful tool for guiding the scientific development of interventions and making them compatible with the needs and preferences of the target group

    Innovatively Supporting Teachers' Implementation of School-Based Sex Education:Developing A Web-Based Coaching Intervention From Problem to Solution

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    BACKGROUND: Full program implementation is crucial for effectiveness but is often overlooked or insufficiently considered during development of behavioral change interventions. For school-based health promotion programs, teachers are key players in program implementation, but teacher support in this phase is mostly limited to technical support and information. To ensure optimal implementation of the Dutch school-based sexual health program Long Live Love, a Web-based coaching website was developed to support teachers in completeness and fidelity of program implementation. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to provide insight into the process of systematic development of a Web-based coaching intervention to support teachers in their implementation of a school-based sexual health program. METHODS: The intervention mapping (IM) protocol was applied for the development of a theory- and evidence-based intervention. The IM process begins with (1) a needs assessment, followed by (2) the formulation of change objectives, (3) the selection of theory-based intervention methods and practical applications that take the parameters for effectiveness into consideration, (4) integration of practical applications into an organized program, (5) planning for adoption, implementation, and sustainability of the program, and finally, (6) generating an evaluation plan to measure program effectiveness. RESULTS: Teacher’s implementation behavior was characterized by inconsistently selecting parts of the program and not delivering (all) lessons as intended by program developers. Teachers, however, did not perceive this behavior as problematic, revealing the discrepancy between teacher’s actual and perceived need for support in delivering Long Live Love lessons with completeness and fidelity. Teachers did, however, acknowledge different difficulties they encountered which could potentially negatively influence the quality of implementation. With the IM protocol, this Web-based coaching intervention was developed based on a concept of unobtrusive coaching, by and for teachers, to bring about change in teachers’ implementation behavior. CONCLUSIONS: This paper provides an example of a Web-based intervention to bring about behavioral change in a target group of intermediaries who lack intrinsic motivation for coaching and who’s perceptions differ from their actual problematic behavior. The IM protocol is a useful tool for guiding the scientific development of interventions and making them compatible with the needs and preferences of the target group

    Are gastrointestinal problems, nutritional care, and nutritional care needs associated with quality of life in patients with advanced cancer? Results of the observational eQuiPe study

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    Purpose: To assess the association of gastrointestinal problems, received nutritional care, and nutritional care needs with quality of life (QoL) in patients with advanced cancer. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis within the observational prospective eQuiPe cohort study on experienced quality of care and QoL in patients with advanced cancer was performed. QoL and gastrointestinal problems were measured using the European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ)-C30. Received nutritional care (yes/no) and nutritional care needs (yes/a little bit/no) were measured by two questions. Gastrointestinal problems were categorized as clinically important based on the Giesinger thresholds. Univariable and multivariable linear regression analyses adjusted for age, gender, and treatment were used to analyze the association of gastrointestinal problems, received nutritional care, and nutritional care needs with QoL. Results: Half of the 1080 patients with advanced cancer had clinically important gastrointestinal problems, 17% experienced nutritional care needs, and 14% received nutritional care. Multivariable analyses revealed that the presence of clinically important gastrointestinal problems (β (95% CI): −13.0 (−15.6; −10.4)), received nutritional care (β (95% CI): −5.1 (−8.5; −1.7)), and nutritional care needs (β (95% CI): −8.7 (−11.9; −5.5)) were associated with a low QoL. Conclusion: Many patients with advanced cancer experience gastrointestinal problems, while only few patients receive nutritional care. These gastrointestinal problems, nutritional care needs, and nutritional care are associated with lower QoL, probably due to reversed causality or the irreversible nature of these problems in the palliative phase. More research on the relation of nutritional care, gastrointestinal problems, and QoL is needed to optimize nutritional support in end-of-life care

    Quality of life and quality of care as experienced by patients with advanced cancer and their relatives:A multicentre observational cohort study (eQuiPe)

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    Item does not contain fulltextAIM: This study aims to assess the quality of life and quality of care as experienced by patients with advanced cancer and their relatives while taking their interdependency into account. METHODS: A prospective multicentre observational study (eQuiPe study) was conducted. Quality of life scores (EORTC QLQ-C30) was compared to a matched normative population and logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess the relation between high emotional functioning (EF, measured with the EORTC QLQ-C30) and experienced quality of care (IN-PATSAT32, CQ-index PC). RESULTS: In total, 1103 (65%) patients and 831 (71%) relatives completed the baseline questionnaire, including 699 unique patient-relative couples. Patients experienced lower EF than the normative population (78 versus 87, p < .001). Compared to patients, relatives reported clinically relevantly lower EF (69 versus 78, p < .001). Being more satisfied with care in general (p < .05) and clarity about the key health-care provider (p < .05) was positively associated with high EF in patients. For relatives, experienced continuity of care (p < .01) and information for the patient (p < .05) were positively associated with high EF. The EF of patients (p < .001) and relatives (p < .001) were positively associated with each other and continuity of care as perceived by relatives was positively associated with high EF in patients (p < .01). CONCLUSIONS: Patients with advanced cancer reported low levels of EF but their relatives reported even lower levels of EF. Experienced integrated organisation and satisfaction with care were positively related to EF. The interdependent relation between patients' and relatives' EF and their care experiences suggests that a family-centred approach can optimise palliative cancer care. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The eQuiPe study is registered as NTR6584 in the Netherlands Trial Register