237 research outputs found
Кластеризація інноваційної активності країн – членів ЄС
У статті розглянуто теоретичні засади поняття «кластер», його сутність та особливості, досліджено концепції
кластерного розвитку, проаналізовано особливості кластерної політики та визначено стан програм підтримки
кластерів у рамках ЄС.В статье рассмотрены теоретические основы
понятия «кластер», его сущность и особенности, исследованы концепции кластерного развития, проанализированы особенности кластерной политики и
определено состояние программ поддержки кластеров в рамках ЕС.In the article author examined the theoretical basis of
«cluster» and its characteristics, explored the concept of
cluster development, analized the features of cluster policy, and identified the state of cluster support programs
within the EU
Õpetaja tegevus tunnis: õpilaste hinnangud ja nende kooskõla õpetajate arusaamadega
Tutvustatav uurimus on osa mahukamast õpetaja professionaalsuse avaldumist käsitlevast uurimistööst. Selle eesmärk on selgitada välja, millisena tajuvad õpilased õpetaja tegevust tunnis, sealhulgas millised on erinevused hinnangutes algajatele ja kogenud õpetajatele, ning kõrvutada neid hinnanguid õpetajate endi kujutlustega õpetamisest. Uuringus osales 314 põhikooliõpilast (6.–9. klass) ja nende 20 õpetajat, kellest kümme olid algajad ja kümme kogenud õpetajad. Õpilaste hinnangud õpetajate õpetamisviiside kohta selgitati välja küsitlusega. Selles hindasid õpilased õppimistingimuste loomist, tunnieesmärkide selgust, tunni ülesannete sisu selgust ja raskusastet, õpetaja juhendamist, kontrollimist, hoolivust ja entusiasmi. Õpilaste hinnanguid võrreldi andmetega, mis on esitatud õpetajate reflekteerivates kirjutistes nende õpetamismeisterlikkuse kohta, samuti ainetunni kommentaaridega. Uurimistulemustest ilmnes, et õpilaste antud hinnangud õpetajate tegevusviisidele seostuvad õpetaja töökogemusega. Õpetajate endi kirjutistest ja intervjuudest ning õpilaste hinnangutest selgus, et algajate õpetajate raskusi tunni läbiviimisel märkavad ka nende õpilased. Õpilaste keskmised hinnangud kogenud õpetajate õpetamistegevuste kvaliteedile olid alati kõrgemad algajate õpetajate õpetamistegevusele antavatest hinnangutest.
Algajate ja kogenud õpetajate praktilise teadmise avaldumine tunnisündmuste kommenteerimisel stimuleeritud meenutuse meetodil
Artiklis tutvustatav uurimus on osa mahukamast õpetaja professionaalset arengut käsitlevast uurimistööst, mille eesmärk on analüüsida algajate ja kogenud õpetajate praktilist teadmist tunnitöö korraldamisel. Viimastel aastakümnetel on õpetamistegevuse videolindistamist üha sagedamini kasutatud õpetajatöö uurimise meetodina. Õppetundide videolindistuste abil saab pärast tundi analüüsida, milline oli töökorraldus klassis, kuidas laabus koostöö õpetaja ja õpilaste vahel ehk milline oli õpetajapoolne juhendamine ning milline õpilaste tegevus tunnis. Tunnivideo võimaldab dokumenteerida tunnis toimunut ja on seeläbi abiks õpetaja professionaalse arengu toetamisel ning õpetamise kvaliteedi parandamisel.
Uuringus osales kümme algajat ja kümme kogenud õpetajat, kes panid kokku oma professionaalse arengu mapi – portfoolio, mille üks komponente on tunnivideo. Artikli aluseks oleva materjali kogumine hõlmas kaht etappi: valimisse arvatud õpetajate tundide videolindistamist ning õpetajapoolset tundide kommenteerimist stimuleeritud meenutuse meetodil. Õpetamistegevuse käsitlemise teoreetiliseks lähtekohaks käesolevas uurimuses on õpetaja praktilise teadmise kontseptsioon.
Kvalitatiivse sisuanalüüsi tulemused näitavad, et kogenud õpetajate kommentaarides ilmnev praktiline teadmine on terviklikum ning see käsitleb õpetamist kui õppija arendamist. Algajad õpetajad, tundes küll teooriat, keskenduvad eelkõige oma aine õpetamisele.
SummaryArtiklis tutvustatav uurimus on osa mahukamast õpetaja professionaalset arengut käsitlevast uurimistööst, mille eesmärk on analüüsida algajate ja kogenud õpetajate praktilist teadmist tunnitöö korraldamisel. Viimastel aastakümnetel on õpetamistegevuse videolindistamist üha sagedamini kasutatud õpetajatöö uurimise meetodina. Õppetundide videolindistuste abil saab pärast tundi analüüsida, milline oli töökorraldus klassis, kuidas laabus koostöö õpetaja ja õpilaste vahel ehk milline oli õpetajapoolne juhendamine ning milline õpilaste tegevus tunnis. Tunnivideo võimaldab dokumenteerida tunnis toimunut ja on seeläbi abiks õpetaja professionaalse arengu toetamisel ning õpetamise kvaliteedi parandamisel.
Uuringus osales kümme algajat ja kümme kogenud õpetajat, kes panid kokku oma professionaalse arengu mapi – portfoolio, mille üks komponente on tunnivideo. Artikli aluseks oleva materjali kogumine hõlmas kaht etappi: valimisse arvatud õpetajate tundide videolindistamist ning õpetajapoolset tundide kommenteerimist stimuleeritud meenutuse meetodil. Õpetamistegevuse käsitlemise teoreetiliseks lähtekohaks käesolevas uurimuses on õpetaja praktilise teadmise kontseptsioon.
Kvalitatiivse sisuanalüüsi tulemused näitavad, et kogenud õpetajate kommentaarides ilmnev praktiline teadmine on terviklikum ning see käsitleb õpetamist kui õppija arendamist. Algajad õpetajad, tundes küll teooriat, keskenduvad eelkõige oma aine õpetamisele.
Feedback op de werkplek: De potentie van e-portfolio’s met learning analytics
In het hoger onderwijs wordt veelvuldig gebruik gemaakt van elektronische portfolio’s of e-portfolio’s. In deze bijdrage onderzoeken we of e-portfolios, aangevuld met learning analytics, gebruikt kunnen worden als een middel om de kwaliteit van feedback en formatieve beoordeling op de werkplek te verbeteren. We baseren deze bijdrage op een Europees project, genaamd WatchMe dat gericht was op het verbeteren van de kwaliteit van feedback in e-portfolios door middel van het toevoegen van learning analytics. De ontwikkeling van het e-portfolio aangevuld met learning analytics bestond uit een iteratief co-design met verschillende stakeholders, dat geordend kan worden volgens de fasen van het ontwerpen van assessments volgens Mislevy et al. (2012): (1) domeinmodel, (2) taakmodel, (3) bewijsmodel, (4) presentatie. Vervolgens werd een evaluatiestudie uitgevoerd, gericht op de motivatie van studenten in een lerarenopleiding in Nederland (n = 66 ), hun ervaringen en het gebruik van het e-portfolio. De resultaten tonen dat studenten gemotiveerd waren en de verkregen feedback van hun supervisoren als positief waardeerden. Ze varieerden in hoeverre ze de learning analytics functies in hun e-portfolios gebruikten. De conclusie luidt dat learning analytics verbonden met e-portfolios nog in de kinderschoenen staat en dat een gezamenlijke ontwikkeling en implementatie vanuit gebruikers perspectief cruciaal is
The role of reference frames in learners’ internal feedback generation with a learning analytics dashboard
Being able to self-regulate can positively impact learners’ academic achievement. An inherent catalyst of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) is internal feedback, the new knowledge which is generated when comparing current knowledge against reference information. Learners may not always generate internal feedback, hampering further SRL. Supporting SRL can be done with a Learning Analytics Dashboard (LAD), in which reference frames allow for comparisons and facilitate internal feedback generation. This study explores internal feedback generation using a LAD and the effect of reference frame availability. A multiple method design examined the interplay of reference frames, comparison processes, internal feedback generation and preparatory activities engagement. Differences between three conditions were explored using Bain ANOVA's. Results showed that reference frames almost exclude other external comparators and are used in parallel with an internal comparator. A peer reference frame leads to most verbalizations of internal feedback, and potentially to most verbalizations of preparatory activities
Students’ personal professional theories in competence-based vocational education: the construction of personal knowledge through internalisation and socialisation
Schaap, H., De Bruijn, E., Van der Schaaf, M. F., & Kirschner, P. A. (2009). Students' personal professional theories in competence-based vocational education: the construction of personal knowledge through
internalisation and socialisation. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 61(4), 481-494.Competence-based vocational education is based on a constructivist learning
paradigm, where the development of students’ personal professional knowledge is
emphasised. However, there is a lack of insight into how students construct their
own professional knowledge and what the content and nature of personal
professional knowledge is. This article elaborates the concept Personal
Professional Theory (PPT): a personal knowledge base in which professional
knowledge and beliefs are internalised. PPTs are built upon a combination of
declarative and procedural knowledge and are stored in the long-term memory.
Furthermore, knowledge in PPTs refers to compiled knowledge which can be
specified and applied to different professional situations. These PPTs develop
through an interrelated process of internalisation and socialisation, in which
students grow into the existing body of shared knowledge and collective norms,
values and beliefs of professionals of an occupational domain. It is concluded that
the elaboration of PPTs can be used to stimulate and monitor personal professional
knowledge development in vocational education, but further research into the
content and nature of PPTs is required
Health professions education in times of societal challenges: Acting at the agora
Health professionals’ work environments are rapidly changing. This paper aims to describe the implications of societal challenges for the education and training of health professionals. We compare the need for multi-disciplinarity, innovation and flexibility with acting at an agora. In ancient times, an agora was a public space for trade, politics, arts, science and justice. It was open to all individuals for multidisciplinary debates and connected to education and training. Success in the agora demands professionals’ development of adaptive expertise. Adaptive experts are efficient and innovative in meeting (new) societal challenges. Adaptive expertise can only be developed in a joint approach by both the professional and the organization. Agency is needed from both sides and inclusive and innovative learning and work environments are highly important prerequisites. The article illustrates this point with examples from the University Medical Center in Utrecht, where we foster such an environment by means of The New Utrecht School
Preparing Medical and Nursing Students for Interprofessional Feedback Dialogues
Background: In healthcare education, preparing students for interprofessional feedback dialogues is vital. However, guidance regarding developing interprofessional feedback training programs is sparse. In response to this gap, the Westerveld framework, which offers principles for interprofessional feedback dialogue, was developed. Approach: Using the Westerveld framework, we developed and implemented an interprofessional feedback intervention for 4th-year nursing and 5th-year medical students. It encompasses two half-day workshops comprising small group sessions, interactive lectures, and a goal-setting assignment for the rotations. This paper describes the intervention and reflects on students’ self-reported goals, as learning outcomes, to inform future interprofessional feedback dialogue education. Outcomes:To understand student’s learning outcomes, we coded the content and specificity of 288 responses to the goal-setting assignment. Students indicated they mainly aimed to improve their feedback actionability, but contrastingly set – largely unspecific – goals, addressing the initiation of feedback dialogues. To better understand the process of setting these goals, we held three focus groups (N = 11): aside from the Westerveld framework, students used previous experience in rotations, outcome expectations, and personal characteristics as sources in their goal-setting process. Reflection: The contrast between students’ aims to improve their actionability and their goals to initiate dialogues, suggests that overcoming practice barriers to initiating dialogues are conditional to developing other feedback dialogue aspects. These and other goal conflicts in the workplace may hinder them setting specific feedback dialogue goals. We recommend explicit discussion of these challenges and conflicts in interprofessional feedback dialogue education.</p
Interleukin-1 as a mediator of fatigue in disease: a narrative review
Fatigue is commonly reported in a variety of illnesses, and it has major impact on quality of life. Previously, it was thought that fatigue originates in the skeletal muscles, leading to cessation of activity. However, more recently, it has become clear that the brain is the central regulator of fatigue perception. It has been suggested that pro-inflammatory cytokines, especially interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1α) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), play a prominent role in the development of central fatigue, and several studies have been performed to elucidate the connection between inflammation and these central processes.In this narrative review, mechanisms of action of IL-1 are described, with special attention to its effect on the central nervous system. In addition, we present a summary of studies that (i) investigated the relationship between circulating IL-1α and IL-1β and fatigue severity and/or (ii) evaluated the effect of inhibiting IL-1 on fatigue. We aim to improve the understanding of fatigue in both inflammatory and non-inflammatory illnesses, which could help develop strategies to treat fatigue more effectively.Reviewing the studies that have been performed, it appears that there is a limited value of measuring circulating IL-1. However, inhibiting IL-1 has a positive effect on severe fatigue in most studies that have been conducte
The effects of achievement goal instructions in game-based learning on students’ achievement goals, performance, and achievement emotions
Background: Achievement goal instructions are instructions that assign the learners’ achievement goals beforehand, such as mastery-approach goal instructions that emphasize “to learn as much as possible” and performance-approach goal instructions that emphasize “to be the best player”. Achievement goal instructions can induce specific goals in learning, but it is unclear which achievement goal instruction is best for motivation, cognition, and emotion in game-based learning. Aims: The purpose of this paper is to investigate 1) how achievement goal instructions affect motivation (i.e., achievement goals), cognition (i.e., mental effort and performance), and emotion (i.e., achievement emotions) in chemistry game-based learning and 2) whether prior achievement goals moderate the effects of achievement goal instructions. Sample: Participants were secondary school students (N = 450). Methods: In a 2 × 2 factorial design with the factors mastery-approach goal instructions (yes, no) and performance-approach goals (yes, no), participants were randomly assigned to one of the four conditions: mastery-approach goal instructions condition, performance-approach goal instructions condition, combined mastery-approach and performance-approach goal instructions condition, and control condition. Results: Robust regression analysis revealed that mastery-approach goal instructions and performance-approach goal instructions did not interact. Mastery-approach goal instructions had no effects on mastery-approach goals. Performance-approach goal instructions promoted higher performance-approach goals and higher mental effort but lower posttest performance. Prior mastery-approach goals moderated the effects of achievement goal instructions on mental effort. Conclusions: We conclude that achievement goal instructions in game-based learning affect cognitive and motivational outcomes differently. Educators would do well to consider achievement goal instructions and learners’ prior mastery-approach goals
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