108 research outputs found

    La monoparentalité aujourd'hui : continuités et changements

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    222 pagesCe chapitre explore la catégorie des « familles monoparentales », la diversité des situations que recouvre cette notion, la diversité des conceptualisations de cette typologie familiale et les défis qu'elle pose à l'heure actuelle aux politiques publiques. Les figures de la monoparentalité sont en effet plurielles: mères célibataires; mères adolescentes; pères qui élèvent à eux seuls des enfants; veufs et veuves précoces; parents séparés ou divorcés; parents gays et lesbiens; parent trans. Les familles monoparentales représentent un élément de la complexification des formes familiales et des histoires familiales: la plupart de ces familles résultent désormais de la séparation d'un couple parental, et une partie d'entre elles est vouée à se recomposer. Les politiques se sont progressivement adaptées à ces évolutions, comme aussi le droit de la famille et le droit social. Il reste cependant que les familles monoparentales sont plus souvent confrontées au risque de pauvreté et de précarité sociale que les autres, ce que prend en compte l'intervention publique de manière très variable selon les pays, et notamment en France et en Italie

    Acquisition des droits sociaux et égalité entre les femmes et les hommes

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    En France, les droits sociaux s’acquièrent de deux manières : soit par le statut d’ayant droit obtenu à titre principal via le mariage, soit par son propre travail. Concernant le premier, l’augmentation du nombre de divorces a fragilisé la situation de certains ayants droit et soulève la question de la pertinence de ce statut. Concernant le second, les femmes étant moins insérées sur le marché du travail que les hommes, elles ont de facto des droits propres moindres. Les retraites constituent le point d’orgue de ces inégalités. La récente réforme des retraites a permis de montrer que les pensions perçues par les femmes étaient bien inférieures à celles perçues par les hommes. Cette situation s’explique en partie par les tâches domestiques et parentales qui pèsent sur elles et rendent leurs parcours professionnels plus chaotiques que ceux des hommes. Les compensations qui ont été introduites pour atténuer l’effet des charges familiales sur l’acquisition des droits sociaux font l’objet de discussions. La difficulté consiste à compenser les charges familiales, sans pour autant enfermer les femmes dans le rôle qui leur est traditionnellement attribué. Le droit international des droits de l’Homme insiste sur « l’indivisibilité » des droits civils, politiques et des droits économiques et sociaux. Mais repenser les droits sociaux dans cette perspective comporte des difficultés que la France n’a pas encore totalement levées, faute d’avoir intégré pleinement le principe d’égalité entre femmes et hommes. En revanche, des mesures visant à garantir une répartition plus équitable du travail domestique et marchand entre les femmes et les hommes peuvent et doivent être mises en place dès maintenant.In France, social rights can be either derived rights, obtained through the marriage, or direct rights given by employment. According to the growth of divorces, the first one should be revised. Concerning the second one, as women are less integrated on the labour market than men, they gain less social rights. For example, the pensions received by women are inferior to the men’s one. Women are still in charge of the domestic tasks so that they interrupt their careers, or reduce their working time. It is difficult to compensate the family burden without confine them within their traditional role. A lot of actions can be implemented in order to encourage a fairer share of domestic work between women and men

    Concilier travail et famille : l'engagement des entreprises dans la prise en charge des enfants (Allemagne – France – Italie et Royaume-Uni)

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    Rapport de rechercheDossiers d'études CNAF, septembre 2009, N° 120L'objectif de cette recherche est d'abord de tenter de combler un déficit de connaissances sur l'implication des entreprises dans l'accueil des jeunes enfants. Il est aussi d'apporter des informations sur ce que font des pays proches de la France et sur la manière dont ils le font, de sorte à comparer les modes d'implication de cet acteur particulier

    Il riconoscimento delle nuove forme di famiglia. Una controversa posta in gioco nella recente politica familiare in Francia

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    This paper explores how the new family forms have been taken into account in the reshaping of the French family policy. Three recent reforms are examined through the analytical frame of familialism which was one of three drivers of the family policy when it was set up in the mid-20th century. Familialism allows for a consideration of both moral, social and gender order that is on families. Firstly, change in the family law is explored in order to assess how new family life arrangements are institutionalized. Secondly, family policy responses to the new social risks resulting from change in the family life course are explored. Then policy responses to change in the gender order within the family are examined. Difficulties in implementing the policy change are discussed, highlighting the obstacles encountered by the current government as well as the gap between the objectives and their implementation

    The costs of raising children and the effectiveness of policies to support parenthood in European countries: a Literature Review

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    The purpose of this report is to produce an overview of available knowledge about the following issues:  the costs (to parents) of parenthood and of raising children in European Countries;  the effectiveness, in the short and long term, of various policy measures in avoiding or compensating for those costs; 8  the impact of different policy instruments aimed at supporting families according to various policy objectives, e.g. achieving family projects, reconciling family and working life, reducing child poverty, raising the levels of education and well being of children, and increasing equal opportunities.  the wider economic and social costs and benefits of policy interventions in support of families. The current state of knowledge on the following issues is presented as follows in this review report:  The costs of children and the challenges for public policies supporting parenthood (chapter 1); author: O. Thévenon  The policy instruments used in the EU to support families and reduce the costs of parenthood (Chapter 2); authors: A. Math and O. Thévenon  The impacts of these policies on families: o On fertility and the decision to have children (chapter 3); authors M-Th. Letablier and O. Thévenon o On parents‘ participation in the labour market, gender equality and work-life balance (chapter 4); authors: M-Th. Letablier, A. Luci, O. Thévenon o On children‘s well-being (chapter 5): M-Th. Letablier and O. Thévenon  The wider economic and social costs and benefits of such policies (Chapter 6); author: A. Luci. The review of literature presented in this report attempts to make the tools, goals and impacts of family policies more clear and comparable across countries, in order to facilitate the circulation of knowledge between Member States, notably in the context of the European Alliance for Families and the newly established High Level Experts Group on Demography Issues. The report provides a review of recent literature and available data material on the direct and indirect costs of raising children in the European Union (using international as well as particularly important national studies). Ground breaking studies from countries outside the EU, of particular interest from a methodological point of view, are also included in the review. Focus is on the following kinds of costs of having and raising children over the long and short term: - Direct financial costs, e.g. for housing, health care, education, child care, - Indirect financial costs, e.g. for lost income, lost pension rights, lost career prospects etc. , also taking into account the impact on gender roles and gender equality. The costs of raising children are examined at the different phases of their development, from birth through to the age at which they become autonomous. The overview also summarizes knowledge on the main determinants of costs, including, the effects of the number of children, the socio-economic status of parents, and the family structure. Significant differences in cost levels and structures across Member States are identified. The overview also identifies gaps in the available knowledge, and highlights some issues for future research that have the potential to contribute to a better understanding of the policy impact and to better comparability across the European Union.cost of children; family policies; work and family life reconciliation; fertility; female employment

    Fonder una Famille en Temps d'Insecurité Économique: une Comparaison France Allemagne

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    If founding a family is generally considered within the natural order of things, the factors which have an influence on the personal decision are rather unknown. This article questions the possible effects of the economic uncertainty among young people upon the decision of having a child in France and in West Germany, two countries contrasting both from the point of view of fertility as well as in regards to the transitions towards adult age. The sociodemographic approach developped here is founded on a series of qalitative interviews conducted under similar conditions in both countries. The analysis shows that the perception of economic insecurity takes forms that change according to the institutional context and especially acording to the gender conventions dominating in each country. This gender conventions lead us towards the social norms regarding parental roles, to the place of maternity and of paternity within the identity constructions both masculine and feminine, and to the social norms regarding children's care and education. From this it is derived that the way the social risk associated to the arrival of a child is experienced is higher is Germany than in France due to the value attached to the children and particularly to the cost implied by the model of "intensive maternity" that prevails inWest Germany.Si fonder une famille est généralement considéré comme relevant de l’ordre naturel des choses, les facteurs qui influent sur la décision des individus restent mal connus. Cet article interroge les effets possibles de l’insécurité économique des jeunes sur la décision d’avoir un enfant en France et en Allemagne de l’ouest, deux pays contrastés tant du point de vue du régime de fécondité que des transitions vers l’âge adulte. L’approche sociodémographique développée ici se fonde sur un corpusd’entretiens qualitatifs réalisés dans des conditions similaires dans les deux pays. L’analyse montre que la perception de l’insécuritééconomique prend des formes variables selon le contexte institutionnel, et surtout selon les conventions de genre dominantes dans chaque pays. Ces conventions de genre renvoient aux normes sociales relatives aux rôles parentaux, à la place de la maternité et de la paternité dans les constructions identitaires masculines et féminines, et aux normes sociales relatives aux soins et à l’éduction des enfants. Il en ressort que le risque associé à la venue d’un enfant est vécu comme plus élevé en Allemagne qu’en France en raison de la valeur accordée à l’enfant et surtout du coût induit par le modèle de « maternité intensive » qui prévaut en Allemagne de l’ouest

    Founding a Family in Times of Economic Uncertainty: A Comparison France Germany

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    If founding a family is generally considered within the natural order of things, the factors which have an influence on the personal decision are rather unknown. This article questions the possible effects of the economic uncertainty among young people upon the decision of having a child in France and in West Germany, two countries contrasting both from the point of view of fertility as well as in regards to the transitions towards adult age. The sociodemographic approach developped here is founded on a series of qalitative interviews conducted under similar conditions in both countries. The analysis shows that the perception of economic insecurity takes forms that change according to the institutional context and especially acording to the gender conventions dominating in each country. This gender conventions lead us towards the social norms regarding parental roles, to the place of maternity and of paternity within the identity constructions both masculine and feminine, and to the social norms regarding children's care and education. From this it is derived that the way the social risk associated to the arrival of a child is experienced is higher is Germany than in France due to the value attached to the children and particularly to the cost implied by the model of "intensive maternity" that prevails inWest Germany

    Work-life Balance Policy in the European Union

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    Noélie Vlalles - Le sang et la chair. Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Paris, Editions de la MSH (Collection Ethnologie de la France)

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    Letablier Marie-Thérèse. Noélie Vlalles - Le sang et la chair. Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Paris, Editions de la MSH (Collection Ethnologie de la France). In: Cahiers d'Economie et sociologie rurales, N°9, 4e trimestre 1988. pp. 71-73

    : Reconciling Paid Work and Care in European Welfare Regimes

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    International audienceIn all European Union members' states, however with various intensity and forms, women's increasing participation in the labour force concur to change care responsibilities vis-à-vis children and the elderly, thereby reframing households' employment patterns and shifting the border between family and collective solidarities. The paper examines how paid work and care are being reconciled in European countries, highlighting the role of institutions and public policies in framing various gender contracts. It also highlights the role of values on individual and social practices. The paper also examines how care issues emerge in academic and political debates along with the “silent revolution” that is the changing role of women in the society. Finally, it shows how welfare regimes are connected to various gender contracts