7 research outputs found

    Structural elements defining elongation factor Tu mediated suppression of codon ambiguity

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    In most prokaryotes Asn-tRNAAsn and Gln-tRNAGln are formed by amidation of aspartate and glutamate mischarged onto tRNAAsn and tRNAGln, respectively. Coexistence in the organism of mischarged Asp-tRNAAsn and Glu-tRNAGln and the homologous Asn-tRNAAsn and Gln-tRNAGln does not, however, lead to erroneous incorporation of Asp and Glu into proteins, since EF-Tu discriminates the misacylated tRNAs from the correctly charged ones. This property contrasts with the canonical function of EF-Tu, which is to non-specifically bind the homologous aa-tRNAs, as well as heterologous species formed in vitro by aminoacylation of non-cognate tRNAs. In Thermus thermophilus that forms the Asp-tRNAAsn intermediate by the indirect pathway of tRNA asparaginylation, EF-Tu must discriminate the mischarged aminoacyl-tRNAs (aa-tRNA). We show that two base pairs in the tRNA T-arm and a single residue in the amino acid binding pocket of EF-Tu promote discrimination of Asp-tRNAAsn from Asn-tRNAAsn and Asp-tRNAAsp by the protein. Our analysis suggests that these structural elements might also contribute to rejection of other mischarged aa-tRNAs formed in vivo that are not involved in peptide elongation. Additionally, these structural features might be involved in maintaining a delicate balance of weak and strong binding affinities between EF-Tu and the amino acid and tRNA moieties of other elongator aa-tRNAs

    Sequence, overproduction and crystallization of aspartyl-tRNA synthetase from Thermus thermophilus Implications for the structure of prokaryotic aspartyl-tRNA synthetases

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    AbstractThe genes of aspartyl-tRNA synthetase (AspRS) from two Thermus thermophilus strains VK.-1 and HB8, have been cloned and sequenced. Their nucleotidic sequences code for the same protein which displays the three characteristic motifs of class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. This enzyme shows 50% identity with Escherichia coli AspRS, over the totality of the chain (580 amino acids). A comparison with the eukaryotic yeast cytoplasmic AspRS indicates the presence in the prokaryotic AspRS of an extra domain between motifs 2 and 3 much larger than in the eukaryotic ones. When its gene is under the control of the tac promoter of the expression vector pKK223-3, the protein is efficiently overexpressed as a thermostable protein in E. coli. It can be further purified to homogeneity using a heat treatment followed by a single anion exchange chromatography. Single crystals of the pure protein, diffracting at least to 2.2 Å resolution (space group P212121, a = 61.4 Å, b = 156.1 Å, c = 177.3 Å) are routinely obtained. The same crystals have previously been described as crystals of threonyl-tRNA synthetase [1]

    tRNA Glycylation System from Thermus thermophilus.

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    Footprinting analysis of BWYV pseudoknot–ribosome complexes

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    Many viruses regulate translation of polycistronic mRNA using a −1 ribosomal frameshift induced by an RNA pseudoknot. When the ribosome encounters the pseudoknot barrier that resists unraveling, transient mRNA–tRNA dissociation at the decoding site, results in a shift of the reading frame. The eukaryotic frameshifting pseudoknot from the beet western yellow virus (BWYV) has been well characterized, both structurally and functionally. Here, we show that in order to obtain eukaryotic levels of frameshifting efficiencies using prokaryotic Escherichia coli ribosomes, which depend upon the structural integrity of the BWYV pseudoknot, it is necessary to shorten the mRNA spacer between the slippery sequence and the pseudoknot by 1 or 2 nucleotides (nt). Shortening of the spacer is likely to re-establish tension and/or ribosomal contacts that were otherwise lost with the smaller E. coli ribosomes. Chemical probing experiments for frameshifting and nonframeshifting BWYV constructs were performed to investigate the structural integrity of the pseudoknot confined locally at the mRNA entry site. These data, obtained in the pretranslocation state, show a compact overall pseudoknot structure, with changes in the conformation of nucleotides (i.e., increase in reactivity to chemical probes) that are first “hit” by the ribosomal helicase center. Interestingly, with the 1-nt shortened spacer, this increase of reactivity extends to a downstream nucleotide in the first base pair (bp) of stem 1, consistent with melting of this base pair. Thus, the 3 bp that will unfold upon translocation are different in both constructs with likely consequences on unfolding kinetics